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IELTS Writing Task 2

Estimated Overall Band Score: 9

Prompt: Advantages-Disadvantages

The internet has had a huge impact on course delivery, but this impact has been negative
as well as positive.

Do the advantages of online courses outweigh the disadvantages?

Model Essay:

The learning experience has undergone immense changes in recent years. For many,
the traditional classroom has been replaced by a virtual one thanks to the advent of the
internet. While such a change has had a negative impact on the quality of instruction, this
drawback is undoubtedly offset by the benefits it brings to accessibility and affordability.

Courses that are delivered online through various platforms sometimes suffer from
unqualified instructors or unreliable material. This drawback is more prevalent than is the
case with in-person courses because there are fewer gatekeepers and often no educational or
professional requirements. For example, one could upload a series of lectures on astrophysics
on YouTube without ever having any educational credentials. However, one could not even
teach elementary mathematics in a public school without having majored in the subject.

While limitations exist, they are far outweighed by the benefits of online education,
namely accessibility and affordability. The availability of online courses is guaranteed
wherever a stable internet connection and a digital device exist. In today's world, that would
mean students can enroll in distance learning opportunities in likely every major city around
the planet, as Internet connections continue to become as commonplace as other utilities like
plumbing and power. This is of use to those bound by family or professional obligations from
attending a normal face-to-face course; they can enroll in a course that fits their schedule.
Online education also brings the benefit of affordability. Many programs of study, due to
tuition fees, accommodations, or commute, are prohibitively expensive. As a result, many
students desirous of post-secondary education are prevented from pursuing their ambitions.
Online education, on the other hand, is relatively inexpensive if not altogether free.

In conclusion, the advantages brought about by online instruction, such as ease of

access and cost-effectiveness, overshadow the possible issues related to the quality of

Writing Task 2 Band Score 9 (Public Version):

Task Achievement fully addresses all parts of the task

presents a fully developed position in answer to the question with
relevant, fully extended and well-supported ideas
Coherence & uses cohesion in such a way that it attracts no attention
Cohesion skilfully manages paragraphing
Lexical Resources uses a wide range of vocabulary with very natural and sophisticated
control of lexical features; rare minor errors occur only as ‘slips’
Grammatical Range uses a wide range of structures with full flexibility and accuracy; rare
& Accuracy minor errors occur only as ‘slips’

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