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Journal of Cleaner Production 87 (2015) 1e2

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Call for papers

Call for papers for a special volume on “Transitions to sustainable

consumption and production within cities”
Philip J. Vergragt a, *, Leonie Dendler b, Martin De Jong c, Kira Matus d, Xiaoling Zhang e
Tellus Institute, 11 Arlington Street, Boston MA 02116-3411, USA
Sustainable Consumption Institute, Manchester Business School, The University of Manchester, 188 Waterloo Place, Oxford Road, Manchester M139PL, UK
TPM, TU-Delft, Jaffalaan 5, 2628 BX Delft, Netherlands
Department of Government, London School of Economics, WC2A 2AE London, UK
Department of Public Policy, City University of Hong Kong, Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon, Hong Kong

a r t i c l e i n f o

Article history: although actual progress has been slow due to limited compre-
Received 6 September 2014 hension of the multidimensional barriers that impede diffusion of
Available online 7 October 2014 more sustainable consumption and production practices. Further
inquiry is necessary to understand these complexities and to more
effectively catalyze the transitions from research to policy to real
world practice.
Environmental deterioration, climate change, biodiversity Against this background, the Global Research Forum on Sus-
losses, increasing resource scarcity, as well as inequality and tainable Production and Consumption (GRF-SPaC) together with
persistent poverty, are all inter-linked to, and driven by, globally the Fudan Tyndall Centre, a joint initiative of the UK's Tyndall
unsustainable production and consumption patterns and systems. Centre for Climate Change Research and the Research Institute for
Traditional rules of the economic and financial system are Global Environmental Change at Fudan University in Shanghai,
increasingly criticized, and so too are the impacts of an expanding hosted the Second Biennial Conference of the Global Research
international consumer class. While developing countries are Forum on Sustainable Production and Consumption (GRF-SPaC)
working to overcome deprivation by growing their economies, the under the theme “Global Transitions to Sustainable Production and
growing urban middle classes in countries such as India and China Consumption Systems” at Fudan University, Shanghai, from June
are increasingly joining into the material-intensive lifestyles of 8e11 2014 (See the original call for papers for this conference
their counterparts in Europe, America and already developed (Journal of Cleaner Production 64 (2014) 3e5 (February))). The
regions. conference brought together more than 100 scholars and practi-
Since the 1992 World Summit on Sustainable Development, the tioners, representing 23 countries from all five continents, to
transition to sustainable production and consumption (SPaC) sys- consider the latest research in the field and to connect with Chinese
tems has been heralded as a global priority. Accordingly, in 2012, colleagues who have become increasingly active in drawing
the United Nations General Assembly launched the Ten-Year attention to the risks inherent in current domestic consumption
Framework of Programs on Sustainable Consumption and Production and production trends.
(10YFP). In addition, the Science and Technology Alliance for Global This Special Volume (SV) is designed to build upon the knowl-
Sustainability initiated the Future Earth research plan http://www. edge presented at this important conference, with a particular focus on cutting edge research that examines the interplay among
Over the past two decades, extensive research regarding SPaC consumption, innovation, and the transition to more sustainable
has been performed, which has addressed issues such as the cir- cities. We are currently witnessing a paradigm shift towards new
cular and green economy, the attitude-behavior gap, collaborative concepts, theories, perspectives and approaches designed to
consumption, sustainable finance and investment, sustainable accelerate the transition to post-fossil carbon societies. This is
procurement, and green supply-chain management. Other work occurring simultaneously with rapid urbanization that will see a
done by many diverse researchers has sought to identify the un- doubling of the urban population in the next fifty years. Urbani-
derlying drivers of a wide-spread consumer culture and to question zation is an inevitable and irreversible process and it represents
the prevailing economic growth paradigm. Consequently, there are one of the major trends in human society. There is no doubt that
new insights into the ‘complex challenges of systemic change,’ achieving urban sustainability transition in the 21st Century is
crucial as cities have been recognized as ‘a battlefield for global
* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ1 6172430744. sustainability’. How could further urbanization and urban
E-mail address: (P.J. Vergragt).
2 Call for papers / Journal of Cleaner Production 87 (2015) 1e2

transitions be re-directed so that cities can be harnessed as gen- innovation and governance in order to better understand
erators of innovation and solutions to issues of global sustainable strategies for achieving more sustainable cities.
consumption and production? Fostering the development of such  Developing and applying indicators and metrics to support
post-fossil carbon societies will require the implementation of transitions to sustainable urban lifestyles.
innovative technologies, policies as well as social norms, values and  Ensuring the integration of ecological system's services &
identities. By interconnecting innovation, consumption, and ur- ecological footprint tools within the indicator system of sus-
banization, this SV is designed to build upon the work pertaining to tainable cities and regions.
sustainability transitions in production and consumption. It is 4. What Concepts and Approaches will help in Accelerating Sus-
designed to be trans-disciplinary, trans-sectorial, and trans- tainable Consumption and Production in Cities of Developing
formative by simultaneously addressing multiple objectives. Key Countries and Regions?
issues are expected to include (but are not limited to):  Analyzing the roles and impacts of implementing the circular
economy at different scales and levels in promoting sustain-
1. What are the Changing roles of Actors and Strategies in Cata- able consumption in cities.
lyzing Effective Transitions to more Sustainable Consumption  Understanding challenges of poverty and inequality and how
and Production within Cities? to create opportunities for sustainable livelihoods that rein-
 Analyzing different actors and stakeholders in promoting the force local and regional economies and contribute to living
transition to urban sustainability. wages and employment creation.
 Expanding our understanding of the interconnected roles of  Learning from and building upon ecologically sound wisdom
technology, market-based and other governance instruments, from traditional or historical practices, knowledge and norms
patterns of behavior, social norms, values and identities in to contribute to innovative solutions for sustainable urban
driving change towards sustainable cities. lifestyles.
 Analyzing the role of marketing and social media in acceler-  Measuring and learning from the environmental and social
ating sustainability transitions. impacts of consumption.
 Integrating new approaches in management and policy  Investigating how to change consumer behaviors towards
making to encourage system change. enhancing urban sustainability, especially for urban middle-
 Understanding holistic integration of sustainable production class consumers in all economies.
and consumption (SPaC) throughout all educational levels.
2. What is needed to Systematically Explore the roles of Innovation This Call for Papers is designed to attract contributions that will
in Developing and Implementing Systems Changes to Sustain- build upon the foundation of the papers presented at the
able Cities? conference.
 Investigating sustainability challenges and barriers to inno- Schedule
vation and change, especially with respect to consumption
and production, but also pertaining to finance and invest-  Call for papers published October 2014 in the JCLP
ment, business and supply-chain management, lifestyles and  Submission of draft papers by January 15, 2015 to one of the
culture, public policies, and procurement. Guest Editors of this Special Volume
 Analyzing the conditions for and barriers to transitions to  Responses to authors by the SV editorial committee February 15,
sustainable cities. 2015
 Understanding how to achieve absolute reductions in material  Selected authors will be expected to submit their ‘peer-review
throughput and energy use in urban settings, with a focus on ready’ documents to Elsevier via the EES system by May 1, 2015.
industrialized countries and the emergent global middle class.
 Understanding the roles of infrastructures and institutions in Paper submission
transitions to urban sustainability. All authors must follow the editorial guidelines provided in the
 Exploring the evolving roles of ecological ethics and values, instructions for authors for the Journal of Cleaner Production,
which are relevant to post-fossil-carbon societies. which can be accessed via the website:
3. What roles can Societal Experiments developing new Metrics, journals/journal-ofcleaner-production/0959-6526/guide-for-
Lifestyles, Business Practices, and Governance play in Support- authors.
ing Transitions to Sustainable Cities and Societies? Guest Editors
 Reporting on the results of experiments in collaborative Dr. Leonie Dendler, Sustainable Consumption Institute, Tyndall
consumption, new forms of business ownership and practice Centre for Climate Change Research and Manchester Institute of
and in other novel modes of stakeholder collaboration. Innovation Research, University of Manchester (UK) and Fudan
 Exploring new approaches to urban governance to support University (China),
sustainable cities and regions. Prof. dr. Martin de Jong, Delft University of Technology
 Enhancing the understanding of the relevance of urban (Netherlands), Fudan University (Shanghai),
resilience, eco-villages, and alternative communities for more Dr. Kira Matus, Department of Government, London School of
sustainable cities. Economics and Political Science (UK),
 Understanding the development and diffusion of social in- Dr. Xiaoling Zhang, Department of Public Policy, City University
novations such as transition towns, slow food, and local living of Hong Kong, Hong Kong (China),
economies, and peer-to-peer provisioning. Managing Guest Editor
 Analyzing the role of financing experiments in achieving more Prof. dr. Philip Vergragt, Tellus Institute, Boston, and Clark Uni-
sustainable innovation and consumption initiatives. versity, Worcester MA (USA); and former Subject Editor, Journal of
 Developing typologies of cities and their development tra- Cleaner Production.
jectories based on social, economic, environmental, culture,

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