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Student Assessment Feedback


Student Name: Student ID

Unit: SITHCCC007 Prepare stocks, sauces and soups

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Assessor’s Name: Alison Scotland Result Date :

Assessor’s Signature: AScotland

Imagine Education
Student Assessment Cover

Course Code SIT30816 Course Name Certificate III in Commercial Cookery

Unit Code SITHCCC007 Unit Name Prepare stocks, soups and sauces

Due Date ________________ Assessment Name Written questions

Student No. ________________ Student Name _____________________________

Student Phone ________________ Student Email _____________________________

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I declare that this assessment is my own work and where my work is supported by documents from my workplace
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Imagine Education

Course Code and Name: SIT30816 Certificate III in Commercial Cookery

Unit Code: SITHCCC007
Unit Title: Prepare stocks, soups and sauces

Assessment 1 – Written Questions

Your task:

You are required to complete all questions and tasks for this portfolio. All tasks and exercises are based on the
theory content and recipes contained in your workbook/ online unit.

1. List eight (8) essential equipment and utensils required for the preparation, production and service of stocks,
sauces and soups and explain the use of each item.

Equipment/Utensils Explanation for use

2. Provide two (2) examples each, for brown, white and miscellaneous stocks, and list
 the cooking times which apply
 the quality signs for good stock

Examples Cooking Time

Brown stock 1.


White stock 1.


Miscellaneous stock 1.


Quality signs for stock:

3. What are the points of care which must be applied when preparing stocks?

Points of care when preparing stocks

4. List the production steps for each of the following types of stock:

Stock Production steps

Brown beef stock

White chicken stock

Fish stock

Vegetable and
miscellaneous stocks

5. Provide an overview over the different types of glazes, the production method for a glaze and the required
procedures to provide for a product, which is free of impurities.

Types of glazes
1. 2. 3.

Production steps for a glaze and the required procedures to provide for a product which is free of impurities.

6. Provide two (2) examples each for, thickeners based on fats, and thickeners based on starches. Explain how
these thickeners are used in the preparation of soups and sauces.

Thickeners based on fats Thickeners based on starches

1. 1.

How are they used? How are they used?

7. What are the methods to solve problems relating to stocks, which are bitter, cloudy, lacking colour, or lacking

Problem Solution
Stock is cloudy

Stock is bitter

Stock lacks colour

Stock lacks flavour

8. What are the critical hygiene and food safety aspects, which must apply when selecting ingredients for stocks
and sauces, as well as cooling and storing stocks including the provisions for labelling?

Hygiene and food safety aspects which need to apply for stocks, and sauces when
Selecting Ingredients



9. List the classification for soups and the description. Provide one (1) menu example for each with an
appropriate garnish (no repetition of garnish or accompaniment).

Classification Description Menu Example Garnish

10. Select 1 example of the soups you have listed in Question 9 and write and adjust the ingredients for the
recipe, using the below recipe template to yield ten (10) serves. Include the production method on the recipe

Standard Recipe Card

Name of dish:    
Total Cost:    
Portion Cost:    

Sales Price    
Item Specification kg/l/Unit


11. List the production steps for a Consommé, including points of care.

Production steps for Consommé Points of care

12. List the classifications for sauces and provide three (3) examples for each.

Classification for sauces Examples

1. 1.



2. 1.



3. 1.



4. 1.



13. List the production steps for a Jus.

Production steps for Jus

14. List three (3) derivative sauces which can be produced from sauce Demi-glace with their main ingredients.

Derivative sauce from sauce demi-glace Ingredients




15. List two (2) derivative sauces which can be produced from sauce Béchamel, with their main ingredients.

Derivative sauce from sauce béchamel Ingredients




16. What is the production method for a Velouté?

Production steps for sauce Velouté

17. Provide two (2) examples for derivative sauces which can be produced from each, fish velouté, chicken
velouté and veal velouté.

Velouté Examples and main ingredients

1.Fish 1.


2.Chicken 1.


3.Veal 1.


18. What are the basic ingredients of sauce mayonnaise? List the preparation steps and provide two (2) examples
for derivative sauces (and ingredients used), that can be produced from sauce mayonnaise.

Production steps for sauce mayonnaise

Derivative sauce Added Ingredients



19. How do the ingredients and production steps for a sauce Hollandaise and sauce Béarnaise differ? Provide
three (3) derivative examples which can be produced from each Sauce.

Sauce Hollandaise Sauce Béarnaise

Ingredients: Ingredients:

Production Steps: Production Steps:

Derivative sauce Derivative sauce

1. 1.

2. 2.

3. 3.

20. What are the correct hygienic procedures to reconstitute sauces and soups whilst ensuring the correct
consistency and flavour?

Procedures to reconstitute sauces and soups

21. List two (2) different convenience products for stocks, sauces and soups and explain how these are used.
What could be done to enhance convenience products in terms of flavour and presentation?

Examples for different convenience products for stocks, sauces and soups


Suggested methods to enhance flavour and presentation of convenience products



22. List three (3) food safety aspects which must be considered during the production of soups stocks and sauces
to ensure food safety and a clean workplace during and post production:

Food safety Aspects

Cleanliness and Sanitation

Requirements at the end of service


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