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z vivo pentachloride respecti + Types of Redox Reactions Some importa A Combinatic, eee redox reactions are discussed below : molecule is called ne eos A reaction in which two atoms or molecules combine together 10 forma POF ts reac ombination reaction. For example, A + B —> C combustion teenie es redox reaction, either one or both A and B must be in the elemental form. All ae ich elemental oxygen is used and all other reactions which involve elements ‘ygen are redox reactions. Some important examples of this category are : third N doad oe 441 0 42 Ww (s) +0, (g) —> C 0, (g) (i) C Hy (g)+20(g) 9 C 0, (g)+2H, O() 6 o v3 6 0 42-2 (iti) 3Mg(s)+N,(g) —> Mg, No(s) (iv) 2Mg(s)+O,(g) —> 2Mg O(s) oo 2-2 0) Fe(s)+8(s) —> Fe S (s) 2, Decomposition reactions. A reaction in which a molecule breaks down 10 form two or more components is called a decomposition reaction. All decomposition reactions are reverse of combination reactions. Further, all decomposition reactions are not redox reactions. For a decomposition reaction to be ‘a redox reaction, it is essential that one of the products of decomposition must be in the elemental state. For example, consider the following reactions : Hw? 4 0 0 H-1 gO 0 (i) 2H, OD) > 2Hy(g) +0, (8) (i) 2NaH(s) > 2Na(s) +H, (g) 4145 2 wo 0 (iii) 2K ClO, (s) > 2K CU(s) +3038) ‘Scanned with CamScanner, In all these reactions, either both (Hand @ a tor exc and O; nection (Na and nto (oe Oye ‘ction (ae inthe element ste aa eel te dsompoton econ lr eco Now lw comsider decomposition feakium cations pvc oid and exon de ' 200, 6) —*, 64069 +0300) seit? ht rato, tthe pach ent Be em am, etl, 4 3. Displacement reaton A reaction i which an atom orn ina componnd is replaced by atom orton of tome oer elanent i aed diplacoment acon In gece, keeps ye tn XetenoKesY Her, om he compound YZ ie atom hs ben dled by ante slom X. "ype of dplaement reat. ispaceent etn ro te allowing 9 PS: (@) Metaeiplcemen eactons (0) Nowe dplacoment rections (@) Meta alae reacts. Inthe eaon, al ne compound is pled by some ihr metal ne eement ste Fr cumple Peso 8 oa ase @ fs son 0s aco uy Tey + ame te he + aldo pa et 22 @ GW + 2A 44 2h) + ALG CChroimtsonile Aluminio Chromium Alona oxide icing metal [.e, Za, Ca, Mg and Al] are beter reducing agents than ‘ech of these reactions the ei steiner tively) In other words, the reducing metal has greater agents displace dihydrogen from cold water Sr and Ba) which are very good reducing oa Seales anlacsy22ti, 0) —> 2800 Hag) + He) 421i, 80 —s GOI, ag) +H6@) (a tess ative meas svch as magnesiom and in rect wit steam to produce dihydrogen gas. ae as sigta+2if, O(@) —» MeO Th glag)+ Hy (@) na pe aD 3FeG)+4Hl, Og) — Fe, 0, (+41, (g) ‘Scanned with CamScanner, (Gi) Many metals, including those which do not react with cold water, are capable of displacing dihydrogen from acids Fo example, oat a4. 8 Za(s)+2H1Cl(aq) —s ZnCl (ag) +118) oat at 0 Mg(s)+2H Cl(ag) —> MgCl, (aq)+H3(@) oa aa Fe(s)+2HCl(aq) —+ FeCl, (aq) + Hy(e) ‘The reactions of Zn and Mg with HCI are used to prepare dihydrogen inthe laboratory. ‘Metals like cadmium and tin which do not react with steam also eact with acids to displace dihydrogen es aaa 2 ° C4(s)+2HCaq) —> GAC, (ag) +H3(@) oa aco Sn(s)+2HCl(ag) —> SnCl, (ag) +H (9) (jv) Very less reactive metals such a silver (Ag) and gold (Au) which may occu in the native state do not react even with dilute hydrochloric acid, Reactivity of metals. From the above discussion, it follows tha the rate of evolution of Hy by metals from water and aqueous acids can be used to determine the order of reactivity of metals. For example, sodium (Na) reacts with water at the fastest rate, magnesium (Mg) reacts slowly, iron (Fe) reacts atthe slowest rate while silver (Ag) and gold (Av) do not react at ll Furher, it has also been discussed in see. 83.1 on page 89 thatthe reducing ability of metals such as zine (Zn), copper (Cu) and silver (Ag) follows the order: Zn > Cu> Ag Reactivity of non-metal, Like metals, activity series also exists for non-metal. Since non-metals have a tendency to accept electrons, therefore, this reactivity depends upon their oxidising power. The oxidising power of halogens decreases as we move down the proup 17 from fluorine to iodine. Thus, fluorine (Fy is the strongest oxidising agent. It displaces Cly fry and Tp from the solution of chloride, bromide ard iodide ions respectively In fact, F is 0 reactive that it even displaces oxygen from water. 0 2 acto (9 2FA(g)+2H, OM — SH F(a +0268) is because of this reason thatthe displacement reactions of chlorine, bromine and iodine using. ‘uorine are not carried out in aqueous solutions. On the other hand, chlorine ean displace bromine from ‘bromide fons and fodine from iodide ions Tee cho 09 Gylg) +28 Be oq) 9 2K Ceag) +B un 2y0ey228 Fay 9 2RRop eo ‘Their comesponing ionic equations ae “1 ao a4 ae (6 Gyles 2B lag) 9 2EF (a) +B D0 CHT a) — 2CP+1 sans ca) and (form the basis of ideifying Br and I on in he Ibortory by earbon erate or earon dlpide (CS) test popu known a Layer Test’ Sina, bromine ean displace iodine fom iodide ions o “ao (oi) Bey) +20" (aa) —> 2Br-(aa)+ 109) ‘Scanned with CamScanner, ‘The above halogen displacement reactions Le, (is), (¥) and (x) have been widely used ini Instead of using one haloges to oxidise another halide ion, halogens can also be prepared by oxidation of their corresponding halide ions using suitable chemical oxidising agents aye _Oitsee see : Although a rumber of oxidising agen such as KMAO,, KCr:0>.MaOy ee af salable (0 ie Cr Brak Fons to form Cly Brean 1 respectively, ovnng age avaiable to ise F ns to F,hecate Ff isthe rongstoniing agent Therefore, he oly way to pepae #0 ote teas ele 4 isproportionaton reactions reac whith he same specie is smulanon idl ar well as reduced i celled «disproportonation reaction. Forsch ret reactions f Ow the reacting Ipecies mas contin on ekment which has tt lea! thrce oon states The seen 1 the eating Species present inthe inemediate oidaton state while the higher an fower vidation sas ae ‘alahie for oxidation and reduction tcc Fr evap he dvomposion of hydrogen penile (0, iss Gspeoporionaon reaton where oxygen ston undress dspepatonse it Oy(as) ——+ 2100 + Ow) Pontes In this reaction, the OLN. of oxygen which isin peroxide ion increases to zer in HO. Phosphorus, sulphar and chlorine also undergo disproportonation reactions in alkane medium as shown below — (i) By) ~ 30H aq) + 3H0«) —+ Pls) + 312705 (29) —e TN 4 Gi) Sg) = 1208 (ag) ——* 45> (aa) +23 0F (ag) + 60K in O, and decresces vice —— 4 call, tho 4. tn@) ~ 20H" (a) “4+ CIO™ (aa) = Cr Gag) + 1,000 LL oities ——I —— ° Saat 4s () 3C(g) + 6OHT(@—*—*S Crag) + Co;taq) + 3,00 Osis ‘The reaction (ii) describes the preparation of household bleaching agents. The hypochlorite ion (C107) acts asthe bleaching agent by oxidising the colouring matter to colourless compound Like chlorine, bromine and iodine also undergo similar disproportionations reactions, ce, (i) and (Gv) but fluorine does not. The reason for this anomalous behaviout is that fluorine being the strongest ‘Scanned with CamScanner, erpce aifleoride (On nw Poahtve cndation sites, i, therefore, soncte le» different way SNR ‘oxygen floride (01) 2H O04 201 aps 2 tap 8 Ute HOU) ‘Scanned with CamScanner Types of Redox Reactions 1. Inter-molecular redox reactions Two substances react; one of them is oxidant and other is reductant, e.g., 10FeSO, +2KMnO, +8H,SO, —> 2MnSO, + (Reductant) (Oxidant) 5Fe,(SO,)3 +K,SO, +8H,0 or 2Fe** —» (Fe**), +2e and Mn” +5e —» Mn™* 2. Auto-redox or Disproportionation The same substance or element is oxidised and reduced as. well, eg., 2Cu* +> 'Cu* +Cu°; Oxidation : Cu —> Cu* +e Reduction: Cu* +e —> Cu Cu* is oxidised and reduced as well, Recently reported reaction: H,O+F, —> HF + HOF at ice temperature is disproportionation reaction. 3. Intra-molecular redox reactions One element of a compound is oxidised and the other element of the same compound is reduced, e.g., (NH,)2Cr,0; —> Nj +Cr,0; +4H,0; Oxidation : 2N* —> (N°), +60 Reduction: 6e+ (Cr), —> (Cr>*), Cr is reduced; N is oxidised. ‘Scanned with CamScanner, C4) COM PROPORTIONATION QD &, 6) — Mn OF + Min =7 HO MnO. a ‘Scanned with CamScanner, o ° EXAMPLES What is disproportionation” “Whether che presen dsproporionation examples given Beiow We) 2H,0, —¥ U0*0, () AKCIO, —» IKCIOg (0 3), +6407 (2H CHO N 40H Kor 1 Na 10, + LO 9 CH COON CALCHOW Sena awe don ei nica Sea a tet ton eon cle weaves suaney wanes nd Oe disproportionated. a se +HH,0, —? 2N,0+0; * i‘ TOs on KIO, + KCI ere KCI stow septa e Te eT Nao > a * NAIR *3TLO ssl; vmkgoes groperionton Me cligeHtos 8x01 > C,ll,COONt = : +C,HCH_OW ea CaCO ween dpoperonnn, “= Asatte rea EASES EE o eee 4 ret got) a SNA NCD, 3H eomh Some Oxidants i some esa mos cecrongative cements, «0:0 halogens. Balen a ving citer of an lest (erin) 2 cat in es i (Met oe GO CID, SOs- HNO FECH- Inger RCO; NANO. secsias of res a on-is, x» MGO. 30.60 10s,€0, $04, € Some Reductants s ana i 4. All etal, ets N 2. Some non-metis, ey. CSTs M, 3. Halogen acids. eH 4. Metalic hydrides, 8 5. Compounds having € 1, BS Nal u L their lawest oxidation sate, € Si1;, 0,0, HaS, HC 6. Some organic compour eid, ttre acid, 6 Oy inde ICL ‘ iH Calls te an element canderined) FeCl e804 UEC HCOOH. aklebydes ova ‘Scanned with CamScanner Compounds sean IS generally 4, but i be -4, -2, 0, 42, #1 ete. In the compounds containing C. H ly 4, but its oxidation state may be and O, the oxidation number of C is calculated as Oxidation number of ¢ = 29 Phe Where no, na and ne are the number of oxygen, hydrogen and carbon atoms respectively 3. The oxidation state of C in diamond is (a) 0 e+ (-1 () +2 4 In which of the following compounds is the oxidation state of carbon is zero. (A) CH, _ (B) CHOH (C) HCOOH (D) CeHs.0s 5. __ In which of the following compound(s) oxidation state of C is fractional? (A) CO (B) CO, (C) C:02 (0) Al ‘Scanned with CamScanner, rs oe | Oaldation No: Z a= vi 2 Cars) may be jaken' ab +4 My NoteBook Son i Scanned with CamScanner

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