Actividad de Aprendizaje 14.5

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Actividad de aprendizaje 14

Evidencia 5: “Using verbs to build customer satisfaction tools”

Primer momento: Producción escrita.

When beginning to interpret the satisfaction survey, it can be concluded that the client can
recommend the company to a friend, the client shows a high degree of satisfaction although not
the highest possible, the client gave answers that indicate that our product is of high quality and
has a good quality/price ratio, however, he did not rule out the fact that the product was useful,
unique, among other notable aspects, the client reported that our product satisfies his needs very
well, he again stated that our product is of high quality and that our quality / price ratio is equal to
the average, you state that we have been somewhat receptive in terms of your questions or
concerns about our products, I argue that this is the first time you have made a purchase in our
company, however, He added that it is likely that he will buy some of our products again because
he liked the treatment given, finally he asks us if we will produce more flavors of the purchased

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