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Continue the story of the three little pigs. Pretend they have a cousin who is an engineer.

cousin will build a fourth house.

Use natural materials that you can find in the University. Build a house strong enough so the wolf
can’t blow it down.

You must mention:

Create a new title, example: "The revange of the 4 little pigs"

1.Introduce the Enginieer pig connecting the original tale with your story.

2. Use conectors.

3. Describe materials used, compare and explain what are these better/worse than the previous
used by the 3 Little Pigs.

4. The structure built needs to face a natural disaster (create a fake one). It needs walls, windows,
a door, roof and beams or columns to support the roof.

5. Give an end and a moral to your story.

Title: "The Four Little Pigs and the Unbreakable House"

Once upon a time, there were three little pigs who built their houses with straw, sticks, and bricks.
However, their cousin, who was an engineer pig, thought he could do it better. His name was Percy
and he had always been passionate about designing buildings that could withstand any type of
natural disaster.

When Percy heard about his three little pig cousins and their encounter with the wolf, he decided
to visit them. He was shocked to see that their houses had been blown away by the wolf. Percy
knew he could build a better house, one that would not only withstand the wolf's huffing and
puffing but also face any natural disaster that might come their way.

To begin with, Percy used nails and screws to join the materials together. He gathered natural
materials such as stones, earth, and wood. Percy used stones to build the foundation of the house,
which made it sturdy and able to withstand the weight of the structure. The walls were made of
earth, which acted as an insulator and kept the interior of the house cool during summers and
warm during winters. The roof was supported by wooden beams and covered with a layer of leaves
and grass, which helped to keep the house dry during rainy seasons.
Percy compared his materials to those used by his cousins. He realized that straw and sticks were
flimsy and could be blown away easily, while bricks were heavy and prone to cracking. Earth was a
much better material since it was abundant, inexpensive, and easily available. It also had excellent
insulation properties, making it ideal for building houses.

One day, a strong earthquake hit the region. The three little pigs were terrified, but Percy's house
remained unscathed. The stone foundation and wooden beams had held the house together, and
the earth walls had absorbed most of the earthquake's energy.

In the end, the three little pigs were amazed by Percy's engineering skills and begged him to teach
them how to build such an unbreakable house. Percy agreed, and together they built new houses
that were much stronger and could withstand any natural disaster.

Moral of the story: Using natural and abundant materials for construction can lead to strong and
sustainable homes that can survive any natural disaster. It is important to invest time and
resources in building homes that are not only beautiful but also sturdy and safe.

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