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Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2019; 53: 496–502
Published online 12 March 2019 in Wiley Online Library ( DOI: 10.1002/uog.19041

Home blood-pressure monitoring in a hypertensive pregnant

population: cost-minimization study
and A. KHALIL2,3
Norwich Medical School, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK; 2 Vascular Biology Research Centre, Molecular and Clinical Sciences
Research Institute, St George’s University of London, London, UK; 3 Fetal Medicine Unit, St George’s University Hospitals NHS
Foundation Trust, University of London, London, UK

K E Y W O R D S: blood pressure; cost; health economics; home monitoring; pre-eclampsia; pregnancy; smartphone application

ABSTRACT compared with the control group. The process modeling

method predicted weekly savings of between £98.32
Objective Traditional blood-pressure monitoring in
and £245.80 per patient using HBPM compared with
hypertensive pregnant women requires frequent visits
traditional monitoring.
to the maternity outpatient services. Home blood-pressure
monitoring (HBPM) could offer a cost-saving alternative Conclusion HBPM in hypertensive pregnancy appears
that is acceptable to patients. The aim of this study to be cost saving compared with traditional monitoring,
was to undertake a health economic analysis of HBPM without compromising maternal, fetal or neonatal safety.
compared with traditional monitoring in hypertensive Larger studies are required to confirm these findings.
pregnant women. Copyright © 2018 ISUOG. Published by John Wiley &
Sons Ltd.
Methods This was a cost-minimization study of hyper-
tensive pregnant women who had HBPM with or without
the adjunct of a smartphone application (App), via a spe- INTRODUCTION
cially designed pathway, and a control group managed
according to the local protocol of regular hospital visits Hypertensive disorders such as gestational hypertension
for blood-pressure monitoring. Outcome measures were (GH), chronic hypertension and pre-eclampsia (PE)
the number of outpatient visits, inpatient bed stays and complicate up to 10% of pregnancies, with the incidence
investigations performed. Maternal, fetal and neonatal of PE being between 2% and 8%1–3 . Although maternal
adverse outcomes were also recorded. Health economic mortality due to PE is decreasing in the UK, it remains
analysis was performed using direct cost comparison of a leading cause of direct maternal death worldwide, as
the study dataset and process scenario modeling. well as a cause of maternal, fetal and neonatal morbidity.
The most recent report of Mothers and Babies: Reducing
Results The HBPM group included 108 women, of whom Risk through Audits and Confidential Enquiries across
29 recorded their results on the smartphone App the UK made a number of recommendations for the
and 79 in their notes. The control group comprised management of women with hypertensive disorders of
58 patients. There were significantly more women pregnancy, including the need for an increased schedule
with chronic hypertension in the HBPM group than of checks and for prompt control of hypertension4–6 .
in the control group (49.1% vs 25.9%, P = 0.004). Current care of women who develop hypertensive
The HBPM group had significantly longer duration of disorders of pregnancy focuses on outpatient attendance
monitoring (9 weeks vs 5 weeks, P = 0.004) and started to a day assessment unit (DAU) at their maternity hospital
monitoring at an earlier gestational age (30.0 weeks vs for blood-pressure monitoring and urine testing, as well as
33.6 weeks, P = 0.001) compared with the control group. blood tests and fetal monitoring (cardiotocography (CTG)
Despite these differences, the mean saving per week for and/or ultrasound scan), if indicated. The frequency of
each patient using HBPM compared with traditional visits depends on the underlying diagnosis but is usually
monitoring was £200.69, while for each HBPM patient two to three times a week7 . Admission to an antenatal
using the smartphone App, the weekly saving was £286.53 ward is commonplace when initiating medication for

Correspondence to: Prof. A. Khalil, Fetal Medicine Unit, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, St George’s University Hospitals NHS
Foundation Trust, University of London, Blackshaw Road, London, SW17 0RE, UK (e-mail:
Accepted: 3 March 2018

Copyright © 2018 ISUOG. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. ORIGINAL PAPER
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Cost of home blood-pressure monitoring in pregnancy 497

uncontrolled blood pressure or if there is suspicion of pressure of 110 mmHg7 . Severe PE was diagnosed in the
PE. This frequent monitoring can represent a source of presence of oliguria of less than 500 mL urine output in
anxiety to these women and their families, it is demanding 24 h, cerebral or visual disturbance, pulmonary edema,
in terms of time, transport costs and work absence, and epigastric or right upper quadrant pain, impaired liver
has significant cost implications for limited healthcare function (twice the upper limit of normal levels for aspar-
resources. tate aminotransferase and/or alanine aminotransferase)
Home blood-pressure monitoring (HBPM) is used and thrombocytopenia (platelet count <100 000/mm3 ).
extensively outside pregnancy and is an accurate and The diagnosis of PE and GH was made according to
patient-acceptable alternative to clinic visits. HBPM the criteria of the International Society for the Study
is recommended by the British Hypertension Society of Hypertension in Pregnancy14 . GH was diagnosed in
and National Institute for Health Research who have the presence of systolic blood pressure ≥ 140 mmHg
produced evidence to support its implementation8,9 . They and/or diastolic blood pressure ≥ 90 mmHg on at least
advise that more research is needed into HBPM in two occasions, 4 h apart and developing after 20 weeks
pregnancy which reflects the need for this innovation of gestation in previously normotensive women in the
to be transferred to the obstetric setting8,9 . The American absence of significant proteinuria. PE was diagnosed in
College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists advocates the the presence of GH with proteinuria of 300 mg or more in
use of HBPM in patients with chronic hypertension and 24 h or two readings of at least ++ on dipstick analysis of
other professional bodies recognize its potential8,10,11 . midstream or catheter urine specimens if no 24 h collection
HBPM is acceptable to pregnant patients and does not was available. PE superimposed on chronic hypertension
increase anxiety12,13 . was diagnosed if significant proteinuria (as defined above)
The main objective of this study was to undertake developed after 20 weeks of gestation in women with
a health economic analysis of the cost-effectiveness known chronic hypertension (history of hypertension
of HBPM compared with traditional monitoring in before conception or presence of hypertension at the
hypertensive pregnancy. booking visit before 20 weeks of gestation in the absence
of trophoblastic disease). The diagnosis of chronic
hypertension was made when there was a documented
presence of chronic non-GH prior to the current
Population and study design pregnancy or history of antihypertensive medication prior
to 20 + 0 weeks. The diagnosis of white-coat hypertension
This was a cost-minimization study involving a cohort was made when there were confirmed high blood-pressure
of hypertensive pregnant women enrolled in a HBPM recordings in the hospital/clinic with normal readings on
pathway and a control group managed according HBPM or ambulatory monitoring.
to the traditional pathway of regular DAU visits
for blood-pressure monitoring. Since the patients pre-
sented equivalent health outcomes and the main aim HBPM pathway
of the study was to assess cost savings of the new path-
way compared with the conventional one, we entitled Women eligible for the home monitoring of pregnancy
this a cost-minimization study. The study perspective was hypertension pathway were counseled and trained by a
the direct cost to the healthcare system. Patients pre- specialist midwife, and supplied with an automated
sented either via referral to the hypertension clinic or Microlife® blood pressure machine (Microlife Corpora-
to the DAU at St George’s University Hospital NHS tion, Taipei, Taiwan), which had been validated in preg-
Foundation Trust between December 2013 and Novem- nancy and PE15 , and with urine dipsticks. They were
ber 2016. Pregnant women with a history of prepregnancy taught how to measure their blood pressure accurately
hypertension or at increased risk of developing hyperten- and record readings in their notes or on a specially
sion in pregnancy, systolic blood pressure ≥ 140 mmHg, designed smartphone application (App) (Hampton Medi-
diastolic blood pressure ≥ 90 mmHg, proteinuria ≤ 1+ cal, Trakka Medical, UK). Women were given a personal-
on urine dipstick testing, normal full blood count, nor- ized schedule of monitoring based on their underlying
mal liver and renal function blood tests and who spoke diagnosis, which was reviewed by the midwife every
English were included in the study. Exclusion criteria were 1–2 weeks. While the schedule varied between patients,
maternal age < 16 years at booking, systolic blood pres- the frequency of monitoring complied with National Insti-
sure > 155 mmHg, diastolic blood pressure > 100 mmHg, tute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidance on
proteinuria ≥ 2+ on urine dipstick testing, severe PE, hypertension in pregnancy7 . A typical regime for a woman
intrauterine fetal growth restriction, significant mental with well-controlled chronic hypertension would be to
health concerns, inability to give valid consent or lan- measure her blood pressure two or three times a week
guage barrier. The above blood-pressure parameters were and be reviewed every 2–3 weeks, whereas a woman ini-
selected in order to avoid inclusion of patients who could tiating new treatment would be asked to measure blood
potentially develop severe hypertension at home. This is pressure twice a day and be reviewed 1 week later. The
in line with the recommendation of hospital admission for same specialist midwife reviewed patients at the interim
systolic blood pressure of 160 mmHg or diastolic blood visits to reduce bias.

Copyright © 2018 ISUOG. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2019; 53: 496–502.
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498 Xydopoulos et al.

The innovative App for smartphone users was number of blood-pressure-related hospital admissions to
developed to enable women to record at home their the antenatal/postnatal ward or to the high-dependency
blood pressure, urinalysis results and any symptoms. unit for severe PE. The number of investigations for
The App has a set of trigger questions to determine blood-pressure-related reasons was recorded, including:
whether they are developing PE, such as the presence of hematological and biochemistry tests on maternal blood
headache, epigastric pain or visual symptoms. An alert and ultrasound scans for assessment of fetal growth.
flashes up on the screen if one of the trigger questions Administration of corticosteroids for fetal lung maturity
have indicated that the woman might be developing PE or and magnesium sulfate for severe PE was also recorded.
the recorded blood pressure or urine results are above the The healthcare economic evaluation was performed
predefined thresholds, advising the woman to contact the using two methods: direct cost comparison of the dataset
hospital immediately. Alternatively, if the woman enters between the two groups and process scenario modeling.
blood pressure and urinalysis results which are below The cost inputs were derived from a series of costing
the predefined thresholds and does not answer ‘yes’ to templates based on NICE guidelines and NHS practice
the trigger questions, the App will advise the patient to reports as well as from recent scientific research papers
continue on the routine home-monitoring care pathway. (Table 1)16–21 . All costs were collected in, or inflated to,
Patients in the control group presented either directly 2015 values. The process modeling was based on two
to the DAU or to the antenatal clinic. They were common scenarios: in the first, a woman develops GH
managed according to the hospital protocol and had all and requires ongoing monitoring on an outpatient basis;
blood-pressure checks performed in the DAU. in the second, a woman requires admission for control
of hypertension. The differences between the scenarios
based on traditional monitoring and HBPM are shown
Data collection and planned analysis
in Table 2. The following assumptions were made to
All individual patient records as well as maternity, ultra- estimate costs: the midwife would be a Band 6 grade (this
sound and neonatal databases were reviewed to collect relates to pay scale and represents the banding of most
data on patient demographics, diagnosis at the beginning midwives working in this area); the doctor would be either
of blood-pressure monitoring and at the end of pregnancy, a registrar/associate specialist or a consultant (the mean
birth details and adverse maternal, fetal and neonatal out- hourly rate was used) and every clinic and consultation
comes. Adverse maternal outcomes included: acute renal appointment was assumed to have a duration of 1 h,
failure (maternal serum creatinine level > 100 μmol/L apart from the hypertension clinic and extra consultation
antenatally or > 130 μmol/L postnatally) or need for sessions which were calculated to last 30 min.
dialysis; acute myocardial ischemia; need for a third intra- In the UK, healthcare is free at the point of access
venous agent to control blood pressure (e.g. in addition and patients do not have to pay hospital bills. For this
to labetalol and hydralazine); hypertensive encephalopa- reason, bills for individual patients are not created and
thy (altered mental status with characteristic cerebral
imaging); cortical blindness; retinal detachment; stroke Table 1 Cost inputs16–21 used in health economic analysis of home
(ischemic or hemorrhagic); pulmonary edema or adult blood-pressure monitoring compared with traditional monitoring
respiratory distress syndrome (defined as characteris- in hypertensive pregnant women
tic pulmonary imaging in addition to oxygen require-
ment); need for mechanical ventilatory support (other Cost/h or
than for Cesarean section); disseminated intravascu- Cost/year cost/intervention
Health resource (£) (£)
lar coagulation; thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura
or hemolytic uremic syndrome; acute fatty liver; liver Midwife (nurse, Band 6) 32 114 44.00
hematoma or rupture; placental abruption and maternal General practitioner — 124.00
Associate specialist 78 217 101.00
death. Adverse fetal outcomes included: preterm deliv-
Medical consultant 87 229 104.00
ery (< 37 + 0 weeks’ gestation); small-for-gestational age Surgical consultant 88 684 105.00
(birth weight < 10th centile for gestational age); fetal Doctor (mean cost) — 103.33
growth restriction (birth weight < 5th centile for gesta- Ambulance services — 99.00
tional age) and antepartum or intrapartum fetal death. Triage
Adverse neonatal outcomes included: neonatal death; res- Nurse led — 6.10
Doctor led — 14.40
piratory distress syndrome; intraventricular hemorrhage;
Blood tests
necrotizing enterocolitis; bronchopulmonary dysplasia; Full blood count — 2.65
periventricular leukomalacia; retinopathy of prematurity; Liver-function tests — 2.78
seizures and admission to the neonatal unit for more than Renal-function tests — 2.12
48 h (for full-term infants). Fetal heart monitoring — 27.00
Data on the utilization of health resources were Day case — 698.00
Non-elective inpatient excluding — 1542.00
recorded, including: the duration of blood-pressure mon-
excess bed days (average cost)
itoring (in weeks); the number of blood-pressure-related Excess bed day (average cost) — 283.00
visits to the DAU, the hypertension clinic, the general prac-
titioner (GP) and out-of-hours maternity triage; and the All costs were collected in, or inflated to, 2015 values.

Copyright © 2018 ISUOG. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2019; 53: 496–502.
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Cost of home blood-pressure monitoring in pregnancy 499

Table 2 Modeling scenarios for home blood-pressure monitoring (HBPM) and traditional monitoring pathways

Scenario 1: woman with mild/moderate Scenario 2: woman with moderate/severe

hypertension requiring ongoing hypertension requiring admission to
Pathway outpatient assessment initiate treatment/control BP

Traditional monitoring DAU visits 2–3 times per week Admission to hospital
Examinations: midwife review, BP profile, Examinations: blood tests and fetal CTG
blood tests, fetal CTG (cumulative duration Inpatient bed cost per day
40 min) and doctor review (duration 20 min)
HBPM DAU 1–2 times per fortnight Admission to hospital required infrequently
Examinations: midwife review, BP profile,
blood tests, fetal CTG (cumulative duration
40 min) and doctor review (duration 20 min)

BP, blood pressure; CTG, cardiotocography; DAU, day assessment unit.

therefore could not be used in this analysis. Hospitals status (P = 0.673). Differences in the underlying initial
use tariffs for their services based on a coding system in diagnosis remained, with significantly more women in
order to generate funding from the state. However, this the HBPM group having chronic hypertension compared
information is not easy to extrapolate, does not cover all with those in the control group (49.1% vs 25.9%,
the items we considered and is dependent on the accuracy P = 0.004). The HBPM group had significantly longer
of the information entered. Therefore, we decided to use duration of monitoring (9 weeks vs 5 weeks, P = 0.004)
the above methods for assessment of cost to ensure a and started monitoring at an earlier gestational age
robust review of each patient’s case. (30 weeks vs 33.6 weeks, P = 0.001) compared with
controls (Table 3).

Statistical analysis
Direct cost comparison of study dataset
Categorical variables were described as n (%) and
continuous variables as median (interquartile range Women in the App-HBPM cohort visited the DAU
(IQR)). The chi-square test, or Fisher’s exact test significantly fewer times over the course of the monitoring
when appropriate, was used to compare the categorical compared with women in the non-App HBPM and control
variables. The Kruskal–Wallis test and Mann–Whitney groups (median (IQR); 1 (0–3) vs 5 (2–7) and 6
U-test were used for the analysis of continuous data. (5–8), respectively, P < 0.001); however, they attended
P < 0.05 was deemed statistically significant. All statistical the hypertension clinic significantly more times than did
analyses were performed using IBM SPSS Statistics version the other two groups (P < 0.001) (Table 4). There were no
24 (IBM Corporation, Armonk, NY, USA). differences in the number of visits to the midwifery clinic
(P = 0.14), obstetric clinic (P = 0.19), GP (P = 0.67) or
triage (P = 0.12). The average costs per patient for the
RESULTS duration of monitoring and the average weekly cost per
patient based on this direct comparison of use of antenatal
Study population services are shown in Table 5. The mean saving per week
The HBPM group included 108 women, of whom for the total HBPM group compared with the control
29 recorded their results on the smartphone App group was £200.69, while the average saving per week
(App HBPM) and 79 in their medical notes (non-App for the App-HBPM cohort compared with the control
HBPM). The control group comprised 58 patients. Details group was £286.53.
of patient demographics, diagnosis at the beginning
of blood-pressure monitoring and at the end of the Process modeling
pregnancy and the duration of monitoring are outlined
in Table 3. When compared as three separate groups, there In Scenario 1, the cost per DAU visit was calculated as
were significant differences in the body mass index (BMI) (29.33 + 34.44 + (2.65 + 2.78 + 2.12) + 27.00) = £98.32
at booking (P = 0.05), ethnicity (P < 0.05) and initial ((midwife compensation for 40 min) + (doctor compensa-
diagnosis (P < 0.05) between the control, App-HBPM tion for 20 min) + (blood tests cost) + (fetal CTG cost)).
and non-App-HBPM groups (Table 3). Women in the The weekly cost per patient undergoing traditional
App-HBPM group had a higher BMI and were more likely monitoring would be £196.64 if they visited the DAU
to be non-Caucasian and to have an initial diagnosis twice, and £294.96 if they visited the DAU three times
of chronic hypertension. When comparing all HBPM per week. For patients using HBPM, the weekly cost per
patients with the control group, there were no significant patient having one DAU visit per week would be £98.32
differences in maternal age (P = 0.185), BMI (P = 0.986), and for those visiting the DAU once every fortnight it
ethnicity (P > 0.05), parity (P = 0.871) or smoking would be £49.16. Therefore, the cost saving by using

Copyright © 2018 ISUOG. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2019; 53: 496–502.
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500 Xydopoulos et al.

Table 3 Demographic characteristics at inclusion and diagnosis in hypertensive pregnant women using home blood-pressure monitoring
(HBPM), overall and according to whether they used smartphone application (App), and in hypertensive controls managed according to
local protocol

Controls All App Non-App
Characteristic (n = 58) (n = 108) (n = 29) (n = 79) P* P†

MA (years) 32.0 32.5 32.0 33.0 0.185 0.41

(28.0–35.3) (29.0–37.8) (28.0–38.0) (29.0–37.0)
BMI (kg/m2 ) 27.9 27.7 29.4 27.1 0.986 0.05
(24.9–31.2) (23.8–33.2) (25.6–39.0) (23.6–31.8)
Caucasian 38 (65.5) 69 (63.9) 10 (34.5) 59 (74.7) 0.834 0.001
Afro-Caribbean 13 (22.4) 20 (18.5) 10 (34.5) 10 (12.7) 0.549 0.350
Asian 7 (12.1) 16 (14.8) 8 (27.6) 8 (10.1) 0.625 0.590
Mixed/other 0 (0) 3 (2.8) 1 (3.4) 2 (2.5) 0.200 0.419
Nulliparous 32 (55.2) 61 (56.5) 13 (44.8) 48 (60.8) 0.871 0.331
Smoker 1 (1.7) 3 (2.8) 2 (6.9) 1 (1.3) 0.673 0.223
Assisted conception 1 (1.7) 6 (5.6) 1 (3.4) 5 (6.3) 0.242 0.405
GA at first visit (weeks) 33.6 30.0 22.0 32.0 0.001 < 0.001
(28.2–36.2) (22.0–35.0) (15.8–27.5) (24.9–36.1)
Duration of 5.0 8.9 17 6.4 0.004 < 0.001
monitoring (weeks) (3.3–9.3) (3.4–16.5) (10.9–23.3) (2.6–12.0)
Initial diagnosis‡
CH 15 (25.9) 53 (49.1) 21 (72.4) 32 (40.5) 0.004 < 0.001
GH 37 (63.8) 47 (43.5) 2 (6.9) 45 (57.0) 0.013 < 0.001
History of PE 4 (6.9) 6 (5.6) 4 (13.8) 2 (2.5) 0.729 0.088
WCH 2 (3.4) 2 (1.9) 2 (6.9) 0 (0) 0.522 0.095
Final diagnosis
CH 11 (19.0) 43 (39.8) 16 (55.2) 27 (34.2) 0.006 0.003
GH 25 (43.1) 33 (30.6) 2 (6.9) 31 (39.2) 0.106 0.002
PE 20 (34.5) 22 (20.4) 5 (17.2) 17 (21.5) 0.046 0.124
Normotensive 2 (3.4) 8 (7.4) 5 (17.2) 3 (3.8) 0.307 0.020
WCH 0 (0) 2 (1.9) 1 (3.4) 1 (1.3) 0.543 0.380

Data are given as median (interquartile range) or n (%). Comparison of: *control vs all HBPM or †control vs App HBPM vs non-App
HBPM. ‡At commencement of blood-pressure monitoring. BMI, body mass index; CH, chronic hypertension; GA, gestational age; GH,
gestational hypertension; MA, maternal age; PE, pre-eclampsia; WCH, white-coat hypertension.

Table 4 Number of visits to antenatal services for blood-pressure-related reasons per patient, according to whether they had home
blood-pressure monitoring (HBPM), using smartphone application (App) or not, or were managed according to local protocol (controls)

Controls App Non-App
Antenatal service (n = 58) (n = 29) (n = 79) P

Hypertension clinic 0 (0–0) 4 (2–7) 0 (0–0) < 0.001

Day assessment unit 6 (5–8) 1 (0–3) 5 (2–7) < 0.001
Out-of-hours maternity triage 0 (0–0) 0 (0–0) 0 (0–0) 0.12
General practitioner 0 (0–0) 0 (0–0) 0 (0–0) 0.67
Midwifery clinic 0 (0–0) 0 (0–2) 0 (0–1) 0.14
Obstetric clinic 0 (0–1) 0 (0–0) 0 (0–1) 0.19

Data are given as median (interquartile range).

HBPM instead of traditional monitoring for Scenario be an infrequent occurrence, thus leading to significant
1 was between £98.32 and £245.80 depending on the cost savings.
number of visits reduced.
In Scenario 2, the cost per incident for each patient
managed according to local protocol would be ((midwife DISCUSSION
compensation) + (doctor compensation) + (blood tests
Summary of findings
cost) + (fetal CTG cost) + (potential ambulance services
cost) + (cost for initial bed day)) + (cost for x extra Our findings demonstrate that, in hypertensive pregnant
bed days) = £1542 + £283x. For HBPM patients, the women, HBPM reduces the number of antenatal out-
cost of this scenario would be similar if it did occur. patient appointments for blood-pressure-related reasons
However, it was anticipated and modeled that this would compared with management according to existing

Copyright © 2018 ISUOG. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2019; 53: 496–502.
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Cost of home blood-pressure monitoring in pregnancy 501

Table 5 Average cost of blood-pressure monitoring per patient, over total duration of monitoring and per week, in hypertensive pregnant
women using home blood-pressure monitoring (HBPM), overall and according to whether they used smartphone application (App), and in
hypertensive controls managed according to local protocol

Controls All App Non-App
Variable (n = 58) (n = 108) (n = 29) (n = 79)

Average cost per patient (£) 2275.26 1692.56 1244.29 1853.56

Average duration of monitoring (weeks) 6.43 10.70 17.20 8.34
Average cost per week (£) 358.87 158.18 72.34 222.25

local guidelines, and therefore reduces the weekly cost One of the limitations of our study is that, although
of blood-pressure monitoring per patient. We have there was no difference in the maternal demographics
demonstrated these findings using two methods of cost between the two groups, there were differences in the
evaluation: direct cost comparison of the study dataset underlying hypertensive disorder, with significantly more
and process scenario modeling. There was no difference women having chronic hypertension in the HBPM cohort.
in the number of adverse maternal, fetal or neonatal The patients in this group were also monitored for a longer
outcomes between the two groups. Subanalysis of the period. It is possible that these patients had a more stable
HBPM cohort suggests that the adjunct of a smartphone disease process and were therefore deemed to require less
App could further reduce the weekly cost of monitoring frequent monitoring, influencing the number of visits and
per patient. therefore the cost of monitoring. Another limitation is that
the process modeling technique of cost evaluation is based
on several assumptions, such as that every attendance to
Interpretation and comparison with the literature
the DAU lasts 60 min. We recognize that this may not be
HBPM appears to be a cost-saving alternative to tradi- representative of real clinical situations, which vary with
tional monitoring for the management of hypertensive respect to duration due to several factors. In this study, we
pregnant women. This finding is likely to be of impor- did not include the cost of antihypertensive medication or
tance to clinicians, patients and policy-makers. Similar costs to the patient themselves in the cost evaluation. This
cost analysis has been performed in other areas of obstet- is something to be considered in future studies. The results
rics. For example, in a study of home-monitoring for signs of our study relate only to antenatal practice in the UK and
of preterm labor, Morrison et al.22 demonstrated cost the cost savings therefore may not occur in other settings.
savings using telemedicine services in comparison to Finally, it is possible that incorrect entries were recorded
standard care. In a retrospective modeling study evalu- by patients and this could influence results; however, it is
ating the cost-effectiveness of telemonitoring in high-risk also possible for healthcare professionals to document a
pregnant women, Buysse et al.23 included hypertensive result incorrectly. Bluetooth or wireless technology could
women in their high-risk cohort. However, their analy- resolve this potential problem by transmitting the result
sis included all the diagnoses together and the savings directly from device to output.
predicted were hypothetical. Our finding of a reduction
in the hospital visits using HBPM without an increase
Clinical and research implications
in adverse outcomes is supported by previous studies
of HBPM in hypertensive and normotensive pregnant Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy remain an important
women12,24–26 . healthcare problem and cause of maternal morbidity
and mortality. While advances have been made
Strengths and limitations in recognizing women at risk and offering preventive
treatment7,27,28 , little has changed in the way women are
Our study has several strengths. Firstly, the fact that monitored and treated once they have been diagnosed
the control group were managed without the knowledge with hypertension in pregnancy. HBPM offers several
of being included in a cost analysis could potentially advantages over traditional monitoring: it is more
reduce the risk of bias, as it gives a true reflection of the accurate and can allow for diagnosis of white-coat hyper-
cost of current management. Secondly, two different tension and masked hypertension; it offers autonomy to
methods of cost evaluation were used. The consistent patients; allows for more frequent monitoring (patients
finding of cost reduction in the HBPM group gives further check their blood pressure daily compared with two or
credibility to the concept that HBPM is cost saving three times a week in traditional monitoring), which
compared with traditional monitoring. Finally, the two enables earlier detection of hypertension and, from the
groups were similar in terms of maternal demographics findings of this study, it appears to be cost-saving. While
which is important when comparing not only the cost our study may not be powered to assess differences
of monitoring but also the adverse outcomes between in adverse outcomes, other small studies of HBPM in
the groups. hypertensive pregnant women also reported no increase

Copyright © 2018 ISUOG. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2019; 53: 496–502.
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502 Xydopoulos et al.

in adverse outcomes24–26 . Our findings support the 6. Say L, Chou D, Gemmill A, Tunçalp Ö, Moller AB, Daniels JD, Gülmezoglu AM,
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Copyright © 2018 ISUOG. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2019; 53: 496–502.

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