AI Và Công Việc Tương Lai - 3 Đặc Điểm Của Quyết Định

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BUSHOR-1478; No.

of Pages 10

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Artificial intelligence and the future of

work: Human-AI symbiosis in organizational
decision making
Mohammad Hossein Jarrahi

School of Information & Library Sciences, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, 200 Manning Hall,
Chapel Hill, NC 27599, U.S.A.

KEYWORDS Abstract Artificial intelligence (AI) has penetrated many organizational processes,
Artificial intelligence; resulting in a growing fear that smart machines will soon replace many humans in
Organizational decision decision making. To provide a more proactive and pragmatic perspective, this article
making; highlights the complementarity of humans and AI and examines how each can bring
Human-machine their own strength in organizational decision-making processes typically character-
symbiosis; ized by uncertainty, complexity, and equivocality. With a greater computational
Human augmentation; information processing capacity and an analytical approach, AI can extend humans’
Analytical and intuitive cognition when addressing complexity, whereas humans can still offer a more
decision making holistic, intuitive approach in dealing with uncertainty and equivocality in organiza-
tional decision making. This premise mirrors the idea of intelligence augmentation,
which states that AI systems should be designed with the intention of augmenting,
not replacing, human contributions.
# 2018 Kelley School of Business, Indiana University. Published by Elsevier Inc. All
rights reserved.

1. The buzz around artificial contenders and Google DeepMind’s AlphaGo,2

intelligence which trounced one of the world’s best at the
board game Go. There are many variations of AI
Artificial Intelligence’s (AI’s) visibility and rapid but the concept can be defined broadly as intelli-
momentum in recent years is best reflected in gent systems with the ability to think and learn
IBM’s Watson’s1 defeat of Jeopardy’s top human (Russell, Norvig, & Intelligence, 1995). AI em-
bodies a heterogeneous set of tools, techniques,

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1 2
0007-6813/# 2018 Kelley School of Business, Indiana University. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
BUSHOR-1478; No. of Pages 10

2 M.H. Jarrahi

and algorithms. Various applications and techni- as a cognitive and information-centric process
ques fall under the broad umbrella of AI, ranging (Kelly, 2012; MacCrory et al., 2014). Executives
from neural networks to speech/pattern recogni- from America’s largest corporations ranked AI and
tion to genetic algorithms to deep learning. Exam- machine learning as the most disruptive forces in
ples of common elements that extend AI cognitive the business landscape of the near future
utilities and can augment human work include (New Vantage Partners, 2017), and a recent survey
natural language processing (the process through by Accenture (2017) revealed that 85% of surveyed
which machines can understand and analyze lan- executives have plans to invest extensively in AI-
guage as used by humans), machine learning (al- related technologies over the next 3 years.
gorithms that enable systems to learn), and
machine vision (algorithmic inspection and analy-
1.1. How we talk about AI
sis of images).
Natural language processing affords IBM’s Watson
It is important to place the fascination with
the ability to understand nuanced human-composed
AI capabilities, along with its inertial proclivity
sentences and assign multiple meanings to terms and
toward automation and displacement of humans,
concepts. Machine learning capabilities empower
in a historical context. In 1930, the prominent 20th
Watson to learn from experience and interaction with
century economist John Maynard Keynes described
data, and to develop intelligent solutions based on
“technological unemployment” as a “new disease”
past experiences. Through machine learning techni-
(Wladawsky-Berger, 2017). Later, Zuboff (1988)
ques and access to medical research articles, elec-
engaged with the work implications of information
tronic medical records, and even doctors’ notes at
technologies. She presented information technolo-
Memorial Sloan Kettering, Watson has learned to dis-
gies as smart technologies and distinguished them
cern cancer patterns. The AI has made headway in
from mechanization and automation. She described
offering promising courses of treatment. AI-powered
information technologies as the activation of a
machine vision, finally, has enabled Watson to rapidly
process through which activities, objects, and
process myriads of MRI images of the brain and to mark
events are translated into information (Zuboff,
very small hemorrhages in the image for doctors
1988). Even though information technologies have
(Captain, 2017).
promising affordances, such as providing a deeper
Emerging AI systems like Watson possess an ex-
level of transparency and creating a more rewarding
ceptional ability to learn and improve themselves,
workplace, Zuboff shared similar disadvantages
accelerating their use for some knowledge-based
when these technologies were used exclusively as
tasks that not long ago were seen as the exclusive
a means of automation and control. For that reason,
domain of humans. These tasks were once per-
automation has been an object of popular discus-
formed by white-collar workers and were viewed
sion for decades among both academics and busi-
as immune to automation (Wladawsky-Berger,
ness practitioners.
2017). The intelligence of AI technologies is expand-
Whereas the recent hyperbole surrounding AI and
ing rapidly, and they are acting as semiautonomous
other cognitive technologies has led many to be-
decision makers in complex, increasingly diverse
lieve that machines will soon outthink humans and
contexts (Davenport & Kirby, 2016). Postindustrial
replace them in the workplace, others see the
economies are now entering a second machine age
concern around AI as another overhyped proposition
thanks to advanced smart technologies that are on
(Guszcza, Lewis, & Evans-Greenwood, 2017).
course to displace human workers across multiple
In fact, such inflated arguments are not entirely
fields (Brynjolfsson & McAfee, 2014).
new, and call to mind early predications made in the
As AI applications continue to proliferate, orga-
wake of the first AI research and breakthroughs
nizations are faced with vexing questions about AI’s
regarding the use of AI in future work. Celebrated
influence on work. It is argued that “for any given
cognitive scientist Herbert Simon (1965) predicted
skill one can think of, some computer scientist may
that smart machines would be capable of achieving
already be trying to develop an algorithm to do it”
any work that a human can do by 1985. Marvin
(MacCrory, Westerman, Alhammadi, & Brynjolfsson,
Minsky, founder of MIT’s AI Lab, made an even more
2014, p. 14). People like Elon Musk stress the mag-
audacious projection in 1970 about the future of AI
nitude of disruption caused by AI and suggest AI will
(King & Grudin, 2016, p. 83):
take over most human jobs (Leetaru, 2016). Along
these lines, AI and other smart technologies are In from 3 to 8 years we will have a machine
often discussed as being at the epicenter of an with the general intelligence of an average
unprecedented wave of automation. They are seen human being . . . able to read Shakespeare,
as drivers for the transformation of decision making grease a car, play office politics, tell a joke,
BUSHOR-1478; No. of Pages 10

Artificial intelligence and the future of work: Human-AI symbiosis in organizational decision making 3

and have a fight. At that point, the machine complementary in organizational decision making? To
will begin to educate itself with fantastic address this basic question, I draw upon the distinc-
speed. In a few months, it will be at genius tion between analytical and intuitive decision mak-
level and a few months after that its powers ing, and the three challenges that plague decision
will be incalculable. making in organizations: uncertainty, complexity,
and equivocality (Choo, 1991; Simon, 1982).
What is lacking in this old discourse, as well as with
Organizational scholars have distinguished be-
the recent attention paid to AI, is a discussion of
tween analytical and intuitive practices used in
how the unique strengths of humans and AI can act
processing information and arriving at a decision
synergistically. This article builds upon pronounce-
by studying the daily practices of managers and
ments from some AI pioneers that “computers
other organizational members (Dane, Rockmann,
plus humans do better than either one alone”
& Pratt, 2012). By employing an analytical ap-
(Campbell, 2016), and explores the complemen-
proach, individuals can engage in methodical, labo-
tarity of humans and AI in the context of organiza-
rious information gathering and analysis, and
tional decision making.
develop alternative solutions in an attentive fash-
Chess provides an example. Even chess masters’
ion. An analytical approach often involves analyzing
abilities to predict and process contingencies in the
knowledge through conscious reasoning and logical
game is largely limited by their cognitive capacities;
deliberation. The problem-solving ability of AI is
they are believed to only consider 100 contingencies
more useful for supporting analytical rather than
(almost 10% of the possibilities of a move and
intuitive decision making. As noted, AI encompasses
response; Simon, 1982). AI has long surpassed this
a broad range of applications and algorithms. For
constrained cognitive capacity, beginning with IBM
the purposes of this article, I focus on analytical
Deep Blue’s 1997 defeat of Gary Kasparov, a chess
AI applications and techniques that imitate and
grandmaster at the time. This marked the beginning
extend the way humans reason and the way they
of a new era, and many predicted the end of the
use reasoning to draw conclusions from masses of
game of chess. However, when Kasparov developed
information. For example, AI tools such as expert
his own vision of a new chess league (similar to the
systems and predictive analytics provide affordan-
idea of freestyle martial arts), the best chess player
ces for well-deliberated calculations that integrate
was neither AI nor human. They were what he called
otherwise unmanageable amounts of data; these
centaurs, essentially partnerships between humans
tools produce analyses and help evaluate alterna-
and AI. The example of chess proposes a vision for
tive decision options.
the complementary roles of humans and AI; they
However, much of cognition and human decision
offer different yet complementary capabilities
making is not a direct result of deliberate informa-
needed for effective decision making.
tion gathering and processing, but instead arises
The synergic partnership between AI and humans
from the subconscious in the realm of intuition
is not unique to the game of chess; it can be
(Dane et al., 2012). Intuition, in a decision-making
observed elsewhere (Brynjolfsson & McAfee,
context, is defined as a capacity for generating
2012). Another example comes from a recent study
direct knowledge or understanding and arriving at
of cancer detection in the images of lymph node
a decision without relying on rational thought or
cells (Wang, Khosla, Gargeya, Irshad, & Beck, 2016).
logical inference (Sadler-Smith & Shefy, 2004).
An AI-exclusive approach had a 7.5% error rate and
Superior intuition can be understood as a gut feeling
pathologists had a 3.5% error rate; however,
or business instinct about the outcome of an invest-
an approach combining inputs from both AI and
ment or a new product. Intuitive decision making
pathologists resulted in an error rate of 0.5% (85%
includes imagination, sensitivity, rumination, crea-
reduction in error). These examples bring us back to
tivity, and what psychologists such as Carl Jung
the vision of human-machine symbiosis articulated
considered intuitive intelligence: the human ca-
by J. C. R. Licklider, a relationship through which
pacity to analyze alternatives with a deeper per-
the strengths of one compensate for the limitations
ception, transcending ordinary-level functioning
of the other.
based on simple rational thinking (Bishop, 2000).
Through an intuitive approach, the individual draws
1.2. Who, or what, makes a better upon past embodied practices, experiences, and
decision maker? judgments to react or decide without conscious
attention. Whereas analytical approaches to deci-
With the resurgence of AI, a new human-machine sion making rely on depth of information, intuitive
symbiosis is on the horizon and a question remains: approaches focus on breadth by engaging a problem
How can humans and new artificial intelligences be with a holistic and abstract view. These two styles
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4 M.H. Jarrahi

are not mutually exclusive and are employed as analyzed by AI algorithms to identify patterns of
parallel systems of decision making to more effec- failures that may currently affect only a handful of
tively address various contingencies. aircrafts, but have the potential to turn into more
While AI systems support an analytical decision- prevalent problems in the future.
making approach, they are less capable of
understanding common-sense situations (Guszcza 2.1. Intuitive decision making: The
et al., 2017) and compared to humans they human advantage
are less viable in uncertain or unpredictable
environments–—particularly outside of a predefined When the ambiguity is overwhelming–—as is the case
domain of knowledge (Brynjolfsson & McAfee, in much organizational decision making–—or when
2012). Bernie Meyerson, IBM’s chief innovation offi- organizations are faced with situations for which
cer, said (Captain, 2017): “Humans bring common there is no precedent, an intuitive style of decision
sense to the work; by its definition, common sense is making may prove more helpful. This characterizes
not a fact-based undertaking. It is a judgment call.” many organizational decisions, wherein “the ratio
Humans tend to perform better in the face of of examples of past similar decisions to stuff that
decisions that require an intuitive approach. In might be important for those decisions is often
the following sections, I present AI, embodying an abysmally low” (Ransbotham, 2016). Problems
analytical approach, as more effective in overcom- ranging from global crises to technical glitches
ing complexity in decision making than humans. can disrupt decisions and strategies made through
Though AI does have superior qualities, humans the most information-centric, rational processes.
retain the comparative advantage when addressing Cognitive technologies can analyze probability-
uncertainty and equivocality in decision making as based decision contexts, but are ill equipped to
they can leverage their superior intuition, imagina- tackle novel problems and situations (Guszcza
tion, and creativity. et al., 2017). Unlike board games, in which the
probability of the next action can be calculated,
real-world decision making is messy and reliance on
2. The uncertainty of decision making probabilistic, analytical thinking tends to be insuf-
ficient (Campbell, 2016). In this context, human
Uncertainty is characterized as a lack of information decision makers often build on an intuitive ap-
about all alternatives or their consequences, which proach, leveraging insight and qualitative assess-
makes interpreting a situation and making a decision ment that is rooted in years of tacit experience and
more difficult (Choo, 1991). Uncertainty can stem personal judgement. It is very difficult to articulate
from a lack of information about both internal and the reasons behind these decisions beyond that they
external organizational environments (e.g., shortage just feel right (Sadler-Smith & Shefy, 2004).
of human resources, emergence of disruptive tech- Humans continue to excel in making decisions
nologies, new markets and competitors, new govern- regarding real-world problems riddled with uncer-
ment policies). AI and other intelligent technologies tainty. When it comes to deciding on new products,
can assist human decision makers with predictive Apple rarely considers studies, surveys, or extensive
analytics: (1) they can generate fresh ideas through research. It is unusual for a major decision to take
probability and data-driven statistical inference ap- several months; instead, Steve Jobs became known
proaches and (2) identify relationships among many for making quick but intuitive decisions. In the case
factors, which enables human decision makers to of the first iMacs, Steve Jobs immediately decided
more effectively collect and act upon new sets of that Apple should release the new computers in a
information. One of the primary functions of predic- rainbow of candy colors. Jony Ive, Apple’s chief
tive analytics is generating new information and design officer, noted: “In most places that decision
predictions about customers, assets, and operations. would have taken months. Steve did it in a half
Consulting firms such as Deloitte and McKinsey hour” (Isaacson, 2011, p. 356). This indicates that
have already developed intelligent tools that offer the ingenuity and creativity of Jobs’ decisions did
monitoring and sensing of an organization’s external not necessarily lie in processing informational in-
environment, enabling semiautomated strategy ar- puts and understanding the probability of success,
ticulation. AI systems can help managers detect but in coming up with solutions that looked holisti-
anomalies by providing real-time insight about early cally sensible based on his gut feeling. In doing so,
warning signs of bigger issues that allows for the Jobs shaped both the consumer technology market
possibility of timely corrective actions. An example and customers’ tastes. His decisions were not al-
of this is Moore’s (2016) suggestion that the detailed ways a success (e.g., choosing the wrong market for
maintenance log of a fleet of aging F-16 fighters be NeXT computers and launching failing products such
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Artificial intelligence and the future of work: Human-AI symbiosis in organizational decision making 5

as Macintosh TV); however, a strong intuition is AI has the potential for a myriad of contributions,
driven in part by tacit learning from previous mis- including assessing a person’s credit risk by exam-
takes and experimentations. ining his/her friend list on Facebook, pricing ads in
Beyond Apple, prioritizing intuition over analyti- digital marketing, and underwriting mortgages in
cal data is pervasive among senior decision makers. the U.S. real estate industry. In recent years, the
Ralph Larsen, then-CEO of Johnson & Johnson, advent of deep learning has taken this to a
described his approach as follows (Hayashi, 2001): completely new level by enabling the machine to
learn from raw data itself and expand by integrating
Very often, people will do a brilliant job up
larger data sets. In these complex situations, there
through the middle management levels, where
may be too much data for humans to master; ma-
it’s very heavily quantitative in terms of the
chines consistently deliver higher decision quality.
decision making. But then they reach senior
management, where the problems get more
3.1. An opportunity for partnership
complex and ambiguous, and we discover that
their judgment or intuition is not what it should
One way to materialize the synergistic relationship
be. And when that happens, it’s a problem; it’s
between AI and humans is to combine the speed of AI
a big problem.
in collecting and analyzing information with humans’
Abstract thinking and an intuitive approach can han- superior intuitive judgement and insight. There are
dle unconventional and creative decision-making sit- several examples of this relationship. Correlation
uations (Gardner & Martinko, 1996). This inherent, Ventures, a venture capital firm that finances start-
inexplicable perception that comes from within is ups, assesses investment opportunities in 2 weeks by
almost impossible to simulate with AI (Parikh, Lank, & utilizing the predictive power of AI analytics that
Neubauer, 1994). Machines are mostly incapable of seamlessly process large amounts of data, combined
capturing the inner logic and subconscious patterns with a more holistic review of the results by human
of human intuition. Therefore, AI is less likely to experts. Bots now detect inappropriate or controver-
mimic human problem solving in these areas. Humans sial web or social media content by combing through
tend to keep their comparative advantage in situa- and processing terabytes of user-generated data, but
tions that require holistic and visionary thinking. This the final decision to remove social media posts or
may be found in more senior levels of organizations, videos often rests with the on-demand workers “be-
since strategic planning activities may involve higher hind the AI curtain” who use superior human judge-
levels of ambiguity and uncertainty (Sadler-Smith & ment (Gray & Suri, 2017). Reid Hoffman, executive
Shefy, 2004). chairman of LinkedIn, said AI systems enable humans
to make better decisions because AI “can sift through
vast amounts of data to highlight the most interesting
3. Addressing complexities in decision things, at which point managers can drill down, using
making: The AI advantage human intelligence, to reach conclusions and take
actions” (Hoffman, 2016).
Complex situations are characterized by an abun-
dance of elements or variables. They demand the
processing of masses of information at a speed be-
yond the cognitive capabilities of even the smartest 4. Overcoming equivocality in
human decision makers. In recent years, AI with decision making
superior quantitative, computational, and analytical
capabilities has surpassed humans in complex tasks. Equivocality refers to the presence of several simul-
Coupled with big data, algorithmic decision making taneous but divergent interpretations of a decision
has opened up new opportunities for dealing with domain (Weick & Roberts, 1993). Equivocality often
complexity and presents more effective ways of occurs due to the conflicting interests of stakehold-
equipping human decision makers with comprehen- ers, customers, and policy makers. This transforms
sive data analytics. AI has the advantage of brute decision making from an impartial, objective process
force, making it a rigorous tool for retrieving and (as assumed in an analytical, rational approach) into
analyzing huge amounts of data, ameliorating the an inherently subjective and political process that
complexity of a problem domain. For example, AI can attemptstofulfill the conflicting needsand objectives
help reduce the complexity of a problem by identify- of multiple parties. Even the most analytically calcu-
ing causal relationships and asserting the appropriate lated rational decision can be stymied in practice by
cause of action among many possibilities through parties whose power and interests are affected by the
causal loops (if this, then act so; Marwala, 2015). intended and unintended consequences of a decision.
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6 M.H. Jarrahi

AI can furnish some utilities that enable decision enjoy a comparative advantage in understanding
makers to overcome equivocal situations and ad- the convoluted social and political dynamics under-
dress relevant conflicting needs. For example, AI lying equivocal decision-making situations, and to
systems that conduct sentiment analyses of both outperform machines in such social mechanisms as
internal and external channels (e.g., social media) persuasion and negotiation.
tend to provide a more precise reflection of possible
reactions to organizational decisions. Nevertheless, 4.1. A balanced approach
handling equivocality is predominantly the respon-
sibility of human actors. They will likely retain their It is important to note that the decision-making pro-
superior capabilities in deciphering the political cess often involves all three characteristics
landscape both inside and outside the organization, discussed–—uncertainty, complexity, and equivocality
and in building the required invisible foundation for (Koufteros, Vonderembse, & Jayaram, 2005)–—and
successfully making, negotiating, and implement- these characteristics should not be understood as
ing decisions (e.g., building coalitions, alliances). mutually exclusive. Most organizational decision mak-
Even if machines can determine the optimal deci- ing is best handled by using a blend of both analytical
sion, they are less likely to be able to sell it to a and intuitive approaches (Hung, 2003). Martin (2009,
diverse set of stakeholders. Recall my earlier ex- p. 6) put this succinctly: “Aspects of both analytical
ample of chess. Murray Campbell (2016), a key and intuitive thinking are necessary but not sufficient
member of the IBM Deep Blue project, asserted: for optimal business performance. The most success-
ful businesses in the years to come will balance ana-
Chess computers make moves that sometimes
lytical mastery and intuitive originality.” One
make no sense to their human opponents. They
manager, cited by Burke and Miller (1999, p. 93),
[still] don’t have any sense of aesthetics . . .
provided an explanation as to why reliance on either
They play what they think is the objectively best
analysis or intuition alone is insufficient, particularly
move in any position, even if it looks absurd, and
when it comes to convincing others in collaborative
they can play any move no matter how ugly it is.
decision making:
The objective, impersonal approach of the machine
Every decision is a combination of deduction
can be at odds with the subjective, emotionally
and intuition. I believe that intuition isn’t par-
charged, and contextually sensitive nature of many
ticularly useful all by itself. I suppose you could
intuitive decisions made in organizations. Both for-
run into managers who believe intuition means
mal and informal leaders are consequential in ral-
pulling an answer out of the air . . . I don’t
lying people toward a decision by rendering it
think intuition can operate unless there is data
compatible with varying priorities.
available to you that you can process and com-
A key capacity of organizational leaders is the
bine with past experience [as the driver of
ability to develop viable visions and objectives, and
intuition] and also with data-driven analysis.
then to convince others (both their employees and
external stakeholders) of the indispensability of The most complex decisions may still encapsulate
their decisions. This requires emotional and social an element of uncertainty, thus rendering human
intelligence, which in turn serves as a foundation input indispensable. For example, with their intui-
for putting interpersonal skills into practice. In tive approaches humans can ascertain what varia-
addition, informal leaders (not necessarily manag- bles or future events (out of endless factors) may
ers with formal power) play a key role in dealing more strongly influence outcomes. This helps to
with the equivocality of decision making. Organiza- identify what factors must be foregrounded in data
tion scientists have long regarded informal leaders collection and analysis, which will be the primary
as well positioned to align people’s interests, iron undertaking of smart technologies. Moreover, anal-
out possible conflicts, and build consensus by the ysis in many cases may result in multiple alternate
virtue of their social ties, skills, and their delicate routes with almost equal factual supports; humans
understanding of the social fabrics of their orga- can help in choosing the one that appears to be
nizations (Cross, Borgatti, & Parker, 2002). The more intuitively sensible. Consequently, the part-
responsibility of dissecting the labyrinth of complex nership between human decision makers and AI and
social systems tends to lie outside the capacity of can play out in two ways:
AI. Parry, Cohen, and Bhattacharya (2016, p. 583)
doubt that organizational members “will ‘follow’ 1. Humans and AI technologies can collaborate to
the AI system in the same manner that they could be deal with different aspects of decision making.
expected to follow the compelling story of a capa- AI is likely to be well positioned to tackle com-
ble human leader.” Hence, humans continue to plexity issues (using analytical approaches).
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Artificial intelligence and the future of work: Human-AI symbiosis in organizational decision making 7

Humans can focus more on uncertainty and demoralized workforce (Mumford, 1994). The vi-
equivocality, using more creative and intuitive sion of human-AI symbiosis set forth in this article
approaches. calls for proactively identifying areas in which AI
can augment rather than simply replace humans in
2. Even the most complex decisions–—of which AI decision making or manage them algorithmically.
has a comparative edge–—are likely to require Procter & Gamble and American Express provide
elements of uncertainty and equivocality, which useful examples. Both firms have engaged with AI
compels human involvement. Therefore, hu- for years now, but their overall strategies have not
mans and AI will play a combined role in almost been to just automate processes or eliminate hu-
all complex decision making (see Figure 1). man jobs. Instead, they view and employ AI as a
tool from which employees can draw to do their
5. Implications for managers and work (Davenport & Bean, 2017). This is in contrast
organizations to a prevalent modern-day Taylorism embodied in
many forms of algorithmic management, which
In AI-enabled business investments, the way many intentionally or unintentionally aspires to deskill
managers justify return on investment (ROI) in cog- workers, treating them as “programmable cogs in
nitive technologies centers on significant and imme- machines,” or removing them altogether from or-
diate headcount reduction (Davenport & Faccioli, ganizational processes for the sake of efficiency
2017). My premise in this article is that most benefits (Frischmann & Selinger, 2017).
of AI are likely to materialize only in long-term Human-AI symbiosis means interactions be-
partnership with unique human capabilities. As such, tween humans and AI can make both parties smar-
appraising the business value of AI adoption takes ter over time. Most AI algorithms can learn and
patience and a long-term perspective rather than accelerate their utility with more exposure to data
relying on short-term ROI consideration for assessing and interaction with human partners. Likewise,
immediate financial impacts. Viewing and approach- human decision makers are also likely to develop,
ing AI as a panacea is shortsighted. Decades of re- over time, a more nuanced understanding of cog-
search outlines the ways in which organizations are nitive machines–—how they operate and how they
complicated sociotechnical systems and technologi- can contribute to decision making. Cognitive tech-
cal breakthroughs prevail only if they are judiciously nologies can also provide support for humans to
integrated into the social fabrics of an organization develop greater analytical skills. For example, a
(Sawyer & Jarrahi, 2014). AI is no exception. recent experiment at Yale University involving an
Studies of previous technology-centered initia- online game suggested that smart bots helped
tives (i.e., business process reengineering) suggest teams of human players boost their performance
that short-term financial gains from replacing (Shirado & Christakis, 2017). The technology aided
humans can be ephemeral and thwarted by performance by shortening the median time for
more profound and less visible effects such as a human teams to solve problems by 55.6%.

Figure 1. Complementarity of humans and AI in decision-making situations, typically characterized by uncer-

tainty, complexity, and equivocality
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8 M.H. Jarrahi

As AI evolves and improves over time, managers 6. Summary: Call for a new human-
and employees have to adapt and readapt. To keep a machine collaboration
balanced human-AI symbiosis, human decision mak-
ers must continuously update their AI literacy (e.g., The rise of AI calls for a new human-machine sym-
how to invoke and put into practice the most recent AI biosis, which presents a shifting division of work
developments) as well as their own comparative edge between machines and humans. Pervasive visions of
in this partnership (e.g., intuition, holistic vision, and partnerships between humans and machines sug-
emotional intelligence). Even though intuitive capa- gest that machines should take care of mundane
bilities are the primary advantage of humans in deci- tasks, allowing humans to focus on more creative
sion making, they still need to nurture analytical work. Given the substantial improvement in AI ca-
skills. In order to be AI literate, humans should devel- pabilities in recent years, this article goes beyond
op an appreciation of how analytical decisions are this simple vision and advances the notion of
made by cognitive technologies and work out how to human-machine collaboration by focusing on the
integrate the analytical capabilities offered by these comparative advantages held by humans and ma-
technologies into organizational processes. The focus chines in relation to the three characteristics that
on analytical skills in formal academic training (e.g., affect almost all organizational decision making.
MBA curricula) as well as in on-the-job learning is not Although AI capabilities help humans overcome
likely to go away. In fact, a key element that helps complexity through a superior analytical approach,
humans trust and interact more effectively with the role of human decision makers and their intui-
smart technologies is knowing how these technolo- tion in dealing with the uncertainty and equivocali-
gies come up with analytical decisions or recommen- ty of decision making remains unquestionable.
dations (Davenport & Kirby, 2016). Making this Machines depend upon humans when subconscious
process transparent enhances human-AI interaction decision heuristics are necessary to evaluate and
and provides opportunities for humans to foster ana- facilitate the outcomes of decisions.
lytical skills. AI solutions have already overtaken humans in
Finally, to embrace AI’s promises, digital trans- accomplishing some quantitative targets with com-
formation strategies should reimagine work and putable criteria (Parry et al., 2016), thus alleviating
decision making around distinctively human or arti- the complexity of decision making. Humans will
ficial capabilities. More specifically, an effective AI likely outperform AI in evaluating subjective, quali-
strategy should (1) build from current strategic tative matters (e.g., norms, intangible political
strengths and (2) identify ways AI and knowledge interests, and other complicated social, contextual
workers can complement one another. For example, factors). Past experience, insight, and holistic vision
General Electric (GE) has been going through a are, and will remain, human capitals; these are
substantial digital transformation over the past internalized as subconscious, automatic, and intui-
years, morphing from an industrial product tive thinking processes that still offer humans
and service firm to a digital industrial one. In this unique positions in handling ambiguous and equivo-
context, GE has been able to use AI technologies to cal situations. Due to their intuitive capabilities,
generate insights by making sense of the humans continue to perform better at big-picture
massive amounts of data produced or captured by thinking. Davenport (2016) attested that broader
an enormous quantity of industrial devices (as leg- strategic questions require a holistic approach,
acy systems). One of the clear outcomes is the which cannot be captured by data alone. Henry
optimization of decisions relative to operations Mintzberg (1994, p. 108) presented strategic think-
and supply chains by more effectively understand- ing as grounded in synthesis, creativity, and intui-
ing how the equipment is run (CIO Network, 2017). tion; strategic thinking therefore primarily results in
In addition, to establish a working human-AI symbi- an “integrated perspective of [the organization]”
osis, GE encourages and capitalizes on dual experts rather than a “too-precisely articulated vision of
or hybrid scientists who are initially hired as subject direction.” Cognitive technologies such as AI can
experts (e.g., physicists, aerospace engineers, busi- certainly help, but strategic thinking in particular
ness analysts), but are then trained in machine requires a level of sensemaking and understanding
learning or other areas of AI (through GE’s certifi- of the world beyond specific decision contexts of
cation program for data analytics). These individu- which only humans are capable. The likelihood is
als are likely to develop the most workable solutions remote that AI will ever be able to learn, imitate,
for integrating AI in their respective lines of service. and replicate the personal experience, subconscious
GE’s objective is not to replace these experts but to thought patterns, and personality traits of humans
help them harness the power of AI. that drive superior intuitive decision making.
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