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Text 1

consulate (n.) the government building
in which a consul works.
Synonym: chancellery

Ex. You should contact consulates or

tourist bureaus.

bureau (n.) an organization that

provides information or services.
Synonym: office, station

Ex. You should contact consulates or

tourist bureaus.

destination (n.) the place where

someone or something is going.
Synonym: termination, goal

Ex. You should search the internet to get

information about your destination.
visa requirement (n.) documents
needed for visa
Synonym: visa documents

Ex. For the countries you’re visiting

include visa requirement and
recommendations for vaccinations..

itinerary (n.) a plan of a journey that

you are going to make, including
information about when and where you
will travel.
Synonym: guidebook, travel plan

Ex. Arrange your itinerary beforehand.

necessary (adj.) essential or needed in

order to do something, provide
something, or make something happen.
Synonym: essential, important

Ex. Carry the minimum amount of

valuables necessary for your trip.
precaution (n.) something done to
protect people or things against possible
harm or trouble.
Synonym: caution

Ex. As a precaution, don’t keep

everything in the same place when

You shouldn’t open your room. advisable (adj.) if something is

advisable, it is a good idea to do it,
especially in order to avoid problems.
Synonym: sensible, recommendable

Ex. It’s advisable to carry emergency

medicine for medical problems.
policy (n.) a set of plans or actions
agreed on by a government, political
party, business, or other group.
Synonym: modality, method

Ex. You should consider purchasing a

short–term health and emergency
assistance policy designed for travelers.
verify (v.) to check or to prove that
something is true or correct.
Synonym: prove, confirm

Ex. You shouldn’t open your room

door without verifying who is outside.

Refer (to) (v.) to mention someone or

something when you are speaking or
Synonym: mention

Ex. Avoid using fanny packs and

handbags, which is often referred to as
the “fool’s pocket”.
Text 2
Expression for giving advice

• We use should and shouldn't to give advice or to talk about what we think is right or
• You should means something like I think it is a good idea for you to do it.
• You shouldn't means something like I think it is a bad idea for you to do it.
• Should is used to express the opinion of a speaker and often follows I think or I don't

think. Should + V. infinitive
Example You should consider purchasing a short-term health.
Negative Shouldn’t + V. infinitive

Example You shouldn’t open your room door without verifying who is outside.

Imperative is used to tell someone what to do.

verb + function(give a command)

Example Arrange your itinerary beforehand.

Wear little or no jewelry.
Carry the minimum amount of valuables necessary for your trip.
Text 3
Post – listening: Find my passport! (Top Down)
Directions: Choose the best answer.
1. All of the following statements are true EXCEPT______. (O-NET ม.6 ปW 58 ข[อ 57)
1. You should read guidebooks to get more information about your destination.
2. You should keep your valuable things in the hotel’s safe.
3. You should take many as clothes as possible in case you have to use it.
4. You should lock the door whenever you are in your room.
5. You should verify who is outside before open your room door.
2. The purpose of this story is to___________________ . (O-NET ม.6 ปW 58 ข[อ 70)
1. reflects how people prepare themselves before traveling
2. tell us how to enjoy our vacation time.
3. warn us about the hotel’s security in Europe
4. inform us the tips for traveling
5. describe personal traveling experience
3. Which statement is TRUE according to the passage? (O-NET ม.6 ปW 49 ข[อ 63)
1. It is not necessary to prepare yourself for trips
2. It would be better if you carry large amount of valuables things.
3. The hotel’s safe is not the best place to keep your valuable things.
4. Try to put on clothes that mark you as tourists.
5. Lock the door in order that no one can get into the accommodation.
4. The title of this letter is likely to be________________.(O-NET ม.6 ปW 58 ข[อ 68)
1. Traveling Alone
2. Frightening Experience
3. Tips for Travelers
4. Holiday in Europe
5. Robbed of Kindness
5. It can be inferred that_________________________ . (O-NET ม.6 ปW 58 ข[อ 62)
1. If we follow the tips, our belonging might be safe.
2. We will be safe when traveling if we verify who is outside before open the door.
3. We will not be sick if we have health insurance when traveling.
4. There will be a safe in every hotel when we travel.
5. We will know everything about our destination if we read the guidebooks.

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