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United Interna onal School Year : (2)

CPP Name:………………

English Department Date :................

Section A: Reading
Spend 20 minutes on this section
Read the text and then answer the questions.

Backyard Picnic
Angela carried the tray to the backyard with Dad. Smoke curled in pu s from
the grill. Angela sni ed. “Chicken! Yum!” “Put the tray on the table, Angela,” Dad
said. “Then you can go to the house and get the plates and cups.”
Angela walked to the table and placed the tray in the middle. “Meow!” said
Toes the cat. “Hi, Toes,” she said. “It’s a picnic!” “Purrr!” said Toes. Angela played
with Toes for twenty minutes.
Grandpa and Grandma arrived, and then Aunt Marie, and John. “Who’s
ready to eat?” Dad asked. “I’m ready!” said Angela. Dad frowned. “Where are the
plates? Where are the cups?” Angela looked around the yard. She was supposed to
go to the house and get them, but she forgot when she saw her cat.
She ran to the house as fast as she could. She went in and the door
slammed behind her. She scooped the plates and cups from the kitchen table and
ran back outside. Then she took her plate to Dad, who was at the grill. “Chicken,



1. Name four people who came over to visit for the picnic.

2. How long did Angela play with Toes the cat?

Tick ( ) the correct answer
20 minutes 25 minutes

10 minutes 2 minutes

3. Where were the plates and cups?

(underline the correct answer)
a. by the sink b. on the counter

c. near the door d. on the table

4. What is the purpose of this text? Tick the correct answer.

Tick ( ) the correct answer
a. To explain how to make a picnic.

b. To entertain you with a story about "Backyard Picnic".

5. This text is ………………………. (Underline the correct answer).

(explanatory –poetry- story with familiar se ng)


6. Is this text c on or non- c on? Why?


7. In the text, what order do these things happen in?

Number the sentences 1, 2, 3, and 4 to show the order
She scooped the plates and cups from the kitchen table and ran back


Angela walked to the table and placed the tray in the middle.

Angela played with Toes for twenty minutes.

Angela carried the tray to the backyard with Dad.

8. Complete the table below.

Text features Examples

Speech verbs • ………….……………….

• …………………………….
• Angela

• Dad

Familiar se ng • ……………………..




9. Where did they grill? Refer to the 1st paragraph.


10.Complete the following sentences with a word from the text.

• She ran to the …………… as fast as she …………... She went in and

the ………….. slammed behind …………...

• Grandpa and …………… arrived, and then Aunt …………., and John.

“Who’s ………….. to eat?” Dad ……………... “I’m ready!” said


11.Angela's dad was angry.

This statement is true or not? Refer to the 3rd paragraph.

Tick ( ) the right answer.


Support your answer with a phrase from the text.


12. Men on two ac ons that Angela did when she realised that she forgot the plates

and the cups. Refer to the last paragraph.




Section B: Writing
Spend 25 minutes on this section
Edit a familiar se ng story about a boy called Mark having a barbeque
party in the backyard with his family.

Ideas to help you:

What did he do?

Who came to the party?

What did they grill?

• DON’T Forget to include in your wri ng ( real characters- details –real

events– familiar se ng )
• Helping words: (outdoor-family-dip-sunny-meat-sauce-chicken-plates-
cups-grill-happy-chips- red-excited)
Spend up to ve minutes making notes to plan your story events in this
Space for your plan:







Sec on C: Grammar, punctua on and vocabulary

Spend 15 minutes in this sec on
1. (a)Change the underlined verb into past con nuous tense.

Angela carried the tray to the backyard with Dad.


(b) Rewrite the sentence in the nega ve past con nuous tense.


2. Decide whether each sentence is a statement, ques on,

exclama on or command.
sentence Type of sentence

Put the tray on the table, Angela. …………………………..

Chicken! Yum! …………………………..

Where are the cups? …………………………..

3. Change the underline verb into nega ve past simple tense.

Angela walked to the table and placed the tray in the middle.


She took her plate to Dad.






4. Draw lines to link the underlined word in each sentence with the kind
of word it is.

Angela played with Toes
for twenty minutes.

She took her plate to Dad. Adjec ve

Get the plates and cups Ar cle

5. Circle the conjunc on in the sentence.

Then you can go to the house and get the plates and cups.

6. Write the full form the contraction stands for

"It’s a picnic!”




7. Add speech marks and a full stop.

Who’s ready to eat? Dad asked


8. Circle the pronoun in this sentence.

She scooped the plates and cups from the kitchen table

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