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Session 1: Introduction to Society Management

Time: 9:30 am - 11:00 am

1. Understanding the concept and purpose of societies
 Definition of a society and its role in the community
 Different types of societies and their objectives
 Importance of societies in promoting social welfare and achieving common goals
2. Legal requirements for forming and registering a society
 Overview of the Societies Registration Act and its applicability
 Step-by-step process of society registration
 Necessary documents and forms for registration
 Eligibility criteria and conditions for society formation
3. Key components of the Memorandum of Association
 Definition and significance of the Memorandum of Association (MoA)
 Contents of the MoA: name, objectives, registered office, governing body, etc.
 Drafting and structuring the MoA to align with the society's goals
 Ensuring compliance with legal provisions and guidelines while drafting the MoA
4. Role and responsibilities of the governing body
 Composition and selection process of the governing body
 Duties and functions of office bearers: President, Secretary, Treasurer, etc.
 Decision-making processes within the society
 Ensuring transparency, accountability, and ethical conduct within the governing body
5. Financial management and resource mobilization for societies
 Budgeting and financial planning for society activities
 Fundraising strategies and sources of funding
 Ensuring proper utilization of funds and financial reporting
6. Engaging with stakeholders and community involvement
 Building partnerships with other organizations, schools, and churches
 Engaging with the local community and addressing their needs
 Collaborative initiatives and volunteer management
7. Case studies and best practices in society management
 Examining successful society models and their impact
 Learning from real-life examples of effective society management
 Identifying challenges and developing strategies for overcoming them
Note: The above agenda provides a comprehensive outline for the session on Introduction to
Society Management. It is recommended to allocate appropriate time for each subtopic based
on the level of detail required and the audience's engagement.

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