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There are many different ways to have a successful life.

While some argue that careful preparation is the

secret to a successful life, others counter that this is not possible without hard work or good fortune. I
believe that people need to plan if they want to be successful, but this is not feasible without a lot of
effort and a small amount of luck. To begin with, those who aspired to be important members of their
community. Doctors, for example, must work hard on themselves since becoming a doctor is impossible
without knowledge. To be specific, if a patient has a risky situation, doctors who lack understanding will
never be able to help them solve it, and may even be the cause of their death. Athletes cannot win their
sports without hard work and luck, too. On the other side, with more preparation, things may have gone
even better because we can make more money with ideas and plans. Football games, for example, could
not be played without careful preparation of every move and strategy, which is why all football teams
require a coach. As a result, we can't comprehend how directors could have operated their businesses
without planning because it requires responsibility and considerable thought. In conclusion, I think that
planning is necessary in operating organizations and firms, but without hard effort and a little bit of luck,
it is impossible to make plans become real.

There are many different ways to have a successful life. While some argue that careful preparation is the
secret to a successful life, others counter that this is impossible without hard work or good fortune. I
believe that people need to plan if they want to be successful, but this is not feasible without a lot of
effort and a small amount of luck. To begin with, those who aspire to be important members of their
community—doctors, for example—must work hard on themselves since becoming a doctor is
impossible without knowledge. To be specific, if one wants to become a doctor, he must plan ahead of
time. When he was younger, he had to work hard to get into medical school on his own. Following that,
he must practice his talents and study diligently to have the therapeutic techniques and abilities needed
to deal with challenging situations. On the other hand, an athlete believes that hard effort and chance
are enough to win, and this person ultimately fails because he does not have a proper fitness plan or
competitive strategy. In conclusion, I think that planning is necessary in operating organizations and
firms, but without hard effort and a little bit of luck, it is impossible to make plans become real.

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