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Understanding The book’s conciseness can some-

times be a liability. For example, group

Meanwhile, the development of
laser optics, especially that of picosec-
Viscoelasticity: theory and functionals are mentioned
in only a few short paragraphs. Also,
ond and, subsequently, femtosecond
lasers, has made it possible to opti-
Basics of Rheology the book limits its summary of tensor cally excite the electron–hole pairs
Nhan Phan-Thien analysis to Cartesian tensors, whereas and to measure the phase of the pairs.
Springer-Verlag, New York, 2002. Rheology of Polymeric Systems: Prin- The resultant motion is known as co-
$34.95 (145 pp.). ciples and Applications, by Pierre Car- herent dynamics. Semiconductor
ISBN 3-540-43395-3 reau, Daniel De Kee, and Raj Chhabra physics has now advanced almost to
(Hanser, 1997), provides a more com- the point at which specific designs of
In Understanding Viscoelasticity: Ba- prehensive account of generalized electrical and optical control of the dy-
sics of Rheology, Nhan Phan-Thien, curvilinear coordinate systems and namics of the electron position and
who has produced several substantial higher-order tensors. A longer and spin are possible.
contributions in rheology over the more complete account of such topics The rapid pace of discovery in semi-
past three decades, provides a concise of interest as stress, strain, and con- conductor physics makes it difficult to
account of the behavior of real mate- stitutive equations can be found in initiate neophytes to the field. To be
rials. Most materials, such as the now Cemal Eringen’s Mechanics of Con- sure, excellent monographs exist, but
ubiquitous polymeric composites, dis- tinua (Krieger, 1980). Finally, a list of teaching a monograph-based course to
play a behavior somewhere between modern nomenclature is absent and cover such a wide range of topics
that of ideal (inviscid) fluids and ideal would have been helpful. would place great demands on the in-
rigid solids. That is to say, they are The pedagogically astute home- structor. With Semiconductor Optics
viscoelastic. work problems are designed to deepen and Transport Phenomena, Wilfried
Suitable as a text for a first-year a student’s understanding. However, Schäfer and Martin Wegener have
graduate course in viscoelastic mate- in some cases, such understanding come to the rescue. Their book, aimed
rials, the book provides students with would require a mathematical matu- at graduate students who have had an
some necessary tools to read and bet- rity that students may lack, given the introductory course in solid-state
ter understand technical articles in current content of most undergradu- physics, covers most of the develop-
the field. ate engineering curricula. ments described above.
Phan-Thien sensibly introduces Despite the few limitations im- The authors are important figures
the reader to a mesoscopic approach posed by the book’s brevity, Under- in semiconductor optics. Schäfer has
to modeling. Although one would pre- standing Viscoelasticity is a joy to made definitive contributions to the
fer to use molecular theories for read and will be very useful to moti- theory of interacting electrons and
macromolecular dynamics, their quan- vated students. collaborated with experimentalists to
titative predictions for a variety of ma- Daniel De Kee explain exciton dynamics under ul-
terial functions are not yet compatible Tulane University trafast optical excitation. Wegener is
with reliable predictions derived from New Orleans, Louisiana prominently known for his experi-
theories based in continuum mechan- mental exploration of the new world
ics. Until such compatibility evolves, of exciton dynamics in the first few
hybrid continuum–particle theories Semiconductor femtoseconds of their creation. The
should help to improve physical un-
derstanding of mesoscopic phenom- Optics and Transport collaboration of a theorist and an ex-
perimentalist in this book fulfills the
ena and to suggest directions for the
more fundamental molecular-theory
Phenomena authors’ intent to synthesize theory
and empiricism. It is delightful to find
approach. Wilfried Schäfer and that, after reading about the Bloch
Among the book’s many positive at- Martin Wegener theory, one can understand the four-
tributes are the clear introductory re- Springer-Verlag, New York, 2002. wave mixing experiment and meas-
marks that begin each chapter. Con- $74.95 (495 pp.). urements of the dephasing time. If
cepts leading to material functions ISBN 3-540-61614-4 readers find some parts of the Green’s
are well introduced and defined. Nice In the past three or four decades, the function theory heavy going, they can
historical tidbits, sprinkled through- development of semiconductors has skip such parts (perhaps temporarily)
out, convey valuable information on led not only to well-known advances in in favor of the phenomenology.
scientists of note and the remarkable devices, but also to new physics. The The text covers basic electron
scientific advances for which they are root of that development is the ability properties, optics, and transport. The
famous. Homework problems with to make a semiconductor structure optics part provides important para-
ample pedagogical and mnemonic whose charge carriers are confined to digms of decoherence and of nonequi-
value appear at the end of each chap- a nanometer region in one, two, or librium physics, both of which are es-
ter. Given its extensive mathematical three dimensions. Electrons interact sential to the modern physics of the
content, the book is remarkably free more strongly with each other under small. The book also carefully de-
of typographical errors. such confinement. In a strong mag- scribes such fundamentals as the
The conciseness of Phan-Thien’s netic field normal to a layer of elec- gauge relation between the p ⴢ A and
text is reminiscent of other such im- trons, the electrons’ transport reveals r ⴢ E expressions for light–matter in-
portant works as William Schowal- the famous integer and fractional teraction. Had those expositions been
ter’s Mechanics of Non-Newtonian quantum Hall effects. These effects omitted, the thoughtful student might
Fluids (Pergamon Press, 1978) and have inspired elegant theories that have been frustrated.
Arthur Lodge’s An Introduction to have wider applications in many-body The authors missed some oppor-
Elastomer Molecular Network Theory physics. The confinement of electrons tunities to present exact theory in
(Bannatek Press, 1999), both of which in quantum dots has led to mesoscopic place of approximations. One in-
deal tersely and at a rather advanced physical effects and to a new under- stance is their treatment of electron
level with viscoelastic materials. standing of electron transport. dynamics near the band edge. An

58 July 2003 Physics Today

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