Instructions and Usability Test Script Dde

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Explain in detail your document’s development from planning to finish, describing your

challenges, how you overcame them, and what you learned

- Starting out, I knew that I know how to build a computer, so I thought it would be
easy to transfer my knowledge to the paper and I could easily use plain language
to describe how to build a PC.

First Draft (for peer editing)

- When I made the first draft, I wrote the instructions from how I remember building
the PCs I have built. I didn’t do any research or use any images. This led to me
needing to find some good images and restructure the paper.

Second Draft (for your packet)

- Once I got my peer reviews back, I simply added images and changed formatting
a little bit and submitted the paper.

Final Draft (for your portfolio)

- For my final draft I had a lot to change, essentially I kept the same content but
made it much more readable and easy to follow, creating step by step
instructions as well as reformatting completely, changing the title and making
certain changes in language. This also gave me the chance to add different
steps that I realized would be useful. In all I did no research for this set of
instructions aside from finding the images that were used. It was all from my
memory and knowledge on how to build a PC. I learned the importance of
making documents easy to read and be received by the audience.

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