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Tribhuvan University

Faculty of Humanities and Social Science



Submitted to:

Department of BCA
Mahendra Morang Adarsh Multiple Campus
Biratnagar, Morang, Nepal

Submitted by:

Ram Pukar Ray (TU Registration no: 6-2-0003-0116-2019)

Adarsh Kumar Mandal (TU Registration no: 6-2-0003-0091-2019)
A Progress Report

The following summary of the project includes development progress from 2078 Chaitra 1 st
week to 3rd week of Baisakh 2079. A detailed summary of the above-mentioned dates is
provided below along with descriptions. Additionally, upcoming plans and works to do are also
mentioned in the report below.

Table 1: Gantt Chart

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12


Following the above Gantt Chart of our project currently, we are in the design phase of our
project. We divided our progress statement into the following different topics as below:

1. Analysis
 We specified the requirement that is associated with the project as clearly as
 We did planning based on our project and its concept.
 We did a small research on the relevant topics through different mediums.
 We analyzed the relevant topics of our project.
 We analyzed the research apart from relevant topics.
 We submitted and presented the proposal which contained the description of the
above-mentioned matters.
2. Design
 Appropriate analysis and acceptance of the proposal helped us to move ahead
towards designing.
 Design of Frontend is done along with Backend, connection to the databases,
and other required contexts.
 We have divided the project into different modules and working with it using
JAVA, HTML, CSS, and MY SQL for our project.

A small sample UI of our project is shown in the picture below:

Pic1: Login form of Cafe Management System

3. Implementation
 We are looking forward to implementing our project as soon as possible
following the timeline.

o Conclusion:
After the detailed progress report of our project, we conclude that we have
completed approximately more than 50% of our task and working accordingly
to complete it within the mentioned timeline following the guidelines.

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