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Multiple Choice. Write in CAPITAL letter your answer to the following test items. Put your answer on the blank
before the item number.

1. This is an overview of what has been written about 9. What research design is ideal for this kind of
a specific topic: qualitative research?
A. Literature review C. References A.Case Study C. Grounded Theory
B. Review D. Synthesis B.Discourse Analysis D. Phenomenology
2. Which of the following is not a purpose of literature 10. What sampling design must researcher Rochelle
review in qualitative research? adopt to obtain the ideal participants for her study?
A. To expand, prove or disprove the findings of previous A. Probabilistic B. Non-probabilistic C. Either D. Neither
research studies
11. What specific type of sampling must be
B. To increase the understanding of the underlying
employed in the same study given the plan?
theories, principles or concepts of the research A. Critical Case C. Homogeneous
C. To predict the future outcomes or situation of the world
B. Deviant Case D. Stratified purposeful
D. None of the above
12. Given the plan for data collection, what is the ideal
3. The reason why literature review in qualitative
data collection method for this study?
research is conducted after the data have been collected
A. Discourse analysis C. Interview
and analyzed is to B. Focus Group Discussion D. Observation
A. avoid leading the participants in the direction of what
has already been discovered 13. Researcher Greg puts premium on selecting his

B. provide background of what is known before data prospective qualitative study informants based on their
analysis availability at times he so desires to conduct sampling. He must
C. serve as basis for formulating specific problems be employing what type of sampling method?
D. all of the above A. Convenience B. Probabilistic C. Purposive D. A and C only
4. Literature review in qualitative research is always 14.Which of the following groups of people would not
traditional. The specific review method that focuses on theories qualify as participants in a phenomenological study?
or hypotheses and that which examines meanings and results A. Victims of Martial Law in 1972-1981
of their application to situations is called B. ‘comfort women’ (women who were repeatedly
A. Critical B. Conceptual C. Expert D. sexually abused) during World War II
Scoping C. Survivors of the 2016 earthquake in Bohol, Philippines
D. Success stories of living entrepreneurs without any
5. When Researcher Trina uses a completed study
formal business education
that she found in a peer-reviewed journal, then this related
study she found is considered to be coming from what
For items number 15-17, read the selection below and answer
A. Primary C. Tertiary the questions that follow:
B. Secondary D. cannot be determined Researcher Florence is interested in conducting a study among
Aeta expectant (pregnant) mothers who are beneficiaries of the
6. Researcher Renato style in writing RRL is to put in government’s 4P’s program to determine if they are as
parenthesis the author and the year of publication. This in-text compliant in seeking maternal check-ups with obstetricians-
citation is called gynecologists (specialists in pregnancy and child birth) like
A. Integral B. Non-integral C. either D. Neither those of their non-indigenous counterparts in the
7. This is that part of the qualitative research process lowlands despite the distance they have to travel from the
where the researcher sets aside his own biases and mountains of Zambales.
personal views on a topic 15. The ideal research design for this would be:
A.Bracketing B. Journaling C. Member check D. Memoing A. Case study C. Grounded theory
8. Dr. Liza Daoanis conducted a qualitative study B. Ethnography D. Narratology
among Kankanaeys of Benguet to understand how they
have resisted change throughout the years that resulted
in the
preservation of their cultural traditions and beliefs. Her study 16. What sampling design is ideal for this situation?
must have employed what research design? A. Critical Case C. Homogeneous
A. Case study C. Narratology B. Deviant Case D. Stratified purposeful
B. Ethnography D. Phenomenology
17. The answer in the previous problem falls under
what broad classification of sampling?
For items number 9-12, read the following case below and then A. Convenience C. Purposive
answer the questions that follow:
Researcher Rochelle decided to recruit as her qualitative study B. Probabilistic D. Scientific
informants residents of Marawi City because her study is about 18. For Florence to be able to ethically research
exploring the lived experiences of people displaced by war. She the Aetas, this will be the first critical thing that she must secure:
justifies that such displacement experience will give insights as A. Consent to participate from the indigenous people
to how difficult it is to be living in an evacuation center for an B. Permission to research among Aetas from the National
indefinite period of time. He plans to gather data from them Commission on Indigenous Peoples
in groups rather than individually. C. Both
D. Neither
19. The reason why random sampling is not employed in A. Focus Group Discussion (FGD) C. Observation
qualitative research is because: B. Interview D. Researcher
A. The purpose is not to generalize findings
B. The results are to be extrapolated to the population 38. Qualitative data analysis (QDA) as opposed to
C. Both quantitative data analysis, involves the following, except:
D. Neither A. Identification of patterns and themes in textual data
B. Examination of patterns and themes in textual data
20. The Goldilocks principle in sampling suggests that C. interpretation of patterns and themes in textual data
the sample size must be D. none of the above
A. adequate B. excessive C. insufficient D. none of these
39. The first process of QDA involves writing down
21. If students with average intelligence comprises the impressions for the purpose of:
majority of the population of learners, then what sampling A. assessing data quality before analyzing collected data
method must be employed if these are the target informants of B. minimizing bias
a study? C. both A and B
A. Critical case B. Extreme case C. Intensity D. Typical case D. neither A nor B
22. Given that average students comprise the norm, what 40. As researcher Trina started to analyze her qualitative
sampling method is ideal when Researcher Walter would get data, she came up with her own set of codes for key points as
students who are either just above average or below average as they become apparent from the data she transcribed. These
samples for his qualitative study? codes are classified as:
A. Critical case B. Extreme case C. Intensity D. Typical case A. Emergent B. Predefined C. Both D. Neither
23. Given that average students comprise the norm, what 41. Researcher Carlo changed a code for a response
sampling method is ideal when Researcher Elena would recruit from the informants to reconcile discrepancies in responses
students who are geniuses or those who are classified as upon realizing that the informants could have not known the
severely mentally retarded as samples for his qualitative study answer to the next question because they were absent on
on learning abilities? the day they could have been made aware. What do you call
A. Critical case B. Extreme case C. Intensity D. Typical case this method of cleaning the data?
A. Eye-balling B. Logic check C. Spot check D. None of these
24. Observation as a method for data collection requires
the use of the following senses among others, except 42. This is the level of data interpretation in qualitative
A. audition B. balance C. olfaction D. none of these research when the causes or factors that may have influenced
25. This is the greatest concern during an overt the results are described.
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4
participant observation
A. Goldilocks affect B. Halo effect C. Hawthorne effect D. all of these 43. As researcher Drew starts to interpret his findings, he
For items number 26 - 30, identify whether the following items found similarities of the patterns of events in the narrative
are sampling methods or describing a sampling method that is accounts of his participants with a theory. Finding the
A. Probabilistic B. Purposive applicability of the theory to the situation of some of his
26. Simple random sampling participants is under what level of data interpretation?
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4
27. Stratified purposeful 44. This is an act of claiming or using someone else’s
28. Requires computing for ideal sample size written work without due permission or acknowledgment from its
29. Prone to bias
A. Bibliography B. Citation C. Plagiarism D. Referencing
30. Aims to extrapolate findings to the population 45. That part of the last chapter of the research paper
where the findings are intentionally written in such a way that
31. Credibility, as an indicator quality in qualitative even one who is not learned in technical research writing can
research, is also known as: understand.
A.Trustworthiness B. Verifiability C. Both D. Neither A.Conclusion B. Findings C. Recommendation D. Summary
32. Whether findings of a qualitative research is 46. These are the inferences that summarize the findings
transferable or not is determined by the: as the answer to what the central phenomenon is about.
A. Informant B. Reader C. Researcher D. All of the above A.Conclusion B. Findings C. Recommendation D. Summary
33. Triangulation implies that in order to obtain the 47. This section enumerates what should be done to
desired data and assure quality, the qualitative research must improve a policy or an existing practice.
use more than two A.Conclusion B. Findings C. Recommendation D. Summary
A. Data collection tools C. Sampling methods
B. Researchers D. All of the above 48. This is a brief description of the overall research, how
it was done, what the results are and their implications.
34. A researcher’s reflexivity is not assured by: A. Abstract B. Conclusion C. Research Report D. Summary
A.Audit trail B Bracketing C. Memoing D. none of these
49. This is the last activity of the research process
35. Objectivity is to quantitative research as A. Disseminating the results C. Writing the bibliography
is to qualitative research B. Implementing the recommendations D. all of these
A.Engagement B. Reflexivity C. both A & B D. neither A nor B 50. The answer to the previous question may be done by
36. An audit trail is necessary to assure what aspect research
of qualitative research quality?
A. Confirmability B. Credibility C. Dependability D. A & C only
37. This is considered the best instrument in qualitative
A. Reporting the findings in a symposium
B. Presenting the findings to concerned authorities for
C. Both
D. Neither

1. A
2. C
3. A
4. C
5. B
6. B
7. A
8. B
9. D
10. B
11. C
12. B
13. A
14. D
15. D
16. A
17. C
18. B
19. A
20. A
21. D
22. C
23. B
24. D
25. C
26. A
27. B
28. A
29. B
30. A
31. C
32. B
33. D
34. D
35. C
36. D
37. D
38. D
39. A
40. A
41. B
42. B
43. D
44. C
45. D
46. A
47. C
48. A
49. A
50. C

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