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1 1 Verify all the fields in sigup page

Verify user is able to enter all

mandatory fields

Verify user is not able to enter all

mandatory fields
Enter User Details in Info Page :

Verify user is able to enter all

mandatory fields

Verify user is NOT able to enter all

mandatory fields
Verify Personal details Page Functionality:

Verify user is able to view all the

mandatory fields:
Verify user is able to view error
messageswhile entering Invalid
datainto Mandatory fields:

Verify Personal details Page

Functionality for co-applicant:
Verify user is able to enter all
mandatory fields

Verify all the fields in Login Page :

Verify user is able to Login with their

Mobile Number and OTP.
Verify user is not able to Login with
their Mobile Number and OTP.
Test Steps Expected Result

Verify user is able to navigate to Sigup page flow ofUser should be able to navigate to Sign-Up Flow Page.

Verify all below fieldd in UI :

1.City of Residence
2.Type of Loan
3. Email ID
4.Mobile Number User Should be able view all the mentioned field
Verify "I acceptt checkbox" Must be visible with
Terms and Condition User should be ale to view the Checkbbox
Verify "GET STARTED" Button is visible User should be able to view the mentioned button.
Verify link Text is visible "Been here?Resume
Application" in the Page. User should able view mentioned LinkText.

Prerequisite :
Verify user is able to view Sign Up Page : User should be able to enter Sign-Up Page.
User can enter valid "City of Residence". user shoulld be able to view entered "City of Residence".
User can enter Type of Loan by dropdown the
button. User should be able to enter Type of Loan by dropdown the button .
Ensure user can enter valid "Email ID". User should be able to enter valid "Email ID".
Ensure user can enter valid "Mobile Number". User should be able to enter valid "Mobile Number".
Ensure user can click on Checkbox " I accept the
Terms and Condition" User should be able to click on check box
Verify user can see that after confirming checkbox
the GET STARTED button is enabled User should be able to click mentioned button is enabled
Verify "GET STARTED" Button is visible User should be able to view the mentioned button.
Verify link Text is visible "Been here?Resume
Application" in the Page. User should be able to mentioned Linked Text.
Verify that user can able to send the the OTP after
entering a valid mobile number User received OTP and proceed to next screen.

Prerequisite :
Ensure user is able to Navigate Next Page of Sign User should be able to Navigate Next Page of Sign -Up
-Up Page. Page.
City of Residence : Must not be any special User should not able to allow be any special characters
characters like @, #, $, % not allowed. like @, #, $, % not allowed.

City of Residence : Entering numeric values in the User should not able to allow entering numeric values in
city field must not be like "123" or "456," . the city field, like "123" or "456," not allowed
User should not able to entering non-existent city not
City of Residence : Entering non-existent city. allowed.
City of Residence : Entering too long city name & User should not able to entering too long city name &
too Short city name too Short city name
City of Residence :Leaving the city field blank User should not able to leaving the city field blank
City of Residence Must not Leaving the city field
blank User should view an error message.
City of Residence enter in a different language User should not able to view the City
Email ID: Leaving the Email field blank Verify user should see error message
Email ID: Enter an email address with an invalid
format, such as "hghghhghghgghhg" or "
example@com" User should not able to proceed next field.

Mobile Number : Mobile number contain letters, Mobile number should not allowed with mentioned
symbols or special character like '$', '@', '%', etc character.

Mobile Number : Enter fewer digits than required Enter fewer digits than required should not be allowed
Mobile Number : Entering Non Existent mobile
number such as 0000000000 or 1234567890 User should see an error message.
Mobile Number :Leaving the Mobile number field
blank. user should see error message
Mobile Number : Enter a mobile number in invalid
format, such as including spaces,dashes, or
paranthesis. User should see error message
Verify "GET STARTED" Button is not clickable. User should be able view some error message.

Verify user is able to navigate to Next Page User should be able to navigate to Next Page.

Verify all below field in UI :

1. Resident Status
2. Customer Profile
3. PAN
4. First Name
5. Middle Name
6. Last Name
7. Date of Birth User Should be able view all the mentioned field
Verify "GET STARTED" Button is visible User should be able to view the mentioned button.

Prerequisite :
Verify user is able to view Sign- Up Page : User should be able to enter Sign-Up Page.
user should be enter select using Drop down "Resident
User can enter valid drop down "Resident Status". Status".
User can enter valid drop down "Customer user should be enter select using Drop down "Customer
Profile". Profile".
Ensure user can enter valid "PAN". user should be enter valid "PAN".
Ensure User can view valid Name details user should be entered valid Name details.
Verify user can select valid Date of Birth. user should be entered valid date of birth.
Verify "GET STARTED" Button is clicked by user. User should be able click the mentioned button.

Prerequisite :
Verify user is able to view Sign User should be able to enter Sign-Up Page.
PAN : Entering alphabetic characters,special
characters, User should be not allowed
PAN : Entering a PAN with the wrong length and
case sensitive. User should be not allowed
PAN : Entering an invalid checksum digit User should be not allowed
PAN : Entering a PAN that is already in use User should see an error message.
PAN : Entering a PAN with invalid date of birth User should be not allowed
PAN : Leaving the PAN field blank User should be not allowed
Invalid PAN details must not Populated First User should not able to view Name details as
Name, Middle Name & Last Name. mentioned.

Date of Birth : Entering a date that is in the future User should be not allowed
Date of Birth : Leaving the date of birth field blank User should be not allowed
Date of Birth : Entering a date that is not within
an acceptable range User should be not allowed
Ensure after entering Invalid PAN, First Name,
Middle Name & Last Name Populated User should not be able to view All the Name fields not
automatically. populated coorectly
User should be able to see error message if invaild data
Verify "GET STARTED" Button is clickable. has been filled.

Verify all fieldd in UI

1. Gender
2. Organisation Name
3. Working in Current organisation
4. Retirement Age
5. Monthly Take Home Salary
6. Annual Bonus
7. Annual other Reported Income
8. Total Current EMI()
9. Loan Purpose
10. Property Identified
11. Do you want to add C0-Applicant User Should be able view all the mentioned field
Verify "CONTINUE" Button is visible User should be able to view the mentioned button.

Prerequisite :
Verify user is able to land on Next Page. User should be able to land Next Page.
User can able to select Gender. User should be able to selected "Gender".
User can enter valid Organisation Name. User should be able to enter Organisation Name.
Ensure user can select Working in Current User should be able to select Working in Current
Organisation Organisation
Ensure user can enter valid "Retirement Age". User should be able to enter valid "Retirement Age".
Ensure user can enter valid "Monthly Take Home User should be able to enter valid "Monthly Take Home
Salary". Salary".
Ensure user can enter valid "Retirement Age". User should be able to enter valid "Retirement Age".
Ensure user can enter valid "Annual Bonus". User should be able to enter valid "Annual Bonus".
Ensure user can enter valid "Annual Other
Reported Income ". User should be able toenter valid "Total Current EMI(S)".
Ensure user can enter select valind "Loan
Purpose". User should be able to enter Select valid Loan Purpose.
Ensure user can choose Property Identified as Yes User should be able to choose Property Identified as Yes
or No. or No
Ensure user can choose "Do you want to add Co-
Applicant as Yes or No User should be able to add a co-applicant if needed.
Verify "CONTINUE" Button is clickable. User should be able to click the mentioned button.
Prerequisite :
Verify user is able to land on Next Page. User should be able to land Next Page.
Select Gender :drop-down list should load quickly
without any delay or hanging while performing
actions on the list User can view an error pop up showing some error.
Select Gender : Testing for Empty List user can view some error message.
working in current organization not picked from
calender User can see some error message.
working in current organization Entering a date
that is in the future Entering a date that is in the future is not allowed.
working in current organization : Leaving the date
of Joining field blank Leaving the date of Joiningfield blank not allowed

working in current organization : Entering a date Entering a date that is not within an acceptable range
of Joining that is not within an acceptable range not applicable.
Retirement age field : Entering a non-numeric
value User should be not allowed

Retirement age field : Entering a negative number User should be not allowed
Retirement age field : Entering a retirement age
that is less than the minimum age User should be not allowed
Retirement age field : Entering a retirement age
that exceeds the maximum age limit set by the
system User should be not allowed
Retirement age field : Attempting to leave the
retirement age field blank User should be not allowed
Monthly Home Take Salary : Entering non-
numeric characters User should be not allowed
Monthly Home Take Salary : Entering a negative
value User should be not allowed
Monthly Home Take Salary : Leaving the salary
field blank and attempting to submit the form User should be not allowed
Monthly Home Take Salary : Entering a value with
incorrect format or syntax User should be not allowed

Annual Bonus : Entering non-numeric characters User should be not allowed

Annual Bonus : Entering a negative value User should be not allowed
Annual Bonus: Leaving the salary field blank and
attempting to submit the form should throw in an error message
Annual Bonus : Entering a value with incorrect
format or syntax User should be not allowed
Loan Purpose : dropwn not clickable user should beable to see some error message
Verify "CONTINUE" Button isnot clickable. User should be not able to proceed next screen.

Verify user is able to navigate to Next Page User should be able to navigate to Next Page.
Verify all filed in UI
1. Customer Profile
2. PAN
3. Co-applicant First Name
4. Co-applicant Middle Name
5. Co-applicant Last Name
6. Last Name.
7. Date of Birth.
9.Organisation Name.
10. Working in Current Organistaion.
11. Retirement Age.
12. Your Details.
13. Co-Applicant Name.
14. Remove Co-Applicant Name. User Should be able view all the mentioned field
Verify "GET STARTED" Button is visible User should be able to view the mentioned button.

Prerequisite :
Verify user is able to land on Next Page. User should be able to land Next Page.
User can able to select Customer Profiler. User should be able to selected "Gender".
Ensure user can enter valid "PAN". User should be able to valid "PAN".
Ensure user can see automatically populated Co-
applicant Firtst Name, Co-applicant Second User should be able to see Co-applicant Firtst Name, Co-
Name, Co-applicant Last Name. applicant Second Name, Co-applicant Last Name,
Verify user can select valid Date of Birth. User should be able to enter valid date of birth.
Verify user can select valid Gender by using
dropdown. User should be able to enter select Gender.
User can enter valid Organisation Name. User should be able to enter Organisation Name.
Ensure user can select Working in Current User should be able to select Working in Current
Organisation Organisation from calaender.
Ensure user can enter valid "Retirement Age". User should be able to enter valid "Retirement Age".

Verify user is ale to navigate to Login Page : User should be able to navigate to Log-In Page :

Verify Below filed in UI :

1.New Customer
2.Existing Customer
3. Track My Application
4.Mobile Number Field (Under Existing Customer)
5. Send OTP User Should be able view all the mentioned field

Prerequisite :
Ensure User can land to the website
User should be able to Navigate Login Page Page.
Click on Existing Customer Tab user should be navigatyed to Existing customer tab
user can enter Existing Mobile Number User should able enter exixting number.
Click on SEND OTP user should receive the OTP from OTP Provider
User should enter valid OTP and click VERIFY OTP
button User should be able to Navigate home page successfully.

Prerequisite :
Ensure User can land to the website
User should be able to Navigate Login Page Page.
Click on Existing Customer Tab user should be navigatyed to Existing customer tab
SEND OTP not enabled if wrong otp entered user can not able to click "SEND OTP".
Entering not Existing Mobile Number User should able to view an error message.
Valid mobile number that not that is associated
with bank account. User should see an error Message
Missing mobile number User should see an error Message
Mobile number with invalid format User should see an error Message
Mobile number with special characters User should see an error Message
Mobile number with leading/trailing spaces User should see an error Message
Invalid OTP, Missing OTP , Missing OTP, Expired
OTP User should see an error Message
OTP with invalid format and special Character User should see an error Message
OTP with leading/trailing spaces User should see an error Message
Maximum attempts exceeded User should see an error Message
User is not able to Click VERIFY OTP User should see an error Message
verify user enter Invalid OTP Verify OTP not enabled
Assigned To State Test Automation coverage
Design Applicable


dropdown the button .

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