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Math Notes #6: Manipulating and Solving Equations

Vignesh Senthil Kumar · July 17, 2020

Manipulating Equations: ​One of the most common applications of manipulation is when

trying to isolate a variable in a complex equation. Some of the strategies to manipulate
equations include factoring, combining like terms, cross multiplying, and finding the square
or square root of both sides. You can also turn complicated expressions into a variable for
the purpose of manipulating the equation, and then plug in the expression back in for the
variable at the end. You can find examples of each below.

- When factoring a quadratic equation in the form ax​2​+bx+c, factor it in the
form of (x+h)(x+k), where ​b​ is the sum of ​h ​and ​k ​and ​c ​is the product of ​h
and​ k​.
- For example, x​2​+4x+4 = (x+2)(x+2)

Combining Like Terms:

- (6x​2​+6x) + (5x​2​+5x) = 11x​2​ + 11x

Cross Multiplying:
4 x
- 5 = 10
5x = 40

Square Rooting:
- (x+2)​2 ​= 4
x+2 = √4
x+2 = ± 2
x = 0, -4

Variable Substitution:
- (x+2)​2​ - 4(x+2) + 4 = 0 ​Let z = (x+2)
z​ -4z+4 = 0
(z-2)​2 ​= 0
z=2 ​Substitute (x+2) back for z
x+2 = 2
Additional Strategies for Solving Equations: ​The strategies listed above can all be used
to solve an equation, but there are two additional strategies that can be employed, the first
of which is matching coefficients. For example, given the equation ax​2​+bx+7 = 5x​2​+6x+7,
you know that ​a ​equals 5 and ​b ​equals 6.

Another strategy for solving equations involves multiplying both sides of an equation by a
number in order to remove fractions. Fractions can make an equation unnecessarily hard,
so by removing fractional components, the equation becomes much easier to manage.

And of course, the substitution of answer choices back into the original equation is always a
viable (and oftentimes the most efficient) problem-solving technique.

Extra Practice: ​Below are some practice questions on this topic. The answers are at the
very end.

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