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Math Notes #9: Lines and Linear Models

Vignesh Senthil Kumar · August 7, 2020

Slope: ​The slope of a line dictates the steepness of that line and can be calculated with the
y −y
equation:​ slope = rise run = x2 −x1 . ​In a line with an equation in the form of
2 1
y = mx + b , ​m
represents the slope. The slope can also be found in an equation in point-slope form,
y − y 1 = m(x − x1 ) . In this form, ​m ​is also the slope, and ​y​1​ ​and ​x​1 are
​ the y and x values of
any one point on the line. In the context of a word problem, the slope often represents the
change in the initial value per x-value. The sign of the slope, + or − , can represent whether
the initial value will increase or decrease as the independent variable increases.

Intercepts: ​The x-intercept of a line is the point at which the line passes through the x-axis,
or when y=0. When given an equation for a line, solve for the x-intercept by plugging in 0
for the y-value and solving for x. The y-intercept of a line is the point at which the line
passes through the y-axis, or when x=0. When given an equation for a line in the form of
y=mx+b, ​b ​represents the y-intercept. When given an equation for a line in a different form,
solve for the y-intercept by plugging in 0 for the x-value and solving for y. In the case of a
word problem, the y-intercept can represent the initial value of the problem.

Other Specific Scenarios: ​Two parallel lines have the same slope but different
y-intercepts. These two lines will never touch each other. Two perpendicular lines are two
lines that intercept at a 90-degree angle. The slopes of both lines are negative reciprocals of
each other, for example, 45 and −5
4 . ​Vertical lines are represented by an equation in the
form of x = a , while horizontal lines are represented by an equation in the form of y = b .

Extra Practice: ​Below are some practice questions on this topic. The answers are at the
very end.

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