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Situation 1

A. You are the Training Manager at Lombard Industries. You are waiting to welcome a business
consultant who is giving a presentation at your company. This is your first meeting. You start a
• Introduce yourself (Use your real name)
• Greet the business consultant
• Ask about their journey
• Offer coffee
• Respond to the consultant’s request

B. You are a business consultant. You arrive at Lombard Industries to give a presentation. The
Training Manager meets you in reception. This is your first meeting.
• Respond to the Training Manager’s greeting (Use your real name)
• Respond to the questions about your journey
• Respond to the offer
• Ask to use a photocopier (to copy information sheets for the presentation)

Situation 2
A. You are a purchasing officer of ADC Inc. You call your partner, Beck Instruments (BI)
to discuss to buy a machine, the BI25. You start a telephone conversation:
• Introduce yourself and greet the sales representative
• Offer to buy the machine if BI can give you a good price.
• Ask for a discount
• Agree if the discount is attractive
• Ask for 7%
• Agree

B. You are a sales representative of Beck Instruments. You receive the call from ADC Inc. and
negotiate some aspects of an agreement for the sale of the BI25.
• Answer the call and greet the purchasing officer
• Say that your prices are very competitive
• Say a discount could be possible if ADC agrees to pay for shipping costs.
• Offer 5% discount
• Unfortunately, you can’t agree, unless ADC pays for the installation.
• Confirm your agreement
Situation 3
A. You are a representative of F.Lynch & Co. Ltd. You call your partner, Satex S.p.A to
complain about incomplete delivery. You start a telephone conversation:
• Greet, introduce yourself
• Explain problem: Order LS14478 for 8500 sweaters, only 8200 have arrived.
• Say this is second time you have received an incomplete delivery.
• Agree – say you need the other 300 sweaters urgently.
Delays are costing you goodwill – unhappy customers
• Ask for a promise of delivery date
• Complain – you want dispatch now
• Ask for email to confirm dispatch

B. You are a sales representative of Satex S.p.A. You receive the call from F. Lynch and resolve
the complaint:
• Answer the call and offer to help
• Express surprise
• Suggest possible error in order administration
• Explain stock problems
• Promise next Friday and express regret – not possible
• Agree – apologize and end call

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