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likes and dislikes,

しつけ discipline, training,

teaching manners
pickiness (about food),

ほうれんそう reporting, contacting,

and consultation
relative, relation, kin

make mistake, error,

ミスをしったら blunder おわってるとき when it's over

character (of a person), all members, all hands,

personality, disposition, everyone, everybody,
nature whole crew

siblings, brothers and

height (of body), stature

eldest son (may be the

(body) weight
only son), first-born son

blood type, blood group what number, rank?

recently, lately, these

days, nowadays, right parents, both parents

interest (in something), explanation, exposition,

curiosity (about せつめい description, account,
something), zest (for) caption, legend

thing, matter to save up (money)

enjoyable, fun,
pleasant, happy, night shift

sad, miserable,
working on a day off
unhappy, sorrowful

cooking, cookery,
repair, mending, fixing, cuisine, meal, food,
servicing dish

one's strong point,

one's forte, one's さいしょに at first, beginning,
outset, onset

poor (at), weak (in), not

very good (at)
tension, strain, mobile telephone,
nervousness, stress cellular telephone

respect, esteem,
reverence, honour, time, hour, moment

smoking area, smoking

ストレスをはさん stress release

prohibition of smoking
いくらぐらいおかね how much money

さいしょのきゅうりょう First salary horizontally, flat

hindrance, obstacle,
さんねんご 3years
nuisance, disturbance,

ゆめ dream impoliteness

ころ (approximate) time,
around, about, toward
big noises

そうりだいじん prime minister to take out, to get out

separation (e.g. of
ぶんべつ rubbish when
so far, go that far, to
that extent
recycling), classification

trouble, bother,
ぎしゅつ technology, engineering annoyance, nuisance,

kind, gentle,
しんせつ considerate, generous, while riding
friendly, nice

でかけるとき when you go out when riding

いえにかえった arriving at home cross the road

ねるまえ before sleep weather

はいるまえ before entering place, spot, scene, site

language, dialect,
たべるまえ before eating words, remark,
statement, comment

たべたあと after eating

purse, handbag, wallet

あるきながら while walking when you pick it up

なくしとき when lost because it’s necessary

to have an accident, to
じこにあったら meet with an accident
purpose of going

びょうき Illness, disease,
subscription, entry
(competition, raffle,
etc.), enlistment

じしん earthquake foreign country

じょうほう information, news,

report, intelligence
before going

あんぜん safety, security what to do

ねつ fever while you are

けんこう health something, some, any

for, for the sake of, to one's

ために advantage, in favor of, in
favor of, on behalf of
goal, target, aim,

しょくじ meal, dinner

departure, leaving,
setting off

つかれているとき when you're tired life, living

anxiety, uneasiness,
よくやすみ rest well worry, apprehension, fear,
insecurity, suspense

(common) cold, influenza, flu,

かぜ ague, inflammatory respiratory
system illness (in general)
lonely, lonesome,
solitary, desolate

to become, to get, to
まよったら to lose one's way, to get
grow, to turn, to reach,
to attain

うがい gargling, rinsing one's

type of occupation,
occupational category

washing one's hands,

てあらい water (or basin, etc.) for
important, significant,
serious, crucial
washing one's hands

factory, plant, mill,

つづけます to continue, to keep up,
to keep on

to make a mistake (in),

げんいん cause, origin, source to commit an error (e.g.
in calculation)

じょうし (one's) superior, (one's)

boss, the higher-ups
permission, approval,
authorization, license

しかられたら to scold, to chide, to

rebuke, to reprimand
after use

coworker, co-worker, tool, implement,

どうりょう colleague, associate instrument, utensil,
apparatus, device

on good terms (with), on friendly

なかよくするために terms (with), (getting along) well, original location
in harmony, happily, peacefully

Jobsite, (on) site, (on)

げんば the ground, (in) the hurt, injured
field, job site

to strike, to hit, to beat, to knock,

しんらい reliance, trust, faith, to pound, to bang, to slap, to

spank, to tap, to pat, to clap

えるために to earn, to get report, information

to ill-treat, to bully, to
しじ instructions, directions torment, to pick on, to
tease, to be cruel to,
discussion, discussing,
じぶんのやりかたで in my own way
asking (someone) for

ちこく lateness, tardiness,

arriving late
to help each other, to

そのとき then fire extinguisher

きかい machine, mechanism fire, conflagration

しごとちゅう at work, in the midst of

work, working
injury, wound, accident

ぐあい health, state (of health)

to prevent, to take

to get worse, to
safety confirmation,
deteriorate, to go from
わるくなりました bad to worse, to
confirming (something)
is safe
become worse

in order to... to see to it that ...,

no photographs, no
ようにするために to make sure that ..., to try
to ..., to make an effort to ...

(strict) punctuality, way (of doing), manner,

じかんげんしゃ being on time method, means

going to work, leaving for

どそくげんきん shoes strictly prohibited
work, attendance (at work),
being at work, presence (in
the office), reporting for work

total fire ban, no source

かきげんきん of ignition permitted, no
open flame,
next time, another time,
shortly, soon

pointing and calling

ゆびさしかくにん (occupational safety still do not know

No Entry, No Trespassing, orderliness, put in

ちいりきんし No Admittance, Off Limits,
Keep Out, Keep Off
せいとん order, tidying up,
arranging neatly

prohibition of use (of), cleaning, clean-up,

しょうきんし ban on using せいそう garbage collection,
(something) scavenging

sorting, arrangement,
せいり organization, putting in order,
adjustment, regulation
せいけつ clean, hygienic, sanitary

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