English Grade 6 - First Term 2018 - Combined Schools Paper

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COMBINED SCHOOLS FIRST TERM EVALUATION — 2018 Se je Bown er} Bat oom Class - Part 1) Girele the word with correct spellings in each box. A. a) plaing B. a) dentist C)a) athlite b) pictures b) drewin. b) ambition | ©) pianting ¢) docter ¢) alge E. a) fotball b) favourite o) fatther } | (1x5=5 marks) | 2) Match the situations in A with the appropriate expressions in B. Write the correct ‘number in the box. A B Situations Expressions | (2)Someone passing an exam. 3] tmsony. | @)Apologizing »)L] Thankyou very much (8) Greeting LD Congratulations! [> fe) Suemmelinciig cn LJ] ws my pleasure. (5)Someone thanking you [2] Good afternoon! (2x5 =10 marks) (B) Fill in the blanks of these sentences using prepositions and nouns appropriately. behind of in on near table study room| bag picture some pens This is a picture (a) There is a boy (a)... There are (a)... There is a (a) There is a cupboard (a) .. (2x5 = 10 marks) 3) (A) Complete the following table correctly. Yawn 4) (A). Imagine that a new friend has come to your class and the following would be Singular plural i, Lady enon = fi, potatoes ii, Studio vy. Knife * (1x5 = 5 marks) (8) Fill in the blanks of these sentences using the plural forms of the above nouns. One of my The butcher had thres ‘Those young ‘My mother boiled some He isa photographer and he is the owner of several for the soup. inthe city. (1x5 =S marks) some of the questions that you would ask him/her. Complete them appropriately. How/ Who/ What/ How many / Where/ Why 2 (Ilive in Colombo.) ..2 ( My father is Mr. Paul Fonseka) 2 (I.come to school by car) it, ? (My mother is a housewife.) iv. smut (Uhave two brothers) vy (1x5=5 marks) 6) Observe the set of pictures given below. Write a sentence for each picture using Present Continuous Tense. One isdone for you, The boy tsclimbing ay aay ‘The man .. ‘The children He... The man .. The lad: Pe sen (2X5=10'marks) 7) Describe the following picture. Write your answer in the form of a paragraph. Use about 50 words. Part It 5) Re-arrange the following words meaningfully in both ways as a sentence and as a question. One is done for you. Eg: is/he/ a/ pilot. a) Heisa pilot. b) Ishea pilot? (1) are/ friends/we, a) ») (2) 1/a/ doctor/ am, a) b) (3) newspaper/reading/ is/ a/ she/ now. a) - b) .. (4) are/ playingy girls/ the/ playground/in the, a) b) (5) is/ she/ English/teaching/ Language. a) b) (2X5=10 marks) (2X S= 10 marks) 8) Read the following passage and answer the questions given below. ( This is an edited extract from one of the stories of the ‘Famous Five’ written by Enid Blyton.) All was quiet in Kirrin Cottage. The two boys slept soundly in their room, and the girls ; George and Anne slept without stirring in theirs. Berta was up in Joan's room. ‘Timmy slept on George's feet, as usual, and Sally, the kitten, was curled up in the crook of Berta's knees, looking like a ball of black wool! Nobody stirred, Ablack cloud crept up the sky. Then a low roll of thunder came. It was far off and only arumble, but it woke up both the dogs and it woke Anne too. She opened her eyes , wondering what the noise was. Then she knew it was thunder. ‘Oh! | hope a storm won't come and break up this wonderful weather!’ She thought, as she lay and listened, She turned, to the open window and looked for the stars, but there were none to see. “Well, if a storm ' s coming, I'll go and watch it at the window’, thought Anne. A) Underline. 1, Name of the cottage is, 1) Wolf lodge Cottage 2) Berta’s Cottage 3) Kirrin Cottage 2, Berta was up in, 1) George's room 2) Joan’sroom 3) Berta’sroom 3. Timmy was on, 1) George's lap 2) Berta's knees 3) George's feet 4. When Anne woke up and opened the window, 3) she did notsee any stars, : 2) she saw many stars 3) she saw hundred stars. (1X4=4 marks) B) Answer in complete-sentences, 1. What are the names ofthe children mentioned in the story? (2 marks) 2, Who were waken up because of the thunder? j (1 mark) 3. How many boys slept in their room? (mark) C) Complete the following table. Names of animals Names of people (GX4=2 marks) Listening Test 9) Listen to the text read by the teacher and underline the most appropriate answer, 1. The name of the person mentioned in the text is, a) Mrs. Brook b) Mr, Brook c) Mr. Nook 2. Sheisa, a) singer and a dancer. b) singer and a writer, <) singer anda song writer. 3. Shehasa... a) cold b) warm ©) soft voice. 4, She has visited, a) United Kingdom b) Japan c) India 5. She performed the song"Country Roads" In a) United Kingdom b) Japan ¢) Sri Lanka ww. last March. (2X5= 10 marks) isteni = 6 Mrs. Brook is a famous Malaysian singer, and a song writer. She has a warm singing voice. She has played hundred of songs at different venues in United Kingdom as well as in Sri Lanka, Last March she came to Sri Lanka for the 3 time to perform the song “Country Roads’

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