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4-Digestive Disorders of Dogs and then to determine the specific cause

and appropriate treatment.

Intended Learning Outcomes (ILO)
The major digestive organs of a dog.
By the end of the learning experience*,
students must be able to:

→ Enumerate and describe the

different digestive disorders of
dogs including the clinical signs,
diagnosis, treatment, prevention,
and control.

Introduction to Digestive Disorders of


The digestive system includes all of the

organs that are involved in taking in and
processing food. It begins with the mouth General Signs of Digestive System
and includes the esophagus, stomach, liver, Disorders
pancreas, intestines, rectum, and anus.
Signs of digestive system disease can
The process of digestion begins when your include excessive drooling, diarrhea,
pet picks up food with its mouth and starts constipation, vomiting or regurgitation, loss
chewing. Enzymes found in saliva begin of appetite, bleeding, abdominal pain and
breaking down the food chemically. The bloating, straining to defecate, shock, and
process continues with swallowing, dehydration. The location and nature of the
additional breakdown of food in the disease often can be determined by the
stomach, absorption of nutrients in the signs your pet shows. For example,
intestines, and elimination of waste. abnormalities of biting, chewing, and
Digestion is critical not only for providing swallowing usually are associated with
nutrients but also for maintaining the proper diseases of the mouth, the teeth, the jaw, or
balance of fluid and electrolytes (salts) in the the esophagus. Vomiting is usually due to
body. inflammation of the lining of stomach or
intestines (gastroenteritis) caused by
The functions of the digestive system can be infection or irritation. However, vomiting
divided into 4 main categories: digestion, can also be caused by a nondigestive
absorption of nutrients, motility (movement condition, such as kidney disease.
through the digestive tract), and elimination
of feces. Diarrhea is often a sign of digestive system
disorders, but it can have many causes.
When treating a digestive system problem, Large-volume, watery diarrhea usually is
the veterinarian’s goal is to first identify the associated with hypersecretion, a condition
part of the system where the problem lies in which excess fluid is secreted into the
intestines. This can be caused by bacterial abnormal postures (for example, the
infection. forelimbs outstretched, the chest on the
floor, and the back legs raised).
Diarrhea can also be caused by
malabsorption, the failure to properly Examination of the Digestive System
absorb nutrients. Malabsorption is due to a
defect in the intestinal cells responsible for Your complete, accurate description of your
absorption. This condition can be caused by dog’s history (age, signs of illness, current
several viruses (for example, canine diet, past problems, exposure to other dogs,
parvovirus, coronavirus, rotavirus). and so on) combined with a veterinarian’s
Malabsorption may also be caused by any clinical examination can often determine
defect that limits the ability of the intestines the cause of a digestive system problem.
to absorb liquids, or by defects in the When a digestive system disorder is
pancreatic secretions needed for effective suspected, your veterinarian’s initial
digestion. In rare cases, newborn pups may examination might include a visual
have diarrhea while they are being fed milk inspection of the mouth and abdomen for
because they are unable to digest lactose. changes in size or shape; a “hands on”
Dehydration and electrolyte (salt) inspection of the abdomen (through the
imbalance, which may lead to shock, are abdominal wall or through the rectum) to
seen when large quantities of fluid are lost evaluate shape, size, and position of the
(for example, from diarrhea). abdominal organs; and listening through a
stethoscope for any abnormal abdominal
Changes in the color, consistency, or sounds. The veterinarian may also want to
frequency of feces are another sign of inspect your dog’s feces. When you call to
digestive problems. Black, tarry feces may make an appointment with your
be a sign of bleeding in the stomach or small veterinarian, it is a good idea to ask whether
intestine. Straining during bowel you should bring along a recent stool sample
movements is usually associated with to help with diagnosis.
inflammation of the rectum and anus.
Abdominal distention (bloating) can result Depending on what the initial examination
from accumulation of gas, fluid, or ingested reveals, additional tests might be needed to
food, usually due to reduced activity of the determine the cause of the problem. These
muscles that move food through the might include laboratory tests on samples
digestive system. Distention can also be containing blood or feces to determine
caused by a physical obstruction, such as a whether bacteria or viruses are involved, as
foreign object or intussusception well as specialized procedures such as x-ray
(“telescoping” of one part of the intestines imaging, ultrasonography, or using an
into another), or from something as simple endoscope to perform an internal
as overeating. examination of the esophagus, stomach,
duodenum, colon, and/or rectum.
Abdominal pain is due to stretching or Sometimes it is necessary to collect fluid
inflammation of abdominal membranes, from swollen abdominal organs or from the
and it can vary in severity. A dog may react abdominal cavity for analysis; this is done
to abdominal pain by whining, pacing, and with a long, hollow needle. Other tests that
are sometimes needed include biopsies Examination of the digestive tract with an
(sampling and microscopic analysis) of liver endoscope.
or intestinal tissue and blood tests to detect

Infectious Diseases

Because it is easy for foreign organisms and

other “invaders” to enter the digestive tract
through the mouth, this body system is
prone to infection by bacteria, viruses,
parasites, and other organisms (see Table:
Infections of the Digestive System in Dogs).
These infections spread in various ways, but
the most common are by direct contact or
by contamination of food or water by feces.

Infections of the Digestive System in Dogs

Infections of the Digestive System in Dogs

Organism Examples
Viruses Canine parvovirus, canine
coronavirus, canine
rotaviruses, canine
Rickettsiae Neorickettsia helminthoeca
(salmon poisoning)
Bacteria Salmonella species, Yersinia
Campylobacter jejuni,
Clostridium species,
Mycobacterium species,
Shigella species,
Brachyspira species,
Escherichia coli
Protozoa Isospora species, Sarcocystis
species, Besnoitia species,
Hammondia species,
Toxoplasma species, Giardia
species, Trichomonas
species, Entamoeba
histolytica, Balantidium coli,
Cryptosporidium species,
possible malabsorption or maldigestion. Neospora species
Fungi Histoplasma capsulatum, affects an animal depends on the parasite
Aspergillus species, Candida itself, as well as the animal’s own resistance,
albicans, phycomycetes age, nutrition, and overall health.
Algae Prototheca species
Parasites Numerous Parasites can cause severe disease or simply
decrease your dog’s overall fitness. Some of
these parasites also infect humans. Because
People and animals all have small numbers signs of parasite infection are similar to
of certain intestinal microorganisms that are those seen in other illnesses, diagnosis
found within the digestive tract—most depends on the veterinarian’s knowledge of
commonly in the intestines—and that seasonal cycles of parasite infection, as well
become established within a few hours after as examination of feces for evidence of
birth. These so-called intestinal flora are parasite eggs or larvae. In some cases, blood
actually beneficial, in some cases aiding in tests can also be used to detect the presence
digestion and in others helping to prevent of parasites.
infection. However, sometimes infections
occur when these organisms, normally Noninfectious Diseases
found in small numbers, suddenly multiply.
This can occur after a period of stress, under Many digestive system diseases are not
unhygienic conditions, or in an animal caused by infective organisms. Their causes
whose immune system is weakened. include overeating, eating poor-quality or
indigestible food, chemicals, obstruction
Diagnosis of a specific infectious disease caused by swallowing foreign objects, or
depends on finding and identifying the injury to the digestive system. Digestive
organism suspected to cause the disease. system disease can also be caused by
This may require one or more fecal samples, enzyme deficiencies, damage to the
which will be submitted to a diagnostic digestive tract (such as from gastric ulcers or
laboratory. inflammation), or birth defects. Digestive
system signs such as vomiting and diarrhea
Parasites are a frequent cause of digestive may also occur because of other diseases in
tract disorders in animals. Many species of the body, such as kidney, liver, or adrenal
parasites can infect the digestive tract and gland disease. The causes are uncertain in
cause disease. The life cycles of some several diseases, including twisting of the
parasites are direct, which means that there stomach (gastric torsion) in dogs. In
is only one host. Eggs and larvae are passed noninfectious diseases of the digestive
in the feces, develop into an infective stage, tract, usually only a single animal is affected
and are eaten by your pet. No other animals at one time; exceptions are diseases
or organisms are needed to complete the associated with excessive food intake or
life cycle. Other parasites have complex life poisons, in which multiple animals living
cycles that involve an intermediate host, together can be affected.
such as an insect. In this situation, infection
is acquired when the intermediate host—or Treatment Overview of Digestive System
parasite shed by that host—is consumed by Disorders
your pet. The extent to which a parasite
Specific disorders and their treatments are Treatment and Control of Infectious
described later in this chapter; however, Disease
some general principles are listed in this
section. Eliminating the cause of the disease Bacterial and parasitic diseases of the
is the primary objective of veterinary digestive system are often treated with
treatment; however, a major part of medications designed to kill the infectious
treatment is often directed at the signs of organisms. There are currently no specific
the disease and is intended to relieve pain, medications for treatment of viral diseases.
correct abnormalities, and allow healing to Antibiotics (drugs effective against bacteria)
occur. are commonly given daily by mouth for
several days until recovery is apparent,
Elimination of the cause of the disease although their effectiveness in treating
may involve drugs that kill bacteria or digestive system disease is still uncertain. In
parasites, antidotes for poisons, or surgery fact, overdoses or prolonged use of
to correct defects or displacements. antibiotics can be harmful to the digestive
tract. Antibiotics may be given by injection
Use of drugs to correct diarrhea or when septicemia (blood poisoning) is
constipation is done depending on the apparent or likely to occur. Your
specific case. Although such drugs might veterinarian will make the decision whether
seem to be a logical choice, they are not to prescribe antibacterial medication based
beneficial in every situation. For example, on the suspected disease, likelihood of
diarrhea can actually be a defense benefits, previous results, and cost of
mechanism for the animal, helping it to treatment.
eliminate harmful organisms and their
toxins. In addition, the available drugs may Advances in understanding the life cycles of
not always give consistent results. parasites, coupled with the discovery of
effective antiparasitic drugs, have made
Replacement of fluids and electrolytes successful treatment and control of
(salts) is necessary in cases where the gastrointestinal parasites possible.
animal is at risk of dehydration, such as from Response to treatment is usually rapid, and
excessive vomiting or diarrhea. a single treatment is often all that is needed
unless reinfection occurs or the damage
Relief of distension (bloating) by stomach caused by the parasites is particularly
tube or surgery may be required if the severe.
digestive tract has become obstructed,
twisted, or distended with gas, fluid, or Control of digestive diseases and parasites
food. depends on practicing good sanitation and
hygiene. This is achieved primarily by
Pain relief is sometimes provided. However, providing adequate space for your dog and
a dog being given pain medicine must be by regular cleaning of its living areas. In
watched carefully to ensure that the pain addition, adequate nutrition and housing
relief is not masking a condition that is will minimize the stress on your dog and
becoming worse. help it to stay healthy. Finally, appropriate
vaccination can help prevent some digestive Cleft palate or lip will usually be noticed
diseases, such as canine parvovirus. shortly after birth when the puppy might
have problems nursing. For example, milk
Congenital and Inherited Disorders of the might be seen dripping from the nostrils or
Digestive System of Dogs the puppy might have difficulty suckling and
swallowing. The veterinarian can readily
Congenital abnormalities are conditions identify the problem by examining the
that an animal is born with; they are often puppy’s mouth. Affected puppies require
called “birth defects.” Some of these intensive nursing care, including hand or
conditions are inherited and tend to occur tube feeding and possibly antibiotics to
within particular families or breeds, while treat respiratory infections. Surgical
others are caused by chemicals or injury correction is necessary and is most
during pregnancy. For still others, the cause successful when puppies are at least 12
is unknown. Some of the most common weeks old. A variety of surgical techniques
congenital abnormalities of the digestive are used, and the success rate in dogs is
tract in dogs are described below. improving. The decision to perform surgery
should be made carefully, and the affected
Mouth animal should be spayed or neutered to
prevent passing the defect on to its
A cleft palate or cleft lip (harelip) is caused offspring.
by a defect in the formation of the jaw and
face during embryonic development. It What Is a Brachycephalic Dog Breed?
leads to a gap or cleft in the center of the lip,
the roof of the mouth (hard palate), or both. What Is a Brachycephalic Dog Breed?
Often this condition leaves an open space
through the roof of the mouth into the “Brachycephalic” comes from Greek words
breathing passages. These conditions have meaning “short” and “head.” The term
a wide range in severity. Usually the upper refers to breeds that might be described as
lip and palate are affected; a cleft in the having a short or “pushed-in” face. Because
lower lip is rare. of their unique head structure, these
breeds can be prone to certain respiratory,
Certain breeds are more prone to cleft dental, and eye abnormalities.
palate than others. The defect is more
common in Beagles, Cocker Spaniels, Examples of brachycephalic dog breeds
Dachshunds, German Shepherds, Labrador include the following:
Retrievers, Schnauzers, and Shetland
Sheepdogs. Dog breeds with short heads • Boston Terrier
(brachycephalic breeds) can have up to a • Boxer
30% risk of the disorder. Most cases are • Bulldog
inherited, although nutritional deficiencies • Pekingese
during pregnancy, drug or chemical • Pug
exposure, injury to the fetus, and some viral • Shih Tzu
infections during pregnancy have also been
suggested as causes.
Brachygnathia (also called an overbite) lower lip covers the lower front teeth and
occurs when the lower jaw is shorter than folds over the teeth toward the tongue.
the upper jaw. It can be a minor problem or Contact between the upper front teeth and
a serious defect depending on the degree of the lower lip worsens the lip position and
abnormality. Mild cases may cause no may cause the lower front teeth to shift.
problems. More severe cases can cause Repeatedly biting the lower lip is also painful
damage to the hard palate (roof of the for the dogs. This condition can be corrected
mouth) or restriction of normal jaw growth. by surgery. Affected dogs should be spayed
The lower canine teeth are often removed or or neuter so that they do not pass on the
shortened to prevent this damage. For the condition to their puppies.
best chance of success, this treatment
should be done early in life. Common congenital defects in dogs
include brachygnathia (shortened lower
Prognathia (also called an underbite) occurs jaw) and prognathia (elongated lower
when the lower jaw is longer than the upper jaw).
jaw. This characteristic is normal in some
breeds (for example, Boxers, Bulldogs,
Pugs, and other breeds with shortened
heads) and does not usually require

Ankyloglossia (also called "tongue-tie")

occurs in Anatolian Shepherd dogs. These
dogs have a notched or W-shaped tongue
that causes difficulty eating, drinking,
suckling, or licking. Corrective surgery can
be performed. Affected dogs should be
spayed or neutered so as not to pass on the
condition to offspring.

Microglossia refers to incomplete or

abnormal development of the tongue. The
condition in dogs is often referred to as “bird
tongue.” Affected puppies have difficulty
nursing and do not grow properly.
Examination of the mouth reveals missing
or underdeveloped portions of the tongue.
This condition is generally fatal.

Macroglossia, or large tongue, can occur

with other birth defects in Dachshunds.

Some Chinese Shar-Peis have a condition

called tight-lip syndrome in which the
poisoning, birth defects, or infections, such
as distemper virus. The damage to the
Teeth enamel depends on the severity and
duration of the cause and can range from
In most animals, having too few teeth is pitting to the absence of enamel with
rare, although in dogs, molars and incomplete tooth development. Affected
premolars may fail to develop or erupt. In teeth are prone to plaque and tartar
dogs, extra teeth are seen most often in the accumulation, which lead to tooth decay.
upper jaw. Although rare, sometimes a Resin restoration is sometimes used to
single tooth bud will split to form 2 teeth. cover defects, although careful dental
The result may be crowding and rotation of hygiene and home care is critical in reducing
the teeth; this condition requires tooth the incidence of complications.
extraction to prevent or correct Discoloration of the enamel may also
abnormalities of the bite that can lead to occur. Giving tetracycline antibiotics to
further dental problems. pregnant females or to puppies less than 6
months old may result in permanent
Delayed loss of deciduous (“baby”) teeth brownish-yellow stains on the teeth.
in dogs is common, especially in small-breed
dogs. The teeth that do not fall out get in the Cysts of the Head and Neck
way of the permanent teeth that are
starting to erupt beneath them, altering the Cysts (lumps) in the head and neck can be
position of the permanent teeth within as caused by defects during fetal
little as 2 to 3 weeks. This results in bite development. These cysts are rare. Your
problems or entrapment of food, leading to veterinarian needs to distinguish them from
tooth and gum disease. For these reasons, abscesses or lumps caused by infection or
retained deciduous teeth should be other disease. These cysts tend to occur in
removed by your veterinarian as soon as specific locations and may have a
possible. characteristic feel to them, which can help
the veterinarian to diagnose their cause.
Abnormalities in placement or shape Tests, such as x-rays, ultrasound, video
of teeth are reported in various breeds of endoscopy, and computed tomography
dogs. The effect on an animal’s health is (CT), may also be necessary for diagnosis.
variable and based on severity. In certain Treatment involves surgical removal of the
dog breeds with short, flattened heads cyst(s).
(brachycephalic breeds), the upper third
premolar, lower first molar, and Esophagus
occasionally other teeth may rotate.
Usually, this does not cause any problems, The muscular tube that leads from the back
but it may require extraction of some teeth of the mouth to the stomach is known as the
if crowding or bite abnormalities occur. esophagus. Some congenital abnormalities
of the esophagus seen in dogs include
Abnormal development of tooth enamel megaesophagus, vascular ring anomalies,
(the hard outer surface of the tooth) can be and crichopharyngeal achalasia (see Table:
caused by fever, trauma, malnutrition, Congenital Esophageal Disorders of Dogs).
Signs of defects in the esophagus generally
include regurgitation and problems with
swallowing. These signs are especially Table 2
noticeable when your dog starts to eat solid Congenital Esophageal Disorders of Dogs
food. Regurgitated food can enter the lungs Type Cause Breeds Most
and cause frequent and severe pneumonia. Often
These conditions are typically diagnosed Affected
with x-rays, usually done after the dog Congenital Abnormal Chinese
swallows a liquid dye that shows up on the megaesopha nerve Shar-Peis,
gus developmen Fox Terriers,
x-ray. Other specialized tests may also be
t in German
necessary. Surgical correction of some
esophagus; Shepherds,
esophageal abnormalities (for example, sometimes Great Danes,
vascular ring anomalies, in which abnormal part of more Irish Setters,
blood vessels surround and restrict the widespread Labrador
esophagus) is effective if done early. If not, nerve, Retrievers,
the esophagus can become permanently metabolic, Miniature
damaged by the stretching caused by or digestive Schnauzers,
trapped food. Feeding small amounts of soft problems Newfoundla
foods in an elevated bowl can help affected nds; often
dogs. Although mildly affected dogs may part of
improve over time, the outlook is usually
thy complex
Small pouches in the lining of the in
esophagus, called esophageal diverticula, Dalmatians
will sometimes form. Signs depend on and
severity and are seen in only 10 to 15% of Pyrenees
cases. When they do occur, they may cause Mountain
accumulation of food or become inflamed. Dogs
In rare cases they rupture. Treatment (if Vascular ring Physical Boston
necessary) is by surgical removal of the entrapment constriction Terriers,
pouch. This disorder may be more common of the German
esophagus Shepherds,
in English Bulldogs.
by other Irish Setters
Cricopharyn Failure of Cocker and
geal the Springer
achalasia cricopharyn Spaniels
geal muscle
(in the
throat) to
relax during often corrected at the same time that the
swallowing dog is spayed or neutered. The tendency to
develop hernias may be inherited.

Hernias Table 3
Types of Hernias
A hernia is the protrusion of a portion of an
organ or tissue through an abnormal General Specific Type Description
opening. One common congenital type Area
involves an abnormal opening in the wall of Diaphragm Peritoneopericardial Abdominal contents
extend into the sac
the diaphragm (the sheet of muscle that surrounding the heart
separates the chest from the abdomen) or Pleuroperitoneal Abdominal contents
abdomen. The defect may allow abdominal extend into the sac
surrounding the lungs
organs to pass into the chest or bulge Hiatal Stomach and/or lower
beneath the skin. Hernias may be esophagus protrude
congenital (present at birth) or result from through the esophageal
opening (hiatus) into the
injury. Signs of a hernia vary from none to chest cavity
severe and depend on the amount of Abdomen Umbilical Abdominal contents
herniated tissue and its effect on the organ protrude at the site of the
involved. Hiatal hernias involve extension Inguinal Abdominal contents
of part of the stomach through the protrude into the groin,
diaphragm. These hernias may be “sliding” above the scrotum of
male animals
and result in signs (such as loss of appetite, Scrotal Abdominal contents
drooling, or vomiting) that come and go. protrude into the
Hernias are diagnosed using x-rays; scrotum (the sac
surrounding the testes) of
contrast studies (x-rays that include special male animals
dyes to outline organs) are often needed.
Endoscopy may be used to diagnose sliding
hiatal hernias. In many cases, correction of a Stomach
hernia involving the diaphragm requires
surgery. However, the use of antacid Besides hiatal hernia (see above), another
preparations and dietary modification may common abnormality involving the
control signs of a hiatal hernia, if they are stomach is pyloric stenosis. It is likely that
mild. pyloric stenosis is inherited. This condition
results from muscular thickening of the
Hernias involving the abdominal wall are pyloric sphincter (the “exit” of the stomach).
called umbilical, inguinal, or scrotal, The thickening of this opening slows or
depending on their location (see Table: blocks the flow of digested food from the
Types of Hernias in Horses). Diagnosis of stomach to the small intestine. Affected
umbilical hernias is usually simple, breeds include smaller breeds and those
especially if the veterinarian is able to push with flattened, shortened heads, especially
the hernia back through the abdominal wall Boxers, Bull Dogs, and Boston Terriers.
(called “reducing the hernia”). These hernias Because the flow of food out of the stomach
are corrected by surgery. Small hernias are is restricted, dogs with this condition will
often vomit food for several hours after a Treatment includes drugs to suppress the
meal. Although dietary modification and immune system and special diets, but they
medication may help, surgery is usually are often ineffective unless started early in
recommended. the course of the disease.

Small and Large Intestine Lymphangiectasia occurs due to an

abnormality in lymphatic vessels of the
Maldigestion is a condition in which certain digestive tract. The disorder causes protein
foods are not properly digested. loss from the digestive tract in Norwegian
Malabsorption occurs when nutrients are Lundehunds, Yorkshire Terriers, Maltese,
not properly absorbed into the Rottweilers, and Chinese Shar-Pei. It can be
bloodstream. These conditions often cause present at birth or acquired later in life. It is
persistent digestive system problems, diagnosed with tissue biopsies and by ruling
including vomiting, weight loss, diarrhea, or out other intestinal diseases that cause
a combination of these signs. There are protein loss. Treatment includes
many potential causes of maldigestion and medications and the use of specialized diets.
malabsorption. Some are in-herited; some Although it is possible to improve the signs
are acquired. Most are associated with of the disease, the longterm outlook is poor.
inflammation of the intestines (called
inflammatory bowel disease). Inherited Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (EPI) is a
conditions may occur more often in specific syndrome caused by insufficient production
breeds. For example, Irish Setters have a and secretion of digestive enzymes from the
family tendency for sensitivity to wheat pancreas. It occurs in many breeds but
protein (gluten), with signs beginning as especially in German Shepherds and Rough
early as 6 months of age. The wheat Collies. For more information on EPI, see
sensitivity is both confirmed and treated Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency.
through the use of gluten-free diets.
Malabsorption and maldigestion are often Granulomatous colitis (previously called
treated with a combination of dietary histiocytic ulcerative colitis) has been seen
changes and medication; the exact in Boxers, French Bulldogs, and a few other
treatment will depend on the condition breeds. It is suspected that an inherited
being treated. In certain conditions in which defect in a dog's immune system leads to
protein loss is severe (for example, in Soft- inflammation of the large intestine and a
coated Wheaten Terriers with protein- bacterial infection. Signs include bloody
losing enteropathy and nephropathy), diarrhea, straining to defecate, and weight
neither dietary changes nor treatment have loss. These signs typically occur in dogs less
been proven effective, and the outlook is than 4 years old. Tissue biopsies are
poor. necessary to diagnose the condition.
Antibiotics are typically successful in
Basenji enteropathy causes severe treating the condition.
inflammation of the intestines and
sometimes in the stomach in Basenjis. Signs Various malformations of the intestines
include diarrhea and weight loss. Diagnosis can occur as birth defects, including
of the disease is based on tissue biopsies. duplication of sections of the intestine or
rectum, failure of the rectum to connect entering the circulatory system without
with the anus, and openings between the being detoxified by the liver. In this disease,
rectum and other structures such as the the shunting occurs within the liver itself.
urethra or vagina. Surgical correction is The syndrome occurs with some frequency
usually needed. The success rate depends in Cairn and Yorkshire Terriers and has also
on the extent of the malformation. been reported in Maltese, Dachshunds, Toy
and Miniature Poodles, Bichon Frise,
Liver Pekingese, Shih Tzus, Norfolk and Norwich
Terriers, Tibetan Spaniels, Havanese, and
The most common liver defect present at Lhasa Apsos. It generally causes no signs,
birth is portosystemic shunt. In a healthy but when seen, signs are similar to those in
animal, blood coming from the intestines is dogs with a portosystemic shunt. Dogs that
processed by the liver, which removes toxins do exhibit signs may be treated with
from the bloodstream before they reach the medication. Surgery is not an option
brain or other organs. In an animal with a because the shunting is caused by many
portosystemic shunt, however, blood small blood vessels, not a single prominent
bypasses the liver through one or more one that can easily be corrected.
“shortcuts” (shunts) and enters directly into
the general circulatory system. Breeds with Copper-associated hepatopathy is a defect
an increased risk of this defect include that causes copper accumulation in the liver.
Yorkshire Terriers, Miniature Schnauzers, This results in the development of chronic
Cairn Terriers, Maltese, Havanese, Scottish hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver. The
Terriers, Pugs, Irish Wolfhounds, Golden condition is found in Bedlington Terriers and
Retrievers, Labrador Retrievers, German leads to chronic liver failure in older dogs.
Shepherds, Cattle Dogs, Old English Carrier dogs, which have no signs of the
Sheepdogs, and Poodles. Signs of a disease but can pass it on to their puppies,
portosystemic shunt include nervous are also seen. Elevated copper levels have
system disturbances and a failure to grow also been observed as part of the inherited
and thrive. In the late stages, protein- liver disease of West Highland White
containing fluid may accumulate in the Terriers, Skye Terriers, Dalmatians, and
abdomen, a condition called ascites. Your Doberman Pinschers. There are apparent
veterinarian may also notice enlargement of variations even within breeds; for example,
the kidneys and kidney stones. A definite liver copper levels are worse in Bedlington
diagnosis is made by using an opaque dye to and West Highland White Terriers of North
highlight the blood vessels, followed by x- American descent than in the same breeds
rays. This procedure can identify the from Europe or other regions. Treatment
location of the shunt and determine involves the use of drugs that bind copper
whether it is single or multiple. It also allows (chelators) or prevent its absorption, low-
the veterinarian to assess whether surgical copper diets, and other supportive
correction is possible. Animals with multiple measures directed at helping animals with
shunts tend to do poorly. liver disease. If your dog has copper-
associated hepatopathy, follow your
Hepatoportal microvascular dysplasia is veterinarian’s directions for medication,
another disorder that results in blood diet, and other treatment carefully and fully.
Other liver developmental anomalies permanent teeth usually begin to appear at
include hepatic (liver) cysts, which around 4 to 5 months. All permanent teeth
generally cause no signs of illness. They are are present by the time the dog reaches 7
of significance mainly because they must be months of age (See table: Canine Adult
differentiated from abscesses in the liver. A Dentition).
veterinarian who finds a hepatic cyst will
often want to examine the kidneys, because Estimation of Age by Examination of the
hepatic cysts often occur along with Teeth
polycystic kidney disease.
In species with relatively short incisors, such
Hyperlipidemia is an elevated level of as dogs, age determination of young
certain types of fats in the blood. These animals using the teeth is only somewhat
elevations can occur on their own or as a accurate and is mostly based on the time at
result of another disease, Elevated levels of which each tooth erupts. For the majority of
triglycerides (hypertriglyceridemia) occurs large adult dogs with normal teeth and jaws,
frequently in Miniature Schnauzers, veterinarians can examine wear patterns on
especially as they age. Elevated levels of the teeth and give an estimate of age.
cholesterol (hypercholesterolemia) has Determining the age of small and toy breeds
been seen in Briards, Rough Collies, by examining the teeth is more difficult.
Shetland Sheepdogs, Doberman Pinschers,
and Rottweilers. Signs of hyperlipidemia are Dental Disorders of Dogs
not always present, but when seen they
include vomiting, diarrhea, pancreatitis, Many of the dental disorders of dogs are
seizures, neurologic disturbances, and similar to those found in people. Proper
abdominal pain. Treatment includes diet dental care, including preventive methods
changes and the management of the like tooth brushing, can help keep your
underlying condition, if present. dog’s teeth and gums healthy.

Dental Development of Dogs Table 5

Dental Terms
Each species of animal has its own unique What Most What Your
type of teeth, depending on what type of People Call It Veterinarian Might
food the animal normally eats. For example, Call It
a meat-eating animal, such as a cat, has • Adult • Permanent
quite different teeth than a grass-eating tooth tooth
animal, such as a horse. However, all • Baby • Deciduous
domestic animals have 2 sets of teeth during tooth tooth
their lives, as humans do: a set of deciduous • Bad • Halitosis
(“baby”) teeth that fall out, and a set of breath • Occlusion
permanent teeth that develop later. • Bite • Dental caries,
• Cavities tooth
Most dogs have 28 deciduous teeth and 42 or tooth infection
permanent teeth. The deciduous teeth decay • Polyodontia
begin to erupt at 3 to 5 weeks of age, while • Canines
• Extra • Incisors and compounds, accumulate and damage
teeth canines tissues. The dog’s own response to this
• Eye teeth • Gingiva infection (inflammation) also causes tissue
• Front • Periodontal breakdown and loss of the tooth’s
teeth disease, supporting tissues. There are 2 forms of
• Gum periodontitis gum disease: gingivitis and periodontitis.
• Gum
disease Gingivitis
• Lower
jaw In gingivitis, the gums become inflamed
• Roof of because of bacterial plaque, but the
the ligaments and bone are not yet affected.
mouth The gums change in color from coral-pink to
• Root red or purple, and the edge of the gum
canal swells. The gums tend to bleed on contact.
• Tartar Bad breath is common. Gingivitis can be
• Teeth reversed with proper tooth cleaning but, if
cleaning untreated, may lead to periodontitis (see
• Uneven below).
• Upper Progression of gum disease in dogs

Gum Disease

Bacterial infection of the tissue surrounding

the teeth causes inflammation of the gums,
the ligaments that anchor the teeth, and the
surrounding bone. If gum (periodontal)
disease goes untreated, teeth can be lost
due to the loss of their supporting tissues.
This is the major reason for tooth loss in

Gum disease is caused by accumulation of

bacteria (plaque) at the gum line due in part
to a lack of proper oral hygiene. Other
contributing factors may include breed,
genetics, age, and diet. As the number of
bacteria below the gumline increases,
bacterial waste products, such as hydrogen
sulfide, ammonia, acids, and other
Gingivitis usually can be treated by Periodontitis is treated with thorough
thorough professional cleaning of the teeth professional cleaning above and below the
while the dog is under anesthesia. This gum line. In some cases, surgery will be
should include cleaning below the gum line. needed to gain access to the root surface for
If gingivitis does not improve, the dog cleaning. Your veterinarian can determine
should be examined again in case more the extent of bone support loss by taking x-
extensive cleaning is required. When rays of the jaws. These are usually
cleanings are completed, your veterinarian recommended as a normal part of
may apply a sealant to the teeth to prevent periodontal disease diagnosis and
bacterial buildup and improve healing. Dogs treatment planning. Extractions are often
that do not respond to treatment should be necessary for dogs with periodontitis.
evaluated for other disease, such as immune Extractions allow the tissue to heal, and
system problems and diabetes. Gingivitis dogs do surprisingly well without the teeth.
will reoccur if the teeth are not kept clean Finally, veterinarians will treat any factors
and free of plaque. Therefore, at-home oral contributing to periodontitis, such as tooth
hygiene methods, such as brushing, as well crowding or underlying diseases.
as regular cleanings by your veterinarian are
important. If your dog has been treated for
periodontitis, you will need to continue oral
Periodontitis hygiene care at home. Follow your
veterinarian’s instructions, which might
In periodontitis, the tissue damage is more include daily toothbrushing, dietary
severe and includes the gums, ligaments, changes, plaque prevention gel, and oral
and bone. It usually is seen after years of rinses.
development of plaque, tartar, and
gingivitis. It is irreversible and results in Prevention
permanent loss of tooth support. Small-
breed dogs usually have more problems The most important thing to remember is
with periodontitis than large-breed dogs. that gum disease will not develop around
Dogs that have a regular diet of hard kibble clean teeth. At-home methods to keep your
develop fewer problems due to the pet’s teeth clean, such as toothbrushing and
mechanical cleaning effect on the teeth as diet, along with regular dental
the food is chewed. Back teeth are affected examinations, are the best ways to help
more often than front teeth. The upper prevent gum disease. Daily toothbrushing is
teeth are affected more severely than the best, but wiping the teeth with a gauze at
lower teeth, and the cheek surfaces of the least every 2–3 days can remove plaque in
teeth have more disease than the surfaces dogs that do not allow toothbrushing. Only
near the tongue. Gingivitis is often first the outside surface of the teeth needs to be
noticed at about 2 years of age but improves brushed or wiped. Toothpastes made for
if treated. Periodontitis usually begins at 4 people should not be used. Your
to 6 years of age and, if untreated, veterinarian might recommend foods, toys,
progresses to tooth loss. and treats to help clean plague off of teeth.
Reliable recommendations for treats and
food that can help control plague are
available at the Veterinary Oral Health flattened head (brachycephalic breeds) can
Council website. have teeth that fail to erupt because they
are in an incorrect position. X-rays should be
Endodontic Disease taken of any areas where teeth are missing.
Repeating these x-rays on a regular basis is
Endodontic disease occurs inside the teeth. important because an unerupted tooth can
Several different conditions fall into this form a cyst that can destroy a large section
category. The causes include injury, tooth of the jaw. Any unerupted teeth causing a
fracture, enamel abnormality, and tooth problem should be extracted. Dogs that
decay. Teeth can be fractured from external have any unerupted teeth should be spayed
trauma (eg, aggressive play or automobile or neutered so that the condition is not
accident) or from biting inappropriate passed to offspring.
objects (eg, real bones, hooves, antlers,
hard nylon toys, rocks, fences, or cages). Improper Bite
Treatment is either tooth extraction or a
root canal procedure. Signs can include Proper growth and development of the
painful teeth that your pet resists having mouth and teeth depend on a series of
touched or tapped; a tooth with a reddish- events that must occur in proper sequence
brown, purple, or gray color; a visible or longterm complications will occur. Early
fracture; a red or black hole on a crown; a detection and intervention is the best way to
swelling on the face; or a decrease in prevent more serious problems. Dental
appetite. In advanced cases dental fistulas development can be divided into 3 stages,
(draining tracts) occur. However, most dogs each of which can have its own set of
mask their pain, making diagnosis difficult. problems that require inspection by a
X-rays of the mouth are used to identify veterinarian. Stage 1 is from 0 to 16 weeks of
affected teeth and help determine the age, Stage 2 is from 16 weeks to 7 months of
proper treatment. age, and Stage 3 is from 7 months to 1½
years of age.
Developmental Abnormalities
Stage 1: Puppies are born with relatively
There are several developmental long upper jaws (“overbite”), which allow
abnormalities that affect the teeth of dogs. them to nurse. As the dog grows and begins
Many of these have a genetic component. In to eat solid food, the lower jaw goes through
general, abnormalities that affect a dog's a growth spurt. If certain of the lower baby
comfort, health, or ability to function teeth come in before the growth spurt, they
require treatment; those that only affect the can get caught behind the upper teeth and
look (esthetics) of the tooth do not. prevent the lower jaw from developing to its
proper length. If your veterinarian notices
Unerupted Teeth this pattern in a puppy, he or she will
probably recommend removing several
Some breeds, especially small breeds (such lower baby (deciduous) teeth. If this is done,
as Maltese), are prone to having teeth that the lower jaw will have the opportunity to
remain under the gumline (unerupted reach its full length, thus averting problems
teeth). Breeds that have a shortened, with the permanent teeth. Some dogs will
naturally develop a significant overbite, complications can usually be prevented
whether or not tooth extraction is from occurring later on.
Another developmental problem noted in
The reverse situation can also occur. In these Stage 2 is abnormal positioning (tilting) of
cases, the lower jaw grows faster than usual lower or upper canine teeth. Depending on
and becomes too long for the upper jaw, the specific situation and age of the dog,
producing an “underbite.” This condition orthodontic treatment (that is, “braces” for
can be detected as early as 8 weeks of age. your pet) can be used to align teeth in their
Again, certain teeth from the upper jaw may correct positions. Tilting of the upper
become caught behind those of the lower canines typically is seen in Shetland
jaw, preventing proper growth of the upper Sheepdogs, although it has been reported in
jaw. The usual treatment is to extract many other small breeds. Overbite is
several upper baby teeth. Early detection sometimes noticed during this stage and
and correction of such problems will can be treated with a special plate fitted in
produce the best longterm results. the mouth. In more severe cases, tooth
shortening or extractions might be
Other congenital and developmental necessary.
problems in Stage 1 that may require
treatment include extra teeth (which should Stage 3: Additional types of incorrect tooth
be extracted only if they are causing placement can occur during this stage of
problems) or incorrect position of a baby your pet’s growth. Treatment, if necessary,
tooth, which should be extracted if it is may include orthodontic treatment or tooth
interfering with other teeth. If jaw growth is extraction. Crowding of teeth is resolved by
different between the left and right sides, extracting one or more teeth. Likewise,
teeth may be extracted from the less- teeth that are significantly rotated, as are
developed side. This procedure provides the often found in flat-faced (brachycephalic)
best opportunity for the uneven growth to breeds, are usually removed.
correct itself.
Enamel Defects
Stage 2: The most important problem that
can occur during this stage is the retention During the development of tooth enamel on
of baby teeth. Normally, shedding begins both baby and permanent teeth, fevers and
around 14 weeks of age with the loss of the the deposition of chemicals within the tooth
upper central incisors. For the next 3 may cause permanent damage. The canine
months, the baby teeth are replaced with distemper virus is especially damaging
permanent teeth. Additional permanent because it both attacks the enamel-
teeth that complete the dog’s tooth pattern producing cells of the teeth and causes a
also erupt during this stage. If the baby fever. This results in tooth enamel that is
teeth are not lost at the time the thinner than normal. Other fever-causing
corresponding permanent teeth are coming diseases may result in enamel that does not
in, abnormal tooth position and bite may develop properly and is weaker than normal.
result. If retained baby teeth are removed by Severe malnutrition in young dogs may
a veterinarian as soon as they are noticed; result in enamel defects. Enamel defects in
isolated teeth are most likely the result of Tooth decay is uncommon in dogs. When it
trauma or infection. Often, the infections in does occur, decay usually is seen as pits on
fractured baby teeth affect the enamel of the bite surfaces of the molar teeth. If
the permanent teeth that come in behind cavities do occur, they can be filled in a way
them. Enamel defects may also be similar to that used in human dentistry.
inherited, especially in Siberian Huskies.
Disorders of the Mouth in Dogs
Treatment of these conditions can include
bonding of synthetic materials to the teeth, The primary function of the mouth is to
fluoride treatment, and frequent dental obtain and introduce food into the digestive
preventive care. tract. Some of its additional functions
include communication and social
Trauma to the Face and Jaw interaction, grooming, protection, and heat
regulation (particularly in dogs). Picking up
Fractured teeth and jaws often occur food, chewing, and swallowing require a
because of trauma (eg, falls, chewing, complex interaction of the muscles of the
fighting with other animals, and automobile jaw, the teeth, the tongue, and the upper
accidents). The jaw can also be fractured throat. When any of these functions
because it has been weakened by severe becomes compromised through disease or
periodontitis or cancer. Fractured teeth trauma, malnutrition and dehydration may
should be inspected by a veterinarian to result. A complete oral examination should
determine whether there has been damage be a part of your animal’s physical
to the tooth pulp. If fractures extend into the examination, because oral diseases are
pulp, root canal (endodontic) treatment or most effectively treated with early
tooth extraction will be needed. Restorative diagnosis. Otherwise, many will remain
techniques such crowns can repair defects in hidden in the mouth and progress to an
tooth structure if the damage is limited to advanced stage.
the hard tissues or the pulp has already been
treated with root canal treatment. Wounds Oral Inflammatory and Ulcerative
to the gums or other soft tissues should be Diseases
treated by the veterinarian as well.
Gum disease (see Gum Disease), is the most
Fractures of the bone will need to be common oral problem in small animals.
stabilized by the veterinarian. Stabilization Other causes for oral inflammatory
may require the use of wires, pins, or other conditions include immune system disease,
materials. As long as the correct bite chemical agents, infections, trauma,
position can be maintained, healing is rapid metabolic disease, developmental
and most of the supporting material can be abnormalities, burns, radiation treatment,
removed by the veterinarian in about 6 to 8 and cancer. Infections that have been
weeks. A feeding tube may be needed if the associated with oral inflammation include
dog has difficulty eating while the injury canine distemper virus and leptospirosis.
heals. Traumatic mouth inflammation may be
seen after an animal tries to eat sharp plant
Tooth Decay (Cavities) material (such as plant awns) or fiberglass
insulation. The houseplant Dieffenbachia excellent home oral hygiene (including
may cause oral inflammation and sores if twice daily tooth brushing) may resolve the
chewed. Chronic kidney failure can cause problem. Supplemental antibacterial
inflammation and sores in the mouth. measures, such as topical chlorhexidine
rinses or gels, may be prescribed by your
Signs vary with the cause and extent of veterinarian. In severe cases, topical anti-
inflammation. Loss of appetite may be seen. inflammatory preparations may provide
Bad breath and drooling are common with comfort. Discomfort caused by the ulcers
mouth inflammation, tongue inflammation, can make it difficult to brush your pet’s teeth
and sore throat. The saliva may be tinged and give oral medications. If discomfort is
with blood. The animal may paw at its severe and you are unable to brush the
mouth and, due to pain, resent or resist any teeth, extraction of the adjacent teeth may
attempt to examine its mouth. Lymph be necessary to remove the contact surfaces
nodes in the region may be enlarged. on which plaque accumulates. Although
extraction may aid in control of the sores, it
Canine Stomatitis may not completely cure the problem, as
plaque grows on all surfaces in the mouth
Canine stomatitis involves inflammation of and animals can continue to develop sores.
the mucous membranes of the mouth. Signs
include severe gum inflammation, receding Lip Disorders
gums in several sites, and large sores on the
mouth surface near the surfaces of large Lip fold dermatitis is a chronic skin
teeth. The problem commonly affects inflammation that occurs in breeds with
Greyhounds, but it has also been seen in drooping upper lips and lower lip folds (such
Maltese, Miniature Schnauzers, Labrador as spaniels, English Bulldogs, and Saint
Retrievers, and other breeds. The Bernards). These lips often accumulate
characteristic feature is the contact ulcer or moisture, causing inflammation to develop.
sore that develops where the lip contacts The condition may be worsened when poor
the tooth surface, most commonly on the oral hygiene results in high salivary bacterial
inner surface of the upper lip next to the counts. The lower lip folds can become very
upper canine and carnassial teeth (also bad-smelling, inflamed, uncomfortable, and
called the 4th premolar). These swollen.
abnormalities have also been termed
“kissing ulcers” because they are found Treatment of lip fold dermatitis includes
where the lips “kiss” the teeth. Blood tests clipping the hair, cleaning the folds 1 to 2
and tissue samples can rule out other causes times a day with benzoyl peroxide or a mild
of stomatitis (such as advanced kidney skin cleanser, and keeping the area dry.
disease). Your veterinarian may prescribe a daily
application of a topical diaper rash cream.
The cause of this disease is an immune Surgical correction of deep lip folds is a more
system dysfunction that results in an long-lasting remedy for severe cases.
excessive inflammatory response to dental
plaque. For this reason, thorough plaque Lip wounds, resulting from fights or
control through professional cleaning and chewing on sharp objects, are common and
vary widely in severity. Thorns, grass awns, necessary. With severe infection, care
plant burrs, and fishhooks may embed in the includes clipping the hair from the infected
lips and cause severe irritation or wounds. area. The area will then be gently cleaned
Irritants such as plastic or plant material and dried. Antibiotics may be prescribed if
may produce inflammation of the lips. Lip the infection is severe or spreads to other
infections may develop. Wounds of the lips locations.
should be cleaned and sutured by your
veterinarian, if necessary. Fungal Stomatitis

Direct extension of severe gum disease or Fungal stomatitis is caused by overgrowth

inflammation inside the mouth can produce of the fungus Candida albicans. It is an
inflammation of the lips (cheilitis). Licking uncommon cause of oral inflammation in
areas of bacterial dermatitis or infected dogs. Signs include mouth inflammation,
wounds may spread the infection to the lips bad breath, drooling, refusal to eat, and
and lip folds. Inflammation of the lips also bleeding or open sores on the tongue or
can be associated with parasitic infections, mucous membranes. It is usually thought to
autoimmune skin diseases, and tumors. be associated with other oral diseases, long
term antibiotic treatment, or a suppressed
Inflammation of the lips and lip folds can be immune system. In most cases, both the
short- or long term. Animals may paw, underlying disease and the fungal infection
scratch, or rub at their mouth or lip; have a itself will be treated. Follow your
foul odor on the breath; and occasionally veterinarian’s recommendations about diet
salivate excessively or refuse to eat. With carefully to support your pet’s recovery.
chronic infection of the lip margins or folds, Your veterinarian will also recommend a
the hair in these areas is discolored, moist, treatment program to control the fungus
and matted with a thick, yellowish or brown, causing the problem. This is a critical phase
foul-smelling discharge overlying red skin of the treatment because the outlook is
that may have open sores. Sometimes the poor if the underlying disease cannot be
infection extends from another area of the adequately treated or controlled.
body; this is easily diagnosed because of the
infection that causes it. Trenchmouth (Necrotizing Ulcerative
Inflammation of the lips that is unrelated to
lip folds usually resolves with minimal This relatively uncommon disease of dogs is
cleansing, appropriate antibiotics (if a characterized by severe inflammation of the
bacterial infection is present), and specific gums (gingivitis), ulceration, and death of
treatment of the cause. Treatment of the tissue lining the mouth. The cause of this
periodontal disease or mouth inflammation disease is unknown, but it has been
may be necessary to prevent recurrence. suggested that normal mouth bacteria and
other microorganisms may cause this
Infectious cheilitis that has spread from a disease after some predisposing factor
location away from the mouth usually either increases their levels or decreases the
improves with treatment of the primary mouth’s resistance to infection. Other
spot, but treatment of the lip area also is
potential factors are stress, excess use of other foreign materials may become
corticosteroids, and poor nutrition. embedded so deeply that they cannot be
easily detected. Insect stings can cause
The disease first appears as reddening and sudden swelling of the tongue. Some
swelling of the gum edges, which are animals have a tongue with a deep central
painful, bleed easily, and may lead to groove, which often becomes filled with
receding gums. Extension to other areas of hairs that act as an irritant. In chronic cases
the inner mouth is common. In severe cases, of inflammation, a thick, brown, foul-
this results in sores and exposed bone. Bad smelling discharge (occasionally with
breath is severe, and the animal may be bleeding) may be present. Frequently, the
unwilling to eat due to pain. Excessive animal is reluctant to allow examination of
drooling may be present, and the saliva may its mouth.
be tinged with blood. The disease is
diagnosed by excluding other possible Glossitis is treated by the veterinarian
causes. removing any foreign objects and any
broken or diseased teeth. Infection may be
Treatment generally consists of treatment treated with an appropriate antibiotic.
for gum disease, tooth extractions, Cleaning of the wounds and use of
professional cleaning of wounds, oral antiseptic mouthwashes are beneficial in
hygiene, antibiotics, and oral antiseptics. some cases. A soft diet and intravenous
fluids may be necessary. If the animal is
Inflammation of the Tongue weak and unable to eat well for a prolonged
period, tube feeding may also be required.
Inflammation of the tongue is called Sudden glossitis due to insect stings may
glossitis. It may be due to infection, require emergency treatment. If the
irritation, wounds, disease, chemicals, or glossitis is caused by another condition, the
other causes such as electrical burns or primary disease will also be treated. The
insect stings. A thread, string, or other tongue heals rapidly after irritation and
foreign object may get caught under the infection have been eliminated.
tongue. Glossitis can also occur in long-
haired dogs that use the mouth and tongue Soft Tissue Trauma
in an attempt to remove plant burrs from
their coats. Injuries to the cheeks or mouth are common
in dogs, but usually respond well to
Drooling and a reluctance to eat are treatment.
common signs, but the cause may go
undiscovered unless the mouth is carefully Cheek Biting
examined. Gum disease may result in
reddening, swelling, and occasionally sores A wound along the side of the cheek or
on the edge of the tongue. There may be no under the tongue may be caused by self-
inflammation of the upper surface of the trauma when the tissue becomes trapped
tongue, but the lower surface may be between the teeth during chewing. Surgical
painful, irritated, and cut by the foreign removal of the excess tissue prevents
body. Porcupine quills, plant material, and further injury.
Mouth Burns may be prescribed to reduce the chance of
Thermal (heat), chemical, or electrical burns
involving the mouth are common in dogs. Viral Warts and Papillomas
Your veterinarian will look for any injuries to
other body systems. The injuries may be Viral warts are noncancerous growths
mild, with only temporary discomfort, or caused by a virus. The mouth lining and
may be very destructive with loss of tissue corners of the lip are most frequently
and scar formation, followed by deformity affected, but the roof and back of the mouth
or tissue loss. In some cases, these other can also be involved. Viral warts are most
injuries can be life-threatening. Sometimes common in young dogs and often appear
puppies will be burned by chewing on an suddenly, with rapid growth and spread.
electrical cord. These animals often have a Signs are seen when the growths interfere
scar across the back of the tongue, outlining with picking up food, chewing, or
the path of the electrical cord. One or both swallowing. Occasionally, if the growths are
lip corners may have a scar or wound, and numerous, the dog may bite them when
the adjacent teeth may be discolored and chewing, causing them to bleed and
eventually require a root canal treatment. become infected. The warts may disappear
spontaneously within a few weeks to
A dog with a burn to the mouth may hesitate months, and removal is generally not
to eat or drink, drool, or resent handling of necessary. If necessary, a veterinarian can
its mouth or face. If tissue destruction is remove the warts surgically. Severely
significant, sores and mouth inflammation affected dogs may benefit from vaccines, if
may develop. Such wounds can easily available. Large numbers of viral warts can
become infected. If you observed the burn also develop in older dogs that have another
yourself, provide the details to your disease that is suppressing the immune
veterinarian. If the animal is seen by a system.
veterinarian shortly after receiving a
chemical burn to the mouth, he or she may Papillomas look very much like viral warts,
be able to neutralize the chemical and/or but they tend to grow more slowly and are
flush it out with water. The fur may also less likely to be found in groups. They
need to be clipped. More commonly, the normally do not spread, and can be cured by
dog is seen by the veterinarian too long after surgical removal.
exposure for neutralization to be effective.
Oral Tumors
If the animal has only a reddened mouth
lining without tissue damage, it may require Tumors in the mouth and upper throat may
no treatment other than a soft or liquid diet be either benign (not cancerous) or
until the soreness has healed. If tissue malignant (cancerous).
damage is extensive, the veterinarian may
rinse the tissues with a chlorhexidine Benign Tumors
solution and perform some cleansing to
remove dead tissue and debris. Antibiotics The most common benign oral tumors in
dogs are peripheral odontogenic fibromas
(previously called fibromatous epulis or A tissue biopsy is usually required to confirm
ossifying epulis). They may be seen in dogs the diagnosis. If your veterinarian suspects
of any age but are seen most frequently in that the tumor has spread, nearby lymph
dogs 6 years of age or older. nodes and the lungs may be evaluated as
These benign tumors are firm masses
involving the tissue of the gums. They arise The treatment and outlook depend on the
from the ligament of the involved tooth. specific kind of tumor and whether it has
These masses generally occur alone, spread. Malignant melanomas are highly
although multiple masses may be present. invasive and spread readily; consequently,
They can become quite large. Surgery that the outlook is guarded to poor. Surgical
removes all of the tumor will cure the dog. removal of the tumor can extend survival
and may cure the condition; however,
Canine peripheral ameloblastomas are recurrence is common. A vaccine that
benign but grow quickly. They routinely stimulates the immune system to attack the
invade nearby tissues including bone. tumor can be effective in some dogs with
Because of their aggressive nature, these malignant melanoma. Squamous cell
tumors should be surgically removed. carcinomas that do not involve the tonsils
Radiation treatment may help to minimize have a low rate of spread, and the outlook is
disfigurement if there are large tumors. good with aggressive surgery, radiation
treatment, or both. Squamous cell
Due to the varied nature of oral tumors, your carcinomas affecting the tonsils spread
veterinarian will want to biopsy the tumors rapidly and have a poor outlook.
prior to surgery. The results of the biopsy Fibrosarcomas have a guarded outlook, and
will guide the veterinarian in planning the recurrence of tumor growth after surgery is
surgery and any other required treatment. common.

Malignant Tumors Salivary Disorders

In dogs, the most common types of Saliva moistens the mouth and helps begin
malignant tumors are malignant melanoma, the digestion of food. As with any other part
squamous cell carcinoma, and of the body, there can be medical problems
fibrosarcoma. Signs vary depending on the involving the glands that produce the saliva.
location and extent of the tumor. Bad
breath, reluctance to eat, and excessive Excessive Salivation (Ptyalism)
drooling are common. If the back of the
mouth and throat are involved, swallowing Excessive salivation has 2 main causes:
may be difficult. The tumors frequently either the animal is producing too much
ulcerate and bleed. The face may become saliva (a condition called ptyalism), or the
swollen as the tumor enlarges and invades animal cannot effectively swallow the saliva
surrounding tissue. Lymph nodes near the that is produced. In either situation, the
tumor often become swollen before the animal drools. There are a number of
tumor itself can be seen. underlying causes for this condition (see list
below ). The most serious of these is rabies,
so your veterinarian will attempt to exclude In a salivary mucocele, saliva accumulates
that first. The underlying cause may be under the skin after damage to the salivary
within or near the mouth, or it can be a sign duct or gland. This is the most common
of a more general condition. Whatever the salivary gland disorder of dogs. While any of
cause, it will have to be determined and the salivary glands may be affected, those
treated to control the condition. Short-term under the tongue and in the jaw are involved
moist inflammation of the lips and face may most commonly. Usually, the cause is not
develop if the skin is not kept as dry as determined.
possible. Cleansing with an antiseptic
solution may be recommended. The signs depend on the site of saliva
accumulation. At first, inflammation causes
Causes of Excessive Salivation the area to be swollen and painful, but this
initial stage is not usually noticed. Instead,
Causes of Excessive Salivation the first sign may be a nonpainful, slowly
enlarging mass, frequently in the neck. A
• Drugs or poisons mucocele under the tongue may not be seen
• Irritation associated with until it is traumatized and bleeds. A
inflammation of the mouth or pharyngeal (throat) mucocele may obstruct
tongue, foreign objects in the the airways and result in difficulty
mouth, tumors, injuries, or other breathing. A mucocele by the lower eyelid
defects of the mouth can shift the location of the eye. Pain or
• Infectious diseases (such as rabies), fever may occur if the mucocele becomes
the nervous form of distemper, or infected. A veterinarian can distinguish the
other convulsive disorders mucocele from abscesses, tumors, and
• Motion sickness, fear, nervousness, other types of cysts by using a needle to
or excitement draw a sample of fluid from inside the
• Reluctance to swallow from mucocele.
irritation of the esophagus,
stomach, or intestines Surgery is often recommended to remove
• Injury, tumor, or foreign material the damaged salivary gland and duct.
under the tongue Mucoceles in the neck or under the tongue
• Inflamed tonsils (tonsillitis) can be managed with periodic drainage if
• Administration of medicine surgery is not an option, but they
• Conformational defects of the sometimes become infected. Complete
mouth (eg, heavy, hanging lips) gland and duct removal is often
• Metabolic disorders (such as recommended for mucoceles in the throat
hepatic encephalopathy or kidney to avoid the possibility of future life-
failure) threatening airway obstruction. Your
• Abscess or other blockage or veterinarian will consider your pet’s specific
disorder of the salivary glands condition when making a treatment

Salivary Mucocele Salivary Fistula

Fistulas are abnormal paths or openings as rabies, distemper, and the virus that
between 2 organs in the body or from an causes mumps in humans.
organ inside the body to the body surface.
Fistulas involving the salivary glands in dogs Signs of inflamed salivary glands include
and cats are rare. When they do occur, the fever, depression, and painful, swollen
cause may be an injury to the salivary glands salivary glands. Occasionally, an abscessed
in the lower jaw, the cheeks or face, or under gland discharges pus into the surrounding
the tongue. Other causes include bite tissue or the mouth. Rupture through the
wounds, abscess drainage, or the opening of skin may cause a salivary fistula to form.
a closed surgical incision.
Mild inflammation may require no
Your veterinarian will want to be sure to treatment. Recovery is often rapid and
correctly identify the fistula before complete. If there are abscesses, these are
recommending treatment. Draining sinuses normally drained, and antibiotics given. If
should be eliminated as a source of the recovery is not complete within a few days,
problem. If a fistula is the problem, surgery or if the infection recurs, your veterinarian
is often required. Tying off the involved will want to do laboratory tests on a tissue
salivary duct usually resolves the problem, sample and a biopsy. Occasionally, surgical
although the associated gland may need to removal of the infected salivary gland is
be removed. required.

Salivary Gland Tumors Sialadenosis in Dogs

Salivary gland tumors are rare in dogs. Most Sialadenosis causes enlargement of the
are seen in dogs that are more than 10 years salivary glands found just behind the jaw
old. Poodles and spaniel breeds may be (mandibular salivary glands) on both sides
predisposed. Most salivary gland tumors are of the head. It is a nonpainful swelling not
malignant, with carcinomas and caused by inflammation or cancer. Bulging
adenocarcinomas the most common. of the eyes is usually present, and affected
Spread to nearby lymph nodes and the lungs dogs may retch and gulp when excited.
is common. Tumors removed by surgery Additional signs included weight loss,
alone tend to recur, so radiation treatment, reluctance to exercise, snorting, lip
with or without surgery, is often smacking, discharge from the nose,
recommended. drooling, decreased appetite, and
depression. It is suspected that a neurologic
Inflammation of the Salivary Glands abnormality causes the condition, and it can
be treated with a medication used for other
Inflammation of the salivary glands is rarely neurologic abnormalities.
a problem in dogs. When it is found, it is
frequently an incidental finding in addition Necrotizing Sialometaplasia in Dogs
to another disease or condition. Salivary
gland infections may be caused by trauma Necrotizing sialometaplasia (also called
(often from bites or other penetrating salivary gland necrosis or infarction) causes
wounds) or from generalized infections such abnormal changes and death of the tissues
of the salivary gland. It is usually seen in 3- The upper throat is called the pharynx.
to 8-year-old, small-breed dogs (such as Pharyngeal paralysis refers to paralysis of
terriers). Affected dogs are usually the upper throat (pharynx) that makes
depressed, nauseous, and unwilling to eat. swallowing difficult or impossible. It may be
Other signs include enlarged and painful caused by a nervous system disorder, other
salivary glands, weight loss, drooling, disease in that area, or trauma that causes
retching, gagging, regurgitating, vomiting, collapse, obstruction, or malfunction of the
frequent swallowing, lip smacking, pharynx. In some instances, the condition
coughing, and trouble breathing. may be partial or affect only one side of the
Veterinarians diagnose the condition by throat and the dog may be able to swallow,
ruling out other causes of the signs. Surgical although complications may occur.
removal of the glands does not usually help,
though medications may be of benefit. The throat and pharynx in a dog.

Dry Mouth (Xerostomia)

Xerostomia is a dry mouth caused by

decreased secretion of saliva. It can cause
significant discomfort and difficulty with
eating. Historically, this condition is
uncommon in dogs and cats, but is very
common in humans who have damaged
salivary glands following radiation
treatment for tumors of the head and neck.
As radiation treatment is used more
commonly in veterinary medicine, this
condition may become more frequent in
pets. Decreased salivary secretion may also
result from use of certain drugs, extreme Pharyngeal paralysis results in severe
dehydration, fever, anesthesia, immune problems with swallowing; food and saliva
system dysfunction, or disease of the come back out through the mouth and nose.
salivary gland. It is also seen in some dogs Affected dogs are at risk of pneumonia from
with "dry eye" (keratoconjunctivitis). inhaling food and liquid (aspiration
Finding and treating the underlying cause is pneumonia), dehydration, and circulatory
important in controlling xerostomia. and respiratory failure. Signs of pharyngeal
Specially formulated mouthwashes can paralysis include fever, coughing, gagging,
often help relieve the discomfort that and choking. This condition may be fatal. In
results from this condition. Fluids may be many cases, emergency surgery to provide
administered to correct dehydration, if an airway (tracheostomy) must be done
present. If the condition is immune related, before any more detailed analysis of the
appropriate immunosuppressive treatment condition can be performed.
may be prescribed.
In general, treatment for pharyngeal
Disorders of the Pharynx (Throat) in Dogs paralysis is directed toward alleviating the
signs of the disease. Treatment may include an inability to swallow foods or liquids.
drugs to control inflammation, antibiotics to Though it is usually an inherited defect,
control the complications of aspiration adult dogs can also develop the condition. A
pneumonia, draining of abscesses (if they dog will try to swallow and end up gagging
are present), and alternative routes of and vomiting. A common complication of
nutrition. Tubes can be inserted (intubation) this disorder is aspiration pneumonia:
to help the dog breathe, eat, and drink. In liquids that a dog tries to swallow can end up
many of these cases, the outlook is poor. going down the trachea and to the lungs.
Your veterinarian will consider the welfare The cause is usually unknown, but it may be
of your pet when determining what course associated with neuromuscular disorders in
of treatment to follow. adult dogs.

Disorders of the Esophagus in Dogs Treatment of this condition usually involves

surgery to cut the abnormal muscle. Normal
By swallowing is usually possible immediately
after the surgery. Almost 65% of the
Patricia Walters surgeries are successful. Dogs that have
other neuromuscular disorders are less
, VMD, DACVIM, DACVECC, New England responsive to surgery, but may respond to
Animal Medical Center treatment with successful management of
the neuromuscular disorder. If the dog
Last full review/revision May 2018 | Content develops aspiration pneumonia, it must be
last modified Oct 2020 treated immediately and aggressively.

Signs of problems with the esophagus Expansion of the Esophagus

include difficulty swallowing and (Megaesophagus)
regurgitation (return of food or liquid before
it has reached the stomach). Regurgitation Abnormal dilation or stretching of the
is effortless and has few warning signs, in esophagus (also called megaesophagus) can
contrast to vomiting which is an active be caused by a congenital defect, or it can
process preceded by signs of nausea. occur in an adult dog, either alone or
together with other diseases. Congenital
Congenital abnormalities of the esophagus megaesophagus (generally diagnosed in
(those present at birth) are discussed earlier dogs soon after weaning) is a hereditary
in this chapter. defect that occurs in Wire-haired Fox
Terriers and Miniature Schnauzers. A
Disorders of Swallowing (Cricopharyngeal tendency to occur in families has been
Achalasia) reported in German Shepherds,
Newfoundlands, Great Danes, Irish Setters,
The cricopharyngeal muscle opens and Chinese Shar-Peis, Labrador Retrievers, and
closes to allow food and liquids from the cats. Abnormal blood vessels (called
mouth into the esophagus. Cricopharyngeal vascular ring anomalies) can also trap the
achalasia is a condition in which this muscle esophagus and cause megaesophagus.
does not adequately relax. This can lead to Some causes of megaesophagus include
myasthenia gravis, systemic lupus dogs, and others might do best with dry or
erythematosus, polymyositis, canned foods shaped into meatballs.
hypoadrenocorticism, poisoning, Feeding the dog in frequent small meals is
dysautonomia, glycogen storage disease, usually helpful. The food should be high in
nervous system disorders including cancer, calories to help the dog maintain its weight.
and possibly hypothyroidism.
Megaesophagus can also occur as a result of The overall outlook for dogs with this
injury of the esophagus, cancer, the condition is guarded. Some animals that are
presence of a foreign object in the born with megaesophagus grow out of the
esophagus, or compression of the condition, usually by 6 months of age, but
esophagus. most dogs with megaesophagus tend to
develop aspiration pneumonia or fibrosis of
The primary sign of megaesophagus is the lungs due to recurrent pneumonia,
regurgitation. Dogs with megaesophagus which may shorten their lifespan.
will suddenly start regurgitating undigested
food soon after eating and will lose weight. Esophageal Dysmotility in Dogs
Respiratory signs such as coughing and
difficulty breathing may occur. A chest x-ray Young dogs, especially terriers, can have
will show air, fluid, or food in the distended abnormal esophageal movement without
esophagus. Other tests may also be megaesophagus. The signs, if present, are
performed to view the esophagus and similar to those seen in dogs with
determine the cause and extent of the megaesophagus. For many dogs, the
enlargement. condition improves or resolves with age.

If an associated disease is causing Esophageal Strictures

megaesophagus, it must be treated.
Surgery is often needed to correct blood Esophageal stricture is a narrowing of the
vessel abnormalities. There is no specific esophagus. It may develop after trauma (for
medical treatment for megaesophagus with example, ingestion of a foreign object or
no known cause, but it may be managed by caustic substance), anesthesia, use of
feeding the dog with the upper body in an certain drugs, inflammation of the
elevated position of at least 45 degrees. esophagus, gastroesophageal reflux (gastric
Allowing the dog to eat in this position—by acid flowing back into the esophagus), or
having the dog stand on a ramp or with its tumor invasion. Signs include regurgitation,
front legs on a platform with the food bowl excessive drooling, difficulty swallowing,
higher—has been found to help. Keeping and pain. Examining the esophagus using
the dog in this position for at least 15 fluoroscopy is the preferred method for
minutes after eating allows gravity to help diagnosis; endoscopy can also be used.
the food move down the esophagus. These tests enable your veterinarian to
actually see the number, location, and types
Changing the texture of the dog’s diet is of strictures.
usually necessary. The type of food that will
best prevent regurgitation varies from dog Treatment of the stricture by stretching it
to dog. Soft gruel might work for some with a balloon catheter has been successful.
The catheter is a tube that is placed in the to rest. Antibiotics are sometimes
esophagus and then advanced to where the prescribed to prevent or treat bacterial
stricture occurs. The tip of the catheter is infection.
then inflated like a balloon, which stretches
the esophagus and relieves the stricture. Foreign Objects in the Esophagus
Other methods, including surgery, have
been less successful. Because of their eating habits, foreign
objects in the esophagus are more common
Inflammation of the Esophagus in dogs than in cats. Bones are the most
(Esophagitis) common, but needles, fishhooks, wood,
rawhide pieces, and other objects may also
Inflammation of the esophagus is usually become lodged in the esophagus. Sudden
caused by foreign objects or acid reflux from and excessive drooling, gagging,
the stomach into the esophagus. regurgitation, and repeated attempts to
Occasionally certain drugs, cancer, caustic swallow are signs of an esophageal foreign
substances, or an infection with an object. A partial obstruction may allow
esophageal worm (Spirocerca lupi) will cause fluids but not food to pass. If an obstruction
this condition. In many cases, a veterinarian is not treated, loss of appetite, weight loss,
will use an endoscope (a flexible tube with a and lethargy may occur. In addition, the
tiny camera at one end) to explore the foreign object can perforate the esophagus,
esophagus, search for foreign objects, and which may require surgery. An esophageal
assess the extent of tissue damage. stricture, which is a narrowing of the width
of the esophagus, is the most common
Mild inflammation may produce no visible complication of an esophageal foreign
signs and often requires no treatment. object. Aspiration pneumonia may also be
When seen, signs include regurgitation, seen if regurgitated material is inhaled into
drooling, repeated swallowing, pain, the lungs.
depression, lack of appetite, trouble eating,
or extension of the head or neck. If signs are Many foreign objects can be seen on x-rays.
present, drugs may be prescribed. For In some cases, a contrast esophagram (a
example, if the problem is caused by acid specialized test in which a dye that shows up
reflux (a cause of heartburn in people), drugs on x-rays is swallowed) or esophagoscopy
that reduce stomach acid can provide relief (examination of the esophagus with an
for your pet. Other prescription medications endoscope) is needed. If a foreign object is
increase muscle tone in the lower detected in the esophagus, it should be
esophagus, reducing the amount of acid removed immediately. Removal will depend
that escapes upward. Pain medications may on the object and on its current location. In
also be appropriate. Your veterinarian may many cases, your veterinarian will be able to
recommend feeding your pet a diet of soft remove the foreign object through the dog’s
food, low in fat and fiber, in small, frequent mouth, using a flexible endoscope and
meals. If inflammation is severe, a feeding forceps (large tweezers) or other
tube placed through the body wall into the instrument. If the object cannot be removed
stomach, bypassing the esophagus, may by mouth, sometimes it can be pushed into
need to be inserted to allow the esophagus the stomach where it can be digested,
passed in the feces, or removed via surgery. regurgitation, decreased appetite, fever,
Surgery is necessary if the esophagus has and lethargy. Affected dogs have an
been perforated or the foreign object increased risk of pneumonia caused by
cannot be removed using endoscopy; in breathing liquid or food into the lungs. The
these cases, the overall recovery rate has condition is diagnosed with x-rays and
been reported to be greater than 90%. contrast x-rays, which uses a swallowed dye
that shows up on the x-rays. Surgery to
Esophageal Diverticula removed the affected lung lobe and repair
the esophagus is necessary. The outlook
Diverticula are pouch-like expansions after surgery is good.
(dilations) of the esophageal wall. They can
be inherited or acquired. They are rare in Vomiting in Dogs
dogs. Small diverticula may cause no signs.
Large diverticula can trap food in the pouch, Vomiting is the forceful ejection of the
causing the dog to have trouble breathing contents (such as food, fluids, or debris) of
after eating, vomit, or stop eating. Contrast the stomach and upper small intestine. It is
x-rays can be used to diagnose the disorder. typically preceded by other signs, such as
Endoscopy (using a tiny video camera in a nausea, excessive drooling, retching, and
flexible fiber optic tube) can allow the forceful contractions of the abdominal
veterinarian to see the actual pouch and any muscles and the diaphragm. Vomiting can
ulceration or scarring that may be present. be caused by many disorders, including
digestive system disease, kidney or liver
Small diverticula can usually be treated with failure, pancreatitis, nervous system
a bland, soft food diet. The animal should disorders, and ingestion of irritating
also eat in an upright position (having the substances and poisons.
forelegs raised higher than the rear legs,
such as on a ramp or platform, and holding Vomiting differs from regurgitation, which
this position for a short period of time after is a passive motion that does not require
eating). Large diverticula require surgery effort or contraction of the abdominal
involving removal of the pouch and muscles. With regurgitation, the expelled
rebuilding of the esophageal wall. The food and fluid tends to be undigested and
outlook for recovery after surgery is fair to may have a cylindrical shape reflecting the
good. shape of the esophagus. Coughing or
difficulty breathing are more often
Brochoesophageal Fistula in Dogs associated with regurgitation than with
An abnormal connection between the
esophagus and the airway to the lungs is Short-term or even occasional vomiting is
called a bronchoesophagela fistula. It can generally not associated with other
rarely develop in dogs after foreign material abnormalities. Coughing or longterm,
penetrates the wall of the esophagus. It can repeated vomiting may be associated with
also be seen at birth, especially in Cairn weakness, lethargy, weight loss,
Terriers. The most common sign is coughing dehydration, and electrolyte (salt)
after eating or drinking. Other signs include imbalance. Whenever possible, vomiting is
controlled by identifying and eliminating Providing too much or too little water or
the cause, while allowing the digestive food during this time can hurt your pet.
system time to recover.
Chronic (Long-term) Vomiting
Acute (Short-term) Vomiting
Long-term vomiting, vomiting that occurs
When a dog has been vomiting for only a more often than once or twice daily, and
short time (less than 3 to 4 days) and no vomiting accompanied by blood, abdominal
other signs are present, your veterinarian’s pain, depression, dehydration, weakness,
examination may include a detailed history fever, weight loss, or other signs requires a
(including questions about your pet’s more detailed examination. In addition to
possible access to garbage or poisons), a blood, fecal, and urine tests as well as x-rays
physical examination (including the of the digestive system, endoscopic
abdomen), examination of the mouth, and a evaluation and biopsy of the stomach and
rectal examination (checking for evidence of small intestine may be required to
blood or eating inappropriate items). X-rays determine the nature of the disease. In
are also appropriate for most vomiting dogs addition, abdominal ultrasound, computed
because they can help identify life- tomography (CT), magnetic resonance
threatening diseases, such as an ingested imaging (MRI), or other specialized tests
foreign object. Blood, urine, and fecal tests may be necessary.
may also be appropriate. If nothing of
significance is found, treatment to relieve Treatment for long-term vomiting is
signs may be all that is needed. directed at elimination of the cause, if it can
be identified. In addition, your veterinarian
Generally, the treatment for short-term may need to treat conditions such as
vomiting requires withholding food and dehydration, electrolyte (salt) imbalances,
limiting access to water for 24 hours. and acid-base disorders that may have
However, water should never be withheld developed. Drugs to control vomiting can be
unless the dog is receiving supplemental prescribed for animals with persistent
fluids either under the skin (subcutaneously) vomiting, dehydration, and weakness. Your
or directly into the blood vessels veterinarian will evaluate your pet’s overall
(intravenous). Dehydration and other condition before prescribing any medication
internal abnormalities are expected with or treatment.
vomiting, and withholding water can
worsen these effects. Dehydrated animals Disorders of the Stomach and Intestines in
and animals with kidney or heart disease Dogs
may require intravenous fluids during this
time. If the vomiting has stopped after 24
hours, the dog may be offered small Diseases that affect the stomach and
amounts (for example, a teaspoonful) of intestines are common in dogs. They
easily digested food. If no further vomiting include infectious diseases such as bacterial,
occurs, feeding can usually be slowly viral, and parasitic diseases and
resumed. Follow the treatment directions noninfectious disorders, such as tumors,
provided by your veterinarian carefully. bloat, and obstruction.
Canine Parvovirus Infected dogs may not show signs of illness.
Clinical disease may be triggered by stress,
Canine parvovirus infection is a potentially such as improper nutrition or boarding, and
fatal viral disease that most often affects signs may be worsened by other infections
puppies or unvaccinated adult dogs. The of the digestive system. Prolonged contact
virus itself is resistant to a number of with a dog shedding high levels of virus
common disinfectants and may survive for increases the likelihood of becoming
several months or possibly years in infected. An infected dog may be
contaminated areas. Rottweilers, American contagious before the onset of signs.
Pit Bull Terriers, Doberman Pinschers,
English Springer Spaniels, and German Clinical signs of infection generally develop
Shepherds are at increased risk of disease, within 5 to 7 days but can range from 2 to 14
but any breed can be affected. With days. Initial signs may be nonspecific (eg,
appropriate treatment, 68%–92% of dullness, loss of appetite, fever) with
affected dogs will survive the virus. progression to vomiting and bloody
diarrhea within 1 to 2 days. Abdominal pain
The virus is transmitted by direct contact may be a sign the intestines have become
with infected dogs or feces. Indirect blocked, which requires emergency
transmission, such as from objects treatment. Severely affected animals may
contaminated by feces, is also an important be in shock. On the other hand, inapparent
source of infection. The virus is present in infection is also common. Most dogs
the feces for up to 3 weeks after infection. recover within a few days with appropriate
Recovered dogs may serve as carriers. supportive care; others can die within hours
of the onset of signs.
After entering the body through the mouth
or nose, the virus replicates and spreads to Diagnosis is based on the dog’s history and
the bloodstream. It attacks rapidly dividing signs and is confirmed by a positive fecal or
cells throughout the body, especially those blood test. The tests can also detect the
in the bone marrow, blood cell-producing newer strain of the virus known as CPV-2c.
tissue, and the lining of the small intestine. The fecal test, which detects viral protein,
Production of the virus in the intestinal may be negative despite infection if it is
lining causes severe damage and bloody done too early in the disease course. Thus,
diarrhea. Normal intestinal bacteria may your veterinarian may need to repeat the
enter the damaged tissue and the test if the history and signs support the likely
bloodstream, worsening the disease. presence of the virus.
Affected dogs can also have decreased
numbers of white blood cells, which Treatment and Control
normally protect the body from infections.
This allows for further damage by the virus There is no specific treatment to eliminate
and secondary bacterial infections. In young the virus. Most dogs recover with
puppies infection may also rarely involve the appropriate supportive care, which is
heart, leading to signs of heart failure focused on replacing lost fluids and
without digestive signs, such as diarrhea. electrolytes. Oral electrolyte solutions (used
to replace sodium and potassium that is lost
through the intestines) may be used in virus by being applied to the area after
mildly dehydrated dogs without a history of cleaning. The same solutions may be used
vomiting. More severely affected dogs will as footbaths to disinfect household
need intravenous fluids. Most dogs that footwear. Disinfection of hands, clothing,
survive the first 3 to 4 days of disease and the dog’s food and water bowls and toys
recover, usually within 1 week. Persistent is recommended.
vomiting can be controlled with prescription
medication. Antibiotics may be added in Vaccination is critical to prevent canine
cases where secondary bacterial infection is parvovirus infection. Vaccination of pups
likely to be present. should begin at 6 to 8, 10 to 12, and 14 to 16
weeks of age, followed by a booster 1 year
Follow your veterinarian’s instructions for later and then every 3 years. Follow your
your pet’s diet. It was previously thought veterinarian’s parvovirus vaccination
that food and water should be withheld until recommendations to protect your pet. In
vomiting has subsided. However, it is now addition, pups should be kept isolated from
known that providing nutrition earlier on is adult dogs returning from shows or field
associated with earlier improvement, trials.
weight gain, and improved gut function.
Therefore, veterinarians may place a As mentioned above, parvovirus can remain
feeding tube in dogs that will not eat on viable in the environment for a year or
their own. Once vomiting has stopped for longer. In a kennel, shelter, or veterinary
12–24 hours, frequent, small amounts of a hospital, cages and equipment should be
bland diet (such as cottage cheese and rice cleaned, disinfected, and dried twice before
or a prescription diet) can be slowly reuse. The same concepts can be applied to
introduced. If signs recur after feeding, a home situation. Removal of contaminated
contact your veterinarian for directions. If organic material is important in outdoor
food can be tolerated, the bland diet is areas where complete disinfection is not
usually continued for 1 or 2 weeks, after practical. Disinfectants can be applied
which the dog’s regular diet can be gradually outdoors with spray hoses, but they will be
reintroduced. less effective than when applied to clean,
indoor surfaces. In a home setting, only fully
To limit environmental contamination and vaccinated puppies or adult dogs should be
spread to other susceptible animals, dogs allowed into a home with a dog recently
with confirmed or suspected parvovirus diagnosed with parvovirus infection.
infection must be handled with strict
isolation routines (separate housing, Inflammation of the Large Intestine
protective gowns and gloves for handlers, (Colitis)
frequent and thorough cleaning of the area,
etc). Contaminated areas should be The large intestine (also called colon or large
thoroughly cleaned to remove visible dirt, bowel) helps maintain fluid and electrolyte
feces, and other organic matter. Household (salt) balance and absorb nutrients; it also
bleach (diluted to 1 part bleach to 30 parts temporarily stores feces and provides an
water) or commercial products labeled for environment for normal intestinal bacteria.
use against parvovirus can inactivate the When the colon is damaged by
inflammation, parasites, or other causes, added to the diet. Over time, the fiber dose
diarrhea is often the result. can be often be reduced or eliminated and a
standard dog food substituted without
Inflammation of the colon (called colitis) causing a return of the diarrhea. When
may be short- or longterm. In most cases, feeding is first resumed, you may be advised
the cause is unknown; bacterial, parasitic, to provide food with a type of protein that
traumatic, kidney-related, and allergic your dog has not previously eaten, such as
causes are suspected. Inflammation may be duck, lamb, kangaroo, or venison. This
the result of a defect in the function of the change is to reduce the chance that your pet
immune system in the colon. An will have an allergic reaction to the food
exaggerated reaction to dietary or bacterial proteins. There are several other types of
factors within the intestine, genetic diets that veterinarians can recommend for
predisposition, or results of previous longterm colitis.
infectious or parasitic disease have also
been implicated. Supplementing the diet with fiber improves
diarrhea in many animals. However, the
Animals with inflammation of the colon may addition of fiber alone will not usually
strain to defecate and may pass mucus- resolve signs of large-intestinal diarrhea in
laden feces, sometimes containing blood. dogs. To help the inflammation resolve
Feces are often of a small volume and a more rapidly, your veterinarian may add
more liquid consistency, with increased anti-inflammatory medication to the
frequency. Dogs often have accidents change in diet. An alternative or additional
because of increased urgency. Affected anti-inflammatory medications can be used
dogs can also have pain when defecating. in dogs that do not respond initially. Some
Weight loss and vomiting are rare and much animals require additional short-term use of
less common than in dogs with diseases of antidiarrheal medications until
the small intestine. Signs can come and go inflammation is brought under control, but
but tend to worsen with time. do not use these medications unless
recommended by a veterinarian. Anti-
If possible, the cause of the inflammation parasitic medications may also be
should be identified and eliminated. Your recommended.
veterinarian will conduct a physical
examination, followed by appropriate tests Longterm colitis is likely to improve initially,
(which may include taking blood, urine, and but signs frequently reoccur. Most dogs with
fecal samples, abdominal x-rays or inflammatory bowel disease cannot be
ultrasound, endoscopy, or biopsy, as cured and will need some form of longterm
needed). Treatment is based on the cause of treatment. Many of the inherited causes of
inflammation. longterm colitis have a poor outlook. Please
see Congenital and Inherited Disorders of
Follow your veterinarian’s the Digestive System of Dogs for more
recommendations for diet. You may be information.
asked to withhold food for 1 or 2 days to
“rest” the animal’s digestive system. Once How Can Fiber Help with Diarrhea?
feeding is resumed, dissolvable fiber may be
How Can Fiber Help with Diarrhea? also result because of neuromuscular
problems, which can be caused by
Dietary fiber reduces free water in the hypothyroidism, dysautonomia, spinal cord
feces, prolongs the length of time food is in disease, pelvic nerve dysfunction, or
the intestines (increasing the opportunity electrolyte abnormalities. Some drugs may
for the food to absorb water), absorbs cause constipation as a side effect.
poisons, increases fecal bulk, stretches the
smooth muscle of the colon, and improves Signs of constipation include straining to
the ability of the intestines to contract. defecate and the passage of firm, dry feces.
If the passage of feces is hindered by an
Constipation enlarged prostate or lymph nodes, the feces
may be thin or ribbon-like in appearance.
Constipation refers to difficult or infrequent Passed feces are often foul-smelling. Some
elimination of stool, which is usually dry and animals are quite ill and also have lethargy,
hard. It is a common problem in dogs. In depression, loss of appetite, vomiting, and
most instances, the problem is easily abdominal discomfort. Your veterinarian
corrected; however, in sicker animals, the can confirm the presence of retained fecal
condition can be severe. The longer feces matter by feeling the abdomen and
remain in the colon, the drier, harder, and performing a rectal examination.
more difficult to pass they become. Abdominal x-rays may help establish the
Obstipation is constipation that resists cause of fecal retention and indicate
treatment, in which the animal is unable to whether the feces contain foreign matter,
successfully defecate. such as bones. Be sure to tell your
veterinarian about any tendency your pet
Longterm constipation may be due to an has to eat bones, garbage, or other hard
obstruction inside the intestines, matter. Other tests may be needed in cases
constriction from outside the intestines, or of longterm constipation or obstipation.
because of neuromuscular problems with
the colon itself. Obstruction is most Affected dogs should receive plenty of
common and is due to the dog’s inability to water. Mild constipation can often be
pass poorly digestible, often firm matter treated by switching to a high-fiber diet,
(such as hair or bones) that has become keeping the dog from eating bones or other
mixed with fecal material. A lack of water objects, providing ready access to water,
intake or the reluctance to defecate on a and using appropriate laxatives (usually for
regular basis due to environmental stress or a short time only). If laxatives are
pain that occurs while defecating prescribed, they will be ones suitable for
contributes to the formation of hard, dry your pet. Laxatives formulated for humans
feces. In other cases, tumors may block the can be very dangerous for animals,
passage of feces. Constriction may be especially cats. In more severe cases of
caused by compression of the colon or constipation, a veterinarian can remove
rectum by a narrowed pelvic bone (for retained feces using enemas or manual
example, if a broken pelvis heals extraction while your pet is under general
incorrectly), an enlarged prostate gland or anesthesia. Complete removal of all feces
lymph nodes, or cancer. Constipation can may require 2 or 3 attempts over several
days. To prevent recurrence, veterinarians rays to diagnose stomach rotation, but
often recommend a high-fiber diet, easy other imaging techniques can be helpful.
access to water, and frequent opportunities
to defecate. Animals with longterm A successful outcome depends on prompt
constipation that does not respond to diet diagnosis and treatment by a veterinarian.
changes and medications may require The first goals of treatment are to stabilize
surgery. the animal and decompress the stomach.
The dog may require intravenous fluids to
Bloat counteract shock. The pressure within the
stomach will be relieved as soon as possible.
Bloat (also called gastric dilation and This may be done by passing a tube through
volvulus, or GDV) is a life-threatening the mouth into the stomach. Once the tube
emergency. It is caused by the twisting of enters the stomach, gas readily escapes.
the stomach along its axis and the Excess fluid and food can then be removed
accumulation of gas with or without fluid in via gravity and suction. After the stomach
the stomach. has been decompressed, the veterinarian
may rinse it with warm water or saline to
Bloat tends to primarily affect large, deep- remove any remaining debris. If a tube
chested dogs. Stress may trigger an acute cannot be passed into the stomach, excess
episode of bloat. Other risk factors include a gas may be relieved by inserting a large,
lean body size, aggressive or fearful hollow needle and catheter directly into the
behavior, once daily feedings, dry food diet, stomach through the skin.
and eating quickly. The incidence increases
with age. Doberman Pinschers, German Surgery is then performed to assess the
Shepherds, Standard Poodles, Great Danes, condition of the stomach and spleen, to
Saint Bernards, Irish Setters, Weimaraners, remove any dead tissue, to reposition the
Standard Poodles, Bassett Hounds, and stomach to its normal location, and to
Gordon Setters are affected most attach the stomach to the abdominal wall in
frequently. Dogs that have a parent, sibling, an attempt to decrease the likelihood that it
or offspring with the condition also have an will twist again. The spleen is removed in
increased risk. some cases. Food is usually withheld for 48
hours after surgery. Drugs may be
Dogs with bloat commonly have eaten a prescribed to control pain and vomiting, if
large meal followed by exercise and necessary.
repeated, unsuccessful attempts to vomit.
Signs of bloat may include restlessness, Complications of the surgery include
apparent discomfort, rapid breathing, abnormal heart rhythms (arrhythmias),
abdominal pain and swelling, repeated dry blood infections, severe inflammation of the
retching, and excessive drooling. Your lining of the abdomen (peritonitis), and a
veterinarian may note a rapid and weak serious clotting disorder called
pulse, pale mucous membranes, and other disseminated intravascular coagulation.
signs of shock. An irregular heart rate can Approximately 25%–30% of dogs die
also develop. Veterinarians usually use x- because of bloat. Immediately seek
veterinary care if your dog exhibits signs of
bloat; doing so can improve its chance of atrophic gastritis, and chronic hypertrophic
survival. gastropathy are disorders that cause
longterm gastritis.
If your dog has a tendency to develop bloat,
your veterinarian may recommend that it be The diagnosis is typically made by
fed smaller meals more frequently over the evaluating the dog's history, a physical
course of the day, rather than a few large examination, and response to treatment.
meals. Excessive exercise should be Blood, urine, and fecal tests may be
avoided, especially after eating, to decrease necessary, along with x-rays and/or an
the likelihood of bloat, and consumption of abdominal ultrasound. Visualizing the
large volumes of water after exercise should stomach with a long, flexible scope
be avoided to limit distention of the (endoscopy) and evaluating tissue samples
stomach. In addition, your veterinarian may may be necessary in dogs that have
recommend a surgical procedure to help longterm gastritis.
prevent bloat.
Treatment and control are the same as for
Inflammation of the Stomach (Gastritis) vomiting. The outlook depends on the cause
of the vomiting and the ability to stop or
Gastritis is sudden or longterm vomiting control it. Short-term gastritis often
caused by inflammation of the stomach. It responds well to fasting and avoiding
can be caused by eating something that further consumption of whatever triggered
irritates or injures the stomach lining, the condition. The outlook for longterm
infections, parasites, body-wide illnesses, gastritis is variable. Research is ongoing in
drugs, or poisons. In cases of acute gastritis, this area and trials of various diets and
the vomiting is sudden, and the vomited medications may provide new treatments in
material may contain evidence of whatever the coming years.
the pet ate (grass, for example). Bile, froth,
fresh blood, or digested blood that looks like Cancers of the Digestive System
coffee grounds may also be present.
Abdominal pain may be signaled by a dog Cancer of the digestive system is
that displays a “praying” position, with the uncommon, with stomach tumors
hindquarters raised and chest and forelegs representing less than 1% and intestinal
held close to the floor; this position appears tumors less than 10% of all cancers in small
to provide some relief. Excessive thirst is animals. The average age of dogs with
often followed by immediate vomiting in cancer of the digestive tract is 6–9 years old.
dogs with sudden gastritis. Diarrhea may Adenocarcinoma and lymphoma are seen
also be noted. Short-term or occasional most frequently. Belgian Shepherds have an
vomiting is generally not associated with increased risk for stomach cancer.
other abnormalities; however, longterm Colorectal tumors are more prevalent in
vomiting may be associated with weakness, Boxers, German Shepherds, Poodles, Great
lethargy, weight loss, dehydration, and Danes, and spaniels. No specific cause(s) has
electrolyte (salt) imbalance and acid-base been identified for most gastrointestinal
disorders. Lymphocytic-plasmacytic tumor types. Tumors in the digestive system
gastritis, eosinophilic gastritis, chronic in dogs tend to be malignant, which means
they are likely to be aggressive and to Gastrointestinal Obstruction
spread to other parts of the body.
In order for an animal to absorb the
Signs of a possible tumor vary depending on nutrients in its food, the food must move
the location and extent of the tumor and from the stomach into the intestines. The
associated consequences. Vomiting movement of food out of the stomach can
(sometimes with blood), diarrhea (also with be restricted or stopped due to tumors,
blood), lack of appetite, weight loss, and foreign objects, polyps, ulcers, and
lethargy are the most common signs. overgrowth of the stomach lining.
Constipation and straining to defecate are
more likely with colon or rectal cancers. Intestinal obstruction may be partial or
Abdominal pain and the accumulation of complete and may be caused by foreign
fluid in the abdomen can suggest that an objects, “telescoping” of the intestine
abdominal infection associated with the (called an intussusception), bloat,
rupture of an affected bowel has occurred. incarceration (such as being constricted in a
Dogs with gastrointestinal cancer may also hernia), certain infections, and tumors.
have signs of anemia, such as pale gums.
Causes of gastrointestinal obstruction in
A tumor may be detected by a veterinarian dogs
when feeling the abdomen and confirmed
by contrast x-rays (which use a specialized
dye that appears on the x-ray) or by
abdominal ultrasound. Bleeding of a tumor
may also be found during a rectal
examination. Biopsy samples may be taken
during abdominal surgery or, possibly,
endoscopy. Microscopic examination of the
biopsy by a pathologist can confirm the

Surgical removal is usually the preferred

treatment. Lymphoma within the digestive
tract is typically treated with chemotherapy.
Your veterinarian will also attempt to
determine the extent of spread of the
Signs of small-intestinal obstruction vary
cancer. The outlook can vary from excellent
depending on its cause, location, duration,
to poor, depending on the specific type of
and whether it causes partial or complete
tumor, whether it has spread to other
blockage of the intestinal contents. Signs
organs, the number of tumors present, and
usually include lethargy, loss of appetite,
whether all of the cancer can be removed.
and vomiting. Diarrhea, weight loss,
The outcome for malignant tumors is
abdominal pain, abdominal swelling, fever
usually poor, with an average survival of less
or subnormal body temperature,
than 6 months.
dehydration, and shock may also occur. The
dog may be unable to stop vomiting, which as string or thread is much more common in
can lead to life-threatening consequences. cats than in dogs, but when it occurs these
The intestines first become distended from objects can cause more damage than other
built-up gas. This is followed by the loss of types of foreign material.
blood supply to the intestines. Without
treatment, death from shock caused by fluid Examination of the abdomen can provide
loss may occur within a short period of time. the veterinarian with evidence of pain,
peritonitis, organ enlargement, thickened
Obstruction occurring near the beginning of bowel loops, or gas. A rectal examination
the intestines (closest to the stomach) tends can provide evidence of eating nonfood
to cause more severe and more frequent objects or blood. Abdominal x-rays may
vomiting. reveal foreign objects, masses, obstruction,
abdominal fluid, or bloat. Contrast x-rays or
Intussusception (telescoping of the ultrasonography are useful for diagnosing
intestines) may cause vomiting, abdominal intussusception and some foreign objects.
pain, and scant bloody diarrhea. Endoscopic examination employs a tiny
Intussusception is more common in young camera at the end of a flexible tube. This
dogs. procedure is useful in identifying foreign
objects or tumors in the stomach. If an
In intestinal incarceration, a loop of bowel obstruction is found, the veterinarian may
becomes stuck through a weak spot in the be able to use the endoscope to help remove
body wall (hernia), causing it to swell and the object. If the object cannot be removed
trap digested food inside. The dog will in this manner, surgery may be needed.
typically have abdominal pain that rapidly Veterinarians may take several sets of x-rays
progresses to shock. This occurs because over hours to days to see whether small,
the incarceration of the affected intestine smooth foreign objects can pass through
leads to bacterial growth within the the intestinal tract without surgery.
stagnant bowel loop and to tissue death, However, surgery is usually necessary to
leading to shock. alleviate the cause of gastrointestinal
Young, large-breed dogs are more likely to
have an obstruction caused by eating a Animals with general signs of illness, such as
foreign object. Many dogs with a history of weakness and dehydration, benefit from
eating inappropriate objects continue that intravenous fluids. Dogs with an obstruction
practice even after having experienced caused by eating a foreign object tend to do
discomfort in the past. When you take your well if diagnosed and treated quickly.
dog in for examination, be sure to tell the Animals with severe complications (such as
veterinarian about your pet’s eating habits abdominal infections or low protein counts)
and any access to string or yarn, fabric, are at higher risk for surgical failure.
sewing needles, or similar objects. If there Intussusceptions found near the stomach
are missing objects, such as toys, in your are associated with a high risk of death.
home, this information can be important
and should be reported to the veterinarian. Gastrointestinal Ulcers
Swallowing long, thin foreign objects such
Gastrointestinal ulcers can be caused by Animals with stomach ulcers may have no
several factors, including drugs, tumors, signs. In other cases, they can have a history
infections, and generalized diseases. The that includes vomiting, sometimes with
acids and digestive enzymes found within fresh or digested blood, and abdominal
the stomach break down food; the stomach discomfort. Dark stools stained with blood
lining must protect the rest of the stomach and pale gums suggesting anemia may be
from these potentially damaging processes. seen. Dogs may also have a decreased
Stomach ulcers result from a breakdown of appetite. Some signs may indicate the cause
the normal stomach lining and are of the ulcer (for example, signs related to
aggravated by an increase in hydrochloric kidney failure).
acid or pepsin (a digestive enzyme).
Conditions that lead to increased acid In dogs that have a history of vomiting,
production or that damage the stomach abdominal discomfort, loss of appetite, or
lining speed up ulcer formation. unexplained weight loss, there are several
tests that might be performed by your
Common Causes of Gastrointestinal Ulcers veterinarian in an attempt to diagnose the
in Dogs cause. These may include a complete blood
count, biochemical profile, urinalysis, and
Common Causes of Gastrointestinal evaluation for parasites. Additional blood
Ulcers in Dogs tests may also be necessary. Abdominal
ultrasound scans or x-rays may be used to
• Drugs—nonsteroidal anti- rule out other conditions. In cases in which
inflammatory drugs (such as the cause is unclear or in those with
aspirin, phenylbutazone, ibuprofen, apparent gastrointestinal disease,
meloxicam, carprofen, flunixin endoscopy and biopsy are often
meglumine, and firocoxib) and recommended.
• Cancer—lymphoma, The goal of ulcer management is to
adenocarcinoma, leiomyoma, determine the cause of the ulceration and
leiomyosarcoma, gastrinoma, and then eliminate or control it. Providing
mast cell tumor supportive care is also critical. Medication
• Disease of other organs or directed at the ulcer itself reduces gastric
systems—-kidney or liver disease, acidity, prevents further destruction of the
shock, low adrenal gland function, stomach lining, and promotes ulcer healing.
blood poisoning, spinal injury, and In general, treatment is continued for 6 to 8
pancreatitis weeks. Dietary management includes the
• Other causes—stomach outlet use of bland diets (often prescription food or
obstruction, inflammatory bowel chicken and rice). Antibiotics may be
disease, chronic stomach indicated for some dogs.
inflammation, stress, extreme
exercise Ideally, ulcer healing should be monitored
with endoscopy, although costs and the
animal’s tolerance for the procedure may
limit its use. If ulcers do not respond to
appropriate medical management, a biopsy predisposed breeds. Veterinarians may also
of the stomach and small bowel becomes recommend a culture of the feces. Other
necessary. Several biopsies may be needed tests may be required to rule out other
because obvious lesions may not be conditions that can cause similar signs.
apparent or may be located sporadically
throughout the gut. Most dogs respond to supportive veterinary
treatment, including fluid treatment and
The outlook for dogs with gastrointestinal antibiotics. Dogs may develop shock unless
ulcers is good. However, the outlook is poor fluid support is provided. Follow your
for those with ulcers associated with renal or veterinarian's recommendation for food and
liver failure and for animals with cancers, water. Serious complications are
such as stomach carcinoma and gastrinoma. uncommon, and most dogs recover from
If the ulcer extends through the stomach or hemorrhagic gastroenteritis.
intestinal wall, food and digestive fluids can
escape into the abdomen. As many as 70% Inflammatory Bowel Disease
of these dogs can die from this serious
complication. Inflammatory bowel disease is actually a
group of digestive system diseases that are
Hemorrhagic Gastroenteritis recognized by certain persistent signs (see
below) and by the presence of inflammation
Hemorrhagic gastroenteritis is without a known cause. The various forms of
characterized by a sudden onset of vomiting the disease are classified by their location
and bloody diarrhea in formerly healthy and the type of cell that is involved.
dogs. The cause is unknown, but it may
involve an abnormal response to bacteria. The cause of inflammatory bowel disease is
Dogs of either sex or any age may be unknown. Although food allergies are an
affected. Young, toy and miniature breeds unlikely cause in most cases, they may
of dogs appear to be predisposed to this contribute to the development of disease in
condition. Yorkshire Terriers, Miniature certain ways (such as causing inflammation
Pinschers, Miniature Poodles, Malteses, and through excessive allergic reactions to food,
Miniature Schnauzers may be more bacteria, or parasites inside the intestine).
frequently affected than other breeds. Inflammation damages the mucosal barrier
that protects the intestinal lining, making it
The disease is often seen in young dogs (an even more sensitive to antigens. Persistent
average of 5 years old) and is characterized inflammation results in thickening and other
by a sudden onset of vomiting and bloody changes in the lining of the intestine.
diarrhea, loss of appetite, abdominal pain,
and depression. The disease is not Inflammatory bowel disease appears to
contagious and may occur without obvious affect all ages, sexes, and breeds of dogs,
changes in diet, environment, or daily though it may be more common in German
routine. The severe vomiting and diarrhea Shepherds, Yorkshire Terriers, and Cocker
can lead to shock caused by dehydration. Spaniels. Some forms are more common in
The condition is diagnosed based on blood certain breeds, such as Soft-coated
tests and the presence of signs in Wheaten Terriers, Basenjis, Norwegian
Lundehunds, and Boxers. The average age are anti-inflammatory and suppress the
reported for the onset of disease signs is 6 immune system, are among the drugs most
years in dogs, but it may occur in dogs less often used in the management of
than 2 years old. Signs are often present inflammatory bowel disease. Anti-parasitic
over long periods and sometimes come and drugs, certain antibiotics, vitamin
go. Vomiting, diarrhea, changes in appetite, supplementation, or other anti-
and weight loss may occur. Vomiting, dark inflammatory drugs may also be
stools, and abdominal pain are often seen recommended.
with ulcers and erosion of the stomach and
upper portion of the small intestine. If the Your veterinarian may recommend feeding
condition causes excessive protein loss in your pet a hypoallergenic or elimination
the feces (protein-losing enteropathy), diet. This means providing your pet with a
signs include weight loss, vomiting, new source of protein and other changes.
diarrhea, swollen abdomen, and fluid The recommended diet may be
retention. Signs of large-intestinal diarrhea, homemade—such as a diet of lamb and rice
including loss of appetite and watery or venison and rice—or commercial.
diarrhea are common. Commercial diets with these ingredients are
usually available from veterinary clinics
Inflammatory bowel disease can be difficult rather than commercial outlets. The new
to diagnose because many of its signs are diet should be the only source of food for a
found in other diseases as well. minimum period (often 4 to 6 weeks), and
Veterinarians often use blood, urine, and no treats of any kind should be fed unless
fecal tests to rule out other diseases and to approved by the veterinarian. Dogs with
identify complications, such as low levels of large-intestinal diarrhea may benefit from
protein or electrolytes. An abdominal diets high in fiber. However,
ultrasound may help to identify abnormal supplementation of dietary fiber alone is
sections of the digestive tract. Intestinal rarely effective in severe cases. Your
changes caused by the disease may be seen veterinarian will prescribe a diet that is
using an endoscope in some cases. Tissue tailored to your pet, its previous diet, and
biopsies obtained with an endoscope or the severity of the disease.
surgery are necessary for the diagnosis of
inflammatory bowel disease. The response to treatment varies between
animals, and the outlook is uncertain. The
The goals of treatment are to reduce dog's quality of life may be poor. Animals
diarrhea and vomiting, promote weight with low protein levels, severe changes on
gain, and decrease intestinal inflammation. tissue biopsies, or scar tissue in the digestive
If a cause can be identified (such as diet or tract tend to do worse than those without
parasites), it should be eliminated. these changes. Relapses of signs are
Modifying the diet, without other common and are often triggered by diet
treatment, may be effective in some cases. changes.
In other cases, changes in diet can enhance
medical treatment, allowing for the drug Malabsorption
dosage to be reduced or discontinued once
signs improve. Glucocorticoids, drugs that
Malabsorption is poor absorption of a consumption of non-food items, or other
nutrient resulting from interference with its sensitivity. Weight loss may indicate
digestion, absorption, or both. Interference malabsorption or protein-losing disease but
with food digestion in dogs is typically due may also be due to loss of appetite,
to lack of certain enzymes from the vomiting, or a non-digestive disease. There
pancreas, called exocrine pancreatic are certain features that help distinguish
insufficiency, whereas most cases of small-intestinal diarrhea from large-
absorption failure are caused by small intestinal diarrhea. Suspected large
intestinal disease. intestine disease in dogs may be further
evaluated by a biopsy of the intestinal lining.
The signs of malabsorption are mainly due However, if signs are accompanied by
to lack of nutrient uptake and loss of weight loss or large volumes of feces, then
nutrients in the feces. Signs typically include the small intestine is probably also affected.
longterm diarrhea, weight loss, and altered Initial tests usually include blood, urine, and
appetite (loss of appetite or excessive fecal tests, x-rays, and an abdominal
eating). However, diarrhea may be absent ultrasound. Specialized blood tests and
even when disease is severe. Weight loss tissue biopsies may also be necessary.
may be substantial despite a good appetite,
sometimes characterized by eating of feces Treatment of malabsorption involves
or non-food objects. Dogs with dietary change, management of
malabsorption usually appear healthy in complications, and treatment of the cause,
other respects unless there is severe if it can be identified. If malabsorption is
inflammation or cancer. Nonspecific signs caused by exocrine pancreatic insufficiency,
may include dehydration, anemia, dark treatment involves feeding a special low-
blood in the stools, or fluid retention. A fiber diet that contains moderate levels of
veterinarian may be able to detect fat or highly digestible fat, very digestible
thickened bowel loops or enlarged carbohydrate, and high-quality protein.
abdominal lymph nodes. Supplementation with pancreatic extract to
provide missing enzymes is also necessary.
Diagnosing malabsorption can be complex, If the dog’s response to pancreatic
because longterm diarrhea and weight loss replacement treatment is poor, small-
are signs that are common in several intestinal bacterial overgrowth may be
diseases, including malabsorption. An exact suspected. In this case, the dog may be
diagnosis may take more than a single visit. treated with oral antibiotics for about 1
A thorough examination is needed for dogs month to reduce the bacterial overgrowth.
with signs of malabsorption to determine Effective treatment of small-intestinal
whether the signs are caused by an disease depends on the nature of the
underlying generalized or metabolic disorder, but when a specific diagnosis
disease. Certain tests can help determine cannot be made, treatments may be given
whether the signs are due to a condition on a trial basis.
such as inflammatory bowel disease (see
above), liver disease, or parasites. The dog’s Dietary modification is an important aspect
history is particularly important because it of the management of small intestinal
may suggest a specific food allergy, disease. Your veterinarian may recommend
feeding your pet an exclusion diet consisting infected dogs that do not show signs of
of a single protein source (one to which your infection (carriers) as well as from dogs that
dog has not previously been exposed) as a show signs of the illness. This disease can be
test when dietary sensitivity is suspected. It transmitted to humans. Animals, including
is very important that you provide the dogs (especially those recently adopted
special diet and prescribed medication(s) for from shelters), and wild animals maintained
your pet exactly as instructed. Often, in captivity can serve as sources of human
owners are tempted to provide a “special infection.
treat” not on the diet even though they have
been instructed not to do so. Failure to Exposure to feces of infected animals and
follow the prescribed diet can delay food- or waterborne transmission appear to
diagnosis and delay the treatment their pet be the most common routes of infection.
needs. Owners can reward their pets during One suspected source of infection for pets
this time with petting, a new blanket or and people is eating undercooked poultry
suitable toy, or some other reward that is and other raw meat or dairy products. Wild
not food. Often the best reward for the pet birds also may be important sources of
is extended periods of attention. water contamination.

The outlook is good for dogs with Typical signs include mucus-laden, watery,
malabsorption if there is a simple cause. For or bile-streaked diarrhea (with or without
example, 85% of dogs with exocrine blood). Fever may also be present.
pancreatic insufficiency will respond well to Intermittent diarrhea may persist for more
treatment with pancreatic enzymes. The than 2 weeks; in some, the intermittent
outlook is worse for dogs with severe small diarrhea may continue for months. The
intestinal disease, cancer, fluid retention diarrhea appears to be most severe in young
caused by low protein levels, severe weight dogs. The bacteria may also cause a
loss, low blood levels of vitamin B12, or a lack pregnant dog to miscarry her unborn
of appetite. puppies. To diagnose campylobacteriosis, a
veterinarian will test the animal’s feces and
Disorders Caused by Bacteria in the blood for evidence of infection.
Digestive System of Dogs
To choose an appropriate antibiotic,
Certain bacteria may cause gastrointestinal veterinarians must determine which species
disease in dogs. The most common of these of Campylobacter or Arcobacter is present.
are discussed below. Unfortunately, some dogs will remain as
carriers for the bacteria even after antibiotic
Campylobacter Infection treatment. Therefore, cleaning of the
environment and frequently testing of the
Gastrointestinal campylobacteriosis is a stool is necessary.
bacterial disease. It is caused by related
bacteria of the Campylobacter and Also see professional content regarding
Arcobacter genera. These organisms, along campylobacter infection.
with a number of other species of
Campylobacter, can be isolated from
Helicobacter Infection Many species of Salmonella bacteria can
cause gastrointestinal illness. A Salmonella
In humans, Helicobacter pylori bacteria have infection can cause severe blood poisoning
been associated with stomach (septicemia) or inflammation of the
inflammation, ulcers, and stomach cancer. intestine. The disease is infrequent in dogs.
Although H. pylori has not been found in Infected dogs are often carriers of
dogs, several other species of Helicobacter Salmonella: they do not show any signs of
have been isolated. So far, it is not known disease but can intermittently spread it to
whether the bacteria causes inflammation others.
in the stomach. It is rarely associated with
gastrointestinal ulcers. Whether their When disease is seen, it is often associated
presence predisposes the infected animal to with hospitalization, another infection or
food allergies, inflammatory bowel disease, disease in adult dogs, or exposure to large
or cancer is also not yet known. All of the numbers of the bacteria in puppies. Signs
dogs in some studies tested positive for include sudden diarrhea and blood
Helicobacter infections. poisoning. Pneumonia may be evident.
Salmonella infection is likely to cause
Several tests, including biopsy of the miscarriage in pregnant dogs. Diagnosis is
stomach lining, may be used by your based on signs of disease and on the
veterinarian to diagnose the presence of the laboratory examination of feces or tissues.
bacteria. Confirming the diagnosis requires
culturing the bacteria in a laboratory. Early treatment is essential for blood
Several types of antibiotics have been used poisoning. In many cases, antibiotics are
to treat the infection in dogs. In many cases, given intravenously. Fluids may be given
however, the bacteria recur. Whether this is intravenously as well. The intestinal form of
due to reinfection or failure of the the disease is difficult to treat effectively.
antibiotics to completely eliminate them Antibiotics are not always recommended,
following treatment is not known. Some due to concerns about the development of
dogs vomited less after treatment, even antibiotic resistant bacteria, as well as
when the bacteria remained. concerns about the effects of antibiotics on
normal intestinal bacteria of dogs. Although
It is possible that dogs could pass the signs of disease may disappear,
Helicobacter species to humans. Although eliminating the bacteria from the body is
the extent of the risk is unknown, it is difficult, particularly in adult dogs.
prudent for pet owners to practice good
hygiene (e.g,.washing hands after petting a Because of the above problems, it is
dog and not allowing a dog to lick a person's particularly important to follow your
face). veterinarian’s directions carefully if your pet
is infected with Salmonella. The medication
Also see professional content regarding selected and both the timing of the doses
Helicobacter infection. and the duration of treatment are important
in eliminating the infection.
Salmonella Infection
Salmonella can be transmitted from dogs to Gastrointestinal Parasites of Dogs
humans, so care should be taken to avoid
contact with feces from an infected dog. Many parasites can infect the digestive
system of dogs (see Table 6:
Also see professional content regarding Gastrointestinal Parasites of Dogs). The
salmonella infection. most common ones are described below.
Some gastrointestinal parasites of dogs can
Tyzzer Disease also cause disease in people (see Table 7:
Gastrointestinal Parasites of Dogs and Cats
Tyzzer disease is an infection caused by the That Also Infect People).
bacterium Clostridium piliforme. It affects a
wide range of animals; however, the disease Roundworms
is rare in dogs. Infection most likely results
from oral exposure to infective spores from The large roundworms known as ascarids
the environment or contact with affected or are common in dogs, especially in puppies.
carrier animals. The bacteria primarily affect The most important species is Toxocara
cells in the intestine, liver, and heart. The canis, not only because its larvae may
disease most often affects young, healthy migrate in people, but also because
animals that are subjected to stress. In some infections are common. Fatal infections
species, the disease occurs along with other may occasionally be seen in young pups.
diseases, such as distemper and mycotic Toxascaris leonina is typically much less
pneumonia in dogs. common and is generally seen in older dogs.

Signs vary, but may include decreased In puppies, infection with Toxocara canis
activity, loss of appetite, fever, jaundice, usually occurs by transfer into the
and diarrhea. Before death, there are developing fetus through the placenta. The
convulsions and coma. A diagnosis of Tyzzer worms can be found in the intestines of the
disease is based on laboratory examination puppies as early as 1 week after birth. Pups
of feces or tissue samples for the presence may also be infected while nursing. If pups
of the bacteria. Blood tests can also be used less than 3 months old eat the eggs that
to look for the presence of antibodies have been in the environment for at least 4
against the bacteria. Little is known about weeks, the eggs hatch, releasing larvae that
the effectiveness of antibiotics for penetrate the intestinal wall. The larvae
treatment; some antibiotics are known to migrate through the liver, reach the lungs
aggravate the disease. Dogs suspected of via the bloodstream, are coughed up,
being infected may be treated with swallowed, and mature to egg-producing
intravenous fluids and appropriate adults in the small intestine. Many larvae
antibiotics. will be carried by the bloodstream to other
parts of the dog’s body and remain in the
tissues of the dog for years in an inactive
form. If immune system suppression occurs,
these larvae can become active.
Normally, adult dogs have some resistance Because people, especially children, can
to infection. However, during the period become infected with roundworms, it is
around the birth of a litter, the immunity of important to practice good hygiene (e.g.,
the female dog to infection is partially prompt removal of feces and washing
suppressed, and the inactive larvae become hands) in potentially contaminated areas or
active, crossing the placenta to the pups and around affected dogs.
sequestering in the mammary tissue, where
they are transmitted in the colostrum and Hookworms
milk. Due to immune system suppression at
the time of whelping, active infections may Several types of hookworms can cause
occur in the pregnant dog, with substantial disease in dogs. Ancylostoma caninum is the
numbers of eggs passed in the feces. principal cause of canine hookworm disease
in most tropical and subtropical areas of the
The first indication of infection in young world. Ancylostoma braziliense infects dogs
animals is lack of growth and loss of and is sparsely distributed from Florida to
condition. Infected animals have a dull coat North Carolina and along the Gulf Coast in
and often appear “potbellied.” Worms may the United States. It is also found in Central
be vomited and are often passed in the and South America and Africa. Uncinaria
feces. In the early stages, migrating larvae stenocephala is the principal canine
may cause pneumonia, which can be hookworm in cooler regions. It is the
associated with coughing. Diarrhea with primary canine hookworm in Canada and
mucus may be evident. Infection in dogs and the northern fringe of the United States, but
cats is diagnosed by detection of the it is found with frequency across the
roundworm eggs in feces using a country.
Hookworm eggs are first passed in the feces
There are a number of compounds available 15 to 20 days after infection. They hatch in 1
for treating roundworm infections in dogs. to 3 days when deposited on warm, moist
Certain preventive programs for heartworm soil. Transmission may result when larvae
infection also control intestinal roundworm are ingested or, in the case of A. caninum,
infections. Transmission of infection from from the colostrum or milk of infected dogs.
mother to newborn can be greatly reduced Infections with Ancylostoma species can
by a program of antiparasitic drugs given also result from larval invasion through the
during pregnancy and after the birth of a skin. Skin penetration in young pups is
litter. Otherwise, the pups should be treated followed by migration of the larvae through
as early as possible. Ideally, treatment the blood to the lungs, where they are
should be given 2 weeks after birth and coughed up and swallowed to mature in the
repeated at 2- to 3-week intervals to 2 small intestine. However, in animals more
months of age, then monthly to 6 months of than 3 months old, larvae may remain in the
age. Nursing dogs should be treated on the body tissues in a state of arrested
same schedule as their pups. Your development. These larvae are activated
veterinarian will prescribe the appropriate after removal of adult worms from the
medication for this infection. intestine or during pregnancy, when they
accumulate in the small intestine or anemia and death from infections acquired
mammary glands of the mother. from nursing may be seen in young pups
before eggs are passed in their feces. This
Anemia in young puppies is the can occur as early as 1 or 2 weeks of age.
characteristic, and often fatal, sign of
Ancylostoma caninum hookworm infection. A number of drugs and drug combinations
The anemia is the result of the bloodsucking are approved for treatment of hookworm
and the bleeding internal wounds that occur infections. In addition, many heartworm
when these hookworms shift their internal medications also control certain species of
feeding sites in the small intestine, leaving hookworms. When anemia is severe, blood
open wounds in their wake. Surviving transfusion or supplemental iron may be
puppies develop some immunity and show needed, followed by a high-protein diet until
less severe signs. Nevertheless, the blood hemoglobin level is normal.
malnourished and weakened animals may
continue to grow poorly and suffer from When newborn pups die from hookworm
longterm anemia. Mature, well-nourished infection, subsequent litters from the same
dogs may harbor a few worms without mother should be treated weekly for
showing signs; these dogs are often the hookworms for about 12 weeks beginning at
direct or indirect source of infection for 2 weeks of age. In addition, your
pups. Diarrhea with dark, tarry feces veterinarian may prescribe daily medication
accompanies severe infections. Anemia, for pregnant dogs from day 40 of pregnancy
loss of appetite, weight loss, and weakness to day 2 after whelping. This greatly reduces
develop in longterm disease. Pneumonia the transmission of the disease to the pups
may occur in pups with overwhelming through nursing. Your veterinarian will
infections, making breathing difficult. prescribe the most appropriate medication
program for your dog.
Neither of the other common species of
hookworms tends to cause anemia. Female dogs should be free of hookworms
However, blood fluid loss around the site of before breeding and kept out of
attachment in the intestine may reduce contaminated areas during pregnancy.
blood protein by greater than 10%. Housing and bedding for pregnant and
Dermatitis or inflammation of the skin nursing dogs must be sanitary and cleaned
(particularly in the spaces between the toes) regularly. Consult your veterinarian about
due to larval invasion of the skin may be any special disinfectants to add to cleaning
seen with Uncinaria stenocephala. solutions or laundry water. For outside
activities, concrete runways that can be
A diagnosis can often be made from the washed at least twice a week in warm
identification of hookworm eggs upon weather are best. Sunlit clay or sandy
microscopic examination of fresh feces from runways can be decontaminated with
infected dogs. Even though infections may sodium borate.
be severe, eggs will not typically be seen on
fecal examinations of pups prior to 16 days Whipworms
(the length of time needed for a new
infection to produce eggs). Thus, severe
Adult whipworms (Trichuris vulpis) in dogs Most urban dogs eat prepared foods and
are typically found in the colon and cecum, a have restricted access to natural prey. These
part of the large intestine. They attach dogs may acquire Dipylidium caninum (the
themselves firmly to the intestinal wall. common tapeworm of dogs and cats) from
Eggs are passed in the feces and become eating fleas. Suburban, rural, and hunting
infective in about 4 to 8 weeks. Under ideal dogs have more access to various small
conditions, whipworm eggs can remain mammals, in addition to raw meat and offal
dormant in the environment for several from large mammals. The possibility of
years, unless they become dried out. Once exposure to a number of different
infective eggs are ingested, larvae develop tapeworm species can be expected in such
in the small intestine and then move to the dogs and typically are Taenia species or
cecum and colon, where the adults mature. Echinococcus granulosus. Other species of
tapeworms that may infect dogs include
No signs are seen in light infections, but as Spirometra mansonoides and
the number of worms increases the cecum Diphyllobothrium and Mesocestoides
and colon can become inflamed, which can species.
cause diarrhea and weight loss. Fresh blood
might be seen in the feces in heavy Signs of infection vary from a failure to
infections and anemia may also result. digest and absorb food normally, malaise,
irritability, variable appetite, and shaggy
Because whipworm eggs take a month to coat to colic and mild diarrhea. There may
become infective, whipworms can be be no signs in mild cases. In rare cases,
controlled with good sanitation. Prompt telescoping of the intestine
removal and proper disposal of feces is (intussusception), emaciation, and seizures
critical. Whipworms are susceptible to are seen. Diagnosis is based on finding
drying; therefore, keeping the dog in an tapeworm segments or eggs in the feces or
environment that is clean and dry reduces stuck to the hair around the anus.
the risk of infection considerably. For this
reason, kenneled dogs should be Control of tapeworms requires both
maintained on concrete slabs, and never on treatment and prevention. Even confined
dirt. A variety of medications—including dogs can contract Dipylidium caninum
some monthly drugs that prevent infections because it can cycle through fleas. Thus, flea
with other parasites like heartworms—are control is the critical preventive step even
available for treating whipworm infections. for indoor dogs. Animals that roam freely
Your veterinarian will choose one that is usually become reinfected by eating dead or
appropriate for your dog. prey animals. Preventing such feeding will
limit exposure to other tapeworm species.
Tapeworms An accurate diagnosis will enable the
veterinarian to provide effective advice on
Several types of tapeworms—properly treating the infection and preventing
known as cestodes—may infect dogs. Adult reinfection.
tapeworms are segmented worms found in
the intestines of dogs. They rarely cause Flukes
serious disease.
Flukes (also called trematodes) are a class of
parasites that can infect dogs and many
other types of animals (see Table: Flukes
That Infect Dogs). They have a complex life
cycle that can involve multiple intermediate


Flukes That Infect Dogs

Intestinal Flukes

In general, intestinal flukes do not cause

illness unless there are large numbers of
flukes. Heavy infections can cause intestinal
inflammation, especially of the small
intestine. Several antiparasitic medications
are effective against intestinal flukes.
Consult your veterinarian about preventing
fluke infections in your pet as the risk of
infection varies greatly in different parts of
the world.

Liver Flukes

Flukes in the bile ducts and gallbladder

cause mild to severe liver disease (fibrosis).
Various species of flukes have been reported
from the liver of dogs in most parts of the
world. Infections are generally uncommon.
Mild infections may pass unnoticed.
However, in severe infections, dogs may
develop progressive weakness, ending in
complete exhaustion and death in some
Table 6. Gastrointestinal Parasites of Dogs
Common Name How Contracted Signs Control and
(Scientific PreventionUnable to find
Name) ViewModel builder for
Esophageal Dogs eat Most show no signs. When In areas where the worm is
worm intermediate host present, signs include common (southern US,
(Spirocerca lupi ) (dung beetle) or weight loss, coughing, and tropics), dogs should be
transport host trouble breathing. When prevented from eating dung
(chickens, reptiles, severe, dog has difficulty beetles, frogs, mice, lizards,
rodents) swallowing and may vomit or other small animals, and
repeatedly after trying to not fed raw chicken scraps.
eat. Occasionally, death
from rupture of aorta
damaged by worms.
Diagnosed by microscopic
fecal examination,
endoscopy, and x-rays.
Hookworms Eating infective A. caninum—Anemia that Puppies should be dewormed
(Ancylostoma larvae, can be fatal and poor on multiple occasions in the
caninum, A. transmission growth of puppies; in first 3 months of life. Some
braziliense, during nursing, or severe cases diarrhea with monthly heartworm
Uncinaria by direct skin dark, tarry stools. Often preventives also control
stenocephala) penetration no signs, particularly with hookworms. Housing areas
other hookworm for pregnant dogs and
infections. Diagnosed by puppies should be free of
microscopic fecal contamination and cleaned
examination. regularly.
Roundworms T. canis— Often no signs. Diarrhea, Puppies should be dewormed
(Toxocara canis, commonly passed poor growth, or a on multiple occasions, during
Toxascaris from mother to distended, swollen the first 6 months of life.
leonina) pups through the abdomen; worms may be Mothers should be treated
placenta. Also passed in feces or vomit. prior to giving birth to reduce
acquired during Most often diagnosed by transmission to pups.
nursing. Both microscopic fecal Monthly heartworm
parasites acquired examination. preventives will also prevent
by ingestion of
eggs or transport
Table 7 Gastrointestinal Parasites of Dogs
and Cats That Also Infect People
Species Comments
Strongyloides stercoralis Caution should be exercised in handling infected dogs.
Disease is more likely to be severe if the person has a
weakened immune system.
Roundworms (Toxicara canis Most infected people show no symptoms, but fever, a
and T. cati) persistent increase in eosinophils, and an enlarged liver
(sometimes with lung involvement) may occur. These signs
result from a condition known as visceral larva migrans,
which occurs when roundworm larvae migrate through
different organs. Rarely, a larva may settle in the retina of
the eye and impair vision, resulting in a condition known as
ocular larva migrans. Because the eggs adhere to many
surfaces and become mixed in soil and dust, strict hygiene
should be observed by people (especially children) exposed
to potentially contaminated animals or areas. The risk of
infection is greater if puppies or kittens are in the
Hookworms (Ancylostoma The infective larvae of canine hookworms, particularly
braziliense; less of an issue those of A. braziliense, may penetrate and wander under the
with A. caninum, A. skin of people and cause cutaneous larva migrans.
tubaeforme and Uncinaria
Tapeworms (cestodes, These tapeworms can be contracted by humans in
Echinococcus and some association with infected dogs. Eggs are passed in dog
Taenia species) feces. Disease in people depends on where the intermediate
stage goes in the body.
Tapeworms (cestodes, This tapeworm of dogs and cats occasionally infects people.
Dipylidium caninum) Infection occurs when the person accidentally ingests a dog
or cat flea containing the parasite. Infection in the intestine
is not generally harmful but the eggs or worm segments can
be seen in the feces.
Table 8. Flukes That Infect Dogs
Class Species (Common Name) How Contracted Signs
Intestinal Nanophyetus salmincola Dogs eat Heavy infection causes
flukes (Salmon poisoning fluke), intermediate host intestinal inflammation.
found in northwestern US, (raw or improperly Infection is compounded by
southwestern Canada, and prepared salmon rickettsial infection carried
other countries in the and similar fish) by flukes (salmon
northern Pacific Rim poisoning disease).
Alaria species, found in Dogs eat Heavy infection can cause
North America, Europe, intermediate hosts bleeding in the lungs or
Australia, and Japan. (frogs, snakes, inflammation of the
mice) intestines (enteritis).
Heterobilharzia americana, Dogs are infected Heavy infection can cause
found in southeastern US by a stage shed into lethargy, weight loss,
water by snails (the vomiting, and diarrhea.
intermediate host) “Water dermatitis” may be
seen where parasites enter
the skin.
Liver Opisthorchis species, found Dogs eat Longterm presence causes
flukes in eastern Europe, parts of intermediate hosts thickening and fibrosis of
Asia; Clonorchis sinensis is including certain bile and pancreatic duct
closely related snails and fish walls. Severe cases have
been associated with cancer
in the liver or pancreas.
Metorchis species, found in Dogs eat Seldom causes disease.
North America, Europe, intermediate hosts
former Soviet Union (certain raw or
undercooked fish
and snails)

Disorders Caused by Protozoa in the inflammation of the large intestine, which

Digestive System of Dogs leads to persistent diarrhea. Amebiasis is
common in tropical and subtropical areas
Protozoa are single-celled organisms that worldwide. Its prevalence has declined in
can sometimes cause disease. They may be the US over the past several decades, but
free-living or parasites. Some of the more the disease is still important in many tropical
common diseases caused by protozoa in areas, particularly in times of disasters. It is
dogs are discussed below. common in people, sometimes seen in dogs
and cats, and rare in other mammals.
Amebiasis Humans are the natural host for this species
and are the usual source of infection for
Amebiasis is a disease caused by the domestic animals. Dogs become infected by
amoeba Entamoeba histolytica. It causes ingesting food or water contaminated with
feces that contain infective cysts, which are Also see professional content regarding
a dormant form of the parasite. amebiasis.

Entamoeba histolytica lives inside the large Coccidiosis

intestine and will sometimes produce no
obvious signs; on the other hand, it can Coccidiosis is an invasion and destruction of
invade the intestinal lining and produce intestinal tissues by any of several protozoa.
inflammation, wounds, and bleeding. In Dogs can be infected with species of
short-term disease, severe diarrhea may Isospora, Hammondia, and Sarcocystis
develop. This disease may be fatal, become protozoa, with Isospora as the most
long-lasting, or improve spontaneously. common. It can cause illness in dogs but
Signs in longterm cases include weight loss, while infections are relatively common,
loss of appetite, straining to defecate, and most infected dogs show no signs.
diarrhea. Any of these signs may be
continuous or may come and go. In addition Coccidia tend to infect dogs or puppies that
to the large intestine, the infecting have been weakened in some way.
amoebae may invade skin around the anus, Therefore, signs of illness caused by
genitals, liver, brain, lungs, kidneys, and coccidiosis are most prevalent under
other organs. Signs may resemble those of conditions of poor nutrition, poor
other diseases of the large intestine. The sanitation, or overcrowding, or after
disease is more severe in animals or people stresses, such as weaning. Infection results
that have a suppressed immune system. when a dog ingests infective eggs (oocysts).
These oocysts enter the environment in the
The disease is diagnosed by the presence of feces of an infected dog, but they are unable
active or dormant E. histolytica in feces. The to cause infection until they develop further
parasites may be difficult to detect because under the right environmental conditions.
they are not always present in the feces,
especially if infection has occurred outside The most common signs of infection in
of the intestine. In some cases, your severe cases are diarrhea (sometimes
veterinarian may examine the large bloody), weight loss, and dehydration. The
intestine directly using specialized veterinarian will combine the results of fecal
instruments. This procedure is called a examinations with observations of signs and
colonoscopy. A test is available for the intestinal abnormalities to confirm the
identification of the amoeba in humans and diagnosis.
may be used for diagnosis in dogs and other
animals. Infection usually ends on its own within a
few weeks unless reinfection occurs.
Medication may be prescribed to treat this Medication may lessen the likelihood of
illness, although the effectiveness of reinfection and spread. Sick dogs should be
treatment has not been fully evaluated. isolated to prevent exposure of other
Dogs may continue to shed amoebae in the animals.
feces even after drug treatment. Be sure to
follow treatment and care instructions fully. Sanitation is important, especially in
kennels or where large numbers of dogs are
housed. Feces should be removed diarrhea is unusual, and blood is usually not
frequently and fecal contamination of feed present in feces. Occasionally vomiting
and water should be prevented. Runs, occurs. Giardiasis causes malabsorption of
cages, and utensils should be disinfected nutrients and must be distinguished from
daily. Raw meat should not be fed. Insect other conditions that also affect the dog’s
control is also important. ability to absorb nutrients properly. A
diagnosis is usually made by identification
Also see professional content regarding of Giardia cysts or Giardia antigen in stool
coccidiosis. samples.

Giardiasis To treat giardiasis, your veterinarian will

likely prescribe a drug or combination of
Giardiasis is a long term, intestinal protozoal drugs that are effective against protozoa. A
infection caused by species of Giardia. It is vaccine is available for dogs in some
seen worldwide in most domestic and wild countries. Some studies indicate that the
mammals, many birds, and people. vaccine may reduce signs as well as the
Infection is common in dogs. Giardia has number and length of time cysts are shed
been reported to be found in up to 39% of into the environment.
fecal samples from pet and shelter dogs,
with a higher rate of infection in younger Giardia cysts in the feces are a source of
animals. infection and reinfection for dogs,
particularly those in crowded conditions
Giardia protozoa live in the small intestine, such as kennels. Prompt removal of feces
where they attach and multiply. They from cages, runs, and yards limits
produce cysts that are passed in the feces. environmental contamination. Cysts are
Transmission occurs when a dog eats these inactivated by disinfectants, such as
cysts, either through contact with an quaternary ammonium compounds,
infected dog or a contaminated household bleach (1 part bleach to 16 or 32
environment. Shedding of cysts by an parts water), steam, and boiling water. To
infected dog may be continuous over increase the effectiveness of disinfectant
several days and weeks but is often treatment, solutions should be left for 5 to
intermittent. It is currently unclear whether 20 minutes before being rinsed off kennel or
the same species of Giardia can infect both run surfaces. Disinfection of grass yards or
domestic animals and people. It appears runs is impossible, and these areas should
that some Giardia species can infect a be considered contaminated for at least 1
variety of mammals, while others only infect month after infected dogs last had access.
a single species. Cysts are susceptible to drying, so areas
should be allowed to dry thoroughly after
Giardia infection in dogs sometimes causes cleaning. Shampooing and rinsing the dogs
no signs. In other cases, it causes weight loss well can help remove cysts from hair.
and long term diarrhea, which can be
continual or intermittent, particularly in Dogs may occasionally be infected by a type
puppies. Feces are usually soft, poorly of Giardia that also infects people. Dog feces
formed, pale, and foul-smelling. Watery should be disposed of promptly. It is
important to wash hands properly after
handling infected animals or their feces.

Pancreatitis and Other Disorders of the risk factors for pancreatitis. There is a higher
Pancreas in Dogs prevalence of pancreatitis in Miniature
Schnauzers, Yorkshire Terriers, Cocker
The pancreas is an organ that has 2 main Spaniels, Dachshunds, Poodles, sled dogs,
functions: endocrine and exocrine. The or other breeds. Some infections, such as
endocrine pancreas produces the hormones Babesia canis or Leishmania, may also
insulin and glucagon, which regulate blood contribute to the development of
sugar levels. The exocrine pancreas pancreatitis.
produces enzymes that are essential for the
digestion of complex dietary components In the initial stages of disease, the secretion
such as proteins, triglycerides, and complex of pancreatic juice decreases. This is
carbohydrates. The exocrine pancreas also followed by a series of steps that lead to
secretes large amounts of bicarbonate, activation of pancreatic enzymes inside the
which buffers stomach acid. pancreas, rather than in the intestinal tract.
The enzymes begin to digest the pancreas
Disorders of the exocrine pancreas are itself, causing damage within the pancreas
discussed here, because they relate to and triggering inflammation, which leads to
digestion. Endocrine functions of the damage in other parts of the body. Loss of
pancreas are discussed in Hormonal appetite, vomiting, weakness, abdominal
Disorders. pain, dehydration, and diarrhea are the
most common signs reported in dogs with
Inflammation of the Pancreas severe pancreatitis. Dogs with milder forms
(Pancreatitis) of the disease may have no signs or
nonspecific signs, such as loss of appetite,
Pancreatitis is the most common exocrine lethargy, and diarrhea.
pancreatic disease in both dogs and cats. It
can be short- or longterm, depending on A thorough history (including any dietary
whether or not the disease has permanently indiscretions) combined with vomiting and
damaged the pancreatic tissue. Both forms abdominal pain may suggest a diagnosis of
can be severe. pancreatitis. Blood tests may be used by
your veterinarian to confirm the diagnosis,
For most cases of pancreatitis no specific along with abdominal x-rays, ultrasound, or
cause can be identified. However, eating tissue biopsies of the pancreas.
trash, large amounts of table scraps, or
other inappropriate food is believed to be a Treatment for pancreatitis includes careful
common risk factor in dogs. Severe trauma monitoring and supportive veterinary care.
or surgery can lead to pancreatitis. Use of Hospitalization may be required. Early
some drugs may also be linked to intervention will help prevent
pancreatitis. High blood levels of fats called complications. If the cause is known, specific
triglycerides and excessive adrenal gland treatment may be started. Medications to
function (hyperadrenocorticism) are also stop vomiting and relieve nausea are
typically given. Resting the pancreas by causes are usually middle-aged to older and
restricting all food or water by mouth for 3 can be of any breed.
to 4 days is only recommended when the
dog is vomiting uncontrollably. Severely ill Pancreatic enzymes play a critical role in the
dogs are given intravenous fluids. Pain assimilation of all major dietary
medication is usually given because the components, and a lack of pancreatic
animal is assumed to have abdominal pain. digestive enzymes leads to problems with
digestion and to malabsorption. The lack of
In mild cases of pancreatitis, dogs will nutrients also causes weight loss and may
usually be switched to a low-fat diet and lead to vitamin deficiencies. Animals with
low-fat treats. Any underlying diseases or exocrine pancreatic insufficiency caused by
risk factors for pancreatitis should be longterm pancreatitis may develop diabetes
identified and treated. Dogs that do not mellitus.
respond to other therapies may be
prescribed additional medications. Patients Signs most commonly reported are
with mild, longterm pancreatitis should be excessive eating, weight loss, and diarrhea.
monitored for potential complications, such Vomiting and loss of appetite are
as exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (see sometimes seen, but these may be a sign of
below) and diabetes mellitus. a concurrent condition. The feces are most
commonly pale, loose, and voluminous and
The outlook in mild cases is good, but the may be foul-smelling. In rare cases, watery
outlook in severe cases of pancreatitis is diarrhea may be seen. Diagnosis can be
uncertain. The outlook is poor in dogs that made using a blood test that indicates a
experience severe complications, such as decrease in the functional capacity of the
organ failure. exocrine pancreas.

Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency Most dogs with exocrine pancreatic

insufficiency can be successfully treated by
Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency is a supplementing each meal with pancreatic
syndrome caused by insufficient production enzymes (powdered or from fresh tissue).
and secretion of digestive enzymes by the Follow your veterinarian’s directions for this
pancreas. Deterioration of the structures dietary supplement carefully. Avoid
that produce pancreatic enzymes is the providing too much or too little and follow
most common cause of this syndrome in the schedule prescribed. Be sure to report
German Shepherds, Rough Collies, and any bleeding from the mouth to your
Eurasians. These dogs tend to be young veterinarian. This adverse effect can often
adults when the disease develops. be eliminated by lowering the enzyme dose
Longterm pancreatic inflammation or moistening the food and enzyme
(pancreatitis) is the most common cause in mixture. When signs have improved, it may
other breeds. Less common causes are be possible to gradually decrease the dose.
tumors that lead to obstruction of the
pancreatic duct. Dogs with exocrine If enzyme supplementation alone does not
pancreatic insufficiency due to these other resolve the condition, vitamin B12
(cobalamin) deficiency may be a possible
cause. Cobalamin deficiency is seen in more Pancreatic Adenomas
than 80% of dogs with exocrine pancreatic
insufficiency. Dogs with vitamin B12 Benign tumors of the pancreas can lead to
deficiency can be given this vitamin by the displacement of organs in the
injection. Other vitamin deficiencies have abdominal cavity. However, these changes
also been reported. Dogs that do not cause no signs in most cases. In rare cases,
respond to treatment with pancreatic the tumor can obstruct the pancreatic duct
enzymes and cobalamin likely have an and cause deterioration of the remaining
additional small-intestinal disease that exocrine pancreas, leading to exocrine
needs to be diagnosed and treated. pancreatic insufficiency (see above).

Most dogs can continue eating their normal Pancreatic adenomas are benign and
food, but a highly digestible, low-fiber, theoretically do not require any treatment
moderate-fat diet can be useful in those that unless they cause signs. However, because
do not respond satisfactorily to treatment. It the tumors are often found during surgery
is important to avoid radical changes in diet, and the appearance of both benign and
however. malignant tumors is similar, removal of the
affected pancreatic tissue is usually
In most cases, exocrine pancreatic recommended. The outlook in these cases is
insufficiency is the result of an irreversible excellent.
loss of pancreatic tissue, and a cure is rare.
However, with appropriate enzyme Pancreatic Adenocarcinomas
supplementation and monitoring, dogs with
this disorder usually gain weight quickly, Adenocarcinomas may lead to death of part
pass normal stools, and can live a normal of the cancerous tissue if the tumor
life. outgrows its blood supply. This causes local
inflammation, which can lead to signs of
Pancreatic Cancers pancreatitis. Malignant tumors may also
spread to neighboring or distant organs.
Cancers of the exocrine pancreas can be
either benign or malignant. Pancreatic Many dogs show no signs until late in the
adenomas are benign (nonspreading) disease. Some dogs have signs that suggest
tumors. Pancreatic adenocarcinomas are inflammation of the pancreas. Jaundice may
the most common malignant tumor of the be seen if bile duct obstruction develops.
exocrine pancreas in dogs. A few other types Signs related to spread— such as lameness,
of cancer have also been reported in the bone pain, or difficulty breathing—have also
pancreas. been reported in some cases of pancreatic
A diagnosis may be made based on a
combination of blood tests, x-rays, Pancreatic adenocarcinomas are usually not
ultrasonography, biopsy, or exploratory detected until the disease is advanced and
surgery as appropriate. the cancer has already spread. In those few
cases when it appears the cancer has not yet
spread, your veterinarian may attempt
surgical removal. However, it is difficult to Disorders of the Liver and Gallbladder in
completely remove such tumors and Dogs
surgery is often unsuccessful. Both
chemotherapy and radiation treatment The liver is an organ that performs
have shown little success in human or numerous functions. It has a large storage
veterinary patients with pancreatic capacity and functional reserve and is
adenocarcinomas. Thus, the outlook for capable of regenerating. These properties
dogs with pancreatic adenocarcinoma is provide some protection against permanent
grave. damage. However, the liver is also
susceptible to injury because of its role in
Pancreatic Abscesses metabolizing, detoxifying, and storing
various toxic compounds.
A pancreatic abscess is a collection of pus,
usually near the pancreas, which is Signs that a dog has liver disease can vary
considered a complication of pancreatitis and include loss of appetite, vomiting,
(see above). Signs may include vomiting, stomach ulceration, diarrhea, seizures or
depression, abdominal pain, loss of other neurologic problems, fever, blood
appetite, fever, diarrhea, and dehydration. clotting problems, jaundice (a yellow tinge
In some animals, a mass in the abdomen can noticeable in the skin, mucous membranes,
be felt. Dogs may respond favorably to and eyes), fluid collection in the abdomen,
surgical drainage of the abscess. However, excessive urination and thirst, changes in
the risks and expense of surgery may liver size, and weight loss. Gastrointestinal
outweigh the benefit, unless there is clear bleeding can be seen in animals with liver
evidence of an enlarging mass or bacterial disease due to ulcers or problems with blood
infection. Your veterinarian will make a clotting. The veterinarian’s understanding
surgical recommendation based on your of the potential causes of each of these signs
dog’s specific condition, overall health, and helps him or her to diagnose illness and
related considerations. provide appropriate treatment.

Pancreatic Pseudocyst A variety of blood tests can be useful in

detecting and diagnosing liver disease.
A pancreatic pseudocyst is a collection of X-rays and ultrasonography can help your
sterile pancreatic fluid enclosed by a wall of veterinarian determine liver size and find
tissue. It is considered a complication of irregularities, gallstones, and diseases of the
inflammation in the pancreas, so signs are gallbladder. Aspiration or biopsy procedures
similar to those of pancreatitis. Vomiting is can be used to obtain samples for bacterial
the most consistent sign. The cysts can be culture, cell and tissue analysis, and, when
seen by using ultrasound. Use of a long appropriate, toxicologic analysis. Other, less
needle to draw fluid from the cyst can common tests, such as nuclear scintigraphy,
provide fluid for analysis and diagnosis. may be used in some cases to identify
Drawing fluid is also a method of treating portosystemic shunts (see below) and other
such cysts. Surgery may be needed if the blood vessel abnormalities.
dog has signs that persist or if the
pseudocyst does not decrease in size.
The liver, gallbladder, and pancreas of a Functions of the Liver
• Metabolizes fats, carbohydrates,
and proteins
• Metabolizes drugs (inactivates or
makes it easier for the body to
excrete them)
• Stores, metabolizes, and activates
• Stores minerals, glycogen, and
• Manufactures proteins needed for
various body functions, such as
blood clotting
• Produces bile acids needed for
• Detoxifies harmful products
manufactured within the body
(such as ammonia) or consumed by
the animal (such as poisons)
Early treatment is critical for dogs with • Influences immune responses
acute liver failure. Your veterinarian will • Helps develop blood cells
prescribe specific treatment if an underlying (extramedullary hematopoiesis)
cause be identified. In cases of longterm or
end-stage liver disease, and in cases of acute
liver disease when no under-lying cause has Prescribed supplements may include B
been identified, supportive treatment is vitamins, vitamin K, and vitamin E. Low
directed at slowing progression of disease, potassium levels and decreased levels of B
minimizing complications, and allowing vitamins are common complications with
time for the liver to regenerate and liver disease, and supplementation is often
compensate. recommended. Vitamin C does not appear
to become depleted in dogs with liver
The diet usually recommended for dogs disease, and supplementation is not
with liver disease should include enough recommended in dogs with copper storage
calories to maintain a normal weight. liver disease. Injections of vitamin K are
Protein restriction is usually required only sometimes given to dogs with bleeding
for dogs that are at risk of developing tendencies. Follow your veterinarian's
hepatic encephalopathy. Follow the specific recommendations on vitamin
advice provided by your veterinarian. It may supplementation because overdoses of
be best to feed small, frequent meals. Dogs some vitamins can be harmful.
that refuse to eat may require tube feeding.
Acute Liver Failure
Functions of the Liver
Acute liver failure results in sudden loss of excessive drooling, behavior changes (e.g.,
liver function, which is often associated with aggression), dementia, collapse, seizures,
neurologic signs and clotting abnormalities. and coma.
It can occur due to a sudden injury of a
previously healthy liver or due to an Treatment of hepatic encephalopathy is
additional insult to an already diseased liver. aimed at providing supportive care and
It is important to seek immediate veterinary rapidly reducing the poisons being produced
care for treatment to support the liver until by the digestive tract. Severely affected
it can regenerate and compensate for the dogs can be comatose or semicomatose and
insult. Any underlying causes of the liver should not be fed until their status improves.
failure need to be identified and treated, if Treatment is likely to include intravenous
present. Make sure to tell your veterinarian fluids to correct dehydration and electrolyte
about any medications your pet receives or (salt) imbalances. Enemas may be used to
any access your pet may have to poisons. cleanse the intestines of ammonia and other
Treatment may include intravenous fluids, poisons, and to introduce nutrients that help
diet changes, antibiotics, and certain liver decrease poison production. Medications to
medications. Another goal of therapy is to affect the bacterial populations in the gut
prevent or treat neurologic complications of may also be used to reduce the absorption
liver failure. of toxic products, such as ammonia. Once
the dog has been stabilized, treatment is
Complications of Liver Disease aimed at preventing recurrence. A protein-
modified restricted diet may be prescribed.
The liver has multiple functions, including The signs of hepatic encephalopathy can be
removing many toxins from the worsened by intestinal bleeding, infections,
bloodstream and producing blood clotting certain drugs (such as corticosteroids and
proteins. When it is not working properly, sedatives), cancer, low blood sugar, fever,
many other organs can be affected. kidney disease, dehydration, and
constipation. Your veterinarian may
Hepatic Encephalopathy prescribe additional treatments to address
these concerns.
Hepatic encephalopathy, a syndrome of
neurologic problems caused by poor liver Ascites
function, is seen in a number of liver
diseases. While the development of this Ascites is a condition in which fluid collects
condition is not completely understood, in the abdomen. In patients with liver
failure of the liver to clear poisons from the disease, ascites is caused by a combination
bloodstream, changes in amino acid of high blood pressure in the liver, low levels
metabolism caused by the liver disease, and of protein in the blood, and an imbalance in
neurologic changes may act together to sodium and water metabolism. The first
cause this disorder. Signs of hepatic step in the control of ascites is restriction of
encephalopathy include dullness, inability sodium in the dog’s diet. However, sodium-
to respond to basic commands, circling, restricted diets alone are often not
head pressing, aimless wandering, sufficient, and diuretics (medications that
weakness, poor coordination, blindness, promote loss of fluid by the kidneys) may
also be needed. If ascites interferes with sometimes be reversed or reduced by the
breathing, appetite, or comfort, fluid can be use of appropriate medications. Your
removed from the abdomen using a long veterinarian can determine which, if any, of
needle in a process called the available medications would be
abdominocentesis. Periodic beneficial for your pet.
abdominocentesis can also be used if ascites
does not respond to treatment with Portosystemic Shunts and Other Vessel
medication. Abnormalities

Clotting Defects Portosystemic shunts have already been

described as a congenital (inborn) defect.
Clotting defects occur in dogs with liver However, in some cases they can develop as
disease because the liver produces many of a part of illness. In these instances they are
the proteins responsible for the clotting called acquired shunts. They can be caused
process. In addition, there can be decreased by high blood pressure in the vessels
absorption of vitamins that aid in clotting entering the liver. The diseased liver can be
from the digestive tract. Clotting problems thought of as resisting blood flow into the
can be treated using transfusions of blood or organ. In this case, new blood vessels open
plasma to provide the necessary clotting to bypass the liver and connect to the blood
factors. Heparin and vitamin K can also be system of the rest of the body, where the
administered to decrease or increase blood pressure is lower. It is as if the blood
clotting ability. Your veterinarian will system were finding a detour around a
prescribe the treatment most appropriate traffic jam. Acquired shunts are usually seen
for your pet, its overall condition, and blood in older animals and are more frequent in
type. dogs than in cats.

Bacterial Infections Signs of an acquired shunt include excessive

thirst, vomiting, and diarrhea. Fluid
Dogs with acute liver failure and long- accumulation in the abdomen (ascites) is
standing liver disease are susceptible to common. Affected dogs may also have
bacterial infections. Your veterinarian will neurologic signs (due to hepatic
be alert to this possibility because signs of encephalopathy) that come and go.
the liver disease itself (for example, fever or Laboratory tests can identify abnormalities
low blood sugar) can be similar to those of associated with the underlying liver disease.
infection. One or more antibiotics may be Medical treatment of the disease to
necessary to adequately treat the types of minimize the neurologic signs and fluid
bacteria associated with the infection. build-up in the abdomen can result in a
favorable outlook for some dogs with this
Fibrosis condition.

Fibrosis, the formation of fibrous scar tissue Poisons Affecting the Liver
in the liver, can eventually lead to liver
cirrhosis. Cirrhosis is a serious disease that Because of the liver’s function in
disrupts liver function. However, fibrosis can metabolizing drugs, some drugs have been
associated with liver dysfunction in dogs. Accidentally injecting an intranasal
The specific signs and effects depend on the Bordetella vaccine into the skin instead of
drug and dosage. In many cases your squirting it into the nose can result in liver
veterinarian will be aware of the potential damage in some dogs.
for liver disease when prescribing these
drugs and will monitor your dog for any Leptospirosis is a bacterial infection,
signs of decreased or altered function. caused by Leptospira interrogans, that can
cause liver disease. The diagnosis is usually
Other substances that are toxic to the liver made with a blood test or identification of
include heavy metals, certain herbicides, the organism in urine or blood samples.
fungicides, insecticides, rodent poisons, Treatment includes supportive care and
aflatoxins (produced by mold), amanita treatment with appropriate antibiotics.
mushrooms, cycad plants (Sago palm Special precautions are recommended
ornamental plants for the yard and home), when handling dogs suspected of
and blue-green algae. These can cause life- leptospirosis, because this organism may
threatening liver damage. also infect humans.

If your dog has had an accidental overdose Other types of bacterial infections, such as
of a medication, has had an adverse reaction those caused by Clostridium piliforme
to a medication (even at the prescribed orMycobacterium species, can cause liver
dose), or has eaten a poison, a veterinarian damage. Infections in other parts of the
should be consulted immediately. If body can invade into liver tissue and cause
necessary, the veterinarian can take steps to damage or dysfunction. Because the liver
minimize absorption of the drug or poison. can help protect the body from bacterial
Depending on the situation, the veterinarian infections, dogs with liver failure or with
may induce vomiting, administer activated longterm liver disease are more susceptible
charcoal, pump the animal’s stomach, to many types of bacterial infections.
and/or administer an appropriate antitoxin.
The most common fungal infections
Infectious Diseases of the Liver associated with liver dysfunction are
coccidioidomycosis and histoplasmosis.
Several types of infections may affect the Signs of liver dysfunction include fluid
liver, including viral, bacterial, fungal, and accumulation in the abdomen (ascites),
parasitic diseases. jaundice, and an enlarged liver.
Histoplasmosis is generally treated with one
Viral diseases of dogs associated with liver or more prescription antifungal drugs.
dysfunction include infectious canine Depending on the level of illness, the
hepatitis and canine herpesvirus. Infectious outlook for recovery may be poor.
canine hepatitis, caused by canine Coccidioidomycosis can be treated with the
adenovirus 1, can cause longterm longterm (6 to 12 months) use of antifungal
inflammation and scarring of the liver in medications. However, relapses do
addition to causing death of liver tissue. sometimes occur, and life-long treatment
Canine herpesvirus causes severe, often may be necessary for some dogs.
fatal liver disease in puppies.
Toxoplasmosis is a parasitic disease that have been associated with chronic hepatitis
can kill liver cells and cause sudden liver include viral infection (such as infectious
failure. Jaundice, fever, lethargy, vomiting, canine hepatitis), leptospirosis, exposure to
increased abdominal fluid, and diarrhea are certain chemicals or poisons, and drug
seen in addition to signs of central nervous toxicity.
system, lung, or eye involvement. Liver
disease associated with toxoplasmosis in Abnormal accumulations of copper can lead
dogs is most often seen in young dogs or to copper-associated hepatopathy, one the
those with a suppressed immune system. most common causes of chronic hepatitis.
Some dogs with toxoplasmosis are also Adding zinc to the diet may help to protect
infected with canine distemper virus, in the liver by preventing the absorption of
which case the disease is sudden in onset copper from the gut in these cases. Please
and rapidly fatal. Diagnosis can be difficult. see Liver for more information on copper-
Treatment usually involves appropriate associated liver disease.
antibiotics. The outlook for recovery
depends on the severity of the illness. Depending on the signs, the cause (if
known), and the breed and history of the
Leishmaniosis is a potentially fatal disease dog, your veterinarian will determine the
caused by Leishmania species of protozoa. appropriate plan for treating and managing
The disease affects multiple organs, chronic hepatitis.
including the liver. There are several drugs
available for treatment, but they rarely cure Canine Cholangiohepatitis
the disease. Lifelong therapy may be
necessary. The disease can pass to people, Liver inflammation can also occur due to
especially those with compromised immune infections around the biliary tract, which
systems. The outlook for severely affected transports bile from inside the liver to the
dogs is poor. small intestine. These infections ascend
from the intestinal tract, often due to slow
Canine Chronic Hepatitis movement of bile, gallstones, or other
biliary tract disorders. The condition, called
Chronic hepatitis is a longterm cholangiohepatitis, is rare in dogs.
inflammation of the liver. It is more common Antibiotics are needed to treat the infection,
in dogs than in cats. Several breeds of dogs and surgery can be necessary, depending on
are predisposed to this condition, including the cause.
Bedlington Terriers, Labrador Retrievers,
Cocker Spaniels, Doberman Pinschers, Skye Endocrine Diseases Affecting the Liver
Terriers, Standard Poodles, Springer
Spaniels, Chihuahuas, Maltese, and West Several diseases involving the endocrine
Highland White Terriers. Although the glands can cause liver problems in dogs.
cause can be determined in some cases of These diseases include diabetes mellitus,
chronic hepatitis, in many cases the cause Cushing disease, and hyperthyroidism.
remains unknown. Copper and iron
accumulation is often seen in dogs with Dogs with diabetes mellitus can rarely have
chronic hepatitis. Other conditions that liver dysfunction associated with their
disease. Diabetic dogs have an increased removal of the cysts usually cures the
risk for inflammation of the pancreas condition.
(pancreatitis), which can lead to some types
of liver disease. Some diabetic dogs will Canine Vacuolar Hepatopathy
develop hepatocutaneous syndrome, which
is often deadly. They can also have an The liver produces and stores energy in the
increased risk of developing fatty form of glycogen. Glycogen is released to
degeneration of the liver because diabetes help maintain blood sugar levels throughout
mellitus increases the metabolism and the day. However, in dogs with vacuolar
mobilization of lipids. Lipids include any of a hepatopathy, abnormal amounts of
group of water-soluble fats and fat-like glycogen accumulate within liver cells,
chemical substances that are sources of fuel distending them. It is a common liver
for the body. However, when too many syndrome that is typically revealed with the
lipids are deposited in the liver, the function results of a liver tissue biopsy. The syndrome
of the organ is impaired. Insulin is often associated with excessive adrenal
replacement may or may not correct this gland function (hyperadrenocorticism) or
storage problem. with longterm stress, illnesses,
inflammation, or cancer. Certain drugs can
Dogs with hyperadrenocorticism are likely also stimulate this syndrome. The presence
to develop changes in the liver similar to of glycogen-distended liver cells may also
those seen in overdoses of cortico-steroids. be present in dogs with nodular hyperplasia
These problems are controlled when the and certain types of liver cancer.
underlying disorder is treated. Liver changes Veterinarians will determine and treat the
can also be seen in dogs with underlying cause of these liver changes.
hypothyroidism. They may also recommend a change in dog
food, the addition of a vitamin supplement,
Liver Cysts and Nodular Hyperplasia or other treatments. A form of this
syndrome is common in Scottish Terriers.
Liver cysts can be acquired (usually single Affected dogs of this breed can slowly or
cysts) or present at birth (usually multiple rapidly develop severe liver conditions, such
cysts). Congenital polycystic disease of the as cirrhosis, liver cancer, or liver failure.
liver has been reported in Cairn Terriers, Bull
Terriers, Beagles, and West Highland White Nodular hyperplasia is a nonspreading,
Terriers. Occasionally, the cysts can become age-related condition in dogs. It does not
large and cause abdominal swelling and usually cause disease or affect liver function.
other signs such as lethargy, vomiting, and If it is detected, a biopsy may be needed to
excessive thirst. Your veterinarian may be distinguish these changes from those
able to feel masses in the abdomen that caused by other serious liver diseases.
usually are not painful. Fluid may
accumulate in the abdomen. The problem Hepatocutaneous Syndrome in Dogs
can be identified using x-rays or
ultrasonography, although a definitive Hepatocutaneous syndrome is a rare,
diagnosis is made by biopsy. Surgical longterm, progressive disorder that affects
both the liver and the skin. Affected dogs
often have crusting sores on their lips, nose, during an examination or during an
footpad, ears, elbows, and around the eyes. abdominal ultrasound. A biopsy is often
Signs also include loss of appetite, weight needed for a definitive diagnosis.
loss, lethargy, and an increase in thirst and Sometimes a liver tumor can rupture and
urination. The condition can occur in dogs result in life-threatening internal bleeding. If
with certain longterm diseases, such as a single liver lobe is involved, surgical
diabetes mellitus and certain tumors, and removal of the involved lobe is often
the longterm use of certain drugs, such as recommended. Chemotherapy may be
phenobarbital. Your veterinarian may effective for some other cancer types. The
recommend a diet change and treatments outlook is poor for primary liver tumors that
for the skin sores. Other medications may involve multiple lobes because an effective
also help some affected dogs, and treatment is not yet available.
underlying diseases need to be managed.
Unfortunately, dogs often die from this Other Liver Diseases
Several other noninfectious chronic
Cancers of the Liver diseases may also affect the liver.

Tumors that originate in the liver (called Glycogen Storage Disease

primary tumors) are less common than
those caused by spread from another part in Glycogen is a form of stored sugar found in
the body. Primary tumors are most often animals. It is converted to glucose when the
seen in animals more than 9 years old. These body needs energy. Glycogen storage
tumors can be either malignant or benign diseases are caused by a deficiency of
and may spread (metastasize) to other certain enzymes and result in failure of
locations such as the lymph nodes, glycogen to be released from cells. When
abdominal wall, and lungs. this occurs, glycogen accumulates within
the liver and other organs and is unavailable
Cancers that can spread to the liver include for conversion to glucose. The disease is
lymphoma, pancreatic cancer, mammary inherited in certain breeds, including
(breast) cancer, and many others. Malteses, German Shepherds, and Curly
Metastatic tumors usually occur at multiple Coated Retrievers. Signs of this disorder
sites. include an enlarged liver, retarded growth,
and weakness due to low blood sugar levels.
Signs can include a decreased appetite, Liver biopsies or genetic tests are used for
lethargy, fever, excessive urination and diagnosis. Treatment is based on signs of
thirst, vomiting, weight loss, jaundice, illness and includes frequent small meals of
bleeding problems, hepatic encephalopathy high-carbohydrate food. The outlook in
(see above), enlarged liver, and fluid most cases is poor, and most dogs with
accumulation in the abdomen. Seizures may these diseases die at a young age.
develop because of hepatic
encephalopathy, low blood sugar, or the Hepatic Amyloidosis
spread of cancer to the brain. An abdominal
tumor may be found by your veterinarian
Amyloid is a protein that is not folded into Affected dogs are jaundiced and unthrifty at
the correct shape. Misfolded proteins clump a young age. The outlook is poor.
together and cause damage by displacing
normal cells. Amyloidosis is an inherited Cystic mucosal hyperplasia of the
disease of Chinese Shar-Peis; however, the gallbladder is also known as cystic mucinous
liver is not always affected. Longterm hypertrophy, cystic mucinous hyperplasia,
exposure to antigens, which can be and mucinous cholecystitis. It is the
associated with longterm infections, can development and growth of cysts filled with
also cause amyloidosis in the liver. Although mucusin the gallbladder. It may be caused
some dogs may show no signs, typical signs by treatment with steroid hormones, such
include loss of appetite, excessive thirst and as female reproductive hormones. An early
urination, fever, vomiting, jaundice, and an stage of the disorder may be a condition
enlarged liver. Affected animals may known as gallblader dysmotility.
collapse and have pale mucous membranes
due to rupture of the liver and subsequent Obstruction of the Bile Duct
internal bleeding. Diagnosis is made by
identifying amyloid deposits in liver biopsy Obstruction of the bile duct is associated
samples. Drugs are available that may slow with a number of conditions, including
the progression of amyloidosis, but the inflammation of the pancreas,gall bladder,
outlook is poor, especially if the diagnosis is or small intestines; foreign material in the
made late in the disease. intestine; cancer; and parasitic infections.
Tissue swelling, inflammation, or fibrosis
Diseases of the Gallbladder and Bile Duct can cause compression of the bile duct.
Diagnosis is based on laboratory tests, x-
The liver secretes bile, a substance that rays, and ultrasonography. Abdominal
assists with digestion and absorption of fats surgery is frequently necessary to diagnose
and with elimination of certain waste and treat the obstruction. However, in dogs
products from the body. Bile is stored in the with pancreatitis, treatment will often
gallbladder and is released into the small relieve the obstruction. If this is not
intestine through the bile duct. successful, surgery may be necessary. If
gallstones are the cause of obstruction, the
Jaundice (a yellow tinge noticeable in the gallbladder may need to be removed. When
skin, mucous membranes, and eyes) is often cancer is present, surgery can provide some
the main sign of diseases of the gallbladder relief but is not a cure.
and bile duct. An exception is cancer of the
gallbladder, which may not cause jaundice. Inflammation of the Gallbladder
Gallbladder agenesis is the lack of a
gallbladder from birth. Unless the bile ducts Inflammation of the gallbladder
within the liver are also missing, the lack of (cholecystitis) can be caused by bacterial
a gallbladder doesn't cause any problems. infections, cancer, trauma to the liver,
gallbladder obstruction, or blood clots. In
Biliary atresia is the lack of development of some cases, the wall of the gallbladder is
bile ducts within the liver and is uncommon. damaged, and bile leaks into the abdomen
causing severe abdominal infection and aged to older dogs, and may be more
inflammation, which can be fatal. Loss of common in small-breed dogs. Signs include
appetite, abdominal pain, jaundice, fever, vomiting, jaundice, loss of appetite,
and vomiting are common signs. The dog abdominal pain, fever, and discomfort after
may be in a state of shock due to abdominal eating, but many dogs show no signs.
inflammation. Gallstones are diagnosed by
ultrasonography. Because abdominal
The inflammation can also spread to the ultrasounds are being used more frequently,
surrounding branches of the bile duct and gallstones are being diagnosed more often
the liver. Diagnosis is based on blood tests in recent years. Medications, including
and ultrasound findings and can be antibiotics, can treat dogs with
confirmed by biopsy for bacterial cultures uncomplicated disease. Surgery to remove
and tissue analysis. Treatment usually the stones is necessary if they are
consists of removal of the gallbladder and obstructing bile or causing cholecystitis.
appropriate antibiotic medication to treat Removal of the gallbladder may also be
infection. The outlook is good if surgery and necessary.
appropriate antibiotics are started early but
is less favorable if diagnosis and treatment Rupture of the Gallbladder or Bile Duct
are delayed.
Rupture of the gallbladder or bile duct is
Gallbladder Mucocele in Dogs most often due to gallstone obstruction,
inflammation of the gallbladder, or blunt
A gallbladder mucocele is an abnormal trauma. Rupture of the bile duct may also
accumulation of bile within the bile ducts occur as a result of cancer or certain
that results in a bile duct obstruction. As it parasites. Rupture leads to leakage of bile
expands, the mucocele can lead to into the abdomen, causing a serious
inflammation, tissue death, or rupture of the condition called bile peritonitis, which may
gallbladder. The condition may be inherited be fatal if the rupture is not repaired.
in some breeds, including Shetland Treatment includes surgery, which consists
Sheepdogs. Underlying diseases can also of placing a stent in the bile duct, removing
predispose dogs to the condition. Some the gallbladder, or connecting the
mildly affected dogs can improve with gallbladder with the small intestine.
medications alone; however, most will
require surgery to remove the gallbladder. Disorders of the Rectum and Anus in Dogs
Liver biopsies are often taken during
surgery. Antibiotics are usually necessary Diseases of the rectum and anus can be
for 4–6 weeks after surgery. Dogs with a congenital (inherited) or occur later in life.
ruptured gallbladder and blood poisoning
may not survive, even with surgery. Anal Sac Disease

Gallstones Anal sac disease is caused by clogging or

infection of glands called anal sacs located
Gallstones rarely cause disease. When it on each side of the anus. It is the most
does occur, disease is usually seen in middle- common disease of the anal region in dogs.
The anal sacs are related to the scent glands The signs of anal sac disease are related to
in skunks and produce a small amount of pain and discomfort associated with sitting.
foul-smelling liquid. The liquid is normally The dog may scoot its buttocks on the
squeezed out during defecation. Small ground, lick or bite at the anal area, and
breeds are predisposed to anal sac disease; have painful defecation with straining. If the
large or giant breeds are rarely affected. glands are impacted, hard masses can be
felt in the area of the sacs. When the sacs are
Anal sacs may become clogged (impacted), infected or abscessed, severe pain and
infected, abscessed, or cancerous. There are discoloration of the area are often present.
several common causes of clogged anal Open tracts of tissue can lead from
sacs, including failure of the sacs to be abscessed sacs and rupture through the
squeezed out during defecation, poor skin, causing a wound. Tumors involving the
muscle tone in obese dogs, and excessive anal sacs are sometimes present. A rectal
secretion of the gland. When the clogged examination by a veterinarian will usually be
gland contents are not periodically done to diagnose anal sac disease.
squeezed out, this can make the glands Additional tests may be needed if infection
susceptible to bacterial overgrowth, or a tumor is suspected.
infection, and inflammation.
Your veterinarian can often squeeze out
The anal sacs of a dog. impacted anal sacs by hand. If the material
in the sacs is too hard or dry, the veterinarian
may inject a softening agent into the sac. If
infection is present, antibiotics might be
prescribed. Your veterinarian might
recommend applying hot compresses if an
abscess (infection) is present. Supplemental
fiber may be recommended to increase fecal
bulk, which facilitates anal sac compression
and emptying. If treatment is ineffective,
the condition keeps coming back, or a tumor
is present, the anal sac can be surgically
removed. A common complication from this
surgery is fecal incontinence.

Perianal Fistula

Perianal fistula is characterized by chronic,

foul-smelling wounds in the tissues
surrounding the anus. The wounds often
extend into the rectum or anus. The cause is
unknown. It is most common in German
Shepherds but is also seen in Setters and
Retrievers. Dogs more than 7 years old are
at higher risk.
Contamination of the hair follicles and have not been neutered are 3–10 times more
glands of the anal area by fecal material and likely to develop perianal tumors than
anal sac secretions may result in tissue females, depending on the type of tumor.
damage and longterm inflammation of the Neutering these dogs will cause most
skin and tissues surrounding the anus. Dogs benign tumors to resolve. Surgery is
that are susceptible to skin problems may be necessary to remove malignant tumors.
affected more often. Low thyroid hormone Radiation and chemotherapy may also be
levels or an immune system defect may also necessary. The outlook for malignant
contribute to susceptibility. The likelihood tumors is unknown.
of contamination is greater in dogs with a
broad-based tail; deep anal folds may cause Perineal Hernia
feces to be retained within rectal glands and
play a major role. Prompt treatment is Perineal hernia is a type of hernia that
necessary to keep infection from spreading occurs near the anus. It occurs most often in
deeper into the body. unneutered 6- to 8-year-old male dogs.
Welsh Corgis, Boston Terriers, Boxers,
Signs in dogs include attitude change, Collies, Kelpies and Kelpie mixes,
straining and painful defecation, loss of Dachshunds and Dachshund mixes, Old
appetite, lethargy, diarrhea, and attempts English Sheepdogs, and Pekingese are at
to bite and lick the anal area. higher risk than other breeds. Many factors
are involved in the development of this
Until recently, management of perianal condition, including breed predisposition,
fistulas usually involved surgery to remove hormonal imbalance, prostate disease,
the anal sacs and the diseased tissues. chronic constipation, and pelvic muscle
Because of complications such as weakness.
incontinence and rectal narrowing, surgery
is now recommended only for dogs that do Common signs include constipation,
not improve with medical treatment. straining, and painful defecation. Urinary
Several medications have been shown to obstruction may develop if the bladder
provide effective treatment. Your pet may and/or prostate gland become displaced
also be prescribed stool softeners to reduce into the hernia. A swelling below and to the
painful defecation. Antibiotics (if side of the anus may be evident. Hernias
prescribed) and cleansing the anal area may may occur on both sides, but two-thirds of
reduce inflammation. For your pet’s cases occur on one side only and more than
comfort, follow all treatment instructions 80% of these are on the right side. Diagnosis
carefully. is done by rectal examination to determine
what organs and tissues are involved.
Perianal Tumors
Perineal hernia is rarely an emergency,
Perianal tumors are cancerous growths that except when the dog is unable to urinate. If
develop in the tissues surrounding the anus. this occurs, the veterinarian will attempt to
They can be harmless (benign) tumors or insert a catheter into the bladder or remove
aggressive (malignant) tumors that spread the urine using a needle. This is followed by
to other parts of the body. Male dogs that an attempt to correct the hernia surgically.
If your pet is an unneutered male, neutering benign and do not spread to other tissues.
may be recommended to reduce the chance The larger the polyp, the greater the
of recurrence. In up to half of affected dogs, probability that it is malignant (cancerous).
perianal hernias will happen again. Signs include straining to defecate, blood in
Postoperative complications such as the feces, and diarrhea. The polyp can be
infection, nerve damage, and other anal or felt by a veterinarian during a rectal
rectal problems can occur. examination, and its surface tends to bleed
easily. Periodically, the polyp may protrude
Rectal and Anorectal Narrowing from the anus. Surgical removal is usually
(Strictures) followed by rapid recovery and lengthy
survival time. New polyps may develop after
Rectal and anorectal strictures are surgery. Your veterinarian may submit a
narrowings caused by scar tissue. The tissue sample from the polyp for
scarring may be the result of injury from microscopic analysis to confirm the
foreign objects or trauma (such as bite diagnosis.
wounds or accidents) or may be a
complication of inflammation. Swellings Rectal Prolapse
outside of the digestive tract (such as
tumors, an enlarged prostate, or external Rectal prolapse is a condition in which one
scar tissue) can also constrict the rectum or or more layers of the rectum protrude
anus. In dogs, strictures usually involve both through the anus. Prolapse may be
the rectum and the anus, but they are not classified as incomplete (only the innermost
common. Strictures are more frequent in rectal layer is protruding) or complete (all
German Shepherds, Beagles, and Poodles rectal layers are protruding).
than in other breeds. Veterinarians can
repair strictures by inserting surgical The condition commonly occurs in young
balloons under anesthesia, by injecting dogs that have severe diarrhea or that
medications into the affected tissues, and routinely strain to defecate. Prolapse can be
by treating any underlying causes. caused by a number of intestinal, anorectal,
or urinary diseases. Perineal hernia (see
Rectal Tumors above) or other conditions that affect the
nerves of the anal sphincter may also
Signs of rectal tumors can include straining, produce prolapse.
painful defecation, blood in the feces, or
diarrhea. Surgery is the treatment of choice An elongated, cylinder-shaped mass
for rectal tumors, but it may not be effective protruding through the anal opening is
because the disease may have spread usually a sign of rectal prolapse. However,
beyond the rectum before any signs are prolapses involving other parts of the
visible. intestine can have a similar appearance. No
matter what type of prolapse is present, any
Rectal Polyps tissue mass protruding from the anal
opening should be promptly examined by a
The growths called rectal polyps occur veterinarian.
infrequently in dogs. The polyps are usually
Identifying and eliminating the cause of Reference:
prolapse is a key part of treatment. Small or
incomplete prolapses can often be manually
replaced by the veterinarian while the dog is owners/digestive-disorders-of-dogs
anesthetized. This is usually followed by
partial closure of the anus with stitches for 5
to 7 days to prevent the prolapse from
happening again. The dog may be given a
topical anesthetic or epidural injection
before or after the procedure to reduce
straining. In some cases, surgery to repair
the prolapse or to remove dead tissue may
be required. After treatment, a moist diet
and a stool softener are likely to be
recommended. Diarrhea occurring shortly
after surgery may require additional
treatment and should be discussed with
your veterinarian.

Rectal Tears

A tear in the rectum or anus can be caused

by a dog swallowing a sharp object (such as
a sharp bone, needle, or other rough
material) or from injury, such as a bite. The
tear may involve only the surface layers of
the rectum (partial tear) or penetrate all
layers (complete tear). Signs may include
constipation, straining, rectal bleeding, and
reluctance to defecate. A diagnosis is based
on these signs and inspection of the rectum
and anus. Swelling may be present when the
injury has been present for some time.

Treatment to avoid infection and close the

wound will be started immediately. The tear
will be cleansed and stitched closed.
Depending on the location, the wound may
be accessible through the anus or may
require abdominal surgery. Antibiotics and
stool softeners will probably be prescribed
after surgery.

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