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Hela – Thor Ragnarok

(Enters the scene) So he’s gone… That’s a shame. I would’ve liked

to have seen that… Really, you don’t look like him. You sound like
him… Kneel. (Extends hand and exposes a sword) Kneel! Before
your queen… (Catches the Mjollnir) Darling, you have no idea
what’s possible. (Breaks Mjollnir, then changes hair into horned
helmet and brandishes 2 swords with both hands) (comes out of
Bifrost and breathes, then throws two weapons) I’m Hela… You
look like a smart boy with good survival instincts. How would you
like a job?

(stands arrogantly) It’s come to my attention you don’t know who

I am. I am Hela, Odin’s firstborn, the commander of the legions of
Asgard, the rightful heir to the throne, and the goddess of Death.
My father is dead, as are the princes, you’re welcome. We were
once the seat of absolute power in the cosmos. Our supremacy
was unchallenged, yet Odin stopped at 9 realms, our destiny is to
rule over all others, and I am here to restore that power. Kneel
before me and rise into the ranks of my great conquest.

Whoever I am? Did you listen to a word I said? (shakes head) I

thought you’d be happy to see me. (exhales) Fine… (transforms
into her avatar form) (fight scene) (walks over dead bodies)
Oahhhw! I’ve missed this. Still it’s a shame. Good soldiers dying
for nothing, all because they couldn’t see the future. Sad. Oooooh,
look, still alive. Change of heart? (sneers, skewers the
commander) let’s go see my palace.

Does no one remember me? Has no one been taught our history?
(looks towards the ceiling) Look at these lies. Goblets and garden
parties? Peace treaties? Odin… Proud to have it, ashamed of how
he got it. (destroys the ceiling) We were unstoppable. I was his
weapon in the conquest that build Asgard’s empire. One by one,
the realms became ours. But then, simply because my ambition
outgrew his, he banished me, caged me, locked me away like an
animal. Before that, Asgard’s warriors were honoured. Their
bodies buried as heroes beneath this very palace.

(walks down the stairs) Fake. (pushes down one of the displays)
Most of the stuff in here is fake. Or weak. Smaller than I thought
it would be. (points to the tesseract) that’s not bad. But this, the
eternal flame. (gets a flame by hand, conjures a bludgeon and
destroys the floor) Want to see what true power really looks like?
(falls backward down the hole on the floor) (falls on the ground
floor, walks around the mummies) Fenris, my darling, what have
they done to you? With the eternal flame, you are reborn! (slams
the floor with her hand) I’ve missed you. I’ve missed you all.

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