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i 1G > ELECTRIC Instructions Ee PRC Commissioning | SS Type UIT | oem COMMISSIONING INSTRUCTIONS TYPE VTT DANE I AOL Introduction : Thie manual covers the commissioning and maintenance instruction for the datinite time delay ralays type VIT. ‘umber of operations and consistent accurecy with little or na maintenance over fon ‘The Type VTT time delay relay is particulerly suitable in application requiring lerge poriods. 10 is also commonly used in industrial processes plant. Static cltcults hava been designed to perform with complete reliability in electrically hostile onvironments offen encounterod ir electrical power stations and substationa and also over a vory wido rango of ambient temperatures. 24.1 2.2.2 General Description ; Types VITI1/VITI2 A stabilised voltage is spplied to a resistance capacitance circuit and the potential developed across tho capacitor is epplied to 2 transistor switching circuit which operates an attracted armature relay when tho potential reaches the trigger level. ‘The time dolay is varied by altering the rasistence value in the resistance-cepacitance circuit by # potentiometer calibratad in saconde. A circuit to protect the transistor from damage dus to high peak transients in the supply voltae is incorporated. A diode is also fitted in the elrcuitry 19 take care of inadvertent connection of supply with reversed polarity. Ref, Fig. 1 Typo VITI1/VTT14 unite have 2 dolayed pick-up i. timing is startsd by closing an initiating contact and the output relay is enargised at the end of the sot time. The unit reseis when the initiating contact re-opens. Type VITI2/VIT15 unite have a dolayed drop-oif ie. the output relay ic normally energised. Timing is started by opaning an initiating contact and the output relay is de-norgised at the snd of the sat time, The unit resets when the initiating contact is roclosod. Type VIT14, with time delayed pick-up ‘As shown in Figure 2, the YTT14 relay'is initiated when the power supply to the ralay is switched on, starting a CMOS resistance/capacitance oscillator which generates a ‘square wave utput to a binary coded decimal, counter I is also arranged that when the D.C. or ractified A.C. supply first appears, the counter is set immediately to zero before the count commences, Tho required time doiay ic presot by adjusting ¢ group of throo binary coded docimal switches. The time delay setting Is selected from within the 1000/1 tange by adjusting the thumbwheel protuding from sech switch Although the switch output to the associated circuitry is in binary form, the thumbwhesls aro celibrated for convenience in decimals, each switch providing a successive decade of 0 to 9. 3 2.2.3 54 When the count from the instant of relay initiation reaches the setling of tha thumb- wheel switches, es detected by a comparator, tho latter produces @ signal which operatas the output element and also stops the oscillator. The relay resets nominally instantaneously when the initiating contact is re-opened, Typical circuit diagrams for the VTT14 relay are shown in Figure 3,, from which it may be noted that the initisting contact closes the rectified D.C, circuit, rather than the input circuit, in the design for use with an A.C. power supply This is to ‘ensure that the transient time delays normally inherant in the filter circuit to smooth the rectified D.C. do not cause timing errors ‘Typo VIT15, with time delayed drop-off As indicated in Figure 4. the VIT15 relay has a similar circuit, but application of tha power supply causes the relay to pickup nominally Instanteneously. ‘Tho drop-off timo delay ia initiatad by opsning an extemal break contact connected in the inhibit control circuit to the oscillator. 4m this ratay, the output from the comparator disappears at the end of the set time dolay. Until then the output element is continuously energised, ‘Typical circuit diagrams for the VTT15 relay are shown in Figuro 5. Location : The location should be dry, clean, free from dust and excessive vibrations and reasonably well illuminated to facilitate inspection, Mounting: ‘The relay caso should be mounted in a vertical panel surface (within -£5%%), sa that the Unit is proctically horizontal. Commissioning: The following tests are recommended for tho initial commissioning of VIT rolaye; i) General Inspection ng checks iif) Insulation tests iv) Timing teste v) Operational checks ral Inspection: Wipo away any dust that has collacted on outside of the relay before opening the cover. Make # general inspection of the ralay to ensure thet all moving parts are frea to meva 4 5.2 58 5S 6.0 61 and that there are no signs of damage anywhere. Check that there are no loose connections of terminals and that the equipment is clean and free from dust. General inspection is normally carried out sfter disconnecting the trinping supply. Wiring Check : Make a thorough check of the Internal and extemal wiring of the relay. The internal ‘witing can bo checked by roferonce to the relay wiring diagram which fs supplied for each relay. The extemal wiring should be checked with the help of schematic diagrams (showing reference number of intorconnscting wires, relay terminal nos, etc:), supplied by the rolay panol manufacturers Insulation Test : Isolate the wiring from earth. Bind all rolay terminals together and moasure the insulation resistance to earth with 1000V magger. Reconnect all wiring according to the schematic diagram, It is especially importent that DC supplies are wired with correct polaiity Timing Test : To twst relays mounted in dravout cases, no alteration need be made to the relay or 10 tho switchboard wiring. This is automatically done by the test plug MPB which is inserted between the contact fingers of the cradie and case, If the relay ie mounted in a non-drayout casa, test connections must be made directly to the relay and the external circuit isolated. Semple tost circults for VIT11 & 12 are shown in Figs, 6 & 7 and the correct one for the relay under test should be selected, Similar tasts can ba carried out on VIT14 & \TT15 with reference to fig. 2,3,4,5 whichever is relevant, ‘Tha timing can be checked at various settings. The actual timing should be within 4£5% of the setting value. Trip and Alarm Circuit Check + During the timing tests, tho tip, intortrip and elarm circuits ato usually rondored in- operative by removal of isolating links, relay trip latches etc. It is thus essential that ‘on completion of thess tests, tha tripping, intar-triaping and elarm circuits are chacked. Close the ralay contacts by hand fter restoring all the links and latches to their original positions and check that the corect sequence of events is initiated and the right alarm comes on. MAINTENANCE Inspection : Drawout Case To inspect the rmlay loosen the cover nuts and remove the cover. Rotate the latches, ‘which then provide finger holes for withdrawing the relay chassis. The action of rote~ ting the latches oparates a switch which isolates the trip circuit. 5 62 68 Non-Drawout Case: To insnect the relay lodsen the caver nuts and remove the caver. If necessary remove the nameplate. Dust Filter : Dust filters should be examined at least once 8 yoar. IM necessary the filter element should be cleaned as follows. Romove the filter unit from the relay case, Remove the white/black nylon filter alemant, ‘Wash the olemont in detergent, ring and dry. Dip the element in light machine oll and Shaka off excess oii, Replace the filtar unit in the relay ease. Attracted Armature Units : ‘The attracted armature relays aro very simpls and robust and taraly go wrong. Unless the relay is not operating correctly or damage has occured it should bo loft undisturived, Injaction tests can de carried out once a year, if dasitad, to verity that the relay oporatos satisfactorily, and thet the pick-up is within the spscitied tolorance, Contacts should bo examined to ensure that thoy are clean; if it is necessary to clean them a burnishing too! should be used. It is most important that {iles or abrasive ‘materials ara NOT used for cleaning contacts. ‘Tho English Electric ralay too! kit contains burnishing tool suitable for leaning Contacts, Details of this kit and instructions for its use are given in Publication 5138. If thacontacts are badly damaged, either retum the rslay to the factory ot replace the contacts and proceed as set out in ‘Mechanical settings’ Mechanical Settings Attracted armature units will not function correctly unless contact pressures, armature aps etc., are within the manufacturing tolerances, These settings will not change during normal use and it is not necessary to make any routine checks on them. However, if parts have been repleced oF repaired the settings mus! be readjusted, Contact: When replacing contacis thay chould be bent slightly, adjacent 10 the insulating blocks, 80 that they exert a pressure on the push-rads or support arms. Bofore commencing with the settings ensure that : The armature platform is loval The bottom contacts are sitting on the push-tod shoulders ‘The push-rods are vartical Tho contest tips are level when viewed from the front 6 8 010" fecler gauge between the armature and the core face, close the amature by exerting pressure above the centra line of the cere face. Adjust the top contact and Support so that the contacis just touch. This gives a follow thraugh of 020". ‘Set the contact gap to .070"/.080" by adjusting the armature stop. Using a gramme gauge. check that the top contact lifts off [ts support whan a pressure of 16/20 grammee is exerted and that the bottom contact touches the top contact when a pressure of 20/25 grammes is applied. Tho pressuras should bo tekon with tho arm of the gauge ploced under the tips of the contact. Any adjustmont is obtained by increasing or decreasing tho bend put into the contact at the start of the sstting proce dure. Chock all sattings. 6.4 Operation indicators : The sheild must be pertectly fre0 to drop whan tha contacts are about ta touch of just before they touch, but never aftar. This enables that the contacts do nat close without the operation indicator being displayed. Adjustment is made by bending the spring cateh, which locates ina notch in the arma- ture, 7.0 RELAY TECHNICAL DATA: 7.1 Timing ranges TAA VITH and IT 12 ‘The following sianderd settings. continuously variable, time dalay on pick-up ar reset are availablo, 005 — 05 Secs o1 = 1.0 o5 — 50 10 — 10.0 25 — Bo 60 — 60.0 12.0 — 120.0 30.0 — 3000 + TAQ VIT 14 and VIT 15 1) 0.110999 secs ft) 1 to 909 secs iii) 10 t 9990. secs zi 72 724 122 Voltage Rating : D.C. Supply - DC voltage 20, 110 or 220 volts continuous. Satisfactery operation is ‘maintained et between 80%, and 120% of rated voltage. Units for use on 110 oF 220 volts are supplied with a suiteble external resistor. AC Supply = 110, 240 or 416 volts continuous. Relays suitable for operation from AC supply have a built-in power pack. Satisfactory operation Is maintained at betweon 80% and 110% of rated voltage. 7.3 Accuracy : 7.3.4 VITH &VTTI2 Within 36% of setting or +10 milliseconds whichever is greater at rominal voltage and an ambient temperatura within the range of 10°C and 30°C, Within 5% of sotting or lissconds whichever (s greater for supply voltage variation of +20%, Operating temperature range -5°C to +-50°C. 7.3.2 VITIA &VTTIS +2% of satting or +30ms, ~Oms whichover is greater 7.4 Repeatability : 7.4.4 VITM &VTTIZ ‘The unit will repeat excessive timings within +1% or +10 milliseconds whichever is greater whon allowed to completely reset. ‘When allowed to reset to within 3% of the maximum operating time, tha accuracy is within £5% on the next successive timing operation. 7.4.2 VIT14 & 15 The unit will repest successive timings within 40.5% of £5 ms which- ever is greater. 7.8 Burden: Burden is imposed when the relay is in the energised condition. 78.4 VITI & VTTI2 Typical burden values are : D.C, Volts 30v 110v 220 Burden (Watts) 1.28 4.48 94 AC. Voits 410 240 415 Burden (VA) 24 23 26 7.6.2, VIT14/VTT 15 Burden: Rolay or element Supply ‘ype IT 14 de. (delayed pickup) ae, VIT 16 de (delayed drop-off) ac nding current quicgeont 85 10 65 Max. current (mA) during operation 40. 65 45 66 7.8. Contacts : 7.6.1, VTT11.& VTT 12 Four pairs of sol reset contacts in any combination of normally apen or normally closed with a maximum of 2 NC contacts are provided on the output attracted armature unit Of VIT 11 relays, For VIT 12 rolaye 3 paire of normally closed contacts are avallablo. VIT 41 unit only, Note; Relays with heavy duty magnetic blow out contacts 7.6.3, Contact Ratings i resat contacts with maximum of 2 Hand rosot contacts ean be provided on also available on request. Make & Carry Make & Carry Break continuously for 3 seconds AG. 1250 VA with 7500 VA with 1250VA with maximum of BA maximum of 30 maximum of 5A and 660 vols amps and 660V and 660 D.C. 1250 Watts 7500 watts 100 watts max, with max, (resistive) 50 of 5A and of 30 ampe Wi 660 volts and 660 volts with max. of 5A and 680 volts 7.6.2. VIT 14 & VTT 15, Contacts : Relay or element type vin (dolayod pick-up) vit 45 (delayed drop-orf) | element Output | Contacts hs ‘Auactod | 9 Alpsits of mato, break, armatura salf or hand resetting. in any combination or 2 change-over contacts Attracted 3 pairs of make, break, solf or ‘ormaturo hand resetting, in any combination ef 1 change ‘over plus 1 N/O. contact. WT. Operation indicator ‘A hand raset mechanical flag operation indicator can be provided on the cutpur relay, 10 UNITIATING qua eee TRANSIENT SUPRESSOR FIG.1. BASIC CIRCUIT DIAGRAM FOR VIT1 RELAY. 1" Sie 00D | Jeowranazonbed SiStuaron [7] BECwA Ean BevAVED rick UP Nociaeel a Aer Figure SIMPUEITD SEOUENCE DIAGHAM FOR TYPE VITTA RELAY WTI TIM by Fon AE town SUPPLY Figute @ TYPICAL CIRCUIT DIAGRAMS FOR TYPE VTT14 RELAYS 12 b) FOR A powen suPrLy amany erany eoore Jcouranatonfe] Gove Becht. - Bech counteh Sirens gurrur pst agen | RLEMENT ine eves ‘ouca st "in. 4 SIMPLIFIED SEQUENGe DIAGRAM FOR TvPE VTT15 RELAY WiTH That DELAYED DROP OFF 2 nae ‘ 1 1 ' 1 ' 1 ' ' by Faw o€ powcr sur cura ? Sipsetr : tas S; 1 1 1 ' 1 1 1 ' a za 6 Fg D TYPICAL CIRCUIT DIAGRAMS FOR TYPE \TTI6 RELAYS 13 digital — switch Timer Fig 6 Typical Timing Tost Circuit for VTT 11 relay with delay on pick-up, imer— switch Fig 7 Typical Timing Test Circuit for VIT 42 relay with delay on drop-off, relay and 19 & 20 for 1D case relay. 14 Bo & a jairecooaar ety w cee tot 9 open ten | depending upon the use of Jo oF nic contact respactively, 4 palte of auxiliary contacts supply are given as standard, - aside * Close to stop or onan to stop Gepending upon tha use of le or nfa contact respectively. 4 pairs of auxiliary contacts are given as standerd. ‘The terminal numbers read S & 6 for 4 N cese atta 4 THE ENGLISH ELECTRIC COMPANY OF INDIA LTD. HEAD OFFICE: PALLAVARAM. MADRAS-600083 WORKS: PALLAVARAM, MADRAS-600 043 G HOSUR-636 125 orree PO 80K 2540, BaNGaLone $50006 @ 0.80% 117, LUCxtOW : 728001 PO Box 11112, BOMBAY - 60020 @ FO 80% 3308 MADRAS: 600036 PO, 60x 2226, CALCUTTA “700001 @ PO. BOX 207, NEW DELHI. 1000 erry

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