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Guided Assessment 1:

My Problem Solving Plan

The problem (negative action) I’m facing is: procrastinating

Different ways I can solve my problem:

As of the moment, I’m being a procrastinator and it really affects my daily living and
mostly my study. And as I think of a solution the first one came up with my mind is to
manage my time. Time management is the very effective way to solve procrastinating
for me. Manage your time so you can do your tasks that are assigned every day. The
second is to create a to-do list. List down all your target agendas in a day so you can
easily do it and you can have an access to your activities time to time. And lastly
eliminate distractions. Because you can’t do your job properly if there is distraction in
your area or your surroundings. When you start doing your task, make sure that you will
not do anything that isn’t related to your job so you will not be tempt to left it behind.
Procrastinating is a big challenge in our daily lives but make sure you will prevent it.

Think about what would happen for each of the solution you wrote above:
I think I can solve my problem by the solutions that I wrote. And I think it is effective to
prevent or solve the problem.

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