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Environment - GK

1. What is the theme of World Environment Day 2022?

2. Who wrote the World Environment Day Anthem?
3. What is the World Environment Day anthem called?
4. Who started Environment Day?
5. World Environment Day is also called –
6. Who is known as the father of Indian environmental science?
7. Which of the following animal has the highest blood pressure?
8. Which is the most polluted city in the world?
9. Who is known as father of Indian Green Revolution?
10.Who is considered the founder of earth day?
11.The Great Smog of 1952 took place in which citiy?
12.World's Largest Solar Park:
13.Where is India's First Light & Sound Proof Highway
14.Jim Corbett National Park may be renamed as
15.The first national park in the world?
16.Which environmental movement in India deserves the title of mother of
environmental movements?
17.In which year was the first international conference on desertification
18.Biosphere Reserve spread across the states of Kerala and Tamil Nadu?
19.Headquarters of Forest Survey of India?
20.Kerala's first national park?
21.India’s first national park?
22.The movement formed under the leadership of Medhapatkar to fight
against Sardar Sarovar project in Narmada river?
23.Who is the woman who protested against the Coca Cola company at
Plachimada in Palakkad district?
24.Which district in Kerala has the highest number of mangrove forests?
25.Who is known as the father of animal protection activities in India?
26.Which is the famous tiger reserve in West Bengal?
27.Which is India's first tiger reserve?
28.Which national park is located near the metropolitan city Mumbai in India?
29.Gir National Park, a sanctuary for Asiatic lions, is located in which district
of Gujarat?

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30.Which is the only wildlife sanctuary in Kollam district?
31.Which wildlife sanctuary was established to protect the endangered wild
32.Jim Corbett National Park is located in which district of Uttarakhand?
33.Which organization was started to evaluate the performance of zoos in the
34.A project started with the help of the central government for the
protection of elephants?
35.In which year Zoological Survey of India was established?
36.Who is the Forest Minister of Kerala?
37.Which movement was started by villagers against deforestation in Chamoli
district of Uttaranchal (Uttarakhand) state?
38.Which is the first wildlife sanctuary in Kerala?
39.Wildlife sanctuary in Kerala named after a tree?
40.Which is the first bird sanctuary in Kerala?
41.Which wildlife sanctuary is situated at the southernmost point of Kerala?
42.Which national park was established for the protection of endangered lion-
tailed monkeys?
43.Which organization records the extent and availability of forest resources
in India?
44.Who is the Chairperson of National Green Tribunal?
45.Who is the Union Minister of Forest Environment and Climate Change?
46.Who was the main leader of Chipko movement?
47.What was the former name of Jim Corbett National Park?
48.In which year was the tiger conservation program started in India?
49.'The Man Eaters of Kumaon' is a book written by whom?
50.Which river in silent valley is rich in biodiversity?
51.Which wildlife sanctuary was created for conservation of peacock?
52.Which bird sanctuary is located in the Brahmagiri Hills of Wayanad?
53.Which district has the largest number of national parks in Kerala?
54.Who started Vanamahotsavam in India?
55.Project Tiger was first launched in which National Park?
56.Which is the main report published by Forest Survey of India?
57.Which environmental movement started in South India under the
influence of Chipko movement?
58.Who was the main leader of Apiko movement?
59.Silent Valley National Park is located in which district?

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60.In which year Forest Survey of India came into existence?
61.Iravikulam National Park is located in which district?
62.Iravikulam National Park is located in which taluk of Idukki district?
63.Where is the headquarters of National Green Tribunal?
64.In which year Kerala Forest Research Institute was established?
65.In which year National Green Tribunal came into existence?
66.Where is Kerala Forest Research Institute located?
67.World Environment Day
68.India’s first Butterfly Park was established at which among the following
National Parks?
69.The word ‘ecology’ (Ökologie) was coined in 1866 by :
70.An aquatic plant was introduced to the US to remove pollution in Indian
aquatic bodies as a troublesome weed. what is its name?
71.Who introduced firstly the Ecosystem word?
72.Who used the word Biodiversity firstly?
73.Which one was the first Biosphere Reserve in India?
74.Which is the latest biosphere reserve of India included by UNESCO in the
world network?
75.Which Indian river is known as the Green Soup?
76.Which River is called Coal carrying river?
77.Which country is called Country of Lakes?
78.Which tree is considered the terrorist of ecology?
79.Where is the National Environmental Research Center of India located?
80.Which river of India is known as the bio desert due to more Pollution?
81.In which conference, June 5 was announced to be celebrated as
Environment Day?
82.The ‘Task Force on Blue Economy for Sustainable Development’ is a
collaboration between India and which country?
83.Point Calimere Bird and Wildlife Sanctuary, that is seen in news recently,
is located in which state?
84.Which of these is the world's deepest lake?
85.The author of Green Development is

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1. Only One Earth

2. Abhay Kumar

3. Earth Anthem

4. UN General Assembly

5. Eco Day

6. Ramdeo Mishra

7. Giraffe

8. Delhi

9. MS Swaminathan

10.Gaylord Nelson

12.Bhadla Solar Power Plant in India

13.Madhya Pradesh

14.Ramganga National Park

15.Yellow Stone National Park

16.Chipko Movement





21.Jim Corbett National Park

22.Narmada Bachao Andolan



25.Jim Corbett



28.Sanjay Gandhi National Park


30.Shendurney Wildlife Sanctuary


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33.Central Zoo Authority

34.Project Elephant (PE)


36.K. Saseendran

37.Chipko Movement


39.Chenthuruni Wild Life Sanctuary



42.Silent Valley

43.Forest Survey of India

44.Justice Adarsh Kumar Goel

45.Bhupendar Yadav

46.Sundarlal Bahuguna

47.Heylee’s National Park


49.Jim Corbette






55.Jim Corbett

56.State of Forest Report

57.Apiko Movement

58.Pandu Ranga Hegdey





63.New Delhi

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67.June 5

68.Bannerghatta National Park, Karnataka

69.Ernst Haeckel


71.A.G. Tansley

72.E.A.Nors (1980)


74.Panna National park


76.Rhine River




80.Damodar River

81.Stockholm Conference 1972


83.Tamil Nadu

84.Baikal Lake

85.W.M. Adams

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