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Minerals Engineering 150 (2020) 106272

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A review on the electrochemistry of galena flotation T

Yuehua Hu, Meirong Wu, Runqing Liu , Wei Sun

School of Mineral Processing and Bioengineering, Central South University, Changsha 410083, PR China


Keywords: Galena is the most important lead-containing mineral that has semiconductor properties which can cause
Galena flotation electrochemical reactions during flotation. This paper reviews studies of galena electrochemical flotation be-
Electrochemical potential havior. The electrochemical mechanisms on galena surfaces of oxidation, collector adsorption and depression are
Pulp chemistry described. Collectorless flotation requires a moderate oxidizing potential, and flotation cannot be achieved under
Mineral processing
reducing conditions. The hydrophobic entity of the galena surface for collectorless flotation may be elemental
sulfur, lead polysulfide or the deficiency of lead. Chemisorbed xanthate, lead dixanthate, or dixanthogen may be
responsible for xanthate-induced flotation. The flotation behavior can be optimized by adjusting and controlling
pulp potential, dissolved O2, and solution pH. The addition of depressants can be directly involved in redox
reactions between collectors and sulfide minerals, thereby depressing galena flotation. The grinding environ-
ment also greatly influences galena flotation. Various factors such as galvanic interactions, grinding media, gas
atmosphere, solution pH, and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) formation can affect the extent of electrochemical
reactions. This review proposes that research on sulfide mineral flotation should focus on the combination of
theory and application of electrochemistry.

1. Introduction the flotation characteristics of the entire system (Becker et al., 2001).
Reduction or oxidation conditions are usually controlled by pH and
Galena (PbS) is one of the most important base metal sulfide mi- dissolved O2, that is, enabling the Eh value to be adjusted to obtain the
nerals and is a narrow band gap semiconductor. Galena often occurs best flotation reaction (Chimonyo et al., 2017b).
with other sulfide minerals, such as chalcopyrite or pyrite (Zárate et al., This study provides a comprehensive review of the influence of
2012). Oxidation, reagent adsorption, and reactions between sulfide electrochemical conditions on galena surface chemistry and electro-
minerals and aqueous solution play a key role in mineral processing chemical processes in the flotation system. The electrochemical flota-
(Ralston, 1991). These reactions occurring during flotation are usually tion behavior of galena and its mechanism are systematically in-
electrochemical in nature and are dependent on the oxidation–reduc- troduced with consideration of oxidation of galena, adsorption of
tion conditions and the semiconducting properties of galena collector on the mineral surface, action of depressants, and grinding
(Chernyshova, 2001a; Pillai and Bockris, 1984). In the electrochemical environment. The effects of pulp chemistry such as pulp potential, pH,
process of sulfide minerals flotation, electrons can transfer across the and O2 on the electrochemical behavior and flotation of galena are also
solid-liquid interface, the reagent and the mineral. Without under- discussed. Understanding flotation electrochemistry is beneficial to
standing of the electrochemistry, the flotation process cannot be un- regulation and control of hydrophobic and hydrophilic electrochemical
derstood in essence (Grano et al., 1990; Woods, 2003). reactions on the mineral surface, thereby determining the flotation and
The key factor affecting electrochemical processes is the redox po- depression of the value sulfide mineral and optimization the flotation
tential between minerals and solution interface (Buswell et al., 2002). behavior.
The redox potential controls the formation of surface hydrophilic spe-
cies (e.g., lead hydroxide or lead oxide) and surface hydrophobic spe- 2. Structure of galena
cies (e.g., elemental sulfur), which are responsible for flotation and
depression of minerals (Buckley and Woods, 1991b; Chernyshova and The crystal structure of galena is shown in Fig. 1. Galena belongs to
Andreev, 1997; Kartio et al., 1996b). The regulation of pulp potential the octahedral sulfide mineral group, and its metal and sulfur ions are
(Eh) can change the redox properties of the system, thereby improving located in the octahedral position. Divalent lead cations (Pb2+) and

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (R. Liu).
Received 26 June 2019; Received in revised form 16 November 2019; Accepted 11 February 2020
0892-6875/ © 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Y. Hu, et al. Minerals Engineering 150 (2020) 106272

control the semiconductor type of minerals, and affect the reduction or

oxidation reactions (Ellmer and Höpfner, 2006; Lan et al., 2016; Oertel
et al., 1999).
Zn, Cd, Mn, Cu, Bi, Sb, Tl, Ag, As, and In impurities greatly influence
the band structure of galena. The presence of Mn and Zn impurities
increase the band gap of galena, whereas Tl, Sb As, and Bi impurities
work oppositely. In, Cd, Cu, and Ag impurities have a minimal effect on
the band gap of galena. In general, the increased band gap may reduce
the electrical conductivity of galena and may be detrimental to elec-
trochemical reactions (Chen et al., 2015b). Adsorbed O2 may also
convert galena surface from an n-type to a p-type, which has an en-
ergetic state on the surface that is more conducive for oxidation of
Fig. 1. Crystal structure of galena (Noda et al., 1987). (a) Side view and (b) xanthate ion (Richardson and O'Dell, 1985).
top view of galena crystal.
4. Effect of semi-conducting properties on flotation
sulfur anions (S2−) form compact packed cubic unit cells, similar to
mineral halides. Cleavage is in the [0 1 0], [1 0 0], and [0 0 1] direc- The difference in the interaction between sulfide minerals and col-
tions. The cleaved galena surface is hydrophilic (Hu et al., 2010). The lector under certain conditions is caused by the different semiconductor
formation of galena crystal is based on the following reaction (Chen properties of the mineral surface. The p-type semiconductor is more
et al., 2014): beneficial to xanthate adsorption than the n-type semiconductor
(Richardson and O'Dell, 1985). Xanthate can spontaneously adsorb on
S2− + Pb2+ → PbS (1) fresh galena with strong p-type properties, but the surface of galena
Eq. (1) indicates that galena is formed under the reductive atmo- with strong n-type properties must be oxidised to enable the chemi-
sphere, so it possesses reductive property. This property of galena ac- sorption of xanthate (Plaksin and Shafeev, 1963). In addition, oxidation
counts for its low electrode rest potentials and electron exclusion rate varies with the stoichiometry of lead sulfide. Specifically, the
characteristics (Chen et al., 2014). slowest rate occurs under sulfur deficiency (i.e., n-type) and a faster
The natural flotability of some minerals depends on crystal struc- rate occurs in sulfur-rich lead sulfide (i.e., p-type) (Eadington, 1966).
ture; some minerals have layer structures that make them float easily The flotation results conducted by Glembotskii (1981) confirm that the
without creating special conditions or using any collector for col- flotation recovery of p-type galena is higher than that of n-type galena.
lectorless flotation (Janusz and Jan, 1990). In the presence of O2, water
molecules form hydrogen bonds to the mineral surface, and sulfide ores 5. Oxidation of galena
undergo oxidation to form sulfur-oxy species and loose their natural
flotability (Fuerstenau and Sabacky, 1981). Zhao et al. (2014) used Oxidation plays a key role in mineral processing. Collectorless flo-
density functional theory (DFT) method to study the adsorption of tation, collector-induced flotation, and mineral oxidation have a close
water on the galena surface and its natural flotability. All calculation relationship. Understanding surface oxidation is of great significance
models were established in a vacuum environment to eliminate the for optimization of the flotation behavior. Oxidation products may form
influences of O2 and other factors. Water molecules prefer to interact on the mineral surface, thereby changing the surface characteristics of
with water rather than the mineral surfaces, implying the galena sur- minerals and their surface hydrophilicity and hydrophobicity
face is hydrophobic. (Hampton et al., 2011). The rates, mechanisms, and products of oxi-
dation are dependent on several factors, such as pulp potential
(Goktepe, 2002), temperature (Buckley and Woods, 1984; Shapter
3. Semi-conducting properties et al., 2000), solution pH (Kim et al., 1995). O2 is an important factor
that controls the extent to which sulfide mineral is oxidised to sulfur-
Almost all metal sulfide minerals have semiconducting properties. oxy species. The reduction of O2 as a cathodic process is critical for the
When a group of atoms are brought together to form a solid, the in- electrochemical reaction on the surface of sulfide minerals. Moderate
dividual electron levels of the individual atoms overlap to form con- oxidation contributes to galena collectorless flotation, and when galena
duction, forbidden, and valence bands. The lower band completely is strongly oxidised, the surface is covered by hydrophilic oxidation
filled with electrons is called valence band. The electrons in a valence products, which depress flotation (Hayes and Ralston, 1988).
band can be forced up into a conduction band by applying large amount The removal of excess oxidized species on the surface of galena can
of energy. The bottom of the conduction band and the top of the va- improve the flotation. Ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA) solu-
lence band are separated by band gap or forbidden energy gap (Hu tion has good solubility for typical galena oxidation products, such as
et al., 2010). Sulfide minerals can be classified into conductors, semi- lead hydroxide, lead carbonate, lead hydroxide, and lead sulfate, but no
conductors, and insulators in accordance with the band gap width (Eg). obvious dissolution of galena or lead occurs on the sulfur-rich surface
When Eg = 0, the mineral is a conductor; when 0 < Eg < 2, the (Greet and Smart, 2002). In the case of moderate EDTA concentration
mineral is a semiconductor; when Eg > 2, the mineral is an insulator and pH range, EDTA removes the hydrophilic metal hydroxide layer on
(Vijh, 1973). the galena surface, thus exposing the sulfur-rich surface to water. Ex-
Galena is a semiconductor with a narrow band gap (Eg = 0.41 eV) cess EDTA destroys the sulfur-rich surface layer. At low pH, EDTA
which plays an important role in the adsorption of O2 and the elec- cannot remove hydrophilic metal hydroxide (Xianghuai and Forssberg,
trochemical processes undergone by galena during flotation (Oertel 1990).
et al., 1999). The semiconductor type of galena can be classified into p-
type and n-type semiconductors on the basis of conductivity types. P- 5.1. Surface oxidation products of galena
type semiconductors have dominant hole concentration for conduction,
and n-type semiconductors have dominant electron concentration for Many electrochemical studies have been conducted on galena oxi-
conduction, thereby weakening or enhancing electrochemical adsorp- dation to understand its mechanism and influence on flotation.
tion on the mineral surface (Chen et al., 2015a). The presence of im- Scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) (Kim et al., 1995; Kim et al.,
purities in the galena lattice can change the structure of energy band, 1996a), Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) (Chernyshova,

Y. Hu, et al. Minerals Engineering 150 (2020) 106272

2003; Chernyshova and Andreev, 1997), Raman spectroscopy (Buckley sulfate during oxidation. Hsieh and Huang (1989) indicated that the
and Woods, 1994a; Shapter et al., 2000), atomic force microscopy oxygen in the sulfate was completely derived from molecular oxygen,
(AFM) (Hampton et al., 2011), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) which was inconsistent with the findings of Fornasiero et al. (1994).
(Buckley et al., 1994; Buckley and Woods, 1994a; Chernyshova and Heidel and Tichomirowa (2011) performed isotope analysis on the
Andreev, 1997; Kartio et al., 1998; Nowak and Laajalehto, 2000; sulfate produced and found that the oxygen in the sulfate was mainly
Nowak et al., 2000), and various electrochemical techniques have been derived from water molecules, with a small amount was derived from
applied to determine the surface oxidation products of galena (Gardner molecular oxygen, indicating that the adsorption of water molecules
and Woods, 1979). Galena oxidation generally results in the production plays a very important role in the oxidation of galena. Chen et al.
of sulfate as the end oxidation product and the release of lead ions into (2017) carried out DFT computation simulation to study the adsorption
the solution, as well as Pb hydroxy-carbonate precipitate, lead oxide, of O2 and H2O on the galena (1 0 0) surface and found that the galena
elemental sulfur, and intermediates, such as thiosulfate (Chernyshova, surface was oxidised by the continuous reaction of the adsorbed O2 and
2003; Fornasiero et al., 1994; Hsieh and Huang, 1989; Kartio et al., water molecules. The study also revealed that water molecules were
1996a; Kartio et al., 1997; Manocha and Park, 1977; Nowak and involved in the surface oxidation of galena, and the oxygen in the
Laajalehto, 2000; Nowak et al., 2000). These reactions are electro- sulfate was derived from water.
chemical in nature. Therefore, controlling the oxidation process in the
flotation pulp can improve the selective flotation. The oxidation of 5.2. Collectorless flotation
galena in neutral or alkaline solution is more complex than in acid
media. For galena, the following reactions may generate elemental The collectorless flotation of sulfide minerals can only occur in
sulfur (Hu et al., 2010): moderately oxidizing environments, which can be controlled by the
in acidic media pulp potential, but cannot be achieved under reducing conditions
(Ralston, 1991). Elemental sulfur (S0) (Hampton et al., 2011), lead
PbS → Pb2+ + S0 + 2e− (2)
polysulfide (PbSn, n > 1, unbranched sulfur chains connected to the
in weak alkaline media metal sulfide lattice by covalent or ionic bonds) (Aghazadeh et al.,
2015) and lead-deficient sulfide (Pb1-XS, X < 1, lead ions are removed
PbS + 2H2O → Pb(OH)2 + S0 + 2H+ + 2e− (3) from the crystal lattice) (Buckley, 1996; Mineralurgii, 2002) are oxi-
in alkaline media dation products that result in hydrophobicity on the surface of sulfides,
which help to increase the rate of collectorless flotation. The col-
PbS + 2H2O → HPbO2− + S0 + 3H+ + 2e− (4) lectorless flotation recovery of galena is determined by the relative
amounts of substances containing hydrophobic species (e.g., elemental
The reactions not producing hydrophobic species are:
sulfur) and hydrophilic species (e.g., lead hydroxide Pb(OH)2 produced
2PbS + 3H2O → 2Pb2+ + S2O32− + 6H+ + 8e− (5) during oxidation), depending on the solution pH and pulp potential.
2− + − Suitable pH and Eh values are necessary for collectorless flotation. Gu
2PbS + 7H2O → 2Pb(OH)2 + S2O3 + 10H + 8e (6)
et al. (2002) studied the electrochemical oxidation of galena at pH
2PbS + 7H2O → 2HPbO2− + S2O32− + 12H+ + 8e− (7) above 12.5 and a potential smaller than 0.17 V and found that the
oxidation products of galena were elemental sulfur and HPbO−.
The initial oxidation product is elemental sulfur at all pH ranges, Moreover, elemental sulfur exceeded the oxidised lead species, which is
Pb2+ is formed in acidic solution, HPbO22− and Pb(OH)2 are formed in beneficial to collectorless flotation of galena.
alkaline media (Chernyshova, 2003; Gardner and Woods, 1979). Sulfur-
oxy species, such as thiosulfate (S2O32−), can be formed in the solution. 5.2.1. Effect of pH on the collectorless flotation of galena
These species are thermodynamically unstable, and will decompose Collectorless flotation is related to solution pH, becoming is more
with time or with changing environments. Sulfate is the most stable favorable with decreasing pH (Lutterll and Yoon, 1984). Galena is ea-
sulfur-oxy species under acid and weak alkaline conditions; the ex- sily depressed under alkaline conditions due to the formation of metal
istence of metastable species suggests that several steps are required to hydroxides, such as lead hydroxide Pb(OH)2, which provides hydro-
generate sulfate from sulfide (Kim, 1998). The properties of the oxi- philicity to the mineral surface (Cheng and Iwasaki, 1992). Kang and
dation products generally determine the subsequent flotation behavior. Chen (2011) studied the effect of pH on the collectorless flotation of
The oxidation of sulfide can occur through several possible pathways; galena and found that the recovery of galena was low in strongly acidic
the following reaction pathway represents the possible intermediate solution (pH 2) and strongly alkaline solution (pH 11) but was high at
species (Kim et al., 1996a): other pH values (over 75%). Kocabag et al. (1990) found that galena
S2− → S22− → Sn2 −
→ S0 → sulfur-oxy species → SO42− (8) has maximum recovery at pH of approximately 5.5. The flotation of
galena in acidic solution occurs due to the formation of elemental sulfur
Although extensive studies have been carried out on the oxidation on the surface and increased hydrophobicity. Moreover, increase in
of galena, an agreement has not been achieved with regard to the de- flotability at low pH is due to the stability of elemental sulfur and its
tails of the oxidation process, especially the surface composition of the greater hydrophobicity than polysulfide (Lutterll and Yoon, 1984). Sun
oxidised galena. Fornasiero et al. (1994) determined the proportions of et al. (1994) suggested that the balance relationship between the hy-
various lead and sulfur species on the galena surface and in solution for drophobicity and hydrophilicity of collectorless flotation can be de-
various pretreatment conditions of the mineral in which most of the scribed as [S0]/[OH–]. At a certain pH value, the greater the [S0], the
galena surface was not oxidised, and lead oxide and lead hydroxide greater the hydrophobicity, and the better the flotability. At high pH
were the major oxidation products. In that study, no elemental sulfur, values, large [S0] is required, whereas small [S0] is required for flota-
polysulfide or metal-deficient sulfur were generated, whereas lead tion at low pH.
sulfate was formed but in small quantities. Kartio et al. (1998) found
that the main oxidation product of galena is elemental sulfur when 5.2.2. Effect of pulp potential on the collectorless flotation of galena
anodized at a potential of 0.3 V at pH 4.6. Hampton et al. (2011) in- Pulp potential is an important electrochemical parameter that is
vestigated the electrochemical behavior of galena at pH 4.5 and found related to the flotation efficacy. It can determine the type of species
that the presence of elemental sulfur, polysulfide, or metal-deficient formed on the surface of the sulfide ore and can be used to predict the
sulfide could not be detected. optimal flotation conditions (Chander, 2003). The flotation recovery
In addition, a consensus has not been made on the oxygen source for and pulp potential in various flotation systems have been found to have

Y. Hu, et al. Minerals Engineering 150 (2020) 106272

a clear relationship (Hintikka and Leppinen, 1995). Chernyshova et al.

(1997a) found that in moderately alkaline solution (pH 9.2), the main S
product of anodic oxidation at + 0.4 V (SHE) in the presence of O2 is
lead hydroxide. Hayes and Ralston (Hayes and Ralston, 1988) in- R O C S Na or K
vestigated the collectorless flotation of galena and obtained maximum
recovery of 35% at pH 9.2 and Eh of 500–550 mV (SHE). Kartio et al. Nonpolar group Polar group
(1996a) studied galena oxidation at pH 4.6 with synchrotron X-ray Cation
photoelectron spectroscopy (SR-XPS) and found that metallic lead Anion
formed at low potential, and galena started to oxidize at high potential,
Fig. 3. Chemical structure of xanthate (Greenler, 1962).
forming new species, such as metal polysulfides and lead-deficient
sulfides. At + 250 mV (SHE), the formation of metal polysulfide in-
creased sharply. They also considered that metal deficiency may be the The generally accepted the hydrophobic entity of the galena surface
precursor for the formation of metal polysulfides. When the potential for xanthate-induced flotation is lead dixanthate. Lead dixanthate may
increases, polysulfides can be further oxidised to elemental sulfur. The be formed via the following reactions (Guy and Trahar, 1984; Leppinen
initial oxidation reaction involves the removal of lead atoms from the and Rastas, 1986; Wang and Yen, 1990; Woods, 1972):
sulfide lattice to form a metal-deficient surface layer, which affects the PbS + 2X− + 4H2O → PbX2 + SO42− + 8H+ + 8e−(10-a)
collectorless flotation of galena. The reaction producing lead deficiency
is represented by Eq. (8) (Buckley, 1996). 2PbS + 4X− + 3H2O → 2PbX2 + S2O32− + 6H+ + 8e−(10-b)

PbS + 1/2xO2 + xH2O → Pb1−xS + xPb(OH)2 (9) PbS + 2X− → PbX2 + S + 2e−(10-c)

Fig. 2 shows the Eh–pH diagram for the PbS–H2O system. The figure where X− represents the xanthate ion.
visually describes the thermodynamic stability range of different spe- Although lead dixanthate is the primary hydrophobic product
cies of lead and sulfur species and the relationship of the formation of formed on the galena surface (Laajalehto et al., 1993; Nowak, 1993),
various components as a function of pH and potential. If the pulp po- dixanthogen and chemisorbed xanthate (Buckley and Woods, 1994b)
tential is appropriate, elemental sulfur is present throughout the pH are also found. They are also considered hydrophobic and may be re-
range. When the pH is fixed, the formation of elemental sulfur has a sponsible for xanthate-induced flotation (Gardner and Woods, 1977).
corresponding potential range, beyond which it is difficult to oxidise The electrochemical process of the oxidation of xanthate to dix-
galena, or elemental sulfur is further oxidised to hydrophilic species. anthogen and the charge transfer in the chemisorption of xanthate ions
are considered to be an anodic process (Woods, 1971).
6. Collector adsorption on galena surface Formation of chemisorbed xanthate is shown as follows:

X− → Xads + e− (11)
The adsorption of collectors on galena essentially involves an elec-
trochemical reaction, which is affected by the electrochemical condi- Chemisorption provides the most efficient use of the collector, be-
tions during flotation (Ho and Conway, 1978; Page and Hazell, 1989; cause a monolayer layer is formed before the formation of multilayers
Ranta et al., 1981). Knowledge about the mineral surface composition of bulk lead dixanthate (Woods, 2003). The solubility of chemisorbed
after adsorption of the collector is critical to understanding the me- xanthate is smaller than that of bulk lead dixanthate (Buckley and
chanism of action of the collector (Laajalehto et al., 1993). Xanthate Woods, 1994b).
(dithiocarbonate, ROCSS−) is a widely used collector in the flotation of Formation of dixanthogen is shown as follows:
sulfide minerals. The chemical structure of xanthate is shown in Fig. 3,
2X− → X2 + 2e− (12)
where R represents the nonpolar group, an alkyl chain, e.g., ethyl-C2H5
and iso-butyl-C4H9 (O'Dea et al., 2001). The polar group of xanthate Electrochemical reactions between xanthate and galena includes the
collector can firmly adsorb on the surface of the sulfide ore, whereas the anodic process of electron transfer from the collector to the mineral in
nonpolar hydrophobic groups are oriented outwardly on the mineral Eq. (10), (11), and (12) and the cathodic reduction of O2 in Eq. (13)
surface, resulting in hydrophobicization of the surface of the sulfide (Gardner and Woods, 1973).
mineral and easy adhesion to bubbles (Polikg and Leja, 1963). The
O2 + H2O + 2e− → 2OH– (13)
mechanism of xanthate-induced flotation is usually explained on the
basis of the mixed potential mode, in which an anodic reaction of Electrochemical methods and surface sensitive techniques, such as
electron transfer from collector to mineral is combined with a cathodic FTIR (Leppinen et al., 1989), STM (Kim et al., 1996b), and XPS
reduction of O2 (Woods, 2003). (Laajalehto et al., 1993) have been widely used to study various anodic
reactions on sulfide surfaces. These reactions are strongly dependent on
O2, pulp potential, solution pH, and other parameters. The presence of


Pb+S2O32- water molecules has a significant influence on the covalent bonding,

electron distribution, and reactivity of the surface atoms, which will
improve the adsorption of xanthate on the galena surface (Long et al.,
Pb(OH)2+S Greenler (1962) has shown that galena samples with a high degree
of oxidation adsorb more xanthate than those with low oxidation.
HPbO2-+S Xanthate chemisorption occurs at a potential lower than the reversible
potential of lead dixanthate or dixanthogen formation (Grano et al.,
1997c). Therefore, the initial reaction between galena and xanthate
involves the chemisorption of xanthate via a mixed potential me-
chanism, and the collector bonds to the lead atoms in the galena lattice
(Buckley and Woods, 1994b). When the potential is held in the region
Fig. 2. Eh–pH diagram for the PbS–H2O system in aqueous solution for dis- of −0.15 to +0.1 V (SHE), xanthate will chemisorb onto galena. At
solved species at 10%4 M (Hu et al., 2010). high anodic potential, both lead dixanthate and dixanthogen are

Y. Hu, et al. Minerals Engineering 150 (2020) 106272

formed (Woods, 1972). In the presence of xanthate, an anodic peak is 2- Adsorbed Xanthate ion oxidation takes place and dixanthogen oc-
observed (Gardner and Woods, 1977; Richardson and O'Dell, 1985; curs.
Woods, 1971) on the voltammograms of galena, which corresponds to 3- A multilayer of lead dixanthate is formed on top of the chemisorbed
the potential of flotation beginning of galena. This peak occurs at po- xanthate layer with the increase of xanthate concentration.
tential lower than the reversible value for the formation of dixanthogen
or lead dixanthate and is considered as the chemisorption reaction. A In addition to xanthate, other collectors are used for the flotation of
necessary condition for the formation of dixanthogen is that the mixed sulfide minerals. Leppinen and Mielczarski (1986) studied the adsorp-
potential generated by the O2 reduction and surface oxidation of xan- tion of potassium diphenyldithiophosphate, potassium ethyl xanthate,
thate must exceed the equilibrium potential of dixanthogen/xanthate and sodium diethyldithiophosphate. The main type of adsorption pro-
coupling (Allison et al., 1972). Woods (1971) demonstrated that the duct formed by collectors on lead sulfide is similar to the corresponding
rest potentials of galena in ethyl xanthate solutions that were greater lead salt, such as lead dixanthate. Gu et al. (2002) indicated that die-
than the equilibrium potential of dixanthogen formation, thus con- thyldithiocarbamate (DDTC- abbreviated as D) is a suitable collector for
firming that dixanthogen can be formed. the flotation of galena in strong alkaline solution (pH > 12.5). Hy-
Chemisorbed xanthate is a precursor of lead dixanthate and dix- drophobic PbD2 was found on the galena surface at the potential range
anthogen, which are formed via the following reactions (Chernyshova, of 0–0.2 V (SHE). DDTC can also depress the overoxidation of galena
2002): surface.

PbS + 2Xads → PbX2 + S0 (14)

6.1. Effect of collector concentration on collector adsorption
PbS + 4Xads → PbX2 + X2 + S (15)
Differences were found in the adsorption mechanism of xanthate at
In addition to lead dixanthate, dixanthogen and chemisorbed xan- high and low concentrations (Chernyshova, 2002). When xanthate is
thate, metastable monothiocarbonates (MTC) have also been found on adsorbed, the concentration decreases, and the pulp potential increases
the galena surface, which are important derivatives of xanthate (Leppinen and Mielczarski, 1986). The adsorption of xanthate on galena
(Chernyshova, 2002; Grano et al., 1997c; Harris and Finkelstein, 1975). occurs at potentials below the reversible potential, Er, which has the
The formation of MTC represents a mechanism in which the adsorbed following relationship with xanthate concentration (Woods, 1971):
xanthate ion can be removed from the mineral surface (Harris and
Finkelstein, 1975). The reaction is provided as follows (Finkelstein, Er = 0.124 0.059logC (18)
1972): where C is the molar concentration of ethyl xanthate.
Pb(OH)2 + ROCSS −
→ PbS + H2O + ROCSO −
(16) Low concentrations of xanthate cause the formation of the adsorbed
species of PbX. At high concentrations, infrared spectra indicated that
MTC is an anodic decomposition product of dixanthogen, which precipitated lead dixanthate was formed on the surface of PbS
may be formed via the following reaction (Chernyshova, 2002): (Fredriksson and Holmgren, 2008). IR measurement analysis and ad-
sorption enthalpies also confirmed this (Arnaud et al., 1989).
(ROCS2)2 + Pb(OH)2 + 3OH– + 8h+ → (ROCSO)2 + PbS2O3 + 5H+
Fredriksson and Holmgren (2008) used Attenuated total reflectance-
Fourier transform infrared spectrometry (ATR-FTIR) and determined
where h+ stands for hole. The oxidation chemistry of galena is the only surface reaction product is heptyl xanthate at low concentra-
related to the rate of formation of metastable MTC during adsorption tions (≤0.1 mM); lead dixanthate precipitated on the PbS surface at
(Grano et al., 1997c). high concentrations. O’Dea et al. (2001) indicated the balance between
The adsorption of xanthate and adsorbed oxidation products on the PbX2 precipitation and monolayer adsorption depends on Eh and the
galena surface has been extensively studied, but the structure of the concentration of X and Pb in the solution. At low Eh and xanthate
adsorption layer remains controversial. The widely accepted structure concentrations, surface oxidation is reduced, and the overall con-
is that the monolayer of chemisorbed xanthate is formed first on the centration of adsorbed xanthates is higher than at high Eh. Moreover,
galena surface without changing the position of the atom in the PbS increasing potassium ethyl xanthate (KEX) addition and Eh is beneficial
lattice. Under certain conditions, the top of the chemisorbed xanthate to the generation of X2 (Pritzker and Yoon, 1984).
layer can form multilayers of bulk lead dixanthate (Cases and De
Donato, 1991; Kartio et al., 1999; Plescia, 1993; Smart et al., 2003a). 6.2. Effect of pH on collector adsorption
Poling and Leja (1963) used infrared multiple reflectance spectroscopy
to study xanthate adsorption on galena and found that the lead-to- Xanthates are used for sulfide ore flotation, but are not stable under
xanthate ratio of the species adsorption layer was 1:1, while that of certain pH conditions in aqueous solution. Potassium ethylxanthate is
multi-layer adsorption was 1:2. Rastas and Sten (1990) investigated the unstable at pH < 7 and undergoes total decomposition at pH < 4
chemisorption of xanthate on the surface of lead sulfide via thermo- (Maillot et al., 1984). Redox potential plays a crucial role in sulfide
dynamic calculations and found that the thermodynamic stability of the minerals flotation, which affects the reaction of mineral surfaces and
surface layer is different from that of bulk lead dixanthate. Kartio et al. thus affects the flotation behavior of minerals (Chimonyo et al., 2017a).
(1999) used SR-XPS and found that the first molecular layer of ethyl The potential generally decreases with increasing pH, and low pH is
xanthate on the surface of PbS comprised chemisorbed xanthate radi- beneficial to the chemisorption of ethyl xanthate under anaerobic
cals rather than lead ethyl xanthate, consistent with previous findings conditions (Rastas and Sten, 1990). Galena is easily depressed under
(Buckley and Woods, 1991a; Laajalehto et al., 1993; Polikg and Leja, alkaline conditions, with the formation of metal hydroxides, such as
1963; Shchukarev et al., 1994). Electrochemical flotation results and lead hydroxide Pb(OH)2, resulting in hydrophilicity of the mineral
cyclic voltammograms (Gardner and Woods, 1973; Woods, 1971) in- surface. From an electrochemical point of view, when alkalinity in-
dicate that dixanthogen in multilayers is the key species for the hy- creases, pulp potential shifts towards more cathodic, and the shift in
drophobicity of the galena. The adsorption of xanthate on the galena potential prevents the oxidation of xanthate ions to dixanthogen (Cheng
surface consists of the following steps (Cases and Donato, 1991; De and Iwasaki, 1992).
Donato et al., 1990; Woods, 1972): Goktepe (2002) found that galena flotation is feasible below pH 7
with the recovery of galena decreasing sharply above this pH. Hence, in
1- Xanthate ion adsorbs on the galena surface and forms a monolayer alkaline solution, galena is difficult to float due to the decomposition of
of chemisorbed xanthate xanthate and the formation of hydrophilic metal hydroxides. Moreover,

Y. Hu, et al. Minerals Engineering 150 (2020) 106272

the potential is not linearly related to pH; the potential changed from
3PbS + 5HCr2O42−+5H+ → 3PbCrO4 + Cr2O3 + 3S0 + 5H2O (21)
35 mV to − 25 mV (SHE) from pH 2 to 11, and dropped to − 125 mV
(SHE) at pH 12. Elizondo-Álvarez et al. (2018) observed that as the pH These two reactions consume H+, increase the pH of the pulp, and
increased from 5.5 to 9.5, galena recovery continued to decrease, which produce hydrophilic Cr2O3 and PbCrO4, the deposition of which on the
may be explained by increasing hydroxyl concentration possibly com- surface of the galena inhibits flotation. At alkaline conditions, the fol-
peting for adsorption sites with collector molecules and ultimately lowing reactions occur (Kocabağ and Güler, 2007):
leading to the formation of metal hydroxides.
PbS + CrO42− + 4H2O → PbCrO4 + SO42− + 8H+ + 8e- (22)
6.3. Effect of O2 on collector adsorption 2PbS + Cr2O72− + 9H2O → 2PbCrO4 + 2SO42− + 18H+ + 16e-
The O2 demand during the flotation of sulfide minerals with xan-
thate confirms the electrochemical mechanism in which the anodic The depression of galena by sulfite is complex, and various me-
reaction involving xanthate is combined with the cathodic reduction of chanisms have been proposed. Grano et al. (1997a) investigated the
O2. The simultaneous presence of xanthate and O2 is necessary for the effect of sulfite on the flotation of galena induced by ethyl xanthate and
rapid attachment of bubbles to the particles during flotation (Ahmed, found that sulfite decomposes xanthate ions in solution and forms
1978). perxanthate (ROCSSO−), as shown in Eq. (24). The sulfite consumes
The flotation behavior of minerals depends on the concentration of dissolved O2, resulting in a decrease in pulp potential. This condition
O2 in the solution. The standard O2 concentration of water in equili- reduces the amount of dixanthogen or lead dixanthate formed due to
brium with air is 8 mg /L at standard temperature and pressure (Sheni the low content of O2 available (Grano et al., 1997b). When galena is
et al., 2018). The flotability increases with increasing O2 content treated with sulfite, lead dixanthate on the galena surface is decom-
(Finkelstein, 2007) and affects the pulp potential (Ekmekçi et al., posed, and lead sulfite with high hydrophilicity is formed on the surface
2005), resulting in the increase in oxidation rate of xanthate on the (Eq. (25)) (Chander, 1985).
galena surface (Gaudin and Finkelstein, 1965; Plaksin, 1959; Smart ROCSS−+HSO3−+ SO32− + O2 → ROCSSO− + ROH + 2S2O32− +
et al., 2003b). In the absence of O2, significant xanthate coverage can CO2 (24)
only be obtained when the concentration of xanthate is high in alkaline
and neutral solution (Buckley and Woods, 1994b). Moreover, in the PbX2 + SO32− → PbSO3 + 2X− (25)
absence of O2, the nonpolar hydrophobic group of the xanthate may be
The galena flotation ceases above a certain sodium sulfide con-
attached to the surface of sulfide minerals by the van der Waals forces,
centration, because sodium sulfide reduces the solution redox potential,
whereas the polar group is exposed to the solution to maintain the
thereby inhibiting the chemisorption of xanthate on the mineral surface
hydrophilicity of the surface. This adsorption reduces the electrode
(Herrera-Urbina et al., 1999). Electrode potential measurement studies
potential and inhibits the reduction of O2 (Ahmed, 1978). The calcu-
also show that galena has a strong reduction potential in sulfide solu-
lation results by Chen et al. (2014) suggests that dixanthogen cannot be
tion. Under these conditions, lead dixanthate is unstable compared with
formed on the galena surface in the absence of O2 because of the re-
lead sulfide (Sato, 1960). Qin et al. (2013) found that the adsorption
ductive properties of galena.
density of butyl xanthate (BX) on the galena surface was reduced as the
concentration of BX increased compared with the absence of Na2S. The
7. Depressants mechanism by which Na2S removes the collector can be explained:

7.1. Inorganic depressants (1) HS− is the main hydrolyzed component of Na2S in the pH range of
8.5–10, and competes with butyl xanthate ion (BX−) to inhibit the
Depressants can be simply classified into two types, inorganic and further adsorption of xanthate.
organic depressants (Feng et al., 2019). Different mechanisms have (2) HS− can desorb lead butyl xanthate (Pb(BX)2) from galena surfaces:
been proposed to explain the nature of the influence of depressants on
galena, including competition between collectors and depressants at the Pb (BX)2 + HS− → PbS + H+ + 2BX− (26)
surface adsorption sites, the creation of thermodynamic conditions 2+ −
Pb (BX)2 → Pb + 2BX (27)
unfavorable to the formation of metal collector salts, and the formation
2+ 2−
of hydrophilic coatings on the surface. In another mechanism, de- PbS → Pb +S (28)
pressants may be directly involved in the redox reaction between col- − 2− +
HS →S +H (29)
lectors and sulfide minerals (Chander, 1985).
Galena can be depressed by oxidizing (dichromate and chromite)
and reducing agents (sulfide ions). Chromate or dichromate is fre-
quently used as a depressant in the flotation of complex sulfide ores 7.2. Organic depressants
containing galena. Dichromate is a more effective galena depressant
than chromate. The relationship between dichromate and chromate can Inorganic depressants are toxic and hazardous to the environment
be expressed (Okada and Majima, 2013): (Qin et al., 2012). Some natural organic compounds or their derivatives
have been used as galena depressants to replace dichromate, such as
2CrO42− + 2H+ → 2HCrO4− → Cr2O72− + H2O (19) sodium humate (HA) with ammonium persulfate ((NH4)2S2O8) (Liu
et al., 2016), carboxymethyl cellulose (Xiang, 2015) or in combination
Generally, in the presence of dichromate, the depression of galena
with sodium silicate (Na2SiO3) and sodium sulfite (Na2SO3) (López-
flotation can be explained in two ways. First, when galena is treated
Valdivieso et al., 2017), and dextrin (Bolin and Laskowski, 1991; Rath
with dichromate, lead chromate with high hydrophilicity is formed on
and Subramanian, 1999).
the surface. Secondly, xanthate can be desorbed from the galena surface
Polysaccharide is a high-molecular-weight polycondensation
(Okada and Majima, 2013; Ralston, 1994). Kocabağ and Güler (2007)
polymer having a monosaccharide as a monomer. Polysaccharides have
indicated the following reactions may occur on galena to form lead
many different types in nature, but only a few of them are used in the
chromate and chromium oxide:
mineral industry. Polysaccharides including starch, dextrin, guar gum,
3PbS + l1CrO42−+16H+ → 3PbCrO4 + 4Cr2O3 + 3SO42− + 8H2O cellulose, and their derivatives are mainly used as flotation depressants.
(20) Polysaccharides contain large amounts of hydroxyl groups, which allow

Y. Hu, et al. Minerals Engineering 150 (2020) 106272

their use as flotation depressants (Qi et al., 2000). The most widely DFT calculations, which has a stronger depressant ability and better
proposed adsorption mechanisms between polysaccharides and mi- selectivity for galena than chalcopyrite. Wang et al. (2012) synthesized
nerals are hydrogen bonding, hydrophobic interaction, chemical com- a xanthation-modified polyacrylamide (PAM-X) based on the prepara-
plexation, and electrostatic interactions (Xiang, 2015). Natural poly- tion of potassium ethyl xanthate, which was formed by the hydro-
saccharide may be adsorbed on the mineral surface by bonding to the lyzation of PAM after treatment with carbon disulfide under alkaline
metal hydroxyl groups. The nature of the interaction between the sur- environment. PAM-X showed strong depression and a good selectivity
face metal hydroxyl groups with a lower acidity and the natural poly- for galena through chemical bonds of the –C = S group and the –COO–
saccharides may be the result of acid/base interaction (Qi et al., 2000). group with the galena surfaces.
Dextrin is a water-soluble polysaccharide, which is obtained by
partial thermal degradation of starch under acidic conditions 8. Effect of grinding environment on galena flotation
(Bulatovic, 1999; Radley, 1976). The treatment leads to the breakage
and reversal of the starch molecular chain. The only structural differ- 8.1. Effect of galvanic interactions
ence between dextrin and starch is that dextrin is a smaller molecule
with a highly branched structure, whereas starch is a macromolecule Grinding conditions have a great influence on the flotation of sulfide
composed of linear and branched components (Qi et al., 2000). Dextrin minerals (Allahkarami et al., 2014). During grinding between sulfide
is used to selectively depress galena during chalcopyrite flotation with minerals and between the grinding media and the sulfide minerals,
xanthate by using NaOH to adjust the pH value of the pulp; the ad- electrons may be transferred from one another in a process called gal-
sorption of dextrin on galena strongly depends on the pH and reaches vanic interaction. Galvanic interactions due to different electrochemical
the maximum at pH 10.5–11 (Li and Zhang, 2000). The adsorption of reactions can be predicted by the mineral rest potential (Rao and Finch,
dextrin was the largest around the pH at which the mineral surface is 2013). Each metal sulfide mineral has a different electrochemical re-
highly hydroxylated. The study found that the interaction mechanism activity as determined by its rest potential, which can be expressed by
between dextrin and surface metal hydroxyl groups occurs through the following redox equilibrium (Bruckard et al., 2011):
chemical complexation (Raju et al., 1997).
MS = M2+ + S0 + 2e− (32)
Carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) is a typical organic polymer, which
is an anionic polysaccharide obtained from the reaction of mono- E= E0 + RT /2F lnaM 2 + (33)
chloroacetic acid or its sodium salts with alkali cellulose (Arinaitwe and 0
where E is the standard half-cell reduction potential, E is the rest
Pawlik, 2014). The COO– groups of CMC and PbOH+ are adsorbed on
potential, R is the universal gas constant (8.31 J K−1 mol−1), F is the
PbS via an acid/base bond. PbOH+ is formed by the dissolution of Pb2+
Faraday constant (9.65 × 104 C mol−1), T is the absolute temperature
ions from the surface of PbS. The carboxyl group COOH of CMC ionizes
(Kelvin), and a is the chemical activity for the relevant species. The
to form an anionic group COO– as shown below (López-Valdivieso
electrochemical activity determines which minerals or materials act as
et al., 2017):
anodes or cathodes in the electrical interactions between minerals and
–CH2-COOH → CH2-COO– + H+ (30) grinding media.
The results of this interaction not only increase the corrosive wear of
Li et al. (2018) found CMC has no significant effect on depressing
the grinding media but will also change the surface properties of the
galena, and KMnO4 can enhance the depression of CMC on galena.
minerals and the pulp chemistry, which affects the subsequent flotation
Element sulfur is oxidised to form thiosulfate when KMnO4 and CMC
properties of the sulfide minerals through unselective surface coatings
are added to the flotation system, and the element sulfur content is
by oxidation products. In the interaction among the sulfide minerals, a
reduced remarkably. CMC can be easily adsorbed on the galena surface.
mineral with the higher rest potential acts as the cathode, while a mi-
As the amount of adsorption of CMC increased, the adsorption of the
neral with the lower rest potential acts as the anode (Gonçalves et al.,
collector decreased.
2003). For instance, pyrite, which generally has the highest rest po-
HA is a sodium salt of humic acid and can be extracted from leo-
tential, acts as a cathode, and the oxidation is inhibited, while galena
nardite, an organic compound with a relatively high molecular mass
has the lowest rest potential, which acts as anode and is oxidised upon
(Chen et al., 2011a). Liu et al. (2016) proposed the mechanism of ga-
contact and when galvanic interaction occurs (Rao and Finch, 2013). In
lena depression of ammonium persulfate and HA by adsorption mea-
the galvanic interaction between galena and grinding media, the
surements and infrared spectroscopy. The results indicated that ap-
grinding media, which has a low potential, acts as anode, is oxidised
propriate galena surface oxidation and pulp oxidation environment are
and releases ferrous ions. Galena acts as the cathode resulting in the
the prerequisites for HA adsorption on galena. Adsorbing HA on fresh
reduction of O2 and the formation of hydroxyl ions (Peng et al., 2002).
galena surfaces is difficult. HA was chemically adsorbed onto lead
The hydroxyl ions formed on the cathodic mineral may be attract to the
sulfate, and the chemical equation is:
iron ions, resulting in the precipitation of iron hydroxide on the mineral
nPbSO4 + 2HAn− → Pbn(HA)2 + nSO42− (31) surface rendering the mineral hydrophilic (Peng et al., 2003a, b).
Electrochemical reactions will occur during galvanic interactions
The electrochemical behavior of the galena electrode was in- between galena and grinding media, causing changes in pulp chemical
vestigated in the presence of NaHA. The cyclic voltammogram in- variables, such as dissolved O2, pulp potential, pH. The main result of
dicated that no redox reaction occurred between NaHA and galena. galvanic interactions is the iron oxidation species generated from the
However, the current density of the oxidation and reduction peaks grinding media. The main reactions occurring in the mill are (Peng and
decreased compared with that in the absence of NaHA. Therefore, Grano, 2010):
NaHA can be absorbed on the galena surface and form cover layer that Anodic oxidation:
enables passivation of the electrode surface (Wang et al., 2017).
Some new organic depressants have been synthesized for galena. Fe → Fe2+ + 2e− E0 = 0.447 V (34)
Piao et al. (2013, 2014) studied two new depressants O,O-bis(2,3-di- 2+ 3+ − 0
Fe → Fe +e E = 0.771 V (35)
hydroxypropyl) dithiophosphate and sodium 2,3-dihydroxypropyl di-
thiocarbonate, which have good selective depression for galena. Syn- Cathodic reduction:
thetic polymers, such as polyacrylamide, are widely used in mineral
O2 + 2H2O + 4e− → 4OH− E0 = 0.401 V (36)
processing. Zhang et al. (2017) designed and synthesized a macro-
molecular depressant polymaleamide-propyl dithiocarbamate based on Hydrolysis:

Y. Hu, et al. Minerals Engineering 150 (2020) 106272

Fe(OH)2 mineral surfaces, thereby preventing the flotability of these minerals

Fe3+ Fe(OH)3 (Fuerstenau et al., 2007). In addition, galvanic interactions may cause
Fe2+ severe media wear due to corrosion. Controlling galvanic interactions is
important for reduction of these adverse effects. Reducing galvanic
e OH
interactions can be achieved by adjusting pulp chemistry (e.g., solution
Galena pH) and adding corrosion inhibitors (e.g., sodium nitrite, sodium
Grinding media
chromate) (Leja, 2012; Ayyala et al., 2015).
O2 + H2O

8.2. Effect of grinding media type

Anode Cathode
Fig. 4. Galvanic interaction between galena and grinding media.
Numerous studies have been done on the influence of grinding
media on mineral flotation. Iron oxidation species produced by the
galvanic interaction between grinding media and sulfide minerals have
Fe2+ + 2H2O → Fe(OH)2 + 2H+ (37) a depression effect on mineral flotation (Peng et al., 2003a, b). When
Fe 3+
+ 3H2O → Fe(OH)3 + 3H +
(38) the difference between the rest potential of the grinding medium and
the sulfide mineral is large, the galvanic interaction is more obvious in
These iron hydroxides are hydrophilic and may completely or par- the grinding system, and causes the potentials of the two materials to
tially cover the sulfide mineral surface, decreasing the interaction be- change from their rest potential to mixed potential (Adam et al., 1984;
tween collectors and minerals and thus reducing flotability (Smart, Martin et al., 1991; Zhang et al., 2018). A less electrochemically active
1991). Fig. 4 shows a schematic of the galvanic interaction between steel media, such as high-chromium media or stainless steel, have a
galena and grinding media. relatively small difference between the rest potential of galena and the
Galvanic interactions will reduce the concentration of dissolved O2 grinding media, and produce a reduced concentration of iron oxidation
due to the reaction of dissolved O2 with active sulfides and the corro- species as compared to mild steel media during grinding, resulting in
sion of grinding media (Kelebek and Yoruk, 2002). The decrease in greater recoveries of sulfide minerals.
dissolved O2 also hinders the adsorption of xanthate on the sulfide Pulp potential is a very valuable parameter for controlling and

Table 1
Relationship between electrochemical conditions and processes of galena flotation.
Electrochemical process Effect Factors Explanation

Oxidation Collectorless flotation Pulp potential Collectorless flotation of galena occurs only under moderately oxidizing environments, and hydrophobic
sulfur-rich species are formed on galena surface.
Strong oxidation or reduction environments are not conducive to collectorless flotation.

pH Collectorless flotation is pH-dependent and becomes more favorable with decreasing pH.
At low pH, elemental sulfur has high stability and hydrophobicity, which increases flotability.
In strong alkaline solutions, hydrophobic sulfur species are hydrolysed to hydrophilic species precipitated on
the surface.
In strong acid solution, a strong oxidizing environment is produced, and hydrophobic sulfur on the surface are
oxidised to a hydrophilic species.
O2 Dissolved O2 controls the degree of oxidation of sulfide mineral to sulfur-oxy species.
Collector adsorption Collector concentration As the concentration of xanthate is reduced the potential increases.
When the concentration of xanthate is low adsorbed PbX species are formed.
When the concentration of xanthate is high adsorbed PbX2 species are formed.
Increasing the potential and KEX concentration is beneficial to X2 generation.
pH Potential generally decreases with increasing pH.
Galena is easily depressed under alkaline conditions, under which the formation of hydrophobic lead oxide/
hydroxide species occurs, also preventing the oxidation of xanthate ions to produce hydrophobic species.
O2 The presence of O2 improves the xanthate adsorption.
The increase in dissolved O2 concentration leads to the increase in pulp potential, resulting in an increase in
oxidation rate of xanthate.
Depressants Depressant dosage In the presence of dichromate, xanthate desorbs decomposes and PbCrO4(s) covers the galena surface and
pH prevents xanthate adsorption at moderate pH and pulp potential.
In the presence of sulfite, the solution redox potential may be reduced, decomposition of xanthate and
formation of perxanthate may occur along with surface complexation of lead sulfite.
In the addition of sodium sulfide results in reducing potentials and the chemisorption of xanthate is inhibited,
and Pb(EX)2 is decomposed.
Organic depressants are adsorbed on the mineral surface by bonding with surface metal hydroxyl species.
Appropriate galena surface oxidation and pulp oxidation environment are the prerequisites for depressant
Grinding Galvanic interaction Galvanic interaction causes pulp chemical changes, such as O2 consumption, and pulp potential decreases,
resulting in the corrosion of grinding media and the production of hydrophilic iron hydroxides.
Grinding media A less electrochemically active steel media, such as high-chromium media, weakens galvanic interaction,
increases pulp potential, and produces less iron oxidation species and a high recovery of galena.
Gas atmosphere In contrast to O2 purging during grinding, N2 purging can weaken galvanic interaction and decrease iron
oxidation, thus increasing the galena recovery.
An increase in dissolved O2 during grinding enhances galvanic interaction and increases the pulp potential and
increases the formation of iron hydroxide species.
H2O2 production H2O2 formation increases with decreasing pH and increasing Eh of the pulp.
Greater amount of H2O2 is formed in O2 atmosphere due to the increasing of pulp potential.
In a galena–pyrite mixture, increasing the content of pyrite with higher rest potential, causes the
concentration of H2O2 to increase.

Y. Hu, et al. Minerals Engineering 150 (2020) 106272

monitoring flotation processes, and is dependent on the type of grinding and sulfate (Wang et al., 2017). Nooshabadi and Rao (2014a) in-
media used and changes as the pulp flows to the flotation cells vestigated multiple factors affecting the formation of H2O2 and found
(Chander, 2003). Allahkarami et al. (2014) found that in the case of less that the amount of H2O2 increased with increased grinding time and
active grinding media (ceramic media), the recovery of galena flotation galena loading due to the increase of surface area and its interaction
was greater than for in more active grinding media (mild steel media). with water. In addition, the concentration of H2O2 produced increased
According to XPS analysis, the concentration of iron hydroxide on ga- with decreasing pH and increasing Eh. Moreover, H2O2 produced in a
lena surfaces was very high for mild steel. These results were in good N2 atmosphere was smaller than that in an air environment, because N2
agreement with the EDTA extraction (Peng et al., 2003b). Peng et al. purging reduces the pulp potential. In addition, the effect of pyrite
(2002, 2012) demonstrated that at pH 9.0, the oxidised species under percentage on the formation of H2O2 in the galena–pyrite mixture was
all different grinding conditions should be iron (III) hydroxide. More- illustrated. The concentration of H2O2 increases with increasing pyrite
over, as the chromium content increased in the grinding media, the Eh percentage. The formation of large amounts of H2O2 when pyrite was
in the mill correspondingly increased, leading to a series of changes in mixed with a second sulfide mineral may indicate that the electro-
the pulp chemistry. High-chromium media has a relatively high cor- chemical activity of galena is related to the proportion of pyrite. The
rosion resistance and hardness (Sailors, 1989). The application of high formation of H2O2 increases with increasing content of minerals with
chromium grinding medium in the grinding process reduces the con- high rest potential in the mixed components; at a high rest potential,
sumption of the media and the contamination of iron hydroxide on the more H2O2 is formed (Javadi, 2015).
galena surface. Galena ground with mild steel media in O2 atmosphere has a smaller
recovery than galena ground with stainless steel media in N2 atmo-
8.3. Effect of gas atmosphere in grinding system sphere, which is attributed to the greater amount of H2O2 produced in
mild steel media and O2 atmosphere. In presence of xanthate collectors,
O2 plays a key role in galvanic interaction during grinding. The the strong depressing action of H2O2 on galena could be attributed to
presence of O2 increases galvanic interaction, because O2 can form the oxidation of xanthates to perxanthates (Jones and Woodcock, 1978)
hydroxyl ions on acceptance of electron, thereby promoting the oxi- and its strong oxidizing action on lead dixanthate, which causes oxi-
dation of the grinding media and increasing the concentration of iron dation and decomposition (Wang, 1992). These reactions are:
hydroxide on the mineral surface (Natarajan and Iwasaki, 1984). In Formation of perxanthate
most sulfide systems, these electrochemical reactions consume O2, re- X% + H2O2 → XO% + H2O (45)
sulting in a reduction in pulp potential (Bruckard et al., 2011).
Peng et al. (2002) studied the effects of NaOH addition on the flo- where XO is perxanthate.

tation recovery of galena during grinding under different atmospheres Decomposition of lead dixanthate
including O2, air, and N2. The results showed that N2 purge reduced the
Pb(EX)2 + H2O2 → Pb(OH)2 + (EX)2 (46)
iron oxidation compared with the air purge, the requirement for NaOH
reduced, and the recovery of galena was high. In contrast to N2 purging
during grinding, O2 purging increases the galvanic interaction and pulp
potential, resulting in the increase in the iron hydroxide concentration 9. Electrochemical potential controlling flotation
on sulfide minerals surface and hindering the adsorption of xanthate
(Rabieh et al., 2016). Therefore, the flotability of sulfide minerals is The flotation behavior of sulfide minerals can be optimized by ad-
substantially depressed (Forssberg et al., 1988; Yuan et al., 1996). justing and controlling pulp potential. Two types of control methods
have been developed to adjust the pulp potential: addition of oxidizing
or reducing agents and an outside polarized electrode. Both methods
8.4. Effect of the formation of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) in the grinding
have several disadvantages, such as difficulty in stabilizing potential
and low efficiency of polarized potential (Qing et al., 2008). A tech-
nique for accurate potential control in grinding-flotation systems based
In addition to iron oxidation species, H2O2 is found in the grinding
on the intrinsic electrochemical behavior of sulfide minerals has been
system. It is formed during wet grinding and when freshly dry ground
developed. Using the original potential to improve the separation of
galena is mixed with water immediately after dry grinding (Nooshabadi
sulfide minerals is named “original potential control flotation” (OPCF).
and Rao, 2014a, b). Dissolved O2 can form superoxide anions (O2%)−
Industrial test of OPCF technology has been successfully applied to
(Ahlberg and Broo, 1996; Elisabet and Broo, 1996), which reacts with
the Nanjing lead–zinc mine (Hu et al., 2010). In common flow sheet,
H+ to form H2O2 (Eqs. (39)–(42)) (Nooshabadi and Rao, 2014a, b;
ZnSO4 and Na2SO3 as the depressants of ZnS and FeS2 are used under
Nooshabadi et al., 2013).
neutral pH conditions, and the flotation separation of galena from
O2 + e− → (O2%)− (39) sphalerite and pyrite is poor. The OPCF separation of galena, sphalerite,
% − + and pyrite is conducted in lime-modified alkaline pulp with
2(O2 ) + 2H → H2O2 + O2 (40)
pH = 12.4–12.5, and pulp potential is kept less than 170 mV (SHE).
PbS + H2O2 → Pb 2+ 0 −
+ S + 2e + 2 OH%
(41) Sodium diethyldithiocarbamate (DDTC) is used as a collector in galena
flotation. Compared with common flowsheet, the grade and recovery of
2 OH → H2O2
(42) lead concentration increase from 52.1% to 60.0% and from 85.9% to
In the absence of O2, H2O2 is formed by combining two hydroxyl 88.9%, respectively. The grade and recovery of zinc concentration in-
radicals via the reaction of galena with water (Eqs. (43)–(44)) crease from 52.6% to 53.0% and from 87.0% to 91.9%, respectively.
(Nooshabadi and Rao, 2014a, b; Nooshabadi et al., 2013). The OPCF technology is also successfully applied to Fankou lead–-
zinc mine in Guangdong Province, China (Hu et al., 2010). Here, pH is
PbS + H2O → %OH + H%+Pb2++ S0 + 2e% (43) modified to 12 by lime, and pulp potential is kept less than 170 mV
(SHE). The mixture of xanthate and DDTC is used as a collector in ga-
2 OH → H2O2
lena flotation. CuSO4 is used as a collector in sphalerite flotation. The
H2O2 is an oxidizing agent that is stronger than O2, which can results show that OPCF technology greatly improves the efficiency of
oxidize galena and depress its flotation (Nooshabadi and Rao, 2014b). flotation separation of lead–zinc in Fankou mine. The grade and re-
H2O2 could accelerate anodic oxidation and increase the corrosion rate covery of lead concentration increase from 58.02% to 61.44% and from
of galena, thereby promoting the formation of lead oxide, thiosulfate 82.4% to 87.66%, respectively. The grade and recovery of zinc

Y. Hu, et al. Minerals Engineering 150 (2020) 106272

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