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I am writing to refer Mrs.

Sharma, a 60-year-old female who has type 2 diabetes and needs

further management for uncontrolled blood sugar levels.
She has a strong family history of type 2 diabetes and is allergic to penicillin. She is not noted to
be overweight, but has not been doing any regular exercise.
She initially presented to me on 29/12/18 with a 19-year history of type 2 diabetes. Her recent
blood sugar levels were ranging 6-18 on Metformin 500mg twice daily and Glipizide 5mg x2
mane. blood tests including HbA1c were ordered and she was commenced on Atacand 4mg
mane since her blood pressure was 155/100. A pathology report that was received two weeks
later revealed that she had poorly controlled diabetes and hyperlipidemia. So her Metformin was
increased to 750mg b.i.d, and Atorvastatin 20mg mane on 12/01/19 was prescribed. Since then,
her blood pressure has been in the normal range, and sugar levels have improved. The latest
pathology demonstrated an improvement on cholesterol level to 3.2.
On 10/02/19, even though the fact that other blood sugar levels were ranging 7-8, her fasting
sugar levels were still not under control (16+). Therefore, your specialist assessment and
management regarding her condition , would be appreciated.
If you need more information, please do not hesitate to contact me

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