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Chapter 1

Introduction to Control Valves

What Is A Control Valve? cides what must be done to get the

process variable back to where it
Process plants consist of hundreds, or should be after a load disturbance oc-
even thousands, of control loops all curs. When all the measuring,
networked together to produce a prod- comparing, and calculating are done,
uct to be offered for sale. Each of some type of final control element
these control loops is designed to must implement the strategy selected
keep some important process variable by the controller.
such as pressure, flow, level, temper-
ature, etc. within a required operating The most common final control ele-
range to ensure the quality of the end ment in the process control industries
product. Each of these loops receives is the control valve. The control valve
and internally creates disturbances manipulates a flowing fluid, such as
that detrimentally affect the process gas, steam, water, or chemical com-
variable, and interaction from other pounds, to compensate for the load
loops in the network provides distur- disturbance and keep the regulated
bances that influence the process process variable as close as possible
variable. to the desired set point.
Many people who talk about control
To reduce the effect of these load dis- valves or valves are really referring to
turbances, sensors and transmitters a control valve assembly. The control
collect information about the process valve assembly typically consists of
variable and its relationship to some the valve body, the internal trim parts,
desired set point. A controller then an actuator to provide the motive pow-
processes this information and de- er to operate the valve, and a variety
Chapter 1. Introduction to Control Valves
of additional valve accessories, which Actuator Assembly: An actuator,
can include positioners, transducers, including all the pertinent accessories
supply pressure regulators, manual that make it a complete operating unit.
operators, snubbers, or limit switches.
Other chapters of this handbook sup- Backlash: The general name given
ply more detail about each of these to a form of dead band that results
control valve assembly components. from a temporary discontinuity be-
tween the input and output of a device
Whether it is called a valve, control when the input of the device changes
valve or a control valve assembly, is direction. Slack, or looseness of a me-
not as important as recognizing that chanical connection is a typical exam-
the control valve is a critical part of the ple.
control loop. It is not accurate to say Capacity* (Valve): The rate of flow
that the control valve is the most im- through a valve under stated condi-
portant part of the loop. It is useful to tions.
think of a control loop as an instru-
mentation chain. Like any other chain, Closed Loop: The interconnection
the whole chain is only as good as its of process control components such
weakest link. It is important to ensure that information regarding the process
that the control valve is not the weak- variable is continuously fed back to
est link. the controller set point to provide con-
tinuous, automatic corrections to the
Following are definitions for process process variable.
control, sliding-stem control valve,
rotary-shaft control valve, and other Controller: A device that operates
control valve functions and character- automatically by use of some estab-
istics terminology. lished algorithm to regulate a con-
trolled variable. The controller input
receives information about the status
NOTE: of the process variable and then pro-
vides an appropriate output signal to
Definitions with an as- the final control element.
terisk (*) are from the
Control Loop: (See Closed Loop.)
ISA Control Valve Ter-
minology draft standard Control Range: The range of valve
S75.05 dated October, travel over which a control valve can
1996, used with permis- maintain the installed valve gain be-
sion. tween the normalized values of 0.5
and 2.0.

Process Control Control Valve: (See Control Valve

Control Valve Assembly: Includes
Accessory: A device that is all components normally mounted on
mounted on the actuator to comple- the valve: the valve body assembly,
ment the actuator’s function and make actuator, positioner, air sets, transduc-
it a complete operating unit. Examples ers, limit switches, etc.
include positioners, supply pressure
regulators, solenoids, and limit Dead Band: The range through
switches. which an input signal can be varied,
upon reversal of direction, without ini-
Actuator*: A pneumatic, hydraulic, tiating an observable change in the
or electrically powered device that output signal. Dead band is the name
supplies force and motion to open or given to a general phenomenon that
close a valve. can apply to any device. For the valve
Chapter 1. Introduction to Control Valves
vice, the most common final control
element in the process control indus-
tries is the control valve assembly.
The control valve manipulates a flow-
ing fluid, such as gasses, steam, wa-
ter, or chemical compounds, to com-
pensate for the load disturbance and
keep the regulated process variable
as close as possible to the desired set
A7152 / IL
First-Order: A term that refers to the
Figure 1-1. Process Dead Band dynamic relationship between the in-
put and output of a device. A first-or-
der system or device is one that has
only one energy storage device and
assembly, the controller output (CO) is whose dynamic transient relationship
the input to the valve assembly and between the input and output is char-
the process variable (PV) is the output acterized by an exponential behavior.
as shown in figure 1-1. When the term
Friction: A force that tends to op-
Dead Band is used, it is essential that
pose the relative motion between two
both the input and output variables
surfaces that are in contact with each
are identified, and that any tests to
other. The friction force is a function of
measure dead band be under fully
the normal force holding these two
loaded conditions. Dead band is typi-
surfaces together and the characteris-
cally expressed as a percent of the
tic nature of the two surfaces. Friction
input span.
has two components: static friction
Dead Time: The time interval (Td) in and dynamic friction. Static friction is
which no response of the system is the force that must be overcome be-
detected following a small (usually fore there is any relative motion be-
0.25% - 5%) step input. It is measured tween the two surfaces. Once relative
from the time the step input is initiated movement has begun, dynamic fric-
to the first detectable response of the tion is the force that must be over-
system being tested. Dead Time can come to maintain the relative motion.
apply to a valve assembly or to the Running or sliding friction are colloqui-
entire process. (See T63.) al terms that are sometimes used to
describe dynamic friction. Stick/slip or
Disk: A valve trim element used to “stiction” are colloquial terms that are
modulate the flow rate with either lin- sometimes used to describe static fric-
ear or rotary motion. Can also be re- tion. Static friction is one of the major
ferred to as a valve plug or closure causes of dead band in a valve as-
member. sembly.

Equal Percentage Characteristic*: Gain: An all-purpose term that can

An inherent flow characteristic that, for be used in many situations. In its most
equal increments of rated travel, will general sense, gain is the ratio of the
ideally give equal percentage changes magnitude of the output change of a
of the flow coefficient (Cv) (figure 1-2). given system or device to the magni-
tude of the input change that caused
Final Control Element: The device the output change. Gain has two com-
that implements the control strategy ponents: static gain and dynamic
determined by the output of the con- gain. Static gain is the gain relation-
troller. While the final control element ship between the input and output and
can be a damper, a variable speed is an indicator of the ease with which
drive pump, or an on-off switching de- the input can initiate a change in the
Chapter 1. Introduction to Control Valves
are named Linear, Equal-Percentage,
and Quick Opening (figure 1-2).
Inherent Valve Gain: The magni-
tude ratio of the change in flow
through the valve to the change in
valve travel under conditions of
constant pressure drop. Inherent
valve gain is an inherent function of
the valve design. It is equal to the
slope of the inherent characteristic
curve at any travel point and is a func-
tion of valve travel.

Installed Characteristic*: The rela-
tionship between the flow rate and the
closure member (disk) travel as it is
Figure 1-2. Inherent Valve
moved from the closed position to
rated travel as the pressure drop
across the valve is influenced by the
varying process conditions. (See
output when the system or device is in Valve Type and Characterization in
a steady-state condition. Sensitivity is Chapter 2 for more details on how the
sometimes used to mean static gain. installed characteristic is determined.)
Dynamic gain is the gain relationship
between the input and output when Installed Valve Gain: The magni-
the system is in a state of movement tude ratio of the change in flow
or flux. Dynamic gain is a function of through the valve to the change in
frequency or rate of change of the in- valve travel under actual process con-
put. ditions. Installed valve gain is the
valve gain relationship that occurs
Hysteresis*: The maximum differ- when the valve is installed in a specif-
ence in output value for any single in- ic system and the pressure drop is al-
put value during a calibration cycle, lowed to change naturally according
excluding errors due to dead band. to the dictates of the overall system.
The installed valve gain is equal to the
Inherent Characteristic*: The rela- slope of the installed characteristic
tionship between the flow coefficient curve, and is a function of valve travel.
and the closure member (disk) travel (See Valve Type and Characterization
as it is moved from the closed position in Chapter 2 for more details on how
to rated travel with constant pressure the installed gain is determined.)
drop across the valve.
I/P: Shorthand for current-to-pres-
Typically these characteristics are sure (I-to-P). Typically applied to input
plotted on a curve where the horizon- transducer modules.
tal axis is labeled in percent travel and Linearity*: The closeness to which a
the vertical axis is labeled as percent curve relating to two variables approx-
flow (or Cv) (figure 1-2). Because imates a straight line. (Linearity also
valve flow is a function of both the means that the same straight line will
valve travel and the pressure drop apply for both upscale and downscale
across the valve, conducting flow directions. Thus, dead band as de-
characteristic tests at a constant pres- fined above, would typically be con-
sure drop provides a systematic way sidered a non-linearity.)
of comparing one valve characteristic
design to another. Typical valve char- Linear Characteristic*: An inherent
acteristics conducted in this manner flow characteristic that can be repre-
Chapter 1. Introduction to Control Valves
sented by a straight line on a rectan- Process Variability: A precise statis-
gular plot of flow coefficient (Cv) ver- tical measure of how tightly the pro-
sus rated travel. Therefore equal cess is being controlled about the set
increments of travel provide equal in- point. Process variability is defined in
crements of flow coefficient, Cv (figure percent as typically (2s/m), where m is
1-2). the set point or mean value of the
measured process variable and s is
Loop: (See Closed Loop.) the standard deviation of the process
Loop Gain: The combined gain of all
the components in the loop when Quick Opening Characteristic*: An
viewed in series around the loop. inherent flow characteristic in which a
Sometimes referred to as open-loop maximum flow coefficient is achieved
gain. It must be clearly specified with minimal closure member travel
whether referring to the static loop (figure 1-2).
gain or the dynamic loop gain at some
frequency. Relay: A device that acts as a power
amplifier. It takes an electrical, pneu-
Manual Control: (See Open Loop.) matic, or mechanical input signal and
produces an output of a large volume
Open Loop: The condition where
flow of air or hydraulic fluid to the ac-
the interconnection of process control
tuator. The relay can be an internal
components is interrupted such that
component of the positioner or a sep-
information from the process variable
arate valve accessory.
is no longer fed back to the controller
set point so that corrections to the
Resolution: The minimum possible
process variable are no longer pro-
change in input required to produce a
vided. This is typically accomplished
detectable change in the output when
by placing the controller in the manual
no reversal of the input takes place.
operating position.
Resolution is typically expressed as a
Packing: A part of the valve assem- percent of the input span.
bly used to seal against leakage
around the valve disk or stem. Response Time: Usually measured
by a parameter that includes both
Positioner*: A position controller dead time and time constant. (See
(servomechanism) that is mechanical- T63, Dead Time, and Time Constant.)
ly connected to a moving part of a fi- When applied to the valve, it includes
nal control element or its actuator and the entire valve assembly.
that automatically adjusts its output to
the actuator to maintain a desired Second-Order: A term that refers to
position in proportion to the input sig- the dynamic relationship between the
nal. input and output of a device. A sec-
ond-order system or device is one that
Process: All the combined elements has two energy storage devices that
in the control loop, except the control- can transfer kinetic and potential ener-
ler. The process typically includes the gy back and forth between them-
control valve assembly, the pressure selves, thus introducing the possibility
vessel or heat exchanger that is being of oscillatory behavior and overshoot.
controlled, as well as sensors, pumps,
and transmitters. Sensor: A device that senses the
value of the process variable and pro-
Process Gain: The ratio of the vides a corresponding output signal to
change in the controlled process vari- a transmitter. The sensor can be an
able to a corresponding change in the integral part of the transmitter, or it
output of the controller. may be a separate component.
Chapter 1. Introduction to Control Valves
Set Point: A reference value repre- Travel*: The movement of the closure
senting the desired value of the pro- member from the closed position to an
cess variable being controlled. intermediate or rated full open posi-
Shaft Wind-Up: A phenomenon
where one end of a valve shaft turns Travel Indicator: A pointer and scale
and the other does not. This typically used to externally show the position of
occurs in rotary style valves where the the closure member typically with
actuator is connected to the valve clo- units of opening percent of travel or
sure member by a relatively long degrees of rotation.
shaft. While seal friction in the valve
Trim*: The internal components of a
holds one end of the shaft in place,
valve that modulate the flow of the
rotation of the shaft at the actuator
controlled fluid.
end is absorbed by twisting of the
shaft until the actuator input transmits Valve: (See Control Valve Assembly.)
enough force to overcome the friction.
Volume Booster: A stand-alone
Sizing (Valve): A systematic proce- relay is often referred to as a volume
dure designed to ensure the correct booster or simply booster because it
valve capacity for a set of specified boosts, or amplifies, the volume of air
process conditions. supplied to the actuator. (See Relay.)

Stiction: (See Friction.)

Sliding-Stem Control
T63 (Tee-63): A measure of device Valve Terminology
response. It is measured by applying
The following terminology applies to
a small (usually 1-5%) step input to
the physical and operating character-
the system. T63 is measured from the
istics of standard sliding-stem control
time the step input is initiated to the
valves with diaphragm or piston ac-
time when the system output reaches
tuators. Some of the terms, particular-
63% of the final steady-state value. It
ly those pertaining to actuators, are
is the combined total of the system
also appropriate for rotary-shaft con-
Dead Time (Td) and the system Time
trol valves. Many of the definitions
Constant (t). (See Dead Time and
presented are in accordance with ISA
Time Constant.)
S75.05, Control Valve Terminology,
Time Constant: A time parameter although other popular terms are also
that normally applies to a first-order included. Additional explanation is
element. It is the time interval mea- provided for some of the more com-
sured from the first detectable re- plex terms. Component part names
sponse of the system to a small (usu- are called out on accompanying fig-
ally 0.25% - 5%) step input until the ures 1-3 through 1-6. Separate sec-
system output reaches 63% of its final tions follow that define specific rotary-
steady-state value. (See T63.) When shaft control valve terminology, control
applied to an open-loop process, the valve functions and characteristics ter-
time constant is usually designated as minology, and other process control
t (Tau). When applied to a closed-loop
system, the time constant is usually Actuator Spring: A spring, or group
designated as λ (Lambda). of springs, enclosed in the yoke or ac-
tuator casing that moves the actuator
Transmitter: A device that senses stem in a direction opposite to that
the value of the process variable and created by diaphragm pressure.
transmits a corresponding output sig-
nal to the controller for comparison Actuator Stem: The part that con-
with the set point. nects the actuator to the valve stem
Chapter 1. Introduction to Control Valves





















Figure 1-3. Major Components of Typical Sliding Stem Control Valve Assembly

Chapter 1. Introduction to Control Valves













Figure 1-4. Typical Reverse-Acting

Diaphragm Actuator



Figure 1-5. Extension Bonnet Figure 1-6. Bellows Seal Bonnet

and transmits motion (force) from the motion to the valve positioner (figure
actuator to the valve. 1-7).

Actuator Stem Extension: An ex- Actuator Stem Force: The net force
tension of the piston actuator stem to from an actuator that is available for
provide a means of transmitting piston actual positioning of the valve plug.
Chapter 1. Introduction to Control Valves










Figure 1-7. Typical Double-Acting Piston Actuator

Angle Valve: A valve design in which Bonnet Assembly: (Commonly Bon-

one port is co-linear with the valve net, more properly Bonnet Assembly):
stem or actuator, and the other port is An assembly including the part
at a right angle to the valve stem. through which a valve stem moves
(See also Globe Valve.) and a means for sealing against leak-
age along the stem. It usually pro-
Bellows Seal Bonnet: A bonnet that vides a means for mounting the actua-
uses a bellows for sealing against tor and loading the packing assembly.
leakage around the closure member
Bottom Flange: A part that closes a
stem (figure 1–6).
valve body opening opposite the bon-
net opening. It can include a guide
Bonnet: The portion of the valve that bushing and/or serve to allow reversal
contains the packing box and stem of the valve action.
seal and can guide the stem. It pro-
vides the principal opening to the Bushing: A device that supports and/
body cavity for assembly of internal or guides moving parts such as valve
parts or it can be an integral part of stems.
the valve body. It can also provide for
the attachment of the actuator to the Cage: A part of a valve trim that sur-
valve body. Typical bonnets are rounds the closure member and can
bolted, threaded, welded, pressure- provide flow characterization and/or a
seals, or integral with the body. (This seating surface. It also provides stabil-
term is often used in referring to the ity, guiding, balance, and alignment,
bonnet and its included packing parts. and facilitates assembly of other parts
More properly, this group of compo- of the valve trim. The walls of the
nent parts should be called the bonnet cage contain openings that usually
assembly.) determine the flow characteristic of
Chapter 1. Introduction to Control Valves

W0958/IL W0959/IL


Figure 1-8. Characterized Cages for Globe-Style Valve Bodies

the control valve. Various cage styles Diaphragm Plate: A plate concentric
are shown in figure 1-8. with the diaphragm for transmitting
force to the actuator stem.
Closure Member: The movable part
Direct Actuator: A diaphragm actua-
of the valve that is positioned in the
tor in which the actuator stem extends
flow path to modify the rate of flow
with increasing diaphragm pressure.
through the valve.
Extension Bonnet: A bonnet with
Closure Member Guide: That por- greater dimension between the pack-
tion of a closure member that aligns ing box and bonnet flange for hot or
its movement in either a cage, seat cold service.
ring, bonnet, bottom flange, or any
two of these. Globe Valve: A valve with a linear
motion closure member, one or more
Cylinder: The chamber of a piston ports, and a body distinguished by a
actuator in which the piston moves globular shaped cavity around the port
(figure 1-7). region. Globe valves can be further
classified as: two-way single-ported;
two-way double-ported (figure 1-9);
Cylinder Closure Seal: The sealing angle-style (figure 1-10); three-way
element at the connection of the pis- (figure 1-11); unbalanced cage-guided
ton actuator cylinder to the yoke. (figure 1-3); and balance cage-guided
(figure 1-12).
Diaphragm: A flexible, pressure re-
sponsive element that transmits force Lower Valve Body: A half housing
to the diaphragm plate and actuator for internal valve parts having one
stem. flow connection. The seat ring is nor-
mally clamped between the upper
Diaphragm Actuator: A fluid pow- valve body and the lower valve body
ered device in which the fluid acts in split valve constructions.
upon a flexible component, the dia-
Offset Valve: A valve construction
having inlet and outlet line connec-
tions on different planes but 180 de-
Diaphragm Case: A housing, con- grees opposite each other.
sisting of top and bottom section,
used for supporting a diaphragm and Packing Box (Assembly): The part
establishing one or two pressure of the bonnet assembly used to seal
chambers. against leakage around the closure
Chapter 1. Introduction to Control Valves

W0467/IL W0665/IL

Figure 1-9. Reverse Double-Ported Figure 1-11. Three-Way Valve with

Globe-Style Valve Body Balanced Valve Plug


W0971/IL Figure 1-12. Valve Body with

Cage-Style Trim, Balanced Valve
Figure 1-10. Flanged Angle-Style Con- Plug, and Soft Seat
trol Valve Body
packing parts are shown in figure
member stem. Included in the com-
Piston: A movable pressure respon-
plete packing box assembly are vari-
sive element that transmits force to
ous combinations of some or all of the
the piston actuator stem (figure 1-7).
following component parts: packing,
packing follower, packing nut, lantern Piston Type Actuator: A fluid pow-
ring, packing spring, packing flange, ered device in which the fluid acts
packing flange studs or bolts, packing upon a movable piston to provide mo-
flange nuts, packing ring, packing wip- tion to the actuator stem. Piston type
er ring, felt wiper ring, belleville actuators (figure 1-7) are classified as
springs, anti-extrusion ring. Individual either double-acting, so that full power
Chapter 1. Introduction to Control Valves

12A7837-A 13A9775-E 14A1849-E

Figure 1-13. Comprehensive Packing Material Arrangements
for Globe-Style Valve Bodies

can be developed in either direction, the piston actuator cylinder against

or as spring-fail so that upon loss of leakage. Synthetic rubber O-rings are
supply power, the actuator moves the used in the bushings to seal the cylin-
valve in the required direction of trav- der, the actuator stem, and the actua-
el. tor stem extension (figure 1-7).
Plug: A term frequently used to refer Seat: The area of contact between
to the closure member. the closure member and its mating
surface that establishes valve shut-off.
Port: The flow control orifice of a
control valve. Seat Load: The net contact force be-
tween the closure member and seat
Retaining Ring: A split ring that is with stated static conditions. In prac-
used to retain a separable flange on a tice, the selection of an actuator for a
valve body. given control valve will be based on
how much force is required to over-
Reverse Actuator: A diaphragm ac- come static, stem, and dynamic un-
tuator in which the actuator stem re- balance with an allowance made for
tracts with increasing diaphragm pres- seat load.
sure. Reverse actuators have a seal
bushing (figure 1-4) installed in the Seat Ring: A part of the valve body
upper end of the yoke to prevent leak- assembly that provides a seating sur-
age of the diaphragm pressure along face for the closure member and can
the actuator stem. provide part of the flow control orifice.
Rubber Boot: A protective device to Separable Flange: A flange that fits
prevent entrance of damaging foreign over a valve body flow connection. It
material into the piston actuator seal is generally held in place by means of
bushing. a retaining ring.
Seal Bushing: Top and bottom bush- Spring Adjustor: A fitting, usually
ings that provide a means of sealing threaded on the actuator stem or into
Chapter 1. Introduction to Control Valves
the yoke, to adjust the spring com- or mixing flows), or one inlet and two
pression. outlets (for diverging or diverting
flows). The term valve body, or even
Spring Seat: A plate to hold the just body, frequently is used in refer-
spring in position and to provide a flat ring to the valve body together with its
surface for the spring adjustor to con- bonnet assembly and included trim
tact. parts. More properly, this group of
components should be called the
Static Unbalance: The net force pro- valve body assembly.
duced on the valve stem by the fluid
pressure acting on the closure mem-
ber and stem with the fluid at rest and Valve Body Assembly (Commonly
with stated pressure conditions. Valve Body or Valve, more properly
Valve Body Assembly): An assembly
Stem Connector: The device that of a valve, bonnet assembly, bottom
connects the actuator stem to the flange (if used), and trim elements.
valve stem. The trim includes the closure member,
which opens, closes, or partially ob-
Trim: The internal components of a structs one or more ports.
valve that modulate the flow of the
controlled fluid. In a globe valve body, Valve Plug: A term frequently inter-
trim would typically include closure changed with plug in reference to the
member, seat ring, cage, stem, and closure member.
stem pin.

Trim, Soft-Seated: Valve trim with an Valve Stem: In a linear motion valve,
elastomeric, plastic or other readily the part that connects the actuator
deformable material used either in the stem with the closure member.
closure component or seat ring to pro-
vide tight shutoff with minimal actuator Yoke: The structure that rigidly con-
forces. nects the actuator power unit to the
Upper Valve Body: A half housing
for internal valve parts and having one
flow connection. It usually includes a
means for sealing against leakage Rotary-Shaft Control Valve
along the stem and provides a means Terminology
for mounting the actuator on the split
valve body. The definitions that follow apply spe-
cifically to rotary-shaft control valves.
Valve Body: The main pressure
boundary of the valve that also pro-
vides the pipe connecting ends, the Actuator Lever: Arm attached to
fluid flow passageway, and supports rotary valve shaft to convert linear ac-
the seating surfaces and the valve tuator stem motion to rotary force to
closure member. Among the most position disk or ball of rotary-shaft
common valve body constructions valve. The lever normally is positively
are: a) single-ported valve bodies connected to the rotary shaft by close
having one port and one valve plug; b) tolerance splines or other means to
double-ported valve bodies having minimize play and lost motion.
two ports and one valve plug; c) two-
way valve bodies having two flow con- Ball, Full: The flow-controlling mem-
nections, one inlet and one outlet; d) ber of rotary-shaft control valves using
three-way valve bodies having three a complete sphere with a flow pas-
flow connections, two of which can be sage through it. The flow passage
inlets with one outlet (for converging equals or matches the pipe diameter.
Chapter 1. Introduction to Control Valves







Figure 1-14. Typical Rotary-Shaft Control Valve Constructions

Chapter 1. Introduction to Control Valves
Ball, Segmented: The flow–control- ANSI-class flanges by long through-
ling member of rotary shaft control bolts (sometimes also called wafer-
valves using a partial sphere with a style valve bodies).
flow passage through it. Plug, Eccentric: Style of rotary con-
Ball, V-notch: The most common trol valve with an eccentrically rotating
type of segmented ball control valve. plug which cams into and out of the
The V-notch ball includes a polished seat, which reduces friction and wear.
or plated partial-sphere surface that This style of valve has been well
rotates against the seal ring through- suited for erosive applications.
out the travel range. The V-shaped Reverse Flow: Flow from the shaft
notch in the ball permits wide range- side over the back of the disk, ball, or
ability and produces an equal percent- plug. Some rotary-shaft control valves
age flow characteristic. are capable of handling flow equally
well in either direction. Other rotary
designs might require modification of
The balls mentioned actuator linkage to handle reverse
above, and the disks flow.
which follow, perform a
Rod End Bearing: The connection
function comparable to
often used between actuator stem and
the valve plug in a
actuator lever to facilitate conversion
globe-style control
of linear actuator thrust to rotary force
valve. That is, as they
with minimum of lost motion. Use of a
rotate they vary the size
standard reciprocating actuator on a
and shape of the flow-
rotary-shaft valve body commonly re-
stream by opening more
quires linkage with two rod end bear-
or less of the seal area
ings. However, selection of an actua-
to the flowing fluid.
tor specifically designed for
Disk, Conventional: The symmetri- rotary-shaft valve service requires
cal flow-controlling member used in only one such bearing and thereby re-
the most common varieties of butterfly duces lost motion.
rotary valves. High dynamic torques Rotary-Shaft Control Valve: A valve
normally limit conventional disks to 60 style in which the flow closure mem-
degrees maximum rotation in throttling ber (full ball, partial ball, disk or plug)
service. is rotated in the flowstream to control
the capacity of the valve (figure 1-14).
Disk, Dynamically Designed: A but-
terfly valve disk contoured to reduce Seal Ring: The portion of a rotary-
dynamic torque at large increments of shaft control valve assembly corre-
rotation, thereby making it suitable for sponding to the seat ring of a globe
throttling service with up to 90 de- valve. Positioning of the disk or ball
grees of disk rotation. relative to the seal ring determines the
flow area and capacity of the unit at
Disk, Eccentric: Common name for that particular increment of rotational
valve design in which the positioning travel. As indicated above, some seal
of the valve shaft/disk connections ring designs permit bi-directional flow.
causes the disk to take a slightly ec- Shaft: The portion of a rotary-shaft
centric path on opening. This allows control valve assembly corresponding
the disk to be swung out of contact to the valve stem of a globe valve.
with the seal as soon as it is opened, Rotation of the shaft positions the disk
thereby reducing friction and wear. or ball in the flowstream and thereby
Flangeless Valve: Valve style com- controls capacity of the valve.
mon to rotary-shaft control valves. Sliding Seal: The lower cylinder seal
Flangeless valves are held between in a pneumatic piston-style actuator
Chapter 1. Introduction to Control Valves
designed for rotary valve service. This area of a diaphragm might change as
seal permits the actuator stem to it is stroked, usually being a maximum
move both vertically and laterally with- at the start and a minimum at the end
out leakage of lower cylinder pres- of the travel range. Molded dia-
sure. phragms have less change in effective
area than flat sheet diaphragms; thus,
Standard Flow: For those rotary- molded diaphragms are recom-
shaft control valves having a separate mended.
seal ring or flow ring, the flow direction
in which fluid enters the valve body Equal Percentage Flow Character-
through the pipeline adjacent to the istic: (See Process Control Terminol-
seal ring and exits from the side oppo- ogy: Equal Percentage Flow Charac-
site the seal ring. Sometimes called teristic.)
forward flow. (See also Reverse
Flow.) Fail-Closed: A condition wherein the
valve closure member moves to a
Trunnion Mounting: A style of closed position when the actuating en-
mounting the disk or ball on the valve ergy source fails.
shaft or stub shaft with two bearings
diametrically opposed. Fail-Open: A condition wherein the
valve closure member moves to an
open position when the actuating en-
Control Valve Functions ergy source fails.
and Characteristics Fail-Safe: A characteristic of a valve
Terminology and its actuator, which upon loss of
actuating energy supply, will cause a
Bench Set: The calibration of the ac- valve closure member to be fully
tuator spring range of a control valve closed, fully open, or remain in the
to account for the in-service process last position, whichever position is de-
forces. fined as necessary to protect the pro-
Capacity: Rate of flow through a cess. Fail-safe action can involve the
valve under stated conditions. use of auxiliary controls connected to
the actuator.
Clearance Flow: That flow below the
Flow Characteristic: Relationship
minimum controllable flow with the
between flow through the valve and
closure member not seated.
percent rated travel as the latter is
Diaphragm Pressure Span: Differ- varied from 0 to 100 percent. This
ence between the high and low values term should always be designated as
of the diaphragm pressure range. This either inherent flow characteristic or
can be stated as an inherent or installed flow characteristic.
installed characteristic.
Flow Coefficient (Cv): A constant
Double-Acting Actuator: An actua- (Cv) related to the geometry of a
tor in which power is supplied in either valve, for a given travel, that can be
direction. used to establish flow capacity. It is
the number of U.S. gallons per minute
Dynamic Unbalance: The net force of 60_F water that will flow through a
produced on the valve plug in any valve with a one pound per square
stated open position by the fluid pres- inch pressure drop.
sure acting upon it.
High-Recovery Valve: A valve de-
Effective Area: In a diaphragm ac- sign that dissipates relatively little
tuator, the effective area is that part of flow-stream energy due to streamlined
the diaphragm area that is effective in internal contours and minimal flow tur-
producing a stem force. The effective bulence. Therefore, pressure down-
Chapter 1. Introduction to Control Valves
stream of the valve vena contracta re- a valve having a more streamlined
covers to a high percentage of its inlet flowpath. Although individual designs
value. Straight-through flow valves, vary, conventional globe-style valves
such as rotary-shaft ball valves, are generally have low pressure recovery
typically high-recovery valves. capability.

Inherent Diaphragm Pressure Modified Parabolic Flow Character-

Range: The high and low values of istic: An inherent flow characteristic
pressure applied to the diaphragm to that provides equal percent character-
produce rated valve plug travel with istic at low closure member travel and
atmospheric pressure in the valve approximately a linear characteristic
body. This range is often referred to for upper portions of closure member
as a bench set range because it will travel.
be the range over which the valve will
stroke when it is set on the work Normally Closed Valve: (See Fail-
bench. Closed.)
Normally Open Valve: (See Fail-
Inherent Flow Characteristic: The Open.)
relationship between the flow rate and
the closure member travel as it is Push-Down-to-Close Construction:
moved from the closed position to A globe-style valve construction in
rated travel with constant pressure which the closure member is located
drop across the valve. between the actuator and the seat
ring, such that extension of the actua-
Installed Diaphragm Pressure tor stem moves the closure member
Range: The high and low values of toward the seat ring, finally closing the
pressure applied to the diaphragm to valve (figure 1-3). The term can also
produce rated travel with stated condi- be applied to rotary-shaft valve
tions in the valve body. It is because constructions where linear extension
of the forces acting on the closure of the actuator stem moves the ball or
member that the inherent diaphragm disk toward the closed position. (Also
pressure range can differ from the called direct acting.)
installed diaphragm pressure range.
Push-Down-to-Open Construction:
Installed Flow Characteristic: The A globe-style valve construction in
relationship between the flow rate and which the seat ring is located between
the closure member travel as it is the actuator and the closure member,
moved from the closed position to so that extension of the actuator stem
rated travel as the pressure drop moves the closure member from the
across the valve is influenced by the seat ring, opening the valve. The term
varying process conditions. can also be applied to rotary-shaft
valve constructions where linear ex-
Leakage: (See Seat Leakage.) tension of the actuator stem moves
the ball or disk toward the open posi-
Linear Flow Characteristic: (See tion. (Also called reverse acting.)
Process Control Terminology: Linear
Characteristic.) Quick Opening Flow Characteristic:
(See Process Control Terminology:
Low-Recovery Valve: A valve de- Quick Opening Characteristic.)
sign that dissipates a considerable
amount of flowstream energy due to Rangeability: The ratio of the largest
turbulence created by the contours of flow coefficient (Cv) to the smallest
the flowpath. Consequently, pressure flow coefficient (Cv) within which the
downstream of the valve vena con- deviation from the specified flow char-
tracta recovers to a lesser percentage acteristic does not exceed the stated
of its inlet value than is the case with limits. A control valve that still does a
Chapter 1. Introduction to Control Valves
good job of controlling when flow in- with control valves, instrumentation,
creases to 100 times the minimum and accessories. Some of the terms
controllable flow has a rangeability of (indicated with an asterisk) are quoted
100 to 1. Rangeability can also be ex- from the ISA standard, Process Instru-
pressed as the ratio of the maximum mentation Terminology, ISA
to minimum controllable flow rates. 51.1-1976. Others included are also
popularly used throughout the control
Rated Flow Coefficient (Cv): The valve industry.
flow coefficient (Cv) of the valve at
rated travel. ANSI: Abbreviation for American Na-
tional Standards Institute.
Rated Travel: The distance of move-
ment of the closure member from the API: Abbreviation for American Pe-
closed position to the rated full-open troleum Institute.
position. The rated full-open position
is the maximum opening recom- ASME: Abbreviation for American
mended by the manufacturers. Society of Mechanical Engineers.

Relative Flow Coefficient: The ratio ASTM: Abbreviation for American

of the flow coefficient (Cv) at a stated Society for Testing and Materials.
travel to the flow coefficient (Cv) at
rated travel. Automatic Control System*: A con-
trol system that operates without hu-
Seat Leakage: The quantity of fluid man intervention.
passing through a valve when the
valve is in the fully closed position Bode Diagram*: A plot of log ampli-
with pressure differential and tempera- tude ratio and phase angle values on
ture as specified. (ANSI leakage clas- a log frequency base for a transfer
sifications are outlined in Chapter 5.) function (figure– 1-15). It is the most
common form of graphically present-
Spring Rate: The force change per ing frequency response data.
unit change in length of a spring. In
diaphragm control valves, the spring Calibration Curve*: A graphical rep-
rate is usually stated in pounds force resentation of the calibration report
per inch compression. (figure 1-15). Steady state output of a
device plotted as a function of its
Stem Unbalance: The net force pro- steady state input. The curve is usual-
duced on the valve stem in any posi- ly shown as percent output span ver-
tion by the fluid pressure acting upon sus percent input span.
Calibration Cycle*: The application
Vena Contracta: The portion of a of known values of the measured vari-
flow stream where fluid velocity is at able and the recording of correspond-
its maximum and fluid static pressure ing values of output readings, over the
and the cross-sectional area are at range of the instrument, in ascending
their minimum. In a control valve, the and descending directions (figure
vena contracta normally occurs just 1-15). A calibration curve obtained by
downstream of the actual physical re- varying the input of a device in both
striction. increasing and decreasing directions.
It is usually shown as percent output
span versus percent input span and
Other Process Control provides a measurement of hystere-
Terminology sis.
The following terms and definitions Clearance Flow: That flow below the
not previously defined are frequently minimum controllable flow with the
encountered by people associated closure general member not seated.
Chapter 1. Introduction to Control Valves

Figure 1-15. Graphic Representation of Various Control Terms

Chapter 1. Introduction to Control Valves
Controller*: A device that operates as the International Society for Mea-
automatically to regulate a controlled surement and Control.
Instrument Pressure: The output
Enthalpy: A thermodynamic quantity pressure from an automatic controller
that is the sum of the internal energy that is used to operate a control valve.
of a body and the product of its vol- Loading Pressure: The pressure
ume multiplied by the pressure: H = U employed to position a pneumatic ac-
+ pV. (Also called the heat content.) tuator. This is the pressure that actual-
Entropy: The theoretical measure of ly works on the actuator diaphragm or
energy that cannot be transformed piston and it can be the instrument
into mechanical work in a thermody- pressure if a valve positioner is not
namic system. used.
NACE: Used to stand for National
Feedback Signal*: The return signal Association of Corrosion Engineers.
that results from a measurement of As the scope of the organization be-
the directly controlled variable. For a came international, the name was
control valve with a positioner, the re- changed to NACE International.
turn signal is usually a mechanical in- NACE is no longer an abbreviation.
dication of closure member stem posi-
tion that is fed back into the positioner. OSHA: Abbreviation for Occupational
Safety and Health Act. (U.S.A.)
FCI: Abbreviation for Fluid Controls
Institute. Operating Medium: This is the fluid,
generally air or gas, used to supply
Frequency Response Characteris- the power for operation of valve posi-
tic*: The frequency-dependent rela- tioner or automatic controller.
tion, in both amplitude and phase, be-
tween steady-state sinusoidal inputs Operative Limits*: The range of op-
and the resulting fundamental sinusoi- erating conditions to which a device
dal outputs. Output amplitude and can be subjected without permanent
phase shift are observed as functions impairment of operating characteris-
of the input test frequency and used to tics.
describe the dynamic behavior of the Range: The region between the limits
control device. within which a quantity is measured,
received, or transmitted, expressed by
Hardness: Resistance of metal to stating the lower and upper range val-
plastic deformation, usually by in- ues (for example: 3 to 15 psi; -40 to
dentation. Resistance of plastics and +212_F; -40 to +100_C).
rubber to penetration of an indentor
point into its surface. Repeatability*: The closeness of
agreement among a number of con-
Hunting*: An undesirable oscillation secutive measurements of the output
of appreciable magnitude, prolonged for the same value of the input under
after external stimuli disappear. the same operating conditions, ap-
Sometimes called cycling or limit proaching from the same direction, for
cycle, hunting is evidence of operation full range traverses. It is usually mea-
at or near the stability limit. In control sured as a non-repeatability and ex-
valve applications, hunting would ap- pressed as repeatability in percent of
pear as an oscillation in the loading span. It does not include hyesteresis
pressure to the actuator caused by (figure 1-15).
instability in the control system or the
valve positioner. Sensitivity*: The ratio of the change
in output magnitude to the change of
ISA: Abbreviation for the Instrument the input that causes it after the
Society of America. Now recognized steady-state has been reached.
Chapter 1. Introduction to Control Valves
Signal*: A physical variable, one or ues (for example: Range = 0 to
more parameters of which carry infor- 150_F; Span = 150_F; Range = 3 to
mation about another variable the sig- 15 psig, Span = 12 psig).
nal represents.
Supply Pressure*: The pressure at
Signal Amplitude Sequencing (Split the supply port of a device. Common
Ranging)*: Action in which two or values of control valve supply pres-
more signals are generated or two or sure are 20 psig for a 3 to 15 psig
more final controlling elements are ac- range and 35 psig for a 6 to 30 psig
tuated by and input signal, each one range.
responding consecutively, with or
without overlap, to the magnitude of Zero Error*: Error of a device operat-
that input signal (figure 1-15). ing under specified conditions of use
when the input is at the lower range
Span*: The algebraic difference be- value. It is usually expressed as per-
tween the upper and lower range val- cent of ideal span.

Chapter 1. Introduction to Control Valves


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