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My particular aspect of the topic in purposive communication l would like to study

is about Fundamental Concept on Communication.

The Purpose of Fundamental Concept on Communication in purposive

communication is about Communication Processes, Principles, and Ethics, We know
that we discuss about communication processes and models. Which is Aristotle’s
Model of Communication, Laswell’s Model Of Communication, Shannon-
Weaver’s of Communication, and Berlo’s SMCR Model of Communication.
1. Know your purpose in communicating.
2. Know your audience.
3. Know your topic.
4. Adjust your speech or writing to the context of the situation.
5. Work on the feedback given to you.
1. Be clear about your purpose. You should know by heart your objective in communicating.
2. Be complete with the message you deliver. Make sure that your claims are supported by facts and
essential information.
3. Be concise. You do not need to be verbose or were they with your statements. Brevity in speech is a
4. Be natural with your delivery. Punctuate important words with appropriate gestures and movements.
Exude a certain degree of confidence if you do not feel confident enough.
5. Be specific and timely with your feedback. Inputs are most helpful when provided on time.
1. Be clear
2. Be concise
3. Be concrete
4. Be correct
5. Be coherent
6. Be complete
7. Be courteous
Be guided by the following to achieve ethical communication:
1. Establish an effective value system that will pave the way for the development of your integrity as a
person. One’s behavior and decision- making style affect the intern in the operations of an organization.
2. Provide complete and accurate information. Whether it is needed or not the data should always be
contextualized correctly.
3. Disclose vital information adequately and appropriately. Never conceal or hide information that is
necessary for purposes of transparency.

In terms of participants and location, at this study for fundamental concept of

communication will be more on public place like educational facilities, business
facilities and health facilities. Its because its more people who uses verbal
communication and non-verbal communication. Not just in verbal or non-verbal
communication can use this in any public place. Many people who uses Digital or
Electronic Devices for online communication these years because its easy to
communicate with others with only one device per one person.

Beneficiaries of my study is people can socialize with others so easily if they

understand how communication works in many ways.

The plan to make this study in fundamental concept on communication, is to learn

to how deliver the message from sender to receiver works in their own language or
dialect and in any places.

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