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Task 1:

Answer the following questions:

1. What do you observe in the lesson Good Citizenship Values? Why do you say so?
- I noticed that this lesson focuses on discussing the values one must possess to become
a good Filipino citizen. It tackles the positive values that we should enrich such as
being Maka-Diyos, Makatao, Makabayan, and Makakalikasan as well as the traits that
underlie the Filipino values. In contrary, this lesson also acknowledged the negative
traits that we should avoid like “Mañana Habit”, “Bahala Na”, “Ningas Kugon”,
“Amor Propio”, and many more. It also presented the strengths and weaknesses of
Filipino character, whereas it also showed the results of these characters. I believe
that the lesson “Good Citizenship Values” aimed to make the students understand the
strengths and the positive values that they bear which could be utilized to contribute
something good to the country. It also gave awareness on the weak points that they
should improve and work on.
2. In your own words, define good citizenship values.
- Good Citizenship Values are essential principles, thoughts, and standard acts which
serve as a guide to become a good citizen in the society. These values reflect the
identity of the people. It brings unity amidst crisis. These are the unwritten rules that
ourselves must adhere to at all times, in any situations, no matter what age, gender, or
status in the society. It gives significance and direction to everyone’s existence and
has an implication on the way we behave. Although it’s hard to maintain these values
at all times, by continuous practice, our country would surely benefit in the future.
3. How do you show your faith in the Almighty God? According to the discussion of
MakaDiyos in this module, what is the first step that you should do to show faith in the
Almighty God?
- As a Roman Catholic, my faith is reflected usually through praying every morning
when I wake up, before I eat, and before I sleep at night. I also make sure to attend
holy mass every Sunday and then try to apply and practice the words of God in my
daily living. Based on the discussion of being Maka-Diyos, the first step to show the
faith in the Almighty God is to obey God and live according to his teachings. This
means that the words of God that we learn inside the church, the preaching of the
priests, and the religious belief passed down by our parents should not only be
learned but should also be absorbed and practiced throughout our life.
4. Prophet Jeremiah said ‘This is what the Almighty says: “when seventy years are
completed for Babylon, I will come to you and fulfill my gracious promise to bring you
back to this place. For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Almighty God,
“plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you
will come upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you.”’ Using the
prophecy of the Prophet Jeremiah, how do you find your present and future with the
Almighty God?
- As of now, I could say I have deep connection with our Almighty God, and I believe
on his promise. I believe on his plans for me, on his plans for all of us because I know
that there is always a reason and purpose for everything. True to his word, amidst
crisis, he did not leave me. Through the challenges brought by pandemic, I got closer
to him and he always listens to my prayers, he kept my family safe all the time, he did
not let my family be harmed by COVID-19. Right now, I felt safe and sound and I
know I will always be, whatever future may come for I trust him and his plans.
5. How can you show your respect for life?
- I can show my respect for life through considering other people’s well-being
physically, psychologically, sociologically, and spiritually. I will be mindful of my
words and actions making sure that no one will be hurt and undermined. I will value
the opinion and beliefs of others even if it’s diverse from what I believe. I will treat
people equally for I believe that everyone is equal as a human with disregard to age,
gender, race, religion, or status we had in society. And because respect should start
from ourselves, hence, respecting for life also means treating myself right by means
of self-appreciation. Learning to care for myself by fulfilling my basic needs like
eating healthy food and drinking at least eight glasses of water daily. Considering my
own holistic health such as sleeping at least eight hours a day is a means of respecting
6. Have you ever been in love? Do you feel you are loved?
- Yes, I’ve been in love, if it pertains to romantic love then probably not. Usually,
when we hear the word “love”, we automatically assume its romantic when in fact,
love comes in different aspects. I could feel love for family, friends, for myself, or for
the country, regardless of whom or what, it’s still could be called love. As for me,
whenever I value and love a person, I always treat them very kindly. I am a hot-
blooded person yet I longer my patience for important people in my life.
Compassionate and understanding is not my demeanor, but I unnoticeably become
one around them always considering their welfare. I pamper them with my love. For I
truly love them, I won’t let them engage on bad deeds and instead, I will guide them
to the right path. Love is good, so tolerating wrong doings would only mean that I
don’t care for them well enough to see them prosper. That’s what love could do,
you’ll always consider other people’s welfare over yours, it makes you selfless and
Luckily, I felt loved by the people I cherish the most, and I am grateful about it.
They reciprocate my kindness, they pamper me the same and they treat me the way I
treat them. There are times that I can’t control my temper, yet they still see the
goodness in me. Love brings out our good side that we never thought we had.
7. What is your standard of love?
- 1 Corinthians 13:4-7, “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not
boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily
angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with
the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.”
This bible verse is exactly my motto when it comes to love. I once heard a trick
from a friend, if you want to know the right person to love, refer to this bible verse
and change the word “love” with the name of that person you’re thinking of. If it
describes the person very well, then he/she could be the one. Example, “Shawn is
patient, Shawn is kind. He does not envy, he does not boast, he is not proud. He does
not dishonor others, he is not self-seeking, he is not easily angered, he keeps no
record of wrongs. Shawn does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. He
always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.”
Basically, that bible verse sums up what I believe in love. People nowadays, slips
easily the words “I love you” from their mouth without thinking how much
responsibility it holds just by saying so. Saying something that heavy should be
proved through actions because words alone would undermine the true meaning of
love. It is indescribable and supposed to be felt. People should understand that there’s
no such “love at first sight”, it does not progress that quickly because love requires
patience and time. It will teach you how to sacrifice and be selfless, to prioritize the
welfare of other’s over yours. It requires forgiveness and transgression over anger and
pain. In love, truth will always prevail. It requires trust, as it is the basic foundation of
love. It provides hope for everyone and pushes us to always persevere whatever
challenge we may face.

8. The Golden Rule says “Do unto others what you want others do unto you”. What do you
think is the standard of love if we consider this rule?
- I have heard this golden rule way too many times before. Basically, from what I
understand, it similarly defines karma. Karma is the belief that each action a person
performs will have an impact on him or her in the future. Whereas, a good deed will
result to a future benefit, while bad deed will result to a future harmful effect.
Applying this golden rule as a standard of love, it would be like give and take. This
would mean that you will not do unto others what causes you pain, what hurts you,
what you abhor, things that would disgrace you, but rather do the things that makes
you happy, what gives you joy, things that you like, things that gives you fulfillment
and contentment. It should be mutual like a shared standard.
9. What is the importance of the environment in the development of the society? Why do
you say so?
- Because of the environment, life emerged and continues to exist on this planet. It
offers all of the necessary conditions for life to exist. Without it, no living thing can
survive. In fact, environment has been providing the needs of humanity ever since the
beginning of time. All the materials, commodities, and services that we harness in our
society, directly or indirectly, from renewable resources like solar, geothermal,
hydropower, biomass, and wind energy, to non-renewable resources such as oil,
natural gas and fossil fuels, up to our daily necessities such as air, food, water,
clothes, and medicine was all provided by our environment. The development of our
society was all possible because the materials that we need, they are just there,
already provided by our Mother Nature, only waiting to be discovered and harnessed
for betterment.
10. In your own ways, how can you contribute in the protection of the environment from its
- Firstly, before participating in this issue, I should do some research and be
knowledgeable enough to assess the current condition of our environment, to
determine the dilemmas that its currently facing, and to find remedies for those issues
As of now, our environment is becoming closer and closer to the verge of
destruction, little-by-little we could feel the product of our negligence. Our
recklessness has been the cause of our sufferings. Understanding the power of
discipline and knowing how small actions could matter are some of the simple actions
I’m aware of to remedy the dilemmas that our environment is currently facing. This
applies, first and foremost, to ourselves. I believe that discipline is where betterment
blooms and it should start from ourselves. It would be a long journey, but we could
begin with small steps at a time, like using non-renewable resources in moderation,
conserving water by securing that the faucet is off when not in use, turning off the
lights when not in need, choosing to walk or ride a bike on near destinations, avoid
using disposable materials, throw trash on the right places, and practice the 5Rs of
Waste Management: Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Repurpose, and Recycle. Aside from
that, small actions like joining organizations that promotes the protection of
environment, and partaking on simple yet meaningful environmental programs and
projects of our local community like clean-up drives and tree planting are already a
great contribution to enforce the preservation of our Mother Nature. In addition,
educating people regarding on the condition of our environment is also a means of
contribution, we could spread awareness and disseminate factual information via
social media platforms to inform and encourage people to associate in making a
Saving our environment couldn’t be done in a snap, it’s a painstaking process and
it’s gradual. However, these simple remedies and solutions could be done right away.
We could start change right there and right now. Through self-discipline, step-by-
step, eventually we could preserve our environment.

Task 2:
1. Cite personal incidents / moments in your life that you feel you have become:
a) Maka-Diyos- Since 2019, my mother has been telling us that she felt sudden onset of
pain under her breast, but she assured us by telling that it’s still tolerable. She
described it as firm and round tissue, and it aches sometimes. Right at that time, two
known people in our community has died due to a breast cancer, we saw how they
suffered, how their health collapsed in the nick of time, and we witnessed the grief of
their loved ones as their lifeless body is delivered to the grave. That frightened me a
lot. I was anxious and perturbed replaying questions in my head like, “Is it the same
as them?”, “Will my mother fall ill like them?”, “Will I witness my mother to suffer
the same?”, “Is she going to leave me? Could I handle it?”, “What will I do without
her? I couldn’t handle it”. Every night I was praying, praying really hard, asking God
to save my mother, I also prayed a rosary and never missed attending the mass,
hoping God would hear my prayers. I said to him, “God, it’s not my mother’s time
yet, is it? You will save her right? I still need her, my family needs her. Please heal
my mother, I beg you”.
And so we want to clarify, hoping it’s not a breast cancer. My mom seek
consultation to the doctor, they ran some test to find the real diagnosis for my
mother’s case. Then we wait for the results. At the same time, I never missed an
opportunity to pray to God, hoping he could hear me.
When the results came, I was really worried. Luckily, the cyst is benign and will
not harm my mother in any way. So is the second opinion, results came out the same.
I am grateful the most to God for answering my prayers, for keeping my family safe,
and for never letting me down.
b) Makatao- There was once a transferee in our school, back when I was in elementary.
All I could remember is that his surname is Oliva and he came from Visayas.
Technically, he had this thick accent that most of our classmates are unfamiliar of and
has darker complexion than the rest of us. My classmates, specifically the boys, are
weirded out by his physical appearance and made fun on the way he talks. Me, on the
other hand, was no new to this as my parents also came from Visayas and Mindanao,
so I perfectly understand his case. However, the boys in our room didn’t care whether
they could hurt someone’s feelings as long as they are happy, they even made a chant
“taong Oliva-liva-liva! taong Oliva-oh-oh!”, they always sang it whenever he’s
I really felt bad for him, it’s not his fault that he has that accent. I tried to stop my
classmates but they wouldn’t budge, so I tried to reach out for him. He’s a good
person, jolly and cheerful. He’s also a smart student, but later on, he absents a lot due
to bullying. He didn’t deserve that treatment, in fact, nobody does. So I tried to tell
this to our adviser, explained what Oliva has been experiencing. Thankfully, our
adviser took action of this issue and lectured the boys that was bullying Oliva.
Afterwards, they stopped teasing him.
c) Makakalikasan- Back in junior high school, I participated in a clean-up drive program
of our school, whereas we are tasked to clean the streets of the village where our
school was located. Each are obliged to bring at least one cleaning material and I
brought a sack which will serve as a trash bin. We are grouped based on the number
of the streets to be cleaned and what cleaning materials we brought. My group was
assigned to the messiest street in the village. I think we got the most challenging
street to clean, it is too long, too wide, and the fact that it rained the day before the
clean-up drive made it the messiest among the village. However, it doesn’t matter
how hard our task is, because to clean is the sole purpose of this program. After a
long day, with cooperation and teamwork, we managed to make it neat, tidy, and at
least pleasing to the eyes.
d) Makabansa/makabayan- As soon as I entered adulthood, I immediately thought of the
heavy responsibilities placed upon my shoulder with regards to partaking on the
prosperity of our country. It may be pressuring as it sounds, but I love our nation and
I want to witness it flourishing someday, competing with the strongest countries of
the world, advancing on technology, and a lower poverty rate.
One big opportunity to show this high regard for country is to vote. What we’re
talking about here is the sake of the nation, of its people, of ours, and the future
generation so we better understand that every vote matters and each of us could make
a difference. To be honest, I am pressured but at the same time, felt enthusiastic of the
fact that I’ll be able to harness the power vested upon me to vote and choose the right
person that could flourish our nation. I will vote because I care. Thus, I registered to
the comelec to become an official and legitimate voter of the Philippines.
2. Explain the details. What have you learned and realized out from that experience?
a) Maka-Diyos- From that scenario, I realized that God is always by our side. He always
listens to us. We’re the only one that keeps leaving him, while he’s just there waiting
for us to reach out, he’s waiting for us to seek forgiveness, ask for guidance, to
believe on his plans, and understand that everything will happen at his will. The
challenges that we face, that’s his way of testing our faith, of how long could we trust
him. Through solemnly praying and a never-ending faith, he will answer our prayers.
b) Makatao- Based on the case of Oliva, I learned to be cautious on what words would I
slip out of my mouth. I manifest thinking thoroughly before speaking to avoid
unnecessary arguments and disputes to the people around me. I became mindful of
my actions and words to refrain from hurting people. That’s when I also learned how
to have empathy and compassion. To put yourself on the shoes of others, to learn and
understand their situation before prejudicing, and to consider what they would feel
before taking an action. Words are enough to make people bleed inside, and words
alone could violate a right. So we must always remember to think first before we
speak and act.
c) Makakalikasan- the environment has been there way before humanity aroused. This is
where life was formed, it is where we live, this sustains all our necessities.
Environment provides us all the things we use today, this is where we collect the
materials we yielded to establish the society. It is our only home and we tend to forget
that most of the time. We benefit to all its resources, we took advantage of its
richness, and we abused its beauty. All things are good in moderation, but humans are
uncontrollable, ambitious, and never contented.
We must take action immediately, before it’s too late. It’s only a matter of self-
control, discipline, and unity to preserve and protect our environment. As the saying
goes, “Great things are done by a series of small things”.
d) Makabansa/makabayan- To be a responsible citizen of the nation is to partake on the
issues of the country. By becoming a voter, I will have the power to place the best
person that could create a change in the Philippines. It’s not that easy to choose
knowing that the sake of the nation, the people, and the future is in our hands but we
must be wise and considerate so that our nation could prosper.
Task 3:
1. Identify at least five (5) strengths of Filipino character that you think you possess. Why
do you say so?
a) Family-oriented: as a Filipino, I was taught by my parents to always choose and love
my family. I treat them as my home, where all of my flaws and imperfection is
accepted. They are my wonderwall, every time that I feel down, they will cheer me up
and lift my spirit. Whenever I encounter problems, I seek for their advice first. My
family is where I run to when I’m in trouble, or happy, when I’m in sadness, or even
on rejoice. They have witnessed all the good and bad in me. They are my comfort
b) Faith and Religiosity: I was raised in a religious family. Even when I was a kid, my
parents would always remind me to never fail on communicating with God. Every
Sunday we attended the mass, then pray the rosary at dusk, and then pray again
before going to bed. We are raised to have fear in God to refrain from doing bad
things. We are raised having a strong faith in our heart.
c) Pakikipagkapwa-tao: I grew up having a bunch of friends, and up till now, they still
are and even closer than before. I don’t keen on having troubles and fights with my
peers because it’s only a waste of time. Instead, I prefer having fun with them, joining
on community building programs, and helping people in need. I would lend my hand
and do what I can to people who needs my help.
d) Flexibility and Adaptability: despite of the challenges brought by the pandemic, I
never thought of giving up on my studies. I look for a way to cope up and overcame
the conflicts of the new normal. Although it’s a bit difficult, I still found my harmony
and be able to go with the flow, I even got an honor. That is the proof of my
flexibility and adaptability amidst crisis.
e) Joy and Humor and the capacity to survive: In these times of crisis, usually people
will feel down. Me, however, did not succumb to the sadness brought by the COVID-
19. I entertained myself through watching funny clips and memes on the internet. I
make sure to lift up my mood every now and then. I once read an article that laughing
is healthy, so I make sure to laugh everyday.
2. Identify at least five (5) weaknesses of Filipino character that you think you possess.
a) Lack of Discipline: I admit that I lack discipline to myself. This negative character of
mine is what gives my mother a headache (as per her). Most of the time, I have no
discipline whenever I use a gadget, I always lost track of time to the point where I
sleep at 3:00 AM in the morning.
b) Colonial Mentality: I am very fond of Western people. I am fascinated the most on
their cinematography, they have great Computer-Generated Imagery (CGI) which
makes their fictional movies look believable like it’s real. They have mind-blowing
plotlines, and I love how they could perfectly portray stories that seems out of the
world and things that we thought could only happen in our imagination. Meanwhile,
in the Philippines, they offer plotlines that are stuck up on forbidden love affairs and
adultery, which I’m the last fan of. Hence, I have this mentality that Westerns are way
more superior than us, but only in terms of cinematography.
c) Kanya-kanya Syndrome: Although I’m good at socializing with people, there are
times where I have this “kanya-kanya syndrome”. It occurs the most when I am under
pressure and when I felt that my progress was too slow than others. I wouldn’t care
for other people and just do things on my own even it should be done by group.
d) Passivity and Lack of Initiative: This character happens when I was given a task by
elder people. I am too shy to turn them down and afraid that I will disappoint them. I
have no guts to say no, that even if I have a pile of work pending and they are all due
that day, I would still choose to get their task done first.
e) Lack of Self- Analysis and Self – Reflection: To cope up with problems, I usually just
laugh it off, and avoid thinking about it. Because of too much joy and humor, I forget
to look deeply and assess my problems. Sometimes, I wouldn’t even care to solve it
and just tried to forget about it, which is not the right thing to do especially on serious
3. What are the steps do you take to change these weaknesses into strength?
- The first thing to do is to determine the possible causes of those weaknesses. I will
assess myself like “What did I overdo?”, “Where was I lacking?”, “How could I
improve my weaknesses and transform it into strength?”.
After the assessment, I observed that some of my weaknesses are just an overlap of
the strengths of my Filipino character. An example of that is my strength in Joy and
Humor and the capacity to survive, if I exaggerate this strength even on serious
scenarios, that turns into a weakness or the Lack of Self- Analysis and Self –
Reflection. Likewise, with the Pakikipagkapwa-tao, too much camaraderie will alter
into Passivity and Lack of Initiative. So I figured out that I only have to limit my
strengths so that it wouldn’t overlap and became my weakness. It’s just a matter of
self-control and doing things in moderation.
Task 4:
1. Choose one (1) from the four clusters of Filipino Values
2. Create a poster of any medium out from your own perspective and imagination
3. Do it in a long bond paper (8.5” x 13”)

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