Chapter 6 Deiparine

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PERFORMANCE ▪ relationships between force and

Muscle Performance – capacity of a muscle to do work velocity
o anaerobic power – single burst of high-
➢ Influenced by all body systems
intensity activity (performing a high jump)
➢ Factors that affect:
o aerobic power (muscle endurance) – repeated
o Morphological qualities of muscle
bursts of less intense activity (climbing stairs)
o Neurological, biochemical, and biomechanical
• Power training – muscle strength = develop muscle
o Metabolic CV, respi, cogni, and emotional
o Can be gained through increasing the work a
muscle performs during a specified period of
➢ Key elements: strength, power, endurance
time or reducing the amount of time required
o If impaired = activity limitations and
to produce the work
participation restriction or increased risk of
Endurance – ability to perform repetitive or sustained
dysfunction may ensue
activities over a prolonged period of time
Resistance exercise – dynamic or static muscle contraction is • Cardiopulmonary endurance – repetitive, dynamic
resisted by an outside force applied manually or mechanically activities which involve use of the large muscles
• Muscle endurance – do not correlate w/ muscle
➢ To promote or maintain physical health, enhanced strength
performance of motor skills, and reduce the risk of • Endurance training/exercise – using muscle force to
injury and disease control a light external load for many repetitions over
➢ Consider these factors: an extended period of time
o Underlying pathology o more positive impact on improving function
o Extent and severity of muscle performance
o Presence of other deficits Description – guides the use of resistance exercise in
o Stage of tissue healing after injury or surgery improving muscle performance
o Pt/client age
➢ “to improve a muscle performance, a resistance load
o Overall level of fitness
that exceeds the metabolic capacity of the muscle
o Ability to cooperate and learn
must be applied” challenge muscle to a greater load

Application of Overload Practice

➢ Strength, power, endurance can be enhanced by
resistance exercise ➢ Progressively loading muscle by manipulating factors
such as the intensity or volume of exercise
STRENGTH, POWER, AND ENDURANCE • Intensity of RE – how much external resistance is
Strength imposed on the muscle
• Volume of exercise – repetitions, sets, or frequency
• Muscle strength - extent that contractile elements of
(combination can progressively increase demands of
muscle produce force
o Insufficient muscular strength = major
• Strength training program – amount of external
functional losses
resistance = incrementally and progressively
• Functional strength – produce appropriate amount of
force during functional activities in a smooth and
• Endurance training program – increase time of
coordinated manner
sustained muscle contraction or number of
• Strength training – systematic practice of using
repetitions performance
muscle force to lift heavy loads for a relatively low
number of repetitions or over a short period of time’’
1. Enhanced muscle performance through
restoration, improvement or maintenance of ➢ To improve a specific muscle performance element,
muscle strength, power, and endurance the resistance program should match to that elements
2. Increased strength of connective tissues:
tendons, ligaments, and intramuscular connective
tissue o Ex. Increase muscle power = exercise
3. Increased bone mineral density and/or less bone programs should have interventions that
demineralization increase work demands while decreasing the
4. Decreased joint stress during physical activity time that work is accomplished
5. Reduced risk of soft tissue injury during physical ➢ Applies to all body systems
➢ Extension of Wolff’s law
6. Improved capacity for repair and healing of
➢ Determine the exercise parameters that will create
damaged soft tissues and for tissue remodeling
7. Improved balance specific training effects to best meet the pt’s
8. Enhanced physical performance during daily functional needs and goals
living, occupational, and recreational activities ➢
9. Positive changes in body composition: ↑ lean
muscle mass or ↓ body fat Specificity of Training (Specificity of Exercise)
10. Enhanced feeling of physical well-being
11. Positive perception of disability and quality of life ➢ Adaptive effects of training are highly specific to the
training method employed
➢ Exercise should mimic the anticipated function (only
when possible)
➢ Must always be emphasized
• Muscle power – rate of performing work
➢ Basis: related to morphological and metabolic
o work (force x distance) produced by a muscle
changes in muscle & neural adaptations to the
per unit of time (force x distance / time)
training stimulus associated with motor learning
o key factors that affect:
▪ rate at which a muscle produces a
Transfer of Training o Caused by:
▪ Decreased blood sugar levels
➢ Carryover of training effects from one variation of
▪ Decreased glycogen store
exercise or task to another also has been reported
▪ Depletion of K
(transfer of training, overflow or cross-training effect)
3. Threshold for fatigue – level of exercise that cannot
➢ Muscle strengthening program = transfer effect by
be sustained indefinitely
moderately improving muscular endurance
o Length of time a contraction is maintained
➢ Endurance training = little to no cross-training effect
• Factors that affect fatigue
on muscle strength
o Patient’s health status
➢ Endurance + muscle = detrimental effect on the ability
o Diet
to improve strength
o Lifestyle
Recovery from Exercise

➢ The body must be give time to restore itself to a state

➢ Adaptive changes from resistance training only lasts
that existed prior to the exercise
for a short period of time (transient), unless
participates in a maintenance program Age


Infancy, Early Childhood, and Preadolescence

• At birth, muscle accounts for about 25% of body

NORMAL SKELETAL MUSCLE • Total number of muscle fibers is established prior
Energy Stores and Blood Supply to birth or early in infancy.
• Postnatal changes in distribution of type I and
➢ Adequate source of energy to contract and blood to
type II fibers in muscle are relatively complete by
provide oxygen and nutrients
the end of the first year of life.
• Degree of vascularization – predominant fiber type
• Muscle fiber size and muscle mass increase
that constitutes tissue
linearly from infancy to puberty.
Fatigue • Muscle strength and muscle endurance increase
linearly with chronological age in boys and girls
1. Muscle (local) fatigue – diminished response of muscle throughout childhood until puberty.
to a repeated stimulus • Muscle mass (absolute and relative) and muscle
o when a muscle repeatedly contracts statically strength is approximately 10% greater in boys
or dynamically against imposed load than girls from early childhood to puberty.
• Training-induced strength gains occur equally in
both sexes during childhood without evidence of
hypertrophy until puberty


• Rapid acceleration in muscle fiber size and

muscle mass, especially in boys. During puberty,
muscle mass increases more than 30% per year.
• Rapid increase in muscle strength in both sexes.
• Marked difference in strength levels develops
between boys and girls.
• In boys, muscle mass and body height and
weight peak before muscle strength peaks; in
girls, strength peaks
• before body weight peaks.
BOX 6.2 SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS OF MUSCLE FATIGUE • Relative strength gains through resistance
1. An uncomfortable sensation in the muscle, with training are comparable between the sexes, with
pain and cramping possible significantly greater muscle hypertrophy in boys
2. Shaking or trembling of the contracting muscle
3. An unintentional slowing of contraction velocity Young and Middle Adulthood
with successive repetitions of an exercise
4. Active movements are jerky or inconsistent • Muscle mass peaks in women between 16 and 20
5. Inability to complete the movement pattern years of age; muscle mass in men peaks between
through the full range of available motion during 18 and 25 years of age.
dynamic exercise against the same level of • Muscle mass constitutes approximately 40% of
resistance total body weight during early adulthood, with
6. Use of substitute motions—that is, incorrect men having slightly more muscle mass than
movement patterns—to complete the activity women.
7. Inability to continue low-intensity physical • Muscle continues to develop into the second
activity decade, especially in men
8. Decline in peak torque during isokinetic testing • Muscle strength and endurance reach a peak
during the second decade, earlier for women
than men.
• Decreases in muscle mass begin to occur as early
2. Cardiopulmonary (general) fatigue – systemic as 25 years of age.
diminished response to a stimulus as a result of • Starting in the third decade, strength declines
prolonged physical activity between 8% and 10% per decade through the
o Related to body’s ability to use O2 efficiently fifth or sixth decade
• Strength and muscle endurance decline less Skeletal Muscle Adaptations
rapidly in physically active adults.
1. Hypertrophy – increase muscle fiber d/t increase
• Improvements in strength and endurance are
myofibril volume
possible with only modest increases in physical
2. Hyperplasia – causes the portion of the muscle that
occurs with heavy RE to increase in size
3. Muscle Fiber Type Adaptation – transformation of
Late Adulthood
type IIb to type IIA common in endurance training

• Muscle strength declines at a rate of 15% to 20% Vascular and Metabolic Adaptations
per decade during the sixth and seventh decades
➢ High intensity, low volume = hypertrophy = decreased
and declines at a rate of 30% per decade
capillary bed density (d/t increased num of
• By the eighth decade, skeletal muscle mass will
have decreased by 50% compared to peak Adaptations of CT
muscle mass.
• Muscle fiber size (cross-sectional area), type I ➢ RE for muscle strength = increase tensile strength of
and type II fiber quantity, and the number of tendons, ligaments, bones
alpha motoneurons all decrease. • Tendons, ligaments, and CT in muscle – increased
• Preferential atrophy of type II muscle fibers tendon strength = musculotendinous junction
occurs. o Increased ligament strength = ligament-bone
• Muscle contraction speed and peak power interface
production both decrease. o Support the adaptive strength and size
• Endurance and maximum oxygen uptake changes of muscle = stronger ligaments and
gradually but progressively decrease. tendons = less prone to injury
• The force-producing capacity of muscle is • Bone – bone mineral density is correlated with muscle
reduced. strength an level of physical activity
• Performance of functional skills begins to decline o Activities and exercises that minimize or
during the sixth decade. prevent age related bone loss, reduce risk of
• Significant deterioration in functional abilities by fractures
the eighth decade is associated with a decline in
muscular endurance.
• With a resistance training program, significant DETERMINANTS OF RESISTANCE EXERCISE
improvements in muscle strength, power, and
endurance is possible during late adulthood
1. Alignment of body segments during each unique
Psychological and Cognitive Factors 2. Stabilization of proximal or distal joints to
prevent substitute motions
1. Attention – pt must be able to focus on a given task to 3. Intensity: the exercise load or level of resistance
learn how to perform it correctly (learning & carrying 4. Volume: the total number of repetitions and sets
out an exercise) in an exercise session
2. Motivation and feedback – willing to put forth and 5. Exercise order: the sequence in which muscle
maintain sufficient effort and adhere to the program groups are exercised during a session
over time 6. Frequency: the number of exercise sessions per
o Maintain patient interest = use meaningful day or per week
activities that has potential usefulness 7. Rest interval: the time allotted for recuperation
o Feedback – can have positive impact on pt between exercise sets and sessions
motivation 8. Duration: total time committed to a resistance
9. Mode: the type of muscle contraction, type of
resistance, arc of movement used, and primary
➢ Adaptation to overload create changes in muscle energy system utilized during exercise
performance determine the effectiveness of RE 10. Velocity: the rate at which each exercise is
Neural adaptations
11. Periodization: the variation of intensity and
➢ Initial rapid gain in the tension generating capacity is volume during specific periods of resistance
attributed largely to neural responses (not in muscle training
itself) 12. Integration of exercises into functional activities:
exercises that approximate or replicate
functional demands

Alignment - Determined by: fiber orientation, line of pull,

specific action
Stabilization - Holding down a body segment steady

• External stabilization – applied manually by PT or Pt

with equipment or gravity
• Internal stabilization – isometric contraction of an
adjacent muscle group that does not affect the
desired movement pattern but holds proximal body
segment of the muscle being strengthened firmly in

Submaximal vs Maximal exercise loads

➢ factors:
o goals and expected functional outcomes of
the exercise programs
o cause and extent of muscle performance
o stage of healing of injured tissues
o pt age, general health and fitness level
➢ lower level of resistance if w/ impairment

Velocity of Exercise - prepare the patient for the variety of

functional activities that occur across the wide spectrum of
movement velocities

Force-Velocity Relationship – different during concentric and

Initial Exercise Loaf and Documentation of Training Effects eccentric muscle contraction

• Repetition Maximum (RM) – greatest amount of

weight or load that can be moved w/ control through
the full, available ROM
o Use of RM
▪ Identify an initial exercise load to be
used during exercise for a specified
number of reps
▪ Document a baseline measurement
of the dynamic strength of a muscle
or muscle group against which
exercise-induced improvements in
strength can be compared
o 1-Rm (greatest amount of weight a subject
can move through available ROM just one
time) as baseline measurement

• Universal bench press: 30% body weight
• Universal leg extension: 20% body weight
• Universal leg curl: 10% to 15% body weight
• Universal leg press: 50% body weight

Volume – summation of total num of reps and sets during a

single session x intensity of exercise

Exercise Order – sequence of RE during a session

Exercise Frequency – num of exercise session per day or week

Exercise Duration – total num of weeks or months of RE

Rest Interval – allow time for the body to recover

Mode of Exercise – form of exercise, type of muscle

contraction, manner

Type of muscle contraction

• Static contraction – isometric contractions done

internally (muscle setting) or against unmovable
external resistance
• Dynamic RE – concentric (muscle shortening) or
Manual Resistance Exercise
eccentric (muscle lengthening) or both
o Isokinetic contraction – velocity of a limb is ➢ Resistance is provided by a therapist
held consistent ➢ muscle to be strengthened is weak and can overcome
▪ Dynamic under controlled conditions only minimal to moderate resistance
Mechanical Resistance Exercise • Eccentric exercise - dynamic loading of a muscle
beyond its force-producing capacity, causing physical
➢ Resistance is applied through the use of equipment or
lengthening of the muscle as it attempts to overcome
mechanical apparatus
the load
➢ amount of resistance necessary is greater than what
the therapist can apply manually Characteristics Of Concentric and Eccentric Exercise

Isometric Exercise (Static Exercise)

➢ muscle contract and produces force without an

appreciable change in the length of the muscle and
without visible joint motion

Types of isometric exercise

1. Muscle-setting - Low-intensity isometric contractions

performed against little to no resistance
o decrease muscle pain and spasm and to
promote relaxation and circulation after
injury to soft tissues during the acute stage of
o Does not improve muscle strength except in
very weak muscles.
o Can retard muscle atrophy and maintain
mobility between muscle fibers
2. Stabilization exercises - develop a submaximal but
➢ A maximum concentric contraction produces less
sustained level of co-contraction to improve postural
force than a maximum eccentric contraction under
stability or dynamic stability of a joint by means of
the same condition
midrange isometric contractions against resistance in
➢ Eccentric muscle contractions consume less oxygen
antigravity positions and in weight-bearing postures
and energy stores than concentric contractions
if weight bearing is permissible
➢ Repeated and rapidly progressed, high-intensity
3. Multiple-Angle isometrics - system of isometric
eccentric muscle contractions are associated with a
exercise in which resistance is applied, manually or
significantly higher incidence and severity of delayed
mechanically, at multiple joint positions within the
onset muscle soreness than occurs with high-intensity
available ROM
concentric exercise
o to improve strength throughout the ROM
when joint motion is permissible but dynamic Dynamic Exercise: Constant and Variable Resistance
resistance exercise is painful or inadvisable
➢ The most common system of dynamic resistance
Characteristics of Isometric Training training is progressive resistance exercise (PRE)
➢ a limb moves though a ROM against a constant
• Intensity of muscle contraction - Intensity (load) of at
external load, provided by free weights such as a
least 60% of a muscle’s maximum voluntary
handheld or cuff weight, torque arm units, weight
contraction (MVC) to improve strength
machines, or weight-pulley systems
• Duration of muscle activation - To achieve adaptive
changes in static muscle performance, an isometric Variable resistance exercise - imposes varying levels of
contraction should be held for 6 seconds and no more resistance to the contracting muscles to load the muscles
than 10 seconds more effectively at multiple points in the ROM
• Repetitive contractions - Use of repetitive
contractions Isokinetic Exercise/Accommodating RE
o held for 6 to 10 seconds each
➢ velocity of muscle shortening or lengthening and the
o decreases muscle cramping and increases the
angular limb velocity is predetermined and held
effectiveness of the isometric regimen
constant by a rate-limiting device known as an
• Joint angle and mode specificity - When performing
isokinetic dynamometer
multiple-angle isometrics, resistance at four to six
points in the ROM is typically recommended

Open-Chain and Closed-Chain Exercises

Open-chain exercises - distal segment (hand or foot) is free to

Dynamic Exercise: Concentric and Eccentric move in space, while the proximal segments are fixed
• Concentric exercise - f dynamic muscle loading in
which tension in a muscle develops and physical
shortening of the muscle occurs as an external force
(resistance) is overcome
Examination and Evaluation

➢ cornerstone of individualized RE program

Preparation for Resistance Exercise

➢ Select and prescribe the forms of resistance exercise

that are appropriate and expected to be effective,
such as choosing manual or mechanical resistance
exercises, or both.
➢ If implementing mechanical resistance exercise,
Closed-chain exercises - body moves on a distal segment that determine what equipment is needed and available.
is fixed or stabilized on a support surface (weight-bearing ➢ Review the anticipated goals and expected functional
positions) outcomes with the patient.
➢ Explain the exercise plan and procedures. Be sure that
the patient and/or family understands and gives
➢ Have the patient wear nonrestrictive clothing and
supportive shoes appropriate for exercise.
➢ If possible, select a firm but comfortable support
surface for exercise.
➢ Demonstrate each exercise and the desired
movement pattern

Implementation of Resistance Exercises

Warm up - prior to resistance exercises using light, repetitive,

dynamic, site-specific movements without applying resistance

Placement of Resistance - most often applied to the distal end

➢ Resistance may be applied across an intermediate

joint if that joint is stable and pain-free and if there is
adequate muscle strength supporting the joint

Direction of Resistance

• Concentric exercise - resistance is directly opposite to

the desired motion
• Eccentric exercise - resistance is applied in the same
direction as the desired motion
➢ When using manual resistance, the force will be most
mechanically effective if applied perpendicular to the
segment through the entire arc of motion

Stabilization - necessary to avoid unwanted, substitute


➢ nonweight-bearing resisted exercises - external

stabilization is applied to the proximal segment on
which the muscle to be strengthened attaches
➢ multijoint RE in weight bearing - patient must use
muscle activation and control to stabilize nonmoving

Intensity of Exercise/Amount of Resistance

➢ Initially, have the patient practice the movement

pattern against a minimal load to learn the correct
exercise technique.
➢ Have the patient exert a forceful but controlled and
painfree effort. The level of resistance should be such
that movement performance is smooth and
➢ Adjust the alignment, stabilization, or the amount of
resistance if the patient is unable to complete the
available ROM, muscular tremor develops, or
substitute motions occur

Number of Repetitions, Sets, and Rest Intervals

➢ In general, for most adults, use 8 to 12 repetitions of a

specific motion against a moderate exercise load. This
quantity typically induces the expected acute and
chronic responses of muscular fatigue and adaptive
gains in muscular strength.
➢ Decrease the amount of resistance if the patient
cannot complete the minimum target number of 8
➢ After a brief rest, perform additional repetitions—a Overtraining and Overwork
second set of 8 to 12 repetitions, if possible.
➢ deterioration in muscle performance and physical
➢ For progressive overloading, initially increase the
capabilities (either temporary or permanent) that can
number of repetitions or sets; at a later point in the
occur in healthy individuals or in patients with certain
exercise program, gradually increase the resistance
neuromuscular disorders
Verbal or Written Instructions - use simple instructions that
Overtraining - decline in physical performance in healthy
are easily understood
individual participating in high-intensity, high-volume strength
Monitoring the Patient - Observe the patient execute the and endurance training programs
exercises and modify any ineffective or incorrectly performed
Overwork - progressive deterioration of strength in muscles
already weakened by nonprogressive neuromuscular disease
Cool-Down - rhythmic, unresisted movements such as arm
Exercise-Induced Muscle Soreness
swinging, walking, or stationary cycling
➢ unaccustomed to exercise and if the program includes
Precautions for Resistance Exercise
Valsalva Maneuver eccentric exercise

➢ expiratory effort against a closed glottis, must be Acute Muscle Soreness - develops during or directly after
avoided during resistance exercise strenuous exercise performed to the point of muscle
BOX 6.10 General Precautions During RE
Delayed-Onset Muscle Soreness - With vigorous and
• Keep the ambient temperature of the exercise
unaccustomed resistance training or any form of muscular
setting comfortable for vigorous exercise.
overexertion, DOMS, which is noticeable in the muscle belly or
• Select clothing for exercise that facilitates heat
at the myotendinous junction develops approximately 12 to 24
dissipation and sweat evaporation.
hours after the exercise session
• Caution the patient that pain should not occur
during exercise.
• Do not initiate resistance training at a maximal
level of resistance, particularly with eccentric
exercise to minimize delayed-onset muscle
soreness (DOMS). Use light to moderate exercise
during the recovery period.
• Avoid use of heavy resistance during exercise for
children, older adults, and patients with
• Do not apply resistance across an unstable joint
or distal to a fracture site that is not completely
• Have the patient avoid breath-holding during
resisted exercises to prevent the Valsalva
maneuver; emphasize exhalation during exertion.
• Avoid uncontrolled, ballistic movements as they
compromise safety and effectiveness. Pathological Fracture
• Prevent incorrect or substitute motions by
➢ failure of bone already weakened by disease that
adequate stabilization and an appropriate level
results from minor stress to the skeletal system
of resistance.
➢ high risk for osteoporosis or osteopenia
• Avoid exercises that place excessive, unintended
o osteoporosis - a systemic skeletal disease
secondary stress on the back.
characterized by reduced mineralized bone
• Be aware of medications a patient is using that
can alter acute and chronic responses to exercise.
• Avoid cumulative fatigue due to excessive Prevention of Pathological Fracture - physical activity that
frequency of exercise and the effects of includes resistance training
overtraining or overwork. Incorporate adequate
rest intervals between exercise sessions to allow BOX 6.14 Resistance Training Guidelines and Precautions
adequate time for recovery. to Reduce the Risk of Pathological Fracture
• Discontinue exercises if the patient experiences • Intensity of exercise. Avoid high-intensity, high-
pain, dizziness, or unusual or precipitous volume weight training. Depending on the
shortness of breath. severity of osteoporosis, begin weight training at
a minimal intensity (40% to 60% of 1-RM) and
progress to moderate-intensity (60% to <80% of
1-RM) only if indicated.
Risk Prevention During Resistance Exercise • Repetitions and sets. Initially, perform only one
set of several exercises, using 8 to 12 repetitions
➢ Caution the patient about breath-holding.
of each exercise for the first 6 to 8 weeks.
➢ Ask the patient to breathe rhythmically, count, or talk
• Progress intensity and volume (repetitions)
during exercise.
gradually; eventually work up to three or four
➢ Have the patient exhale when lifting and inhale when
sets of each exercise at moderate levels of
lowering an exercise load
➢ Restrict high-risk patients from doing high-intensity
• Frequency. Perform resistance exercises two to
resistance exercises
three times per week.
Substitute Motions • Type of exercise. Integrate weight-bearing
activities into resistance training, but use the
➢ When the external resistance is too great for the following precautions:
target muscle to manage during exercise • Avoid high-impact activities such as jumping or
hopping. Perform most strengthening exercises in
weight-bearing postures that involve low impact, Guidelines and Special Considerations
such as lunges or step-ups/step-downs against
Body Mechanics of the Therapist
additional resistance (handheld weights, a
weighted vest, or elastic resistance). ➢ Select a treatment table on which to position the
• Avoid high-velocity movements. patient that is a suitable height or adjust the height of
• Avoid trunk flexion with rotation and end-range the patient’s bed, if possible, to enhance use of proper
resisted flexion of the spine. Such combinations body mechanics.
can place excessive loading on the anterior ➢ Assume a position close to the patient to avoid
portion of the vertebrae, potentially resulting in stresses on your low back and to maximize control of
anterior compression fracture, wedging of the the patient’s upper or lower extremity.
vertebral body, and loss of height. ➢ Use a wide base of support to maintain stability while
• Avoid lower extremity weight-bearing activities applying resistance; shift your weight to move as the
that involve torsional movements of the hips, patient moves his or her limb
particularly if there is evidence of osteoporosis of
the proximal femur. Application of Manual Resistance and Stabilization
• To avoid loss of balance during lower extremity
➢ Review the principles and guidelines for placement
exercises while standing, have the patient hold and direction of resistance and stabilization (see Figs.
onto a stable surface such as a countertop. If the 6.12 and 6.13). Stabilize the proximal attachment of
patient is at high risk for falling or has a history the contracting muscle with one hand, when
of falls, perform exercises in a chair to provide necessary, while applying resistance distally to the
weight bearing through the spine. moving segment. Use appropriate hand placements
• In group exercise classes, keep participant- (manual contacts) to provide tactile and
instructor ratios low; for patients at high risk for proprioceptive cues to help the patient better
falling or with a history of previous fracture, understand in which direction to move.251
consider direct supervision on a one-to-one basis ➢ Grade and vary the amount of resistance to equal the
from another trained person. abilities of the muscle throughout the available ROM
➢ Gradually apply and release the resistance so
movements are smooth, not unexpected or
Pain ➢ Hold the patient’s extremity close to your body so
some of the force applied is from the weight of your
➢ severe joint or muscle pain during active movements body not just the strength of your upper extremities.
against no external load, dynamic resistance This enables you to apply a greater amount of
exercises should not be initiated resistance, particularly as the patient’s strength
➢ When applying manual resistance to alternating
➢ Dynamic and static resistance training isometric contractions of agonist and antagonist
muscles to develop joint stability, maintain manual
Severe Cardiopulmonary Disease contacts at all times as the isometric contractions are
repeated. As a transition is made from one muscle
➢ associated with acute symptoms contraindicate
contraction to another, no abrupt relaxation phase or
resistance training
joint movements should occur between the opposing
➢ patients with severe coronary artery disease, carditis,
cardiac myopathy, congestive heart failure, or
uncontrolled hypertension or dysrhythmias should not Verbal Commands
participate in vigorous physical activities, including a
resistance training program ➢ Coordinate the timing of the verbal commands with
the application of resistance to maintain control when
MANUAL RESISTANCE EXERCISE the patient initiates a movement.
Definition and Use ➢ use simple, direct verbal commands.
➢ a form of active resistive exercise in which the ➢ Use different verbal commands to facilitate isometric,
resistance force is applied to either a dynamic or a concentric, or eccentric contractions.
static muscular contraction by the therapist o To resist an isometric contraction, tell the
1. When joint motion is permissible, resistance is usually patient to “Hold,” “Don’t let me move you,” or
applied throughout the available ROM. “Match my resistance.”
2. Resistance is applied during exercise carried out in o To resist a concentric contraction, tell the
anatomical planes of motion, in diagonal patterns patient to “Push” or “Pull.”
associated with PNF techniques, or in combined o To resist an eccentric contraction, tell the
patterns of movement that simulate functional patient to “Slowly let go as I push or pull you
activities. Number of Repetitions and Sets/Rest Intervals
3. A specific muscle may also be strengthened by
resisting the action of that muscle, as described in ➢ As with all forms of resistance exercise, the number of
manual muscle-testing procedures repetitions is dependent on the response of the
4. In rehabilitation programs, manual resistance patient.
exercise, which may be preceded by active-assisted ➢ For manual resistance exercise, the number of
and active exercise, is part of the continuum of active repetitions also is contingent on the strength and
exercises available to a therapist to improve or endurance of the therapist.
restore muscular performance ➢ Build in adequate rest intervals for the patient and
the therapist; after 8 to 12 repetitions, both the
patient and the therapist typically begin to
experience some degree of muscular fatigue
TECHNIQUES: GENERAL BACKROUND Upper Extremity Diagonal Patterns
Upper Extremity
Shoulder Flexion
Shoulder Extension
Shoulder Hyperextension
Shoulder Abduction and Adduction
Lower Extremity Diagonal Patterns
Elevation of the Arm in the Plane of the Scapula
Shoulder Internal and External Rotation
Shoulder Horizontal Abduction and Adduction
Elevation and Depression of the Scapula
Protraction and Retraction of the Scapula
Mechanical Resistance Exercise
Elbow Flexion and Extension

Forearm Pronation and Supination

Wrist Flexion and Extension

Wrist Radial and Ulnar Deviation

Motions of the Fingers and Thumb

Lower Extremity

Hip Flexion With Knee Flexion

Hip Extension

Hip Hyperextension

Hip Abduction and Adduction

Hip Internal and External Rotation

Knee Flexion

Knee Extension

Ankle Dorsiflexion and Plantarflexion

Ankle Inversion and Eversion

Flexion and Extension of the Toes

Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation: Principles and


➢ combines functionally based diagonal patterns of

movement with techniques of neuromuscular
facilitation to evoke motor responses and improve
neuromuscular control and function

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