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Welcome to Ashes Reborn!

This document aims to point out the key differences between Ashes Rulebook
1.0 and 1.5. Please refer to the 1.5 Rulebook for a complete, in-depth look at all the
rule changes in Ashes Reborn.

Omitted Mechanics Alteration Spells

Respark, Between Realms, and the Alteration spells now target the card
Dismount rules are no longer in Ashes. they are attaching to (allowing them to
be canceled).
Dice Powers
Many of the dice powers in Ashes have Moving Tokens
been updated. We have included new When moving a token from one card to
Dice Power Reference Cards in this another, remove that token from one
set for all of the dice powers that have card, and place it on the other. Moving
been updated. tokens is no longer a distinct operation.

Attack Action Start and End of Round

• When attacking a Phoenixborn, • At the end of the round, each player
you may still declare any number of (one at a time, starting with the
attacking units. First Player) resolves all effects they
• When attacking a Unit, you may now control that occur at the end of the
only declare one unit as an attacker. round, in the order of their choice.
This means that units will only ever After all such effects are resolved,
be in 1v1 battles. the player with the first player token
passes it to their opponent and the
• Battle: An attacker is in battle with
next round begins.
the unit or Phoenixborn it is dealing
attack damage to. • During the draw step, players may
not have enough cards in their draw
• Units that are blocking or guarding
pile to fill their hand back up to 5
must always counter. If a blocking
cards. Follow the rules on fatigue
unit is destroyed before the battle
damage in these cases.
they are in initiates, the attacking
unit will attack its original target Fatigue Damage: Starting with the
Phoenixborn. First Player, players alternate placing
1 wound on their Phoenixborn until
• Units that are the target of an attack
all players have placed wounds equal
may optionally counter.
to the number of cards they should
• Phoenixborn may only guard once have drawn but could not.
per round. This is indicated by
rotating your Phoenixborn 90º when
declaring it as a guard. Phoenixborn
See Back Page for More...
are rotated upwards during the
recovery phase.
Revised Card List
The Rise of the Hammer Knight The Roaring The Song The Demons The Ghost Summon Dice Power
Phoenixborn Spiked Armor Rose of Soaksend of Darmas Guardian Nightsong Cricket References
Jessa Na Ni (Close Combat) Glow Finch Squall Stallion Harold Westraven Ancestral Army Summon Mind Fog Ceremonial Dice
Noah Redmoon Guilt Link Owl Power
Fear Orchid Dove Dark Pale Steed Mount
Summon Masked River Skald Transformation Essence Druid Charm Dice Power
Living Doll Nightshade Spectral Charger
Wolf Swallow (Consume Soul) Mount New Ideas Illusion Dice Power
Leech Warrior
False Demon The Masters Vampire Bat Swarm Cognitive
(Blood Shaman) Beast Tamer Nightmare Mount Divine Dice Power
Stormwind Sniper of Gravity Master Vampire Dissonance
Blood Archer Remorse Summon Ancestor Sympathy Dice
Echo Greystorm (Return to Soil)
Final Cry Summon Sleeping Amplify Dark Reaping Spirit Power
Widows Gravity Training
Redirect Transmute Magic Ancestor Spirit
Shadow Counter The Duchess Law of Fear
Undying Heart Adrenaline Rush Augury
Blue Jaguar
(Shadow Strike) of Deception Sonic Swordsman
Hex Bane Retired Card List
Bring Forth Victoria Glassfire Light Swordsman The Spirits (Memorialize)
Butterfly Monk (Resummon) Polarity Mage of Memoria The Path The Demons
Illusionary Cycle Dark Presence
Reflections in the (Copycat) Sembali
of Assassins of Darmas
Water The Frostdale The Boy Hollow Jericho Kill Harvest Soul
Shadow Hound Grimtongue
Root Armor Giants Among Wolves Battle Seer Double Edge
Shadow Spirit Veil of Reversal
Rin’s Fury Summon Indiglow The Goddess
Seaside Raven (Purify) The Grave King Summon Lucky
Frostback Bear
To Shadows Creeper Rabbit
of Ishra
Three-Eyed Owl Law of Banishment Vengeance
Secret Door Join The Hunt Infatuated
Enchanted Violinist Frost Fang (Law of Grace) Lucky Rabbit
Particle Shield Hunt Master Summon Fallen
Hidden Power Gates Thrown Summon Turtle The Spirits
The Children Vanish Mark of the Red Open Chant Of Sacrifice
Sympathy Pain of Blackcloud Flower (Invigorate) Law of Repentance
of Memoria
Body Inversion Chained Creations Turtle Guard
Strange Copy Brennen (Revival Pact) Angel’s Embrace
Figures In The Fog Celestial Knight Magic Purity
Maeoni Viper Blackcloud The Goddess Grave Knight
of Ishra Spectral Assassin Prepare Promos
Silver Snake Blackcloud Ninja The Law Immortal
Astrea Angelic Rescue Squire Dimona Odinstar
Gilder Fire Archer of Lions Commander
Mark of the Battle Mage Rayward Knight
Empower Chant of the Dead Odette The King Reaping Angel
Diamondcrest Goddess Spear Master Lulu Firststone
Golden Veil (Chant of Worship) of Titans Reclaim Soul
Emperor Lion Light Bringer Elephant Rider Phoenix Barrage
Coal Roarkwin Chant of Cerasaurus Mount
Protection Law of Assurance
Summon Steadfast The Protector Hand Tricks Orrick Gilstream
Chant of Revenge Guardian Sacred Ground
(Safeguard) Holy Knight of Argaia Gobi Sunshield
Expand Energy Steadfast Guardian Pain Shaman
Blood Chains Shield Mage Mind Maze
Protect (Cover) Royal Charm Archasaurus Mount
Regress Power Through Summon Majestic
Iron Rhino Imperial Ninja Shining Hydra Titan
Choke Meteor
Anchornaut Sun Sister Shining Hydra Head Majestic Titan
Poison (Fester)
Iron Worker Devotion
The following mechanics have been Damage Resolution (p. 16)
thoroughly revised for clarity and Damage is prevented in the timing
consistency. The full description of window “After damage is dealt” and it
these revisions are in the 1.5 Rulebook. will modify the amount of damage that
is received. When a unit is destroyed,
Resolving Effects (pp. 14-15) it is immediately removed from play,
In summary, cards with multiple effects followed by resolving any effects that
are resolved one at a time and may trigger ‘when this unit is destroyed’ and
be interrupted by triggered abilities, then ‘after a unit is destroyed’. Then,
such as reaction spells. Targets are no place the removed cards into your
longer chosen all up front, but rather discard pile. This allows for units to
chosen as each targeting effect begins leave the battlefield before resolving
resolving. If a spell cancels the effects triggered effects that may place more
of a card, it cancels the effect that units onto the battlefield, like Summon
triggered the cancel effect, as well as Sleeping Widows.
any other abilities that were going to
resolve in that card’s activation.

Simultaneous Effects (p. 17)

The word ‘would’ is no longer a part of
the used language for triggered abilities.
Triggered abilities will resolve ‘when’
or ‘after’ a game event occurs. If more
than one player wishes to resolve a
triggered effect off of the same trigger,
the active player resolves all of their
effects from that trigger, then passes
the opportunity to the next player.

Coming March 2021

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