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Conjunction: and, but, so, because, therefore,

however (Liên từ: “and, but, so, because, therefore, however” là từ dùng để nối các từ,
cụm từ và mệnh đề khác lại với nhau.)

Common conjunctions (những liên từ thông thường): and, but, or, because, so
1. And: also, in addition to. “And” is used when the statements are similar. (“And” được sử dụng khi các
câu có điểm tương đồng.)
Ví dụ:
 He’s 10 and she’s 12.
 My mom and dad are teachers.
 Tim usually practices the piano and plays football at weekend.

2. But: however, despite this. “But” is used to connect two opposite ideas. (“But” được sử dụng để nối hai
ý tưởng trái ngược nhau.)
Ví dụ:
 I love ice cream, but he loves apples.
 She’s 40 years old, but  she looks much younger than her real age.

3. Or is used to express choices. (“Or” được dùng để diễn đạt sự lựa chọn.)
Ví dụ:
 Do you like playing football or badminton?
 Would you like tea or  juice?
 Who’s taller? Michael or  Tom?

4. So is used to link between cause/ reason and results. (“So” được dùng để liên kết giữa nguyên nhân/lý
do và kết quả)
Ví dụ:
 The weather isn’t very nice so we don’t go camping.
 He lost the key so  he couldn’t get into his room.

5. Because is used to give reasons. (“Because” được dùng để đưa ra lý do.)

Ví dụ:
 She doesn’t go to school because she’s sick.
 Because it rains, I wear a raincoat.

6. Therefore used to state the result of the event mentioned in the previous sentence. (“Therefore” dùng để
nêu lên kết quả của sự việc được nhắc đến trong câu trước đó.)
Ví dụ:
 I passed the test; therefore, my parents took me to the circus.
 The weather was very hot. Therefore, Linda wore a T-shirt to school.

7. However used to introduce an event that has the opposite meaning to the one mentioned before
(“However” dùng để giới thiệu một sự việc có ý nghĩa trái ngược với sự việc được nhắc trước đó.)
Ví dụ:
 Bob leaves his room window open, however cold it is.
 However intelligent Nam is, he still can’t answer it.
Bài 1: Multiple choice.
Câu 1: She can speak French, _______ she can't write it.
A. however C. but
B. so D. therefore
Câu 2: He's going to work in Colombia, ________ he's learning Spanish.
A. so C. but
B. however D. therefore
Câu 3: He was very fat. _________, he didn't usually eat a lot.
A. However C. Therefore
B. As a result D. So
Câu 4: The highway was under construction, _______ we had to take a different route to work.
A. however C. so
B. therefore D. nevertheless
Câu 5: The child was sleepy. ______________, we went home early.
A. Therefore C. So that
B. And D. However
Câu 6: I would rather travel by train, ___________ the bus leaves earlier.
A. but C. however
B. so D. therefore
Câu 7: There is still much to discuss. We shall,______, return to this item at our next meeting.
A. however C. therefore
B. so D. because
Câu 8: Cars have become more complicated.______, mechanics need more training than in the past.
A. However C. Because
B. So D. Therefore
Câu 9: We couldn't find a taxi, _______ we walked home
A. therefore C. so
B. because D. however
Câu 10: She was crying ________ her team lost the match
A. because C. so
B. therefore D. as a result
Bài 2: Hãy sử dụng từ nối “and, but, so, because, therefore, however” để ghép hai câu đơn lại với nhau.
Chú ý thêm dấu "." hoặc "," khi cần thiết.
I need to work hard. I want to pass the exam.
He was the best candidate. He easily won the race.
She went to the shop. She couldn't find anything she liked.
He was angry with her. He didn't say a word.
He is outgoing. He is also helpful.
The TV set I have now is broken. I need a new one.
I turned on the heater. It was cold in here.
We have to do the shopping. We have to clean the house as well.
The history test is easy. It is long.
Fast food is convenient. It is bad for health.
Bài 3: Multiple choice.
1. A: Would you like to drink a cup of tea ________ coffee? - B: Tea, please.
A. and C. although
B. or D. but
2. My sister plays volleyball well ________ I do not.
A. and C. or
B. but D. although
2. Most people like watching comedy ________ it's very interesting.
A. because C. although
B. so D. but
3. The film is very interesting. It's both moving ________ funny.
A. and C. although
B. or D. but
4. I have to go out ________ I meet my pen pal today.
A. but C. because
B. so D. or
5. ________ she knows that watching too much TV is a bad habit, she still watches TV usually.
A. Because C. or
B. Although D. but

Bài 4: Khoanh tròn vào liên từ thích hợp trong mỗi câu sau.
1. I’d love to stay (so/and/but) I have to catch my bus.
2. His hot chocolate was too hot (so/and/but) he put some cold milk in it.
3. (Or/Although/Because) we had an umbrella, we got extremely wet.
4. I only passed my exam (because/but/although) you helped me.
5. They were hungry (but/because/so) they made some sandwiches.
6. We can go to the pool (and/but/or) we can go horse-riding, whichever you prefer.
7. She didn’t want him to see her (and/so/although) she hid behind a plant.
8. He’s in the town centre (so/because/but) he wants to look for shoes.
9. I’m definitely coming tonight, (or/because/although) I could be a bit late.
10. We can go to the shop before we go to Clare’s house (and/or/so) go to Clare’s house first to see if she needs
anything. What do you think?

Bài 5: Nối các câu sau sử dụng liên từ “but, and, or, so”.
We know him. We know his friends.
The coat was soft. The coat was warm.
It is stupid to do that. It is quite unnecessary.
I wanted to go. He wanted to stay.
Your arguments are strong. They don’t convince me.
You can go there by bus. You can go there by train.
I was feeling tired. I went to bed when I got home.
I have watched The Seven Kitties many times. I like the film so much.
I have a lot of homework tonight.  I can’t watch Eight Feet Below.
I don’t watch news. It is boring.
The programme is boring. The MC is bored.
Bài 6: Hoàn thành câu với liên từ “but, and, or, so, because”.
1. Olivia was very happy __________ she passed her examination.
2. He didn’t study __________ he failed the history exam.
3. My mother usually gets home at 5 o’clock __________then she cooks dinner.
4. I was late for class tills morning __________ the bus was late.
5. We went to Jane’s house __________ she was out.
6. We can go to the pool __________ we can go horse-riding, whichever you prefer.
7. She is studying very hard __________ she wants to be a doctor.
8. Carol studied hard for the maths test __________ she couldn’t get a good mark.
9. The floor was wet and slippery __________ Mason almost fell.
10. Mike ate healthy food __________ did regular exercises to keep fit.

Bài 7: Điền từ với các liên từ “but, so, therefore, however”.

1. The wind was howling outside, __________ it was warm and comfortable indoor.
2. The highway was under construction, __________ we had to take a different route to work.
3. You could fly via Singapore; __________, this isn’t the only way.
4. There is still much to discuss. We shall, __________, return to this item at our next meeting.
5. It isn’t that he lied exactly, __________ he did tend to exaggerate.
6. Athought the plane would be delayed; __________, I bought a lot of magazines to read.
7. Jackson was going to study all night, __________ he declined our invitation to dinner.
8. We thought the figures were correct. __________, we have now discovered some errors.
9. Cars have become more complicated. __________, mechanics need more training than in the past.
10. We arrived at the theater late. __________, the play had not yet begun. We were quite surprised.
11. Prices have been rising. It is unlikely, __________, that this increase will continue.
12. The bread was old and stale, __________ Martha ate it anyway.
13. The holiday had been a complete disaster. We, __________ decide to fly home early if we could.
14. He failed the exam, __________ he had to do the job he didn’t like.
15. They hoped to climb the mountain by August. __________ bad weather could be a hindrance.
16. This is the shortest way to the city center; __________ it is not the only way
17. The boy was able to learn English, __________ he is very lazy.
18. He didn’t attend the lesson, __________ he could not do his homework.
19. The rice is 6000 dong per kilo, __________ we bought 10 kilos.
20. Your son is heading to the right direction; __________, I think you should encourage him to learn harder.
21. It is very late now, __________ she is still at her office.
22. It was midnight, __________ they closed the restaurant and went home.
23. They visited many stores; __________, they could not find what they were looking for.
24. We discussed the issue all day, __________ we could not come to a final conclusion.
25. It started to rain hard; __________ we decided to stay at home to watch TV.
26. The sun was warm, __________ a cool breeze blew in from the sea.
27. I have read this book before; __________, I do not remember the plot.
28. We opened the window, __________ fresh air would blow into the room.
29. The bus fare is expensive; __________, I prefer to walk.
30. I wanted to study. __________, I was too tired.

Bài 8: Điền so, but, therefore, however vào chỗ trống sao cho phù hợp.
1. We arrived at the theater late. __________, the play had not yet begun. We were quite surprised.
2. Prices have been rising. It is unlikely, __________, that this increase will continue.
3. The bread was old and stale, __________ Martha ate it anyway.
4. The holiday had been a complete disaster. We, __________ decide to fly home early if we could.
5. He failed the exam, __________ he had to do the job he didn’t like.
6. They hoped to climb the mountain by August. __________ bad weather could be a hindrance.
7. This is the shortest way to the city center; __________ it is not the only way
8. The boy was able to learn English, __________ he is very lazy.
9. He didn’t attend the lesson, __________ he could not do his homework.
10. The rice is 6000 dong per kilo, __________ we bought 10 kilos.

Bài 9: Multiple choice.

1. I want to work as an interpreter in the future, ________ I am studying Russian at university.
A. but        B. so         C. however         D. therefore
2. I am going shopping for food this evening, ________ I do not have to go at the weekend.
A. so         B. but         C. however         D. moreover
3. We live in the same building, ________ we have hardly seen each other
A. and         B. therefore         C. but         D. so
4. I went to buy a Rolling Stones CD, ________ the shop didn't have it.
A. and         B. but         C. therefore         D. so
5. Anna needed some money, ________, she took a part-time job.
A. furthermore         B. moreover         C. however         D. therefore
6. Julie has a guitar, ________ she plays it badly.
A. and         B. so         C. but         D. therefore
7. My fingers were injured,________ my sister had to write the note for me.
A. and         B. however         C. so         D. but
8. The concert was cancelled, ________ we went to a nightclub instead.
A. so         B. however         C. so on         D. but
9. He is only sixteen, and ________, he is not eligible to drive a car.
A. nevertheless         B. but         C. therefore         D. however
10. Maria tried to read a novel in French, ________ the book was too difficult for her to understand.
A. so that         B. therefore         C. but         D. and

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