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PSP - Coursework 1 Assessment: Source Report (READING SKILLS COMPONENT – 50%)

Name: May Thu Kyaw Class: Pre sessional English Date:

Essay title or question:

Title: The role of English as a global language for communication has been increasing world-wide. Analyse this statement to argue whether this has brought about a
negative or positive effects on people’s culture.

Plan for overall structure of essay:

Plan for overall structure

Introduction – context and position: the role of English as a global language for communication
Thesis statement: Since English generally plays a key role in the formation of global unity and of social, economic, and cultural development that supports life as a
whole, it is necessary to adjust to the fact that English is the most commonly used language in the world.
Paragraph 1. The relationship between language and communication
Paragraph 2. Negative effects on people’s culture
Paragraph 3. Positive effects on people’s culture
Paragraph 4. illustrates the crucial role of communication in both language and culture.
Paragraph 5. Advanced methods for cultural awareness

Use the following referencing format for your sources:

Surname, Initial. (Year). Title of the book. Publisher.
Lee, H. (2003). To kill a mockingbird. Heinemann.

Krisztian, G., & Schlempp-Ülker, N. (2006). Visualizing ideas: From scribbles to storyboards. Thames and Hudson.

Chapter in a book
Surname, Initial. (Year). Title of chapter. In Initial. Surname & Initial. Surname. (Eds.), Title of the book. (pp. 1 – 18). Publisher.
Sharma, A. (2009). Postcolonial racism: White paranoia and the terrors of multiculturalism. In G. Huggan & I. Law. (Eds.), Racism postcolonialism Europe. (pp. 119-130).
Liverpool University Press.

Journal articles (print/ online)

Surname, Initial(s). (Year). The title of the article. The Name of the Journal, Volume number (Issue), page numbers. (if there is a DOI or URL if there is no DOI)
Sahar, A. D., Brenninkmeyer, S. M., & O’Connell, D. C. (1997). Maya Angelou’s inaugural poem. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 26(4), 449-463.

Blaton, V. (2003). The role of lipids in the development of atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease: Guideline for diagnosis and treatment . The Journal of the International
Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine. 14(2), 59-64.

Reports / articles online

Surname, Initial. (Year). The Title of the Article or Report. The Name of the Organisation or website. URL
Oates, M. (2018). Top tips for butterfly spotting. National Trust.

Part 1: List of relevant sources

List 5 sources which will be useful in answering your essay question, and are suitable for academic use.
Make sure you use the referencing format provided on pages 1-2. Outline how you found your sources, including where you found the source and how you found it. For
three of your sources, note why it is relevant to your essay.

Reference Type of source: I found this source by… This source is relevant to my essay
1 Jenkins, J. (2000) The phonology of English as ☐ Academic journal article Using google scholar. As this
an International Language. ☐ Chapter in a book article focussed specifically on Language is a major way that culture
The phonology of English as an International ☐ Online report / article the role of English. It is significant influences how people express
Language. Oxford: ☐ Book as proof that English is themselves. To use expressions, idioms,
important, which I intend to and proverbs successfully in
discuss in the second section of conversation, language learners need to
Oxford University Press.
my essay. comprehend the cultural background of
those words.

2 Widdowson, H. G. (1997). The forum: EIL, ☐ Academic journal article visiting the university library This Due to its widespread usage and
ESL, EFL: Global issues and local interests. ☐ Book article was cited extensively in established status as the primary
World English. 16(1): 135-146. ☐ Online report / article the Widdowson (1997) article, language spoken worldwide, English
☐ Other (state which) Consequently, I used the holds a special position.
complete reference in the
bibliography to find the entire
paper in the university's online

3 Brutt-Griffler, J. (2002). World ☐ Academic journal article Using google scholar. I reviewed
English: A study of its development. ☐ Book what other students had read Since culture and language are
☐ Online report / article and limited my search to works inextricably linked, it is crucial for
Clevedon and Buffalo: Multilingual ☐ Other (state which) published between 2002 and the efficient communication to comprehend
Matter. present after determining that how culture affects language

the Brutt-Griffler piece was development. Our thoughts, words, and
pertinent to my essay. The interactions with others are shaped by
article's title made it clear that it culture. Understanding and using a
would be excellent for learning language differently depends on how
more about how English well we have learned it.
interacts with culture.

4 ☐ Academic journal article Using google scholar. The

Tsedal Neeley. Global Business Speaks English. ☐ Book chapter headings made it clear
☐ Online report / article that there was useful
☐ Other (state which) information about how English
Harvard Business Review. 2012. influences culture and new steps
Available at URL: it is taking to enhance communication.
speaks-english [05.2012].

5 ☐ Academic journal article Summon

Thirumalai M.S. English as an International ☐ Book
☐ Online report / article
☐ Other (state which)
Language, from: “An Introduction to
TESOL. Teaching English to Speakers of Other
Languages”. Thirumalai, M. S. Ph.D. /
Mallikarjun, B. Ph.D.: Language in India. 2002.
Volume 2. Available at URL: http://www.

Part 2: Source Evaluation and Use of Sources

Complete the source evaluation and overview of useful points from the text for the two sources you did not discuss the relevance of in part 1. Summarise and paraphrase
key information in the text in order to demonstrate that you have understood the sources. You may use bullet points. Note that you cannot include a source you have been
given in this section.

Reference 4
Tsedal Neeley. Global Business Speaks English. Harvard Business Review. 2012.
Available at URL: [05.2012].

I have identified this source is reliable and appropriate for academic use because the sources are scholarly and academic. The information is at an appropriate level.
Criteria Tick all statements which apply and provide an example or evidence where required
Currency ☐The article is current
The timeliness of ☐Research in the area has not been updated
the information ☐My essay requires reference to older research
REASON: The information was published or posted in 2012. The information has been updated. The link is functional. The information is
Authority ☐The authors have the appropriate level of expertise in the field
The source of the EVIDENCE: Tsedal Neeley is the author. The author is qualified to write on the topic. The writer uses a systematic approach. Tsedal
information was named as the Top Thinkers in the World by Thinkers50 for making lasting contributions to management, honoured as a Stanford
Distinguished Alumnus Scholar and was a Stanford University School of Engineering Lieberman award recipient for excellence in
teaching and research. Author credentials are the education, skills, and/or biographical information which make them qualified to
write/speak on a specific topic. The author has an academic degree in the fields.
Reliability & ☐The information has been peer-reviewed
Academic ☐The source uses academic conventions throughout
conventions ☐The arguments are supported by sound evidence
The reliability and EVIDENCE: Tsedal Neeley who work for the publication typically write the articles. An author of a scholarly (or academic) article will
correctness of the usually include her credentials or affiliations. The publication has high standards. The source meets the requirements for my
information assignment. The information relates to my topic or answer my question

Relevant key point from the text Supporting evidence / example/ data for the key Which from your outline does this point relate to
point and in what way?
Seppala, 2011- considered to support the economy Paragraph: 3 positive effects on people’s culture
and international business in a number of ways,
English has become the standard for international business including by giving people the fundamental
and economy. This information is useful because the studies on
knowledge and abilities needed to function in the
English, organizational culture, and the influence
technologically advanced modern world (Seppala, of English on organizational culture is thoroughly
2011). reviewed in this article.

Eble, Connie (2016)- mentioned that many of the
best MBA (the Master of Business Administration)
programs worldwide are taught in English, so the
adequate communicative competence in English
provides the companies’ managerial staff with an
opportunity to enjoy the best quality professional

Paragraph 1. The relationship between language

Jiang,(2000): 328- Language, culture, and literature and communication
A language is a component of a culture, and a culture is a are all intertwined.
component of a language; the two are closely intertwined, This information is useful because it also
making it impossible to separate them without diminishing the Tomalin (2008) - teaching culture as a fifth demonstrates how extensively English is utilized in
significance of either language or culture. language ability in addition to hearing, speaking, academic and scientific research.
reading, and writing is important because of the
international role of the English language and

Gleason (1961)- Language is both an outcome of

culture and a representation of it.

Reference 5

Thirumalai M.S. English as an International Language, from: “An Introduction to

TESOL. Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages”. Thirumalai, M. S. Ph.D. /
Mallikarjun, B. Ph.D.: Language in India. 2002. Volume 2. Available at URL: http://www.
I have identified this source is reliable and appropriate for academic use because the point of view appear objective and impartial. The author has citied his resources.
Criteria Tick all statements which apply and provide an example or evidence where required
Currency ☐The article is current
The timeliness of ☐Research in the area has not been updated
the information ☐My essay requires reference to older research
REASON: The content was published in 2002. It is updated. The topic requires current information.

Authority ☐The authors have the appropriate level of expertise in the field
The source of the EVIDENCE: Tirumalai and Mallikarjun are the authors. An author’s credibility helps supports my ideas and arguments in research
information paper. Credentials for authors is their personal details, educational background, and/or talents that qualify them to write about or
give presentations on a certain subject. The authors have an academic degree in the field. The authors are qualified to write on the
topic. The writers use a systematic approach. The writers are experienced enough. There is contact information, such as a publisher.

Reliability & ☐The information has been peer-reviewed

Academic ☐The source uses academic conventions throughout
conventions ☐The arguments are supported by sound evidence
The reliability and EVIDENCE: The language and coverage are appropriate. The information relates to my topic and answer my questions. The information has been
correctness of the reviewed. The language seems unbiased and free of emotions. The publication has high standards. The essay makes extensive use of
information academic and scientific research, including earlier work by the writers and studies of communication and culture that are also cited in
other sources.
Use of source Note three points from the source which will be useful for your essay and how you will use them
Relevant key point from the text Supporting evidence / example/ data for the key Which paragraph from your outline does this
point point relate to and in what way?
Wei (2005:56) -language has a dual nature, Paragraph: 2.the relationship between language
Cross-cultural or intercultural communication is the term used serving both as a means of communication and as and communication
to describe the cultural mediation in English communication. a carrier of culture,
This information is useful because it also creates
Poggensee (2016)- English continues to be the
the cultural identity of a people by acting as
most common language used for communication
significant symbols of social bonding.
between individuals when they connect for various

Hatoss (2003) -Language has a significant role in

creating one's cultural identity.
Paragraph 4. illustrates the crucial role of
International politics are primarily conducted in English. English is frequently chosen as the primary communication in both language and culture
language for communication among the
participating member-nations of the United
This information is useful because the essay
Nations, despite the fact that the organisation and
its many agencies have more than one working makes extensive use of academic and scientific
language research, including earlier work by the writers and
studies in communication and culture that are also
In the 20th century, when many significant referenced in other sources.
international organisations emerged, including the
United Nations (1945), the World Bank (1945),
UNESCO and UNICEF (1946), the World Health
Organisation (1948), the International Atomic
Energy Agency (1957), the European Union (1993),
and others, humanity felt a pressing need in the
lingua franca after centuries of intercultural
communication with the aid of translators.

Part 3 Bullet point key conclusions you have drawn from your reading of the five sources and any areas you need to research further.

Conclusions drawn from your reading

My analysis has revealed that

 describes the significance of English as a global language due to the fact it is used for the majority of global communications
 demonstrates how broadly English is utilized in business, education, and research
 the vital communication channel through which cross-cultural actionability emerges
 emphasises the benefits of using English as their primary medium of communication in the travel, entertainment, and tourist industries.
 illustrates the crucial role of English in both education and employment.

I need to conduct further research to discover

 I need to study more to find out if there are any nations or regions where this is not the case, despite the fact that my reading suggested that many countries are
making sure English is prioritised and that the primary functions of communication, self-expression, and thinking are English.
 Additionally, I'm interested in learning if English and culture are related.


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