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THE GOLDEN SEVEN PLUS ONE CONQUER DISEASE WITH EIGHT KEYS TO HEALTH, BEAUTY, AND PEACE by C. Samuel West, D.N., N.D. Chemist and Lymphologist Internationally Known as an Authority on the Causes of Pain, Loss of Energy, and Disease DISCOVER THE ART OF LYMPHASIZING LEARN ABOUT THE BLOOD PROTEIN RESEARCH THIS TEXTBOOK WAS DEVELOPED TO MAKE IT POSSIBLE TO ESTABLISH DR. WEST'S WORLD-WIDE FAMILY SELF-H.E.L.P. CENTERS AND 15 DESIGNED FOR FAMILY HOME STUDY DEDICATION Part I I dedicate this book to my “angel” wife, Jolma May, and our ten citildren, whe have been willing to line most of the time during the last seven years without a iusband and father in order to help save the fives of over 240,000 men, women, and children who are being killed by trapped blood proteins every too months in the United States, and to heip save hundreds of thousands who are also Killed every month by trapped blood proteins in other eountrics throughont the world, Ideeicote this book to them because they believe, as1do, that the blood-protein research will sot oly save the above men, women and children from the unprecedented destruction that is now taking place iv the Untied Stures and throughout the world, but it also reveals chat we must do to raise wp a posterity who will be able to conquer disease and live in peace, Part IT 1 also dedicate this book to the International Society of Lymphology for accepting me as the 379th member in November of 1879, at the 7th International Congress of Lywphology that was held in Florence, Maly. J also give appreciation to this society for inviting te to present “The Basie Formula Showing How the Blood Plasma Proteins Produce the Conditions That Cause Loss of Energy, Disease and Death at the Cell Level” at the Sth International Congress. that wes held in Montreal, Canada, in September of 1981, THE POWER BEHIND THIS BOOK As the result of an invitation from Dr, Raymond W. Belanger, M.D., President of The 6th International Congress of Lymphology, on September 22, 1951, Dr. West presented The One Basic Formula upon which this book is based to some ofthe top medical research scientists and lymphologists in the world. By accepting this invitation, Dr. West put this formula and seven years of his life to the acid best, As the tapes of this congress will verify, this formula passed the test. The validity of many presentations were challenged; but ao one challenged the validity of this basic formula which makes this book and the following, certificate priceless. The power of this basic formula is that it reveals what can and must be done to prevent and if possible reverse the destruction that is now being caused by the crippling and killer diseases. ‘As Dr, Joe Nichols, M_D. saysiin his book, Please Doctor Do Sometiing, “There is. an epidemic of heart disease, diabetes, and cancer in this country that will destroy America unless something is done quickly to stop it,” We do not have time to lose! Cancer is now killing more children between the ages of 3-14 than anything else. It 1s affecting two oul of three families. One aut of every five deaths is now caused by cancer. The atomic bomb killed about seventy thousand peaple. Cancer is killing over Four hundred thousand men, women, ard children every year in this nation alone, Heart disease is killing over a million a year. One out of every two deaths in the United States is now caused by heart disease. One out of one is everyone! His evident that the time issoon coming when the only ones who will be saved from death and destruction by disease are those who discover and obey the laws of health, The One Basic Formula reveals what these laws are. The One who made the body made the basic Formulas for life and death at the cell level. With His help we have finally found them,.and this is the power behind this book, (Note: Disease and death were misspelled om the following certificate because the secretaries did net know how to speak English.) 8" INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS a § CONGRES LYMPHOLOGY LRN ATION AL SHEE RECs MONTREAL, CANADA . SEPTEMBER 20-25, 14H INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY OF LYMIPFERHAKGY THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT O08. C. SAMUEL KEST has presented a paper entitled "THE BASTC FORMULA SHOWJMG HOW THE PLASHA PROTEINS PRODUCE THE CONDITIONS THAT CAUSE LOSS oF EWERGY, GESEASE AWD DETH AT THE CELL LEVEL" In the BIH CXTERMATIONAL CONGRESS OF LYMPHOLOGY, | keep’ 1 elbeegeng _ See (of RAYMOND BELANGER, x JAMES W, DAVIDSON, ALLAN &, DUMONT President President Preskben! ieee TABLE OF CONTENTS Page THE POWER BEHIND THIS BOOK ..... ea ae aera ol THE CERTIFICATE which states that on September 22, 1981, Dr. West presented “The Basic Formula” for loss of energy, disease and death at the cell level before some of the top medical research scientists and lymphologists in the world, and there were no objections as to the validity of thisformula ... 0... IL DISCLAIMER ...... pea Pee ee ee eee MXIT T.. PRERAGH oan: aie ete ceed eae ae ATV fi, AN INTRODUCTION TO SESSION ONE, THE SEVEN GOLDEN DISCOVERIES, AND THE ART OF LYMPHASIZING WHICH REVEALS WHAT A HEALING ART MUST DOIN ORDER TO WORK . XxVv SESSION I A. THEBLOOD PROTEIN RESEARCH AND THE ART OF LYMPHASIZING ARE THE MOST IMPORTANT HEALTH DISCOVERIES SINCE THE BEGINNING OF MAN ...,.....1 A-L. A promise To Those Who Lear The Principles And Apply The Concepts Contained In This Book . 3 B. THESEVEN GOLDEN DISCOVERIES ....... 4 B-1. Not Diagnosis Or Prescription... 00222 B c. DR. WEST WRITES "THE ONE BASIC FORMULA" WHICH SHOWS HOW THE BLOOD PROTEINS PRODUCE THE CONDITIONS THAT CAUSE LOSS OF ENERGY, DISEASE, AND DEATH AT THE BDDEVEL piece eet ee cece neq cece D. “THE ONE BASIC FORMULA” FOR LOSS OF ENERGY, DISEASEAND DEATH ....---+- + E. ATTHE 8TH INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS, DE. WEST ALSO PRESENTED “THE BASIC FORMULA FOR LIFE” WHICH SHOW'S THE INTERNAL CONDITIONS THAT MUST EXIST TO HAVE HEALTHY BODY .....+--- E-l. The Above Seven Discoveries And This Onc Basic Formula Have Produced A Scientific Message For Health and Peace That Will Grow To Fill The Whole World... 24 2 ee ee FE. THESESEVEN GOLDEN DISCOVERIES AND THIS ONE BASIC FORMULA REVEAL WHAT A HEALING ART MUST DOIN ORDER TO WORK. THE MIRACLES OF SCIENCE ARE NOW REVEALED -....- 9 em G. INTRODUCING A NEW SCIENCE CALLED “THE ART OF LYMPHASIZING” WHICH REVEALS WHAT CAUSES TRAPPED PLASMA PROTEINS (TPF) AROUND THECELLS ....- - G-1. The Mental Laws Of Health And Trapped Plasma Protein pc ee ee G-2. The Nutritional Laws And Trapped Plasma SPAHMEDS i ea a eee ae G-3. The Physical Laws And Trapped Plasma Protgin§ ob ss ee ee H. REVIEW OFSESSION ONE . SESSION II--THE COLLEGE OF CAUSE AND SELF- HELP PAIN RELIEF .. 6.022 eee eee ee A. INTRODUCTION 2... 2c ete eee ee B. THE PURPOSE OF THIS SESSION I5 NOT TO DIAGNOSE OR PRESCRIBE ..--- +655 10 u 16 W 19 22 2b 28 2. e-3. C4. C5, Cri, Cr E-L. FB FL Pz ‘GRATEFUL TO MEDICAL RESEARCH FOR MAJOR DISCOVERIES . 2.000 una wees 28 The Following Medical Research Concerning Blood Proteins And Death Will Revolutionize The World. 0.5 ose eee ae ee a 2 Only “A Handfal* Know That Our Blood Proteins Can Cawse Death 2.2.0. ee es SD Itis Not “Just That Simple” 22.02.20... az Blood Protein Kesearch Reveals Importance Of The Lymphatic System 2... 2. ke 32 To Keep The Blood Protein Research From The Public sTo Let People Suffer And Die—To Ignore It Is To Commit Suicide . 2 2-2 2 Se. ay The Importance Of The Lymphatic System =... . 37 What Is Lymph Fluid . 2.2 22 22 2 ee . 38 How CellaAre Fed 5 ee ls Pe ee 38 HOW MANY TIMES CAN CELLS RE- PRODUCE THEMSELVES? 2.0... a 22a Le 3B Letter From A Cancer Researcher Who Believes Cells Are Meant To Live Forever ....-..-.. 4 HOW THE LYMPHATIC SYSTEM FUNCTIONS IN DETAIL »......220-.. a0 What Causes Congestion, Catarrh (Mucous) And Inflammation 2640 cee tae ees a THE ONE AND ONLY FORMULA EXPLAINED TIN SOUT hes oe cae po a2 A Different Approach... ee ee ee ee ee aE The Human Body Is An Electrical Being 2.0... 44 P-3. G-1. G-2. G-3. G4. G5, Cit, G-11, G-12. Loss Of Energy Is A Sign Of Trapped Protein ELECTRICAL SECRETS OF LIFE AND DEATH AT THE CELL LEVEL SHOW HOW WE CAN PREVENT AND POSSIBLY REVERSE PAIN, LOSS OF ENERGY AND DISEASE . . The Secret To The Healing Process... =~ - If You Turn The Electric Generators Off, Lights Go Gut; If You Turn The Generators On The LightsGo Onl ...-.-55-- Lack Of Oxygen—-The Cause Of Most Fain New Research Reveals The Conditions The Body Must Be In Te Produce A Healthy Cell. What Causes Smashed Fingers, Turned Ankles, And Some People's Bodies To Retain Fluids? Discovery Six And Seven: Trapped Proteins Become Clustered; And Electricity Can Dissipate Clustered Proteins - . . ) - + Why And Hove The Bio-Electric Self-Help Fain Relief Techniques Work! .. 4... - Introducing Discovery By Dr, Joseph M. Waltz, MLD, 2.2550 ree eee ee The Cause Of Headaches, Lower Back, And Sciatic Problems And Much More... « What Must Happen ln The Body For Healing To Take Place 1 ee te ee eee A Few Examples To [lustrate The Healing, Frocesg. 6 we re beer The Use Of Pressure Can Heal A Smashed Finger In Minutes, Minwtes—Not Howes 45 ay - BI 55 a7 57 G-13. Masssage And A Light Fast Stroke: Two Other Self-Help Pain Relief Techniques .... - G-14, What About Swollen And Painful Fingers, Or Fain In The Neck, Shoulders, Arms, Lower Back, Hips, Sciatic Nerve, Ankles, Knees, Thighs, Etc. . G-15. The Secret Of The Healing Process. . - G-16. Why It May Be Necessary To Do These Techniques For Fifteen Seconds Every Fifteen Minutes 2.04 ep ee ee ek H. H-1, H-2, ToHelp Relieve My Sore Armsand Legs . . H-3. Hl. H-5. H-6. H-?. H-8. I. ILLUSTRATIONS SHOWING THE BASIC BLO- eee aaa PAIN RELIEF TECHNIQUES .....- To Help Relieve Headaches and Sore Neck Problems 63 3 se a ae To Help Relieve Pain In The Hip, Lower Back, and Sciatic Nerve To Help Increase The Circulation In The Liver, Gall Bladder, Spleen, And Pancreas - . To Help Stimulate And Revitalize The Colon To Help Increase Circulation In The Kidneys .. , To Help Relieve The Fain In Smashed Or Cut FINGET 38 pe ce ee ee ee alee To Help Relieve Pain In A Freshly Turned Ankle, THE COLLEGE OF CAUSE The Cause Of Cancer . 61 £ 32 3 8 & 2 ba. SESSION ILL--THE COLLEGE OF PREVENTION AL Bel. Bez. 3, Bed. B-6, B-7. Inflammation And The Clustered Protein esearch 40s eee seeks The Cause Of Arthritis 2... 25 ee The Cause OF Obesity 2. ee ee ee ee The Cause of Hypertension (High Blood Pressure) . 7 INTRODUCTION TO SESSION THREE .... FOR MAN TO PREVENT AND IF POSSIBLE REVERSE DISEASE AND HAWE PEACE ON EARTH HE MUST MASTER THE NEW SCIENCE CALLED THE ART OF LYMPHASIZING ...; PREVENTION THROUGH PROPER MENTAL ATTITUDES, THE MENTAL PART OF THE ART ‘OF LYMPHASIZIN To Have Health We Must Obey The Laws OF Peace . - . Review Of Stress And The Death Process - - +» The Laws of Health Are The Laws of leace Mental Attitudes That Cause Death Will Also Cause War . ++ + . To Save Your Life, Learn About The Blood Medical Doctors and The People In The United States Are In Ignorance As To The Mental, Nutritrional and Physical Causes Of Death - . . Knowledge Of Blood Proteins Will Restore Heath And Peace .. Bb B-&. Why Some Medical Doctors Are Afraid To Teach The Blood Protein Research 2. -. 2244+ B-9. AMA Discipline Boards Keep Medical Doctors From Practicing Prevention... 2.0 6 B-10. Why Doctors And The People In The United States Now Have To Fight For Health Freedoms. B-i1. An Age OF Peace And Health That We Have Never Known Before =) -. 0.0... -.2 3 ates B-12. “Forgive Them, For They Know Not What They Dae? sos ae ess be Se ESS B-13. To Willfully Cause Stress In Another Person Is Te Cause Their Destruction 2 2. B-14. The Natural Man, An Enemy To Himself ..... B-1s. Medicine And Drags, Building Ships And Guns Is Not The Answer 8-16. Introducing The World-Wide Golden Family Self-H.E,.L.P, Program. 25st eee B-17. Live Laws of Health; Become Like The CityofEmoch occa eee ee 8-18. This Message Must Go To The Nations OF Mie A eee essai a gee es eee C. PREVENTION THROUGH PROPER NUTRITION, THE NUTRITIONAL PART OF THE ART OF LYMPHASIZING ....... 5 (C-1, Are We Just Dying, Or Are We Being Destroyed? - C-2, Cause Of Death Has chaniet Since vies 14th Century. Why? .-. - + sop C-3, You Can Know If You Eat A Poison By How It Makes You Feel 25 2-5 ee ee ee ee ‘C-d. Thirst And Loss Of Energy Are Symptoms Of Disease And Death. TPF = EX Fl = FE = Thirst And Loss Of Emergy 2... ee D C5. Why Too Much Salt (Na+ Cl—} Is A Poison Ex Na+ = TPP = Thirst and Loss Of Energy -.- 99 C4, Government Document: The Dietary Goals For ‘The United States Says That Salt, ec Fat, ‘The High Cholesterol! Foods, And Too Much Meat Are Directly Related To The Destruction Of Two Hundred Forty Thousand Men, Women And Children Every Two Months In This Country Alome 65 pb ea ee OD C-7, Why The “Simple” Sugars Are Poisons! 2. - . - - 11 C-8. Why FatlsA Poison! . 1.602 eee eee 102, C9, Why The High Cholesterol Foods Are Poisons! . . 103 C10, The Dietary Goals Calls For'A National Health Education Program To Protect The People Against The “Interests” Who Are Causing Their Destruction 6. ee ee ee ee 108 C-11. The A.M.A., Some Of The Food Processors, And Others Tried To Discred it Government Document «4:54 eee eee ee te C-12. Why We Are Publishing A "15 Page Excerpt” (Of The First Edition Of This Government Document 2. eee ee ee ee cee eee eS (-15. Government Document Lets You Diagnose And Presctibe 2. ee ee 105 (C-14. Government Document States That There Is Very Little Current Medical Practice Can Do For'The Killer Diseases 2.6 6p ea ee ee + 106 (-15, Government Document States That Our Problems Can Never Be Solved By More And Mowe Medical Care . 2.2... ee ee 2 106 C-16. Government Document Calls For A Nation- Wide Health Education Program 2... 04... 107 C-17. How To Use The Dietary Goals To Help Get The Blood Protein Research To Others 2. . 2... 108 Cla. We Won't Win The Educational Battle Of Health And Peace Unless We Take The Offensive .. . . 109 (19. To Take The Offensive, Here Are The Dietary Goale In More Detail 6.0 ees 110 C-20. Dietary Goals Gives Us The Nutritional Diagnosis For Crippling And Killer Diseases 2.020.000 4 Ti C-21, “Love Is The Desire To Give Everything You Have To Bless The Lives Of Others.” (From a plaque on the wall of Willard and Catherine Hunters home in Ohio.) .......0025..-212 C-22. Dietary Goals: Nutritionally Prescribes For Prevention Of Crippling And Killer Diseases . 2 113 C23. Research Supports Dietary Goals: The Public Must Know That The Body's Requirements For Calcium Are Low, NotHigh 1... ......4.114 (C-44, More Medical Research Supports Dietary Goals: The Public Must Know That The Body's Requirements For Protein Are Low, Not High . . . 115 C-25. Research And The Feb, 1977 Edition of Dietary Goals Agree 2. ee ee 1 C26, Hypoglycemia--Not Enough Fruits, Vegetables and Whole Graims . 6. ee 116 C-77. Mow Hypoglycemia Can Turn Into Diabetes, High Blood Pressure And Heart Disease... + - 17 C-28. Diabetes Mellitus (Permanent Diabetes} - +) + - 118 (C-20, Medical Research On How To Treat Protein Deficiency en eee ee eee ee 30, High Protein Makes You Feel Good, While It Kills You - 224 ee ee et ana eee oe C31. Eight Glasses Of Water A Day? Yes, lf You Eat The Wrong Foods ..-.----45-+5005 + 12 C-32. A Transition Program Is Necessary - ~~. - 24 $4 -33. Why The Transition Process Works 6. e545 6% . 128 C-34. How To Combine Foods Sa gee ee (035. The Transition Concepts In Condensed Form. - 131 C-36, The Basic Transition Diet 1.2 62s etter 132 C-37, Helpful Suggestions To Help Overcome Addiction 0. eee ee re ete cae aie oe -38, Breathe Deeply Everywhere YouGo 0. =~: 133 C39. What Do] Have To Do To Become A Golden Family? . - 2+ +++ Kaceace ae poe eae a ee C40. What Lf] Don't Have The Support Of My Family? oe ee eet » 4 C-t1. A Sample Food Shopping List, Menu, Recipes And Dehydrating Techniques To Help You Get Started On Transition--Your New Way Of Life, Can Be Found In Appendix B «246050 +> + 138 C-42. Dr. West Gives Testimony Of Transition And D1. D3. D4, D5, De, DT. D-B. D4, DLO. D-11. D-12, D-13, D-14, D-15. The Art Of Lymphasizing Which Is A "New Way Of Life™ 2c ee a ® oe 1S PREVENTION THROUGH PROPER EXERCISE: THE PHYSICAL PART OF THE ART OF TYMPHASIZING ....