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Name: Dave G. Dubria

Year/Course/Section: 2 BPEd A

1. As Generation Z Learner, what is the importance of revisiting the historical

foundations of movement education and tracing its remarkable developments
in relation to the contemporary days?

Our world was covered by the influence of technology. It creates a lot of

changes; the way of our living, cultures, traditions, even the historical and
remarkable development of the world. As generation Z learner it is quite
challenging to our part to revisit the historical of movement, because our mind
was distracted by the social media and some of the present apps today. But I
will not consider these thins to happen. It is important for us to visit the
historical foundations of movement education and to trace the remarkable
development in relation to the contemporary days for us to know the function,
ideas, methods on how to work and how it begun. By studying the past it
allows us to understand the process and how it evolved up to the present.
And tracing the remarkable development in the relation of the contemporary
days, will help us encounter ideas and knowledge that we can apply in the
present days. As we know, book and other sources are evolving and there are
a lot of authors who wrote about movement education will help s to know the
original composition, authors and trough this we can demonstrate it properly
and act it through the quality of movements.
In addition to the development of movement education as a delivery
method for physical education content, a critical history event for P.E was the
implementation of the natural content standards. This standards can be linked
directly to movement education. The success of any movement education
program is rooted in the ability of those who teach it to embody the essence of
the movement education.
2. Based on your readings, what do you think is the significance of movement
education in todays time considering the dynamics of Modern researchers?

As time past by researchers discover new ideas and the movement become
more complex, because there are a lot f sources that the researchers could
have. Through the help of technology it is easy for them to collect some of the
important functions about the movement education.
Transportation now adays is easy as before, by travelling around the country
or in the world will help researchers to gain some new knowledge, details and
through this they can easily to adapt the cultures and traditions of the specific
tribe they studied. Modern researchers can publish their own books about the
movement education, of course with the supervision of research heads.
Based on my readings “ Movement helps to enhance learning, because when
children sit for longer than 10 minutes, oxygen and glucose are pulled from
the brain. When it happens, after certain amount of time , the brain gets
sleepy and basically turns off,” Swirzinski explains. The earliest inklings of
movement education occurred during in the late 1800s in the field of dance.
The concept really didn’t gain popular and become unknown as movement
education until the 1960s, 1970s, and into the 1980s. The fitness boom and
other curriculum models replaced movement education, possibly as a result of
its complexity and the difficulty teachers had making it relevant to middle and
high school physical education curricula. In the late 1990s and early 2000s,
the development of national content standards for physical education brought
back the essence of movement education by emphasizing that children
should know basic movement concepts and be able to perform basic
movement patterns.

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