Seamaty Series LIS Connection Manual

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LIS Interface Manual


Chengdu Seamaty Technology Co.,Ltd

1. Summary......................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Applicable product......................................................................................................1
1.2 LIS function................................................................................................................ 1
1.3 Physical connection.................................................................................................... 1
1.4 LIS agreement and version supported........................................................................ 1
1.5 The LIS message supported........................................................................................2
1.6 HL7 agreement basic format...................................................................................... 2
1.7 HL7 message grammar............................................................................................... 2
2. Communication Process..................................................................................................................5
2.1 Test result upload to LIS server......................................................................................... 5
2.1.1ORU............................................................................................................................ 5
2.1.2 ACK........................................................................................................................... 6
3.Message Segment.............................................................................................................................7
3.1 MSH - Message Header........................................................................................................ 7
3.2 MSA - Message Acknowledgment Segment........................................................................ 8
3.3 PID – Patient Identification................................................................................................ 10
3.4 OBR – Observation Request...............................................................................................12
3.4.1 Patients Sample Test Reports...................................................................................13
Venous blood ,peripheral blood................................................................................................ 13
3.5 OBX – Observation.............................................................................................................15
3.6 ORC – Common Order....................................................................................................... 17
4.1 Test results upload LIS server.............................................................................................18
4.1.1 Sample test results................................................................................................... 18
4.2 Worklist............................................................................................................................... 19
4.2.1 Example................................................................................................................... 19
5.Instrument Setting and LIS Application........................................................................................ 20
5.1 Sets the LIS channel number for the project.............................................................. 20
5.2 Setting the LIS connection parameters of the instrument.......................................... 21
5.3 result upload.....................................................................................................................23

1. Summary
The LIS socket in this article is used for data exchange between Seamaty automatic
biochemistry analyzer SMT-100, SMT-100V and Laboratory information system, by this
socket, the instrument can send sample result to LIS server automatic, manual single,
manual batch.

For conveniently narrate , the following letter INSTRUMENT and SMT-100 mean
SMT-100 or SMT-100V Seamaty full automatic biochemistry analyzer , LIS server means
LIS information system in the hospital or laboratory.

1.1 Applicable product

The socket is suitable for Seamaty SMT-100&SMT-100V full automatic chemistry

1.2 LIS function

The instrument use this LIS socket has the following function:
 After test, the result will be uploaded to LIS server automatically
 User can query result by history, upload sample result to LIS server by single or

1.3 Physical connection

Support connect by RS232 or TCP/IP two physical connection methods

1.4 LIS agreement and version

The socket is defined base on HL7 v2.3.1 agreement, for whole standard content,
please refer to HL7 Interface Standards Version 2.3.1
1.5 The LIS message supported
The socket HL7 message only has ORU, ACK

1.6 HL7 agreement basic format

According to Minimal Lower Layer Protocol (MLLP), refer to HL7 Interface
Standards Version 2.3.1 description, definition as below:

HL7 message is translated by the following format

<SB> ddddd <EB><CR>

 <SB>

<SB>=Start Block character (1 byte)

One byte is hexadecimal character<0x0B>,ASCII<VT>

 ddddd

ddddd = Data (variable number of bytes)

Ddddd is HL7 message content, only include ISO 8859-1 character (hexadecimal
value 20-FF) and <CR>, don’t include other control and can’t print charaters.

 <EB>

<EB>= End Block character (1 byte)

One byte is hexadecimal character<0x1C >,ASCII <FS>

 <CR> = Carriage Return (1 byte)

<CR> = Carriage Return (1 byte)

One byte is hexadecimal character<0x0D >,ASCII <CR>

1.7 HL7 message grammar

Every HL7 message consists of some paragraph, paragraph is end by <CR>

Every paragraph consists of 3 characters and certain amount domains, domain consists

of components and sub-components , in every message MSH paragraph define every unit

For example



The 5 characters after MSH definition is used to distinguish separator of each domain,
component and sub-component. Seamaty HL7 standard uses the following characters:

Character Meaning

| Domain separator

^ Component separator

& Sub-component separator

~ Repeating separator

\ Escape character

The first domain of MSH contains each separator. Some of the following domains are
empty, as they are optional, now Seamaty HL7 socket don’t use it, so it’s empty.

Domain Contain message type and event (ORU、R01)


Domain Contain one unique message ID that marks the message


Domain Contain treatment ID(P means product)


domain Define the HL7 version (2.3.1) that message uses


For each type message, the order of paragraph after MSH is specified, the following
chapters will describe the orders in detail, use these grammars structures to show the
paragraphs are optional or repeating.

[] means the inner paragraphs are optional.

{}means the inner paragraphs can repeat 0 time or 1 time or several times.

2. Communication
2.1 Test result upload to LIS server


ORU:Observational Results (Unsolicited)

ACK: Acknowledgment


ORU: used on instrument to upload test result, it trigger event R01

ACK: used for response of LIS server to ORU message.


Patient sample test result/response

The instrument use OUR message to send test result to LIS, after LIS getting test
result successfully, it has to respond an ACK message to instrument, or instrument will
judge LIS doesn’t receive test result successfully. test result

For sample test result, ORU message detail structures are as below:

ORU Description
MSH Headers
PID Patient info(patient name/sample ID)
OBR Observation report(Sample type, Physician)
{OBX} Test result

2.1.2 ACK

ACK Description
MSH Headers
MSA Confirm message

3.Message Segment
The following is the detail description of each section of the message,the number labeled
“ # ” is HL7 required field. The remaining fields are optional. The interface is the
subsequent expansion, even if the optional field is not required, it will not be omitted and
keep empty.

3.1 MSH - Message Header

The message of HL7 first news section, all messages is started by the MSH segment,
usually located at the front of the message.The message segment is used to define the
message's intention、source, purpose, and some details of the message syntax.

The MSH section of the SMT HL7 interface uses in the following fields:
ID Field name length Instruction
1# Field Separator 1 Contains a separator between the ID and
the first real field, defining the field
separator for the rest of the message(|).

2# Encoding 4 Contains the component separator,

Characters repeating delimiter, escape delimiter and
sub component delimiter(^~\&)

3 Sending 180 Get SM


4 Sending 180 Get instrument model, such as SMT100


5 Receiving 180 Empty, retain.


6 Receiving 180 Empty,retain.


7 Date/Time Of 26 system current time,such as

Message 20160408235959

8 Security 40 Empty,retain.

9# Message Type 7 message type,such as:ORU^R01

ID Field name length Instruction
10# Message 20 Message control ID, the only identification
Control ID of a message, with the increase in the
number of messages from 1 to more

11# Processing ID 3 Get p

12# Version ID 60 Get 2.3.1,HL7agreement version

13 Sequence 15 Get A,version number of this interface


14 Continuation 180 Empty, retain.


15 Accept 2 Empty, retain.

nt Type

16 Application 2 Get 0
nt Type

17 Country Code 2 Empty, retain.

18 Character Set 10 Character Set,get ASCII

19 Principal 60 Empty, retain.

Language Of

20 Alternate 20 Empty, retain.

Character Set

21 Software 20 The information of software version


Note: this section will appear in all messages. The message LIS system sent to the
instrument in the HL7. The section of 10,16 field using integer; all other fields are using
string type.

3.2 MSA - Message Acknowledgment

The MSH section of the SMT HL7 interface uses in the following fields:
Number Feild name Length Instruction
1# Acknowledgment 2 Confirm code,AA shows accept:AE
Code shows fault:AR shows refuse

2# Message Control 20 Message control ID, the same as ID

ID MSH message control, and the
sender MSH-10

3 Text Message 80 Text message,when an error or

rejection occur, a text description of
the event

4 Expected Sequence 15 Empty, retain


5 Delayed 1 Empty, retain


6 Error Condition 100 Error condition (status code)

Note: the message segment can appear in the ACK^R01 message. Fourth, sixth field
using integer; other fields are using string type.

Description: the value of the MSA-6 field is under the table

( MSA-6 ) state (MSA-3) Description remark
code (MSA-6) Status text (MSA-3)
success AA

0 Message accepted Success

Error status code AE

100 Segment sequence error The order in the middle of the

message is incorrect, or the
necessary segment is missing.

101 Required field missing A field missing necessary


102 Data type error Field data type error, such as the
number change into characters
( MSA-6 ) state (MSA-3) Description remark
code (MSA-6) Status text (MSA-3)
103 Table value not found Table value not found

Reject status code AR

200 Unsupported message type message type not supported

201 Unsupported event code event code not supported

202 Unsupported processing id handle ID not supported

203 Unsupported version id version ID not supported

204 Unknown key identifier Unidentified keyword

identification, such as the
transmission of a non existing
patient information

205 Duplicate key identifier Duplicate key words already exist

206 Application record locked works cannot be performed at the

application store level, such as
Application record locked

207 Application internal error Other errors within the

unknown application

3.3 PID – Patient Identification

PID segment is used to construct the patient's personal information. Use the
following domain in Seamaty HL7 interface:
number field length instruction
1 Set ID – PID 10 Identify different patient message

2 Patient ID 20 Empty,retain

3# Patient Identifier 20 Medical ID, no more than 20 characters


4 Alternate Patient 20 Empty,retain


5# Patient Name 48 PET results: the owner name ^ pet

Patient outcome: patient name

number field length instruction
6 Mother’s Maiden 48 Empty,retain

7 Date/Time of Birth 26 Support 3 kinds of format

1)Age group, for patients&Adults:

the value is A, For children value is
C. For animals, juvenile C, adult
value A, the elderly value T

2)Date/Time of Birth: as

3)Age, as 30 years old,30 Y;

6 months: 6M

7days: 7D


8 Sex 1 M man,send M

woman, send F

O others, send O

U unknown,send U

9 Patient Alias 48 Empty,retain

10 Race 80 Pet Results : Pet type, For example:

Dog, Cat

Patient Results: Empty, Remain

11 Patient Address 106 Empty, Remain

12 County Code 4 Empty, Remain

13 Phone Number - 40 Empty, Remain


14 Phone Number - 40 Empty, Remain


15 Primary Language 60 Empty, Remain

16 Marital Status 80 Empty, Remain

17 Religion 80 Empty, Remain

18 Patient Account 20 Patient Type 0: Patient, 1: Animal

number field length instruction

19 SSN Number 16 Empty, Remain


20 Driver's License 25 Empty, Remain

Number – Patient

21 Mother's Identifier 20 Empty, Remain

22 Ethnic Group 80 Empty, Remain

23 Birth Place 60 Empty, Remain

24 Multiple Birth 1 Empty, Remain


25 Birth Order 2 Empty, Remain

26 Citizenship 80 Empty, Remain

27 Veterans Military 60 Empty, Remain


28 Nationality 80 Empty, Remain

29 Patient Death Date 26 Empty, Remain

and Time

30 Patient Death 1 Empty, Remain


31 HEM 1 Hemolysis

32 LIP 1 Lipemia

33 ICT 1 Icterus

34 WAT 1 Water hole

35 EMP 1 Empty hole

3.4 OBR – Observation Request

OBR field is to send the doctor suggestion which according to the test reports

3.4.1 Patients Sample Test Reports

When the sending information is patients sample test reports (MSH-16 as 0), use the
following fields at Seamaty HL7 ports
Number Segment Length Description
1 Set ID – OBR 10 Set different OBR number field

2 Placer Order Number 22 Empty, Remain

3 Filler Order Number 22 Sample No.

Producer Model No,no more than

4# Universal Service ID 200
10 characters.

5 Priority 2 Empty, Remain

6 Requested Date/time 26 Empty, Remain

7 Observation Date/Time 26 Testing time

Observation End
8 26 Empty, Remain

9 Collection Volume 20 Empty, Remain

10 Collector Identifier 60 Empty, Remain

11 Specimen Action Code 1 Empty, Remain

12 Danger Code 60 Empty, Remain

13 Relevant Clinical Info. 300 Empty, Remain

Specimen Received
14 26 Empty, Remain

15 Specimen Source 300 Venous blood ,peripheral blood

16 Ordering Provider 120 Empty, Remain

Order Callback Phone

17 40 Diagnostic Department

Reagent disc type code^lot

18 Placer Field 1 60 number^ Reagent disc ID^ reagent
disc description
Number Segment Length Description
e. AbnormalSample indicates that
19 Placer Field 2 60 the sample is abnormal. It may be
hemolysis, lipoid blood and

20 Filler Field 1 60 Laboratory physician

21 Filler Field 2 60 Treatment Department

Result Rpt/Status
22 26 -Empty, Remain
Change – Date/Time

23 Charge to Practice 40 Empty, Remain

24 Diagnostic Serv Sect ID 10 Empty, Remain

25 Result Status 1 Empty, Remain

26 Parent Result 200 Empty, Remain

27 Quantity/Timing 200 Empty, Remain

28 Result Copies To 150 Empty, Remain

29 Parent 150 Empty, Remain

30 Transportation Mode 20 Empty, Remain

31 Reason for Study 300 Empty, Remain

Principal Result Empty, Remain

32 200

Assistant Result Empty, Remain

33 200

34 Technician 200 Empty, Remain

35 Transcriptionist 200 Empty, Remain

36 Scheduled Date/Time 26 Empty, Remain

Number of Sample Empty, Remain

37 4

Transport Logistics of Empty, Remain

38 60
Collected Sample

39 Collector’s Comment 200 Empty, Remain

Number Segment Length Description
Transport Arrangement Empty, Remain
40 60

41 Transport Arranged 30 Empty, Remain

42 Escort Required 1 Empty, Remain

Planned Patient Empty, Remain

43 200
Transport Comment

44 Ordering Facility Name 60 Empty, Remain

Ordering Facility Empty, Remain

45 106

Ordering Facility Phone Empty, Remain

46 48

Ordering Provider Empty, Remain

47 106

Remark: This Message Segment only used in ORU^R01 Message. Number 1/3/37
number field use integer data type; number 9 number field use Floating-point data type;
other number fields use string data type.

3.5 OBX – Observation

OBX is mainly to send the information observed in reports. If it send the patient
sample information(MSH-16 as 0),one patient could have more than one OBX, this port
will not provide reproducible data test, the client system will process the data itself.

Use the following domain in Seamaty HL7 interface:

ID Segment Length Description
1 Set ID – OBX 10 Set the different OBX segment

2 Value Type 3 It is fixed as NM (numeric)

3# Observation 590 Test items channel number,in operation

Identifier software, is LIS channel of parameter set.
It is number or letter.

To accept the test result, LIS have to use

the same segment to match each item.
4 Observation Sub-ID 20 Test item name

5 Observation Value 65536 Observed value, used as a result of a

quantitative test (result concentration).

Need to be sent according to the actual

number of valid digits

6 Units 90 Unit, used as a unit of test results

7 References Range 90 Reference range, the normal range of test


8 Abnormal Flags 5 Abnormal flags, test results are normal


L- On the low side

H- On the high side

N- Normal

9 Probability 10 When it is impossible to get the accurate

test result,it is just for reference,it will
show string.

10 Nature of Abnormal 2 Nature of abnormal test, used as a

Test qualitative reference value

11# Observe Result 1 Fixed to be F


12 Date Last Observe 26 Empty, hold. Observe result status

Normal Values

13 User Defined Access 20 Empty, Remain


14 Date/Time of the 28 Empty, Remain


15 Producer's ID 60 Empty, hold. Used as examination


16 Responsible 80 Empty, Remain


17 Observation Method 60 Empty, hold. Observation method

Note: the message segment appears only in ^ R01 message. The 1,3,9 field using an integer
data type; the 5,13 field using floating-point data types; other fields use the string data type.
Note: as the test of Si projects after, the 5,13 field format results results ^ 2 ^ 3 results. The

1 turbidity (L). The result is hemolysis (H). The results showed that the three for jaundice
(I), respectively, the results of Si projects in three.

3.6 ORC – Common Order

The Common Order segment (ORC) is used for the analyzer to request a worklist from the
LIS server

Number Segment Length Description

1 Set ID – ORC 2 Set different ORC number field

2 Placer Order Number 22 Fixed to be RF

3 Filler Order Number 22 Empty, Remain

4 Placer Group Number 22 Fixed to be *

5 Order Status 2 Empty, Remain

6 Response Flag 1 Fixed to be IP

Note: in the following example, project channel number using project English name

4.1 Test results upload LIS server

4.1.1 Sample test results

Send sample results, including 3 project results, respectively, TP: qualitative project,
UREA: quantitative and qualitative projects, ALT: quantitative items.

Instrument sending: ORU^R01


LIS Response: ACK^R01

MSA|AA|1|Message accepted|||0|<CR>

4.2 Worklist

4.2.1 Example

Instrument sending:

LIS Response:

LIS Response:
5.Instrument Setting
and LIS Application

5.1 Sets the LIS channel number for the

For project of LIS channel number in LIS communication, that uniquely identifies the
project, and the establishment of instrument on the project and LIS project between
correspondence. In order to match the instrument on the project and LIS system project and
need on the instrument will the project of LIS channel number and LIS channel number of
the project set consistent.
LIS project channel number set please reference LIS system specification, on the
instrument settings are as follows, after starting the software, from the main interface in
order to choose the "Settings" - > "project parameters", showing interface is as follows:

The edit box for the project's LIS channel number, the default with the project ID, can
be changed according to the actual situation.

5.2 Setting the LIS connection
parameters of the instrument
In order, from the main interface to choose the "system settings - > LIS settings,
display the following interface:

 The LIS setting is enabled

After the hook, start the LIS function of the instrument, do not play hook on behalf of
the LIS function of the instrument is disabled, the default is enabled.

 The test is completed automactically upload LIS results

Tick, each completed a sample test, the instrument will automatically be
LIS result in accordance with the protocol to upload LIS server, upload success
also need to look at the analyzer and LIS connection or not and LIS
communication process is successful or not. Don't tick representative does not
automatically upload LIS result, default does not automatically pass.

 Connection mode: serial connection / network


Instrument support through the serial port or network to connect the LIS server, which
also supports WIFI wireless connection, as well as wired connections, the user according to
the actual situation to choose their own connection mode, the default for the serial
 The connection of the serial port
Inside the instrument for LIS communication serial port has been fixed, users do not
need to be changed, baud rate and so on other parameters and LIS server set up in line.
Instruments used for LIS communication serial port at the end of the instrument, as
shown in the figure below the USB interface to indicate the position.

Now general PC has no serial port on the computer, can use USB to serial port module,
as well as the matching of the serial port connection, the company can be used to test a set

 The USB serial port module:

A serial connection line:

Please pay attention to the choice of “cross line"

 The network connection
Instrument itself is not built in WIFI receiver, do not provide network port, in the rear
of the instrument has 4 USB expansion port, such as the need to use the network connection,
can be extended through the USB.

The WIFI connection

Using LIS to carry on the WIFI connection, may use the USB to turn the WIFI
expansion module to connect to the USB port of the instrument, the module which is tested
by the company is as follows:

A wired connection
Also need to use the USB to expand the network port module, the company can be
connected to the test module as follows:

5.3 result upload

 The automatic upload

In the LIS parameter settings, enable LIS, enable the test automatically upload
function (see 5.2 of the instructions), after the test is completed, the instrument will
automatically upload LIS results.
 The manual upload
In the sample data interface, the query needs to upload the results, click the "data..."
button, as shown below:

 To upload the current

Click the button to upload the sample results of the current selection line.
 Upload the not transmitted results
Click on the button to upload the results of the query, the results of the sample is not
transmitted (including the final transmission failure).
 All of the results to upload
Click the button to upload the results of the query to all of the samples.


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