Statistical Analysis

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Statistical Analysis

To interpret the results regarding the predicaments confronted by IBCE students in their major subjects,
the analysis relied on the following set of ranges and interpretations:

Point Range Description

4 3.26-4.00 Strongly Agree
3 2.51-3.25 Agree
2 1.76-2.50 Disagree
1 1.00-1.75 Strongly Disagree

SOP 2: Predicaments Encountered by IBCE Students in their Major Subjects

Predicaments Encountered by IBCE Standard

Mean Description
Students in their Major Subjects Deviation
1. The computation in my subject are
0.772 2.89 Agree
2. I’m not getting enough support from my
0.793 2.45 Disagree
instructor on my major subject.
3. There is difficulty in understanding major
0.749 2.96 Agree
4. It’s hard to keep up with the pace of our
0.742 2.84 Agree
major subjects.
5. It’s hard to apply the concepts I learned
0.747 2.71 Agree
in our major subjects.
6. It is hard to complete the requirements in
0.821 2.60 Agree
our major subjects.
7. I feel that the exams in our major
0.762 2.91 Agree
subjects are too difficult.
8. The grading system in our major subjects
0.761 2.69 Agree
is difficult to achieve.
9. I have a health problem that affect my
0.842 2.22 Disagree
study on major subjects.
10. The teaching methods used in our
0.774 2.42 Disagree
major subjects are ineffective.
11. The resources provided for our major
0.818 2.47 Disagree
subjects are insufficient.
12. The workload in our major subjects is
0.807 2.57 Agree
too heavy.
13. It’s difficult to memorize all related
0.717 2.91 Agree
terms in our major subject.
14. The major subject are confusing. 0.767 2.79 Agree
15. There are too many project in our major
0.754 2.40 Disagree
Grand Mean: 2.66 Agree
SOP 3: Factors that Causes the Predicaments of IBCE Students in their Major Subjects

Factors that Causes the Predicaments Standard

Mean Description
of IBCE Students in their Major Subjects Deviation
1. The difficulty of our major subjects is
caused by the lack of prerequisite 0.776 2.67 Agree
2. The difficulty of our major subjects is
caused by the lack of interest in the 0.800 2.56 Agree
3. The difficulty of our major subjects is
0.752 2.51 Agree
caused by the lack of motivation.
4. The difficulty of our major subjects is
caused by the lack of time management 0.735 2.69 Agree
5. The difficulty of our major subjects is
0.813 2.69 Agree
caused by the improper study habits.
6. The difficulty of our major subjects is
0.732 2.73 Agree
caused by the lack of resources.
7. The difficulty of our major subjects is
caused by the lack of support from 0.758 2.71 Agree
8. The difficulty of our major subjects is
0.742 2.86 Agree
caused by the outdated curriculum.
9. The difficulty of our major subjects is
caused by the ineffective teaching 0.768 2.81 Agree
10. The difficulty of our major subjects is
0.795 2.88 Agree
caused by the heavy workload.
11. The difficulty of our major subjects is
caused by the lack of relevance to your 0.810 2.70 Agree
future career.
12. The difficulty of our major subjects is
0.867 2.40 Disagree
caused by lack of facility.
13. The difficulty of our major subjects is
0.848 2.73 Agree
caused by lack of support from family.
14. The difficulty of our major subjects is
0.897 2.60 Agree
caused by lack of resources to study.
15. The difficulty of our major subjects is
caused by changes in curriculum brought 0.794 2.94 Agree
by pandemic.
Grand Mean: 2.70 Agree
SOP 4: Possible Solutions to Address the Challenges Faced by IBCE Students in their Major Subjects

Possible Solutions to Address the

Challenges Faced by IBCE Students in Mean Description
their Major Subjects
1. Providing more resources will help
address the challenges faced by IBCE 0.672 3.35 Strongly Agree
students in their major subjects.
2. Improving the teaching methods will help
address the challenges faced by IBCE 0.675 3.36 Strongly Agree
students in their major subjects.
3. Revising the curriculum will help address
the challenges faced by IBCE students in 0.658 3.19 Agree
their major subjects.
4. Reducing the workload will help address
the challenges faced by IBCE students in 0.707 3.27 Strongly Agree
their major subjects.
5. Providing more support from professors
will help address the challenges faced by 0.679 3.39 Strongly Agree
IBCE students in their major subjects.
6. Providing scholarship will aid the
0.694 3.36
student’s difficult financial situation.
7. Giving more time to study on major
0.638 3.46 Strongly Agree
subject, helps to understand it.
8. Having a specific basis on studying
major subject helps them to learn more 0.691 3.40 Strongly Agree
9. Advising the student prior will help them
0.672 3.35 Strongly Agree
manage their time.
10. Revising grade requirement will release
0.703 3.36 Strongly Agree
the student pressure on studying.
Grand Mean: 3.35 Strongly Agree

Notes for elaborate interpretation:

• Take note that the standard deviation is small, notably less than or close to one. A standard
deviation of less than one implies that the data is tightly clustered around the mean, with little
variation or dispersion. In other words, the dataset's results are relatively similar and do not
deviate significantly from the average.

• Discuss the findings of each table, as well as their significance and implications in relation to
your research topic.

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