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Location or Date Assessment Assessment undertaken

Address: Front gate Undertaken:12/06/2023 By: Steven Tweedale
Activity or Review Signature
Situation Date:

(1) Hazard Risk (2) Who might be harmed and (3) What controls exist to reduce (4) What action can be taken
how? risk to further reduce risk?
Tripping over branches a3xb3=c9 Teachers and college remove all branches and debris Watch where you're walking
students from the path

Cars a4xb1=c4 be aware of vehicles around you to Do not walk on the road
anyone near the roads in the avoid an accident
college grounds
people that are not involved in the
Other people a1xb3=c3 project should keep their distance do not set up the camera
anyone on college grounds from the camera and the crew to equipment until the area is clear.
avoid any injuries or unwanted
Uneven ground a2xb3=c6 problems
anyone on college ground as
well as the equipment do not put anyone camera don’t go near any uneven ground
equipment on uneven ground to and find somewhere else to film
avoid the possibility of damaging
the equipment or hurting anyone
tripping over the tables at the a2xb3=c6
crescent anyone who is near the tables take great care when recording watch where you are walking
at the time of recording around the benches
lamp posts
the person who is the actor of take care when moving between don’t record this scene to avoid
the short film as part of our the lampposts injury
short film they will be weaving
in and out of lamp posts.
debris falling from trees a5xb1=c5 check the tree for any loose debris if there is any debris move to a
the equipment could become before you start the recording different location.
damaged and anyone who is
working on the project could
be in harm's way
tripping over the fishing wire a2xb1=c2 be aware of where the fishing line notify people around the shooting
anyone around the shooting is and be careful not to trip over it location where the fishing line is.
location could be in harm's
way as fishing wire is very
hard to see

1. List hazards something with the potential to cause harm here:

Seek to quantify the level of risk the likelihood of harm arising based on the number of persons affected, how often they are exposed to the hazard and the
severity of any consequence.
2. List groups of people who are especially at risk from the significant hazards which you have identified
3. List existing controls here or note where the information may be found
4. List the risks which are not adequately controlled and the action you will take. Have regard for the level of risk, the cost of any action and the benefit you expect to

(1) Hazard Risk (2) Who might be harmed and how? (3) What controls exist to reduce (5) What action can be taken
risk to further reduce risk?


5 Dying or being permanently disabled 5 Will almost certainly happen 16-25 Stop! Do not start activity again until risk is
4 Serious injury/long term illness 4 Highly likely to happen 10-15 High risk level, High priority. Take action
straight away to control the risk
3 Temporary disability/3 days off sick 3 Not so likely 6-9 Medium risk level. Tighten up controls and
make a plan to do something about risk
2 Will need medical attention 2 Even less likely 3-5 Fairly low risk level. Low priority but keep
possible action in mind
1 Minor injury eg. Bruise, graze 1 Unlikely to happen at all 1-2 Low or trivial risk. No further action

SO: a x b = c

Action Required Responsible Person Date for Completion

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