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Film Idea Mind Map

● Steven: A college student has lost their ID card somewhere in the college and
doesn’t want to have to buy a new one so they go and look for it around college.

● Charlie: A newcomer to college gets lost on their first day . They have no idea where
they are. They turn down a corridor that looks like a maze and they can not escape
from the maze looking corridor.

● Steven: A student is in college thinking that it was going to be a normal simple day
however it comes as a surprise when they realise they have an important exam they
haven't revised for.

● Charlie: Two best friends that have an argument. They have been friends since they
started high school and they went to the same college together because they didn’t
want to go their separate ways. Unfortunately one of the friends makes a new friend
that isn’t nice to the other one and they don’t stick up for their friend and they start
getting annoyed and they fall out but the friend that made the new friend regrets it.

● A college student finds a £20 note and he goes to pick it up and a gush of wind blows
it away and he is chasing after it and it lands in a tall tree and he goes through
different obstacles to get it and when he does it rips.

● Two best friends find a special item on the college menu but they don’t have any
money for it. What do they do? Forget about it or call their parents for money.

● A college student gets a text saying come to a class room to hang out and it is a trap
and they look him in there. Can he escape?

● Person has an imaginary friend and is talking to them in class but then the camera
cuts to an empty chair and all of the other classmates are watching as a person talks
to an empty chair.

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