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Good morning, teachers and my fellow friends.

I’m Herbert from Year 3

Merah. I’m nine years old. Today, I would like to share an interesting book with
you. The title of this book is “Unity is strength”. This book is written by Sheikh
Hassan Seylan ‘Abad. This book contains 13 pages. It is a genre fiction.

This story was about a flock of birds who were able to escape from the
hunter. Once, there were a flock of birds hopping and pecking under a tree. A
hunter used a big net to catch them. The birds were caught under the net. The
hunter was very happy as he was going to sell the birds for lots of money. The
birds tried very hard to escape but they failed. When the hunter were
approaching the birds, suddenly, they flapped their wings and flew high up into
the air, taking the net with them. The net broke when the birds came down onto
a distant tree. At last, they managed to escape from the hunter. The hunter was
very sad.

From this story, I learnt that ‘unity is strength’. If we are united, we will have
the strength to make something possible.

The main characters were the birds. The birds united and succeed to escape
from the hunter. The other character was the hunter. He had a bad intention to
the birds. At last, he got nothing.

My favourite characters were the birds. They were calm when facing the
danger from the hunter. They helped each other and united to escape from the
danger successfully.

I like the use of simple English and grammar. I like the story which teaches
me a moral lesson.

I enjoyed the part when all the birds flew away and able to fly freely in the

I would like to recommend this book if you love moral stories.

This book is ideal for someone aged 9 years if you like story that contains a
moral value.

That’s all for my book review today. Thank you.

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