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Derivations of Upper Triangular Matrix Rings

S6nia P. Coelho and C. Polcino Milies

Instituto de Matem&ca e Estatktica
Universidade de SZo Paul0
Caixa Postal 20.570-Ag. lguatemi
Go Paula, Bra.&

Submitted by Graciano de Oliveira


We give a description of the derivations in T,(R), the ring of upper triangular

matrices over a ring R, assuming only the existence of an identity element. We show
that every derivation is the sum of an inner derivation and another one induced from


Let R be a ring with unity, and denote by T,,(R) the ring of upper
triangular n X n matrices over R. The group of automorphisms of this ring,
given certain restrictions on R, has been the subject of several recent papers
(see [I, 2, 51). In this note we shall give a description of the derivations in
T,(R) assuming no restriction on R other than the existence of an identity
element. We shall show that they are obtained in a very natural way.
First, note that if 6 : R + R is a derivation of R, then the map 8 : T,(R)
--f T,(R) defined by @x,~) = (6(xij)) V(xij> E T,(R) is a derivation. Also, if
A E T,(R), we shall denote by d, the inner derivation induced by A. In
what follows, we shall show that all derivations of T,(R) arise from these;
namely, we prove the following.

THEOREM. Let R be a ring with unity and let d : T,(R) -+ T,(R) be a

derivation. Then there exists a derivation 6 : R -+ R and a matrix A E T,,(R)
such that d = S + d,.


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A similar result for full matrix rings appears in [6], and the special case
where R is an algebra over a field, with char(R) # 2,3 and n > 2, is given in
[4]. The case of upper triangular matrix rings over a simple algebra finite
dimensional over its center appears in [5].
Our methods are different in that our proof is very simple and construc-
tive in nature: in Lemma 1 we show how the matrix A can be fully computed
from the values of d on the usual matrix units eij E Z’,(R). In Lemma 2 we
also show how to obtain 6 from d. In fact, these techniques also apply to the
ring M,(R), so they give an elementary proof for the description of the
derivations in this ring.


Notice that a matrix unit e,J belongs to T,,(R) provided that i < j. Since
ekk is an idempotent, we have that d(ek,) = ekkd(ekk) + d(ekk)ekk. Thus, if
we write d(e,,> = CiGlxjl(k)eij, we have that

d(ekk) = Cxij(k)eij = C XkJ(k)ekj + C rik(k)e,k>

i<j jrk i<k

which shows readily that r,,(k) = 0 and that xii(k) = 0 if i <j are both
different from k.
Given a matrix X E T,(R), we shall d enote by [Xl,, the i, j entry of this
matrix. If i <j, we define njj = -[e,,d(eii)ejj]jj, i.e. nzj = -xii(i). Also we
set aij = 0 if i > j.

LEMMA 1. Let A be n matrix with entries chosen us above and arbitrary

diagonal entries. Set h = d - d,; then:

(i) h(ekk) = 0, 1 < k =Gn.

(ii) Furthermore, if we set ujj = -[d(e,i>l,j, 1 <j < n, then h(eij) = 0
fori <j.

Proof. (i): We compute

By our definition - uk = xk .( k ). Also, notice that if e, f E T,,(R) are orthog-

onal idempotents, we have that en(f) + d(e)f = 0, which implies e&f>f =

-ed(e)f. Hence, in particular, ei,&ekk)ekk = -e,,d(e,,)ekk, SO if i < k

then uik = --r,,(i). Hence d,(ekk) = d(ekk), 1 < k < n, and 6) follows.
(ii): We shall show first that h(e,j) = 0, 1 <j < n. Since elj = e,,e,jejj,
using (i) we obtain

= ell(d( e,j) - AelI + e,jA)ejl

= -',jjelj -
a,,e,j + ujje,j = 0.

Now we prove that h(eij) = 0, 1 < i <j. In fact, since eli = el,ejj, we
see that

0 = h(e,j) = e,,h(eij) = e,,d(eij) - e,,Aeij + e,,ezjA.


[ d( ei,j)] ‘j = n,, - ujj.

Finally, we have that eij = eiieijejJ, so we can write

h( ejj) = e,,h( eij)ejj

= e,,d( e,j)e,ij - e,, Aeii + eij Aejj

= [ d( e,,)] ,jeij - aiieij + aljjeij = 0.

From now on, we shall assume that the elements on the diagonal of A are
chosen as in (ii) above, and hence that h(e,j)
= 0, i < j.

LEMMA2. There exists a derivation 6 : R -+ R such that h(rZ) = S(r)Z

Vr E R.

Proof. Set r E R. Notice that

h( reii) = h( rZ)e,, = e,,h( rZ), l<i$n,


and for every pair i < j, we have that

h( reij) = h( reiieij) = h( reii)ejj = h( eijre,ij) = ejjh( rejl).

. a diagonal matrix and hence, by

The first set of equations shows that h(rZ) 1s
the second set of equations, h(rZ) = r’l.
It is now easy to see that the map 6 : R + R given by r * r’ is a
derivation of R. n

proof of the Theorem. Set (Y = (rij)i ~ j E T,,(R). We have that

(d - dA)( a) = h( cx) = h( xrijZeij)


= CG(rij)Zeij = C6(rij)eij = S(a).

i<j isj

Hence, d(a) = d,(a) + 6(a) VCYE T,(R).

It may be interesting to note that the derivation 6 and the matrix A are
unique up to inner derivations.

PROPOSITION. Let d : T,,(R) -+ T,,(R) be a derivation, and let A, 6 be as

in the theorem above. Zf A’ E T,(R) and 6 ’ : R + R are such that d = d,,
+ s’, then there exists an element a E R such that 6 ’ = 6 - 6, and A’ = A
+ aZ (so d,, = d, + d,,).

Proof. We have that d,, - d, = 8 - s’, so, computing for an arbitrary

elementary matrix ejj, we obtain

(A’ - A)eij - eij( A’ - A) = 0,


Hence, aik = ahk if h # k, and ati - aji = a;3 - aj..

If we set j = 1, we obtain ati = alI + aij, so 1.I we denote a = a’,,, we
have that A’ = A + al.

If we choose r E R, we can compute

(CIA’ - dA)(?-I) = (8 - 6’)(rI),

which gives

(a?” - t-u)1 = [S(r) - S’(r)]I,

so S’ = 6 - s,. n

We note that the derivation rl : T,(R) + T,(R) is inner if and only if the
corresponding derivation 6 : R --+ R is inner. This fact, together with the
well-known theorem of Skolem and Noether, readily gives:

THEOREM. Let R he afinite dimensional centrul simple algebra Then all

linear derivations (IfT,(R) are inner.

As we mentioned before, the same techniques also prove the following.

THEOREM [4, 61. Let R be a ring with unity, and let d : M,(R) + M,(R)
be a derivation. Then there exists a derivation 6 : R -+ R and a matrix
A E M,,(R) such that d = 8 + d,.


1 G. P. Barker, Automorphism groups of algebras of triangular matrices, Linear

Algebra A&. 121:207-215 (1989).
2 G. P. Barker and T. P. Kezlan, Automorphisms of algebras of upper triangular
matrices, Arch. Math. 55:38-43 (1990).
3 J. Bergen, I. N. Herstein, and C. Lanski, Derivations with invertible values,
Canad. J. Math. 35(2):300-310 (1983).
4 G. M. Benkart and J. M. @born, Derivations and automorphisms of nonassocia-
tive matrix algebras, Trans. Anzer. Alath. Sot. 263:411-430 (1981).
5 S. Jondrup, Automorphisms of upper triangular matrix rings, Arch. Math.
49:497-502 (1987).
6 D. Mathis, Differential polynomial rings and Morita equivalence, Comm. Algebra
lO:ZOOl-2017 (1982).

Received 16 july 1991; final munuscript accepted 15 July 1992

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