Critical Health Concerns in The 21st Century

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Critical health concerns in the 21st century

According to the World Health Organization (WHO; 2022) “21st century health
challenges” (p. 10). In the 21st century, we face a lot of health concern with
COVID19 being one of the most prevalent and other emerging health challenges
which has exposed gaps and fragmentation in health systems with limited public
health capacities and governance. The most critical health concerns currently faced
are heart disease (the leading cause of death in the united states), stroke, cancer,
diabetes etc.

The 21st century is full of progress, scientific discovery, and innovation. As the
pace of modern development is so rapid that it’s easy to lose sight of the fact that
increased convenience sometimes comes with new risks to people’s health, which
may be overlooked for the time being but won’t go away permanently.

Mental health issues such as: anxiety, depression, and chronic stress are affecting
and plaguing humans’ day by day – as we all know. The reason is our lifestyle and
the growing competition to survive and thrive. Some call it the hustle-culture, and
others call it a productive life, but all these terms are just ruining the natural
essence of living because not eating a healthy meal the whole day and completing
three projects a day may sound like a productive life, but it cannot be considered as
a healthy life in respect to physical and mental aspects.

Now, advocating that people should practice mindful living and having them

actually do so are two very different things, and from my own personal experience,
I have found that consistency is the key to creating a mindful life. So, it’s not
possible to adopt a healthy lifestyle in a single day or even a week, but you may do
it by taking baby steps and staying the course, this is very important!

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