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Confirmation Process (Evaluator Stage)

Employee Name - Solanki Henil Umedbhai (65000231)


Role: Senior Engineer (Senior Engineer_GA-B_PNG)

Department: PNG Projects (GA-B_PNG)

Current Office Location: IOAGPL - DAMAN,Daman, Daman and Diu, India, (Type B GA)

Probation Period assigned: General - I(180 day(s))

Date of confirmation: 15-Sep-2023

Action taken:Confirm
Probation Appraisal Confirmation Form

A. Indicate your rating by selecting the appropriate quality under each of the following characteristics:

Quality of work
Seldom makes mistakes

Above average

Knowledge of the job

Good knowledge

Interest in work
Good interest in work

Waits for directions

Attendance & punctuality

Normal attendance

Co-operation & General Behavior Discipline

Mostly co-operative

Capacity/ Scope for further development

Capacity for development with some training

Comments to support ratings for all above parameters *

Need to develop project management skills and target driven actions for daily project works


Is the person suitable for the present job? If not, what type of job would you recommend as a proper placement for him? Any other remarks.

C. General Remarks

Strong Points:
Very Regular & co operative to other departments,

Weak Points:
project management skills

D. Summary Appraisal


E. Recommendations

Can be withdrawn from Probation on due date
Task Holder Task Completed by Task Completed on

Manager Rupenkumar Bhavsar (65000146) 13-06-2023

Confirmation Process (Reviewer Stage)

Employee Name - Solanki Henil Umedbhai (65000231)


Role: Senior Engineer (Senior Engineer_GA-B_PNG)

Department: PNG Projects (GA-B_PNG)

Current Office Location: IOAGPL - DAMAN,Daman, Daman and Diu, India, (Type B GA)

Probation Period assigned: General - I(180 day(s))

Date of confirmation: 15-Sep-2023

Action taken:Confirm
Confirmation Status


Task Holder Task Completed by Task Completed on

Bhashit Dholakia (60011424) 19-06-2023

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