Newtons Laws of Motion

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Force = mass

x acceleration
For an object
to change
direction, a
resultant force
must act on it.

2. The rate of
change of
of a body is
The greater
1. Unless proportional the mass (of
acted on by to the force the object
another force acting on it. being
an object it Newton's accelerated),
the greater
will continue Laws of the amount of
to move at force needed
If object is
Motion (to accelerate
stationary, it
the object).
will remain speed or
remain at
unless a
resultant force rest. ('Law of
acts on it. Inertia')

3. For every
action there
is an equal
and opposite For every
force, there is
reaction. a reaction
force equal in
size but
For an object opposite in
to speed direction.
up/slow down,
a resultant
force must act
on it.

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