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Kathleen Lingan Magayano



May 28, 2023

John 20: 19-23
Fr. Domingo Langkay

According to the gospel, we must let "peace" into our hearts and minds. Jesus Christ
is the subject here, not just a word. It is a promise Jesus makes time and time again to
his followers. Nobody can take that gift away from us. Give God thanks for this gift
of a peaceful life by taking some time each day to pray. Note the significance of the
opening phrase of Jesus' commission: "Peace to you." Jesus does not give peace "as
the world gives"; rather, he gives peace that offers comfort in the face of suffering, a
promise of new opportunities, and assurance that he will triumph over "the world."
The phrase "the world" in this Gospel typically refers to a hostile and uninformed
reaction to the truth that Jesus personifies.

June 4, 2023
John 3:16-18
Fr. Edgar Agcaoilili

The gift of Jesus, which we have all been given as Christians, is revealed in today's
gospel. God's mission to save us from our sins required the suffering and pain of His
one and only Son, so it was not a simple one. God thought we were significant enough
to us for Him to be willing to lose His son in order to save us.Jesus then proclaims the
stirring message of John 3:16: that God so loved the world that He gave us His only
Son, that through Him we might have eternal life.

June 11, 2023

John 6:51-58
Fr. Edgar Agcaoilii

When we eat unhealthy foods, we become weak and, eventually, sickly. Now, Jesus
offers His body and blood as food for us. Are we now prepared to consume Him and
become like Him? He is constantly present in the Holy Eucharist. We are always
invited to partake in the body and blood of Jesus as our meal. When we partake of His
meal, we will be prepared to be broken and shared so that others can experience Jesus'
love and compassion for all.To remain in Jesus and have Jesus remain in us is to have
eternal life. Christ remains in us and we remain in Christ by ingesting his body and
blood into our mouths, stomachs, and bodies. Christ draws us nearer to himself as we
eat and drink. Christ brings us closer to God's very life.

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