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Unit 4th Ch-1st

Social Marketing and Development: An Overview


Social good is the primary focus of the Social Marketing that revolves around channelizing
positive changes in social, national, international and local communities for public interest by
opting for some constructive and positive means.

Some people may get confused about Social Marketing with Social Media Marketing, and
Commercial Marketing.

Social marketing is done when various marketing techniques are performed for making
people change their behavior towards society. Social marketing is one of the powerful sell
techniques used for targeting the audience for making them aware of the social good that can
benefit individuals as well as broader society.

Social Marketing is primarily geared towards human behavior, which is also the product of
this form of marketing. We can easily understand the concept of Social Marketing with the
help of a quote said by a German World War II U-boat commander, Gerhard Weibe-

“Why can’t you sell brotherhood and rational thinking like you can sell soap?”

So, Social Marketing is mainly channelized for promoting ideas that can play a significant
role in boosting positive and constructive etiquettes and inclinations such as using eco-
friendly solutions, following driving rules, opting for right social manners, not smoking in
public places and so on.

All in all, Social Marketing revolves around selling the well-being of society. It is mainly
done for safety issues, environmental awareness, public health, and also the development of
the community.

One needs a societal change now and then. Social marketing is one of the best platforms
where one can easily influence and convince people to work for the betterment of society.

Social marketing can bring the best chances in the locality as well as all over the nation.

Social Marketing: When it all started?

In the year 1971, Philip Kotler and Gerald Zaltman published an article in the Journal of
Marketing, which was titled- “Social Marketing: An Approach to Planned Social Change.”

Since then, this term of Social Marketing has been gaining prevalence in different fields of
marketing, business, and social administrations.
Marketers, advertisers, and industry are coming up with a variety of social marketing ideas
for channelizing different positive changes in social behaviors in various fields, niches, and

Difference between Social Media Marketing & Social Marketing

Social Media Marketing is nowhere close to Social Marketing, because Social Media
Marketing revolves around marketing through Social Media Platforms such as Facebook,
Twitter, Instagram, etc., while social marketing is dedicated to channelizing positive societal
change by using Social Cause Marketing methods.

Difference between Commercial Marketing & Social Marketing

We must have seen campaigns promoting fuel-efficient cars or recycled plastic bottles. They
are parts of Commercial Marketing that serve some social causes as well as advertise the
product or service of the company. But the primary focus of such marketing campaigns is
selling a product or service and not the societal good.

Now, as we are well aware of Social Marketing and how it is different from other resembling
or similar sort of marketing, let us now have a look upon the importance of Social Marketing-

Importance of Social Marketing

Social Marketing is one of the best ways to influence people for taking action towards society
and working on behavioral change. Various campaigns for social marketing can quickly
develop an interest in the public. One can easily target their audience with the strategies they
perform for social marketing.

Social Marketing positively influences the perceptions of audiences. Social marketing is best
when programs conducted for the target audience are related to their understanding of the
society, which will not only be more productive but will also bring an effective change.

Social marketing is best for business as it develops good brand awareness among the people.
Social marketing can be performed between a broad audience, and a company can explain it
by having an excellent social marketing strategy, which will not only develop interest
between people, but it will also boost up the advertisement.

Social marketing is cost-effective than any other marketing, as one can easily find the target
audiences by the performance they delivered in public. One can quickly get their target
audiences through social marketing. There will be less research and development as
compared to other social marketing.

As in commercialization, social marketing plays a significant role in influencing people. And

without social marketing, commercialization is incomplete as every business has to deal with
social marketing to let people know that their aim is for changing the society for good.
Social marketing is one of the closest marketing campaigns, where one can easily reach to the
public. They can easily promote the changes which are happening in society and make sure
that the products which they are supporting our desire to the public.

Social marketing promotes good health care for people and influence people to adopt a fit and
healthier lifestyle. It also lets people know that one must be aware of the behavioral changes
for society, and one must live a quality life in the community. Social marketing can quickly
achieve great advertisement just by promoting it on various platforms such as social media,
by sharing photos, blogs, and also videos.

How Social marketing helps marketing a business?

Social marketing helps the business to build awareness between people.

Every business is incomplete without social marketing, as a business enjoys a widespread

presence when the target audience base is aware of what kind of business one is doing. And
without letting the most significant number of people be mindful of our brand, we cannot
reach out for the advertisement. Social Marketing Strategy empowers a business with a kind
of Social Awareness campaign that their target audiences need.

One must know that they should develop an interest in the public to target their audience
efficiently. And one of the initial stages to advertise your product is to generate awareness
amongst the people. A business can also develop transparency by conducting an excellent
social marketing strategy.

As communication is essential, and if we quickly know about our target audiences and what
kind of social change they are looking for, we can quickly gain their attention by sharing their
perspective in a better way.

Who utilizes Social Marketing Campaigns?

Social Marketing is mainly utilised by-

Non Profit Organizations

Charity Foundations

Government Agencies

Public Highway Departments

Emergency Services such as fire and police departments

Some Commercial Organizations

Strategies involved in Social Marketing Campaigns

1. Influencing actual Behaviour of People

For a successful social marketing campaign, you must have the strategy for influencing the
actual behavior of your target audiences together with awareness and their attitudes.

2. The right use of Symbols for Social Marketing

For a powerful social marketing campaign, it is significant to use a wide variety of symbolic
visuals that can also be recognized easily by the target audiences on the go. For instance,
Smokey the Bear for wildfire prevention is one such symbol that was adeptly used in Social
Marketing Campaigns.

3. Know different perspectives of Customers

Adept customer orientation is one of the critical characteristics of the Social Marketing
Campaign, and we need to understand the thought processes, viewpoints, inclinations,
conditioning and tendencies of the people we want to influence through our Social Marketing

4. The right use of Slogans for Social Marketing

It is essential that your social marketing campaign is memorable, short and comprises catchy
slogans as well. For instance, the ‘War on Drugs’ Campaign has a short and straightforward
motto “Just Say No” which is quite impactful in influencing the people in the most
straightforward possible manner.

5. Be Aware of the Behavioural Theories

For a result-driven Social Marketing Campaign, you should be aware of the behavioral
theories that can help you understand the behavioral inclinations of the people. The
interventions you develop in your strategies should also be based upon these theories.

6. Develop Actionable Insights in your Audience

You should also conduct data-driven research for analyzing the behaviors of your target
audiences, as this will help you in developing the actionable insights in the people, so they
change their behavior as per our social strategy.

7. The right use of Imagery in Social Marketing Campaigns

When it comes to result-driven Social marketing campaigns, that must point out negative
consequences by using impactful imagery to demonstrate the cause on the go. One such
example is the photos of starving children that were utilized in Christian Children’s Fund

8. Know about the Things that influence our Audience to behave in Certain Way

While drafting your Social Marketing Strategy, you should be aware of the things that are
competing for taking out the attention and time of the people to influence them for behaving
in a particular way.
9. Use the right way for differentiating Desired Behaviour and Problem Behaviour

Social marketing strategy should incorporate the proper distinction between Desired
Behaviour and Problem Behaviour. You need to be clear how your target audiences
understand things such as benefits, costs, rewards and barriers associated with the Desired
and Problem behaviors. Strategy should tell the viewers that if they leave out a particular kind
of behavioral patterns, what benefits they will get in exchange.

10. Social Marketing efforts should include 7 Ps of Marketing

When it comes to successful social marketing campaigns, you must incorporate 7 Ps’ of
marketing in it. The 7 Ps include Product, Place, Price, Promotion, Process, People and
Physical Evidence. Adept use of these 7Ps will decide the success of your Social Marketing

11. Use Customer Insights to identify the right Audience Segments

For any marketing campaign, it is essential to know all the varieties of audiences and their
unique characteristics, and the same is true for Social Marketing as well. Therefore, you must
identify different audience segments based upon their standard features, and then you can opt
for the interventions that can influence the behaviours of the people positively.

Notable Social Marketing Campaigns in India

One of the best examples of social marketing is by conducting campaigns as we know that
citizens of India are quite influential when it comes to changes in society.

Social marketing is quite sensitive in India. Various health promotion campaigns are arranged
on a large scale by using social marketing. There are many aids awareness programs in some
parts of the country. The social marketing is performed by the professional social workers
who are specially trained for the campaigns.

1. Anti Tobacco Campaigns

Anti-tobacco Campaigns are done in various rural areas of India where social workers go and
apply strategies to influence people for quitting tobacco. Social marketing is the closest way
to reach out to the public. One can easily control people by letting them know about how to
bring a good change in society.

2. Anti Drug Campaigns

Anti-Drug Campaigns are arranged in urban areas. As there are times when people are not
aware of how a drug can harm someone until and unless camping is arranged to let people
know about it. Campaigns can play various videos, promote it on social media, and write
blogs on it.

3. Anti Pollution Campaigns

Antipollution Campaigns are usually done in metropolitan cities, as these cities have a high
amount of pollution levels. Various public performances are held in public places where
people can watch and influence themselves by contributing something or the other for the

It is the job of social workers to let people know about various antipollution strategies.

4. Road Safety Campaigns

Road Safety Campaigns are also performed in different parts of the country as multiple
people are unaware of the traffic rules and even for crossing the road. Especially those who
are not aware of road safety, such as the people who are illiterate and not knowledgeable of
the traffic signs.

Road safety campaigns are one of the critical applications of successful Social Marketing

Social marketing is one of the best ways to influence anything for society as one must know
that the community needs a change, and one must understand that it is essential to make
people aware of beneficial things and providing a first behavioral change.

Social marketing can develop excellent support, especially from the knowledgeable audience.
Through social marketing, one can quickly achieve the ultimate business goals and survive
for a more extended period.

However, changing the behavioral patterns of people is a difficult task, and Social Marketers
need to be aware of the systematic application of marketing along with the concepts and their
implementation for accomplishing particular behavioral goals for the social good.

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