First Film SWOT Analysis

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Strengths Weaknesses

What professional/personal qualities What areas do I need to develop in?

do I have? ● I get distracted very easily which
● I am great at lifting other people's causes a delay with my work
mental health. I either do this by however when im focused it gets
making people laugh or done fast
understanding their situation and ● I need to work on punctuality as i
helping from there. find it hard to be present majority
● I am a very sporty person who of the time with personal things
plays cricket and is down to play ● I need to have a more positive
anything. attitude on work
● I am great at using a camera as i ● I need to focus more in media
had experience with photography lessons as it is important that i
in media which gave me the can get the result possible
knowledge needed to use a ● I have little use of using cameras
camera and to produce adequate but have good knowledge on how
media products to use them best which makes
me knowledgeable on film
● I am great at using computers camera angles
and microphones, this is a good What are my personal flaws?
quality as this is useful for the ● I am argumentative which causes
production of films and makes me some situations to get
available to do so overheated when in a stressed
● I know how to produce situation
advertisements which signifies ● I have anger issues which causes
that i have a wide range of editing me to lash out at some people
skills and are able to cut and edit who do not deserve it
films ● Don't like many people as i have
● I have good knowledge on trust issues also i like to get my
camera angles and how to work done quickly
produce them well as I have ● I have social anxiety which
experience with photography so I makes daily life challenging
understand how to apply my skill. sometimes
● I have good knowledge on ● My personal flaws are that i'm not
sounds that are used for films as enthusiastic enough which could
I have had work using radio hinder the production of a film
equipment as well as the which makes me better behind
understanding of films and their the camera
production process ● I struggle with stage fright which
causes me to freeze up when
being recorded which can make
the production of a film hard
What do I do well? which also indicates that i am
● I am supportive which helps better behind the camera with
boost people's confidence technical work
● I am good a drawing which is What tasks do I usually avoid doing?
useful as it can be used for ● I avoid doing work when i am not
presentations for a better in the right mindset
understanding ● Presentations
● I am great at helping others with ● I avoid performing as it causes a
work especially with media as i lot of anxiety which can cause a
am a quick learner and get things panic attack which could hinder
done quickly film production because it could
● I do media presentations well stop me from performing
● I record sound very well which ● I avoid editing as I don't really
help capture dialogue for a film enjoy the process even though
● I am also good at editing as I I'm good at it.
have had experience editing ● I avoid coming into college when
photographs after using a camera not in the right mental state
and editing certain details which
can be used to edit camera shots
and add in sounds such as
● I am good at working with a team
which allows the production of
film to go smoothly and quickly as
I worked with a team for my radio
● I have good skills with using
photoshop as i developed it by
producing photograph
advertisements and this makes
editing certain scenes of a film
● I am good at doing research
tasks very well as I have had
experience in researching certain
tasks for media related products
like magazines and broadcasting
● I am good at editing using Adobe
Premiere pro as I have much
experience using it for the editing
of radio advertisements and know
how to work it well and come out
with the best looking product
What are my biggest achievements?
● Scoring a half century in cricket
● The fact im still alive
● I passed my GCSES
● Creating and presenting a radio
show for media which gives me
more understanding of the
● Making sure all my work is done
for college to be able to get the
best result possible
● I achieved distinction in
photography for media
● I successful got a distinction in
print media

Opportunities Threats
How can I develop my skills? What obstacles do I face?
● I can develop my skills by ● Myself, as i do not have any
learning new things whether it be belief in my abilities normally and
from other people or online have little confidence which
● Completing tasks on time as this means It makes it difficult for me
would improve my time to act in films.
management as it would make ● Fear of failure as i want to be
the production of a film be done successful in all the things I do
on time and create the best products
● I could develop my camera skills possible
as i have good skill at using a ● My punctuality as it is
camera but still need to develop unappealing and needs to
in areas and it would help in the improve and will make me more
production of a film reliable for the production of a
● I can continue on developing my film
editing skills even further to help ● I have limited time left and need
the production of a film go to meet a deadline in a short
smoothly and look more amount of time
appealing to the audience What could stop me achieving my
How can I develop my knowledge? goals?
● Listen more in lessons which will ● Not changing my poor decision
make subjects easier to making
understand. ● Not asking for help when needed
● I can use the internet as it is a as this is vital for the production
good source to improve on the of a film as not everything can be
production of a radio show as it done by on person
has much to offer such as the ● By not coming in when written
understanding of behind the work is need to be done and
scenes and how the technology when filming is need to be
is used this also works for the completed
production of a film as i could
develop a wider knowledge on Are there limited opportunities?
what efforts go into producing a ● Only if i limit myself in certain
film situations where i could do well
like when I produce a film
Who can support me in achieving my ● If i do not come in everyday
● My family can emotionally
support me
● My teachers can improve on my
skills and assist me to my goal
such as producing a film
● My friends can help me learn and
become better

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